Adobe xi pro trail

why can't i use the adobe xi pro trail.  do i have to pay first?

We can't know. You have not provided any technical information about your computer or what actualyl is the problem, what warnings you get and so on.

Similar Messages

  • Adobe Premire Pro Trail

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    Download the installer from
    Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions on that page before clicking on the direct download link.

  • I downloaded Adobe X Pro trial last night, loaded it, couldn't get past license agreement.

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    Can't click Accept | Acrobat, Adobe Reader

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    I have downloaded a trail version of adobe acrobat pro and when I try to use it, it says that it cannot be edited in acrobat, please use adobe livecycle designer to edit this form. I can't work out what I need to do?

    Acrobat XI is not distributed with Designer. Designer is now a separate product. You can create forms in Acrobat as an AcroForm or using Forms Central (an online forms program). You can print the form to a new PDF and then recreate the fields in Acrobat using the recognize form fields. You will likely have to fix the form fields, but that would be the process. Generally, once a form is taken to Designer, you can't bring it back without such steps.
    Designer is available with AA8 - AAX, but since is a separate product as I indicated.

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    Hi Bahmn,
    Please refer :

  • Testing an application that uses adobe acrobat pro with a trail version

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    My question is, am I able to test that the program will work with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro without having to buy it first?  We would like to be sure it's working with the new version prior to buying licenses for the version for our users.

    Hi Rave,
    The error that I am getting is "Cannot Create ActiveX Component".  It's occurring when I try to create the object "AFormAut.App".  Below is the line of code that is throwing the error.
    _formapp = DirectCast(CreateObject("AFormAut.App"), AFORMAUTLib.AFormApp)

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    Could you help me solve this?
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    I have a HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
    Samsung S24B300B
    Drivers: what kind of drivers?
    Thanks / Adam

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    I do not know what to do to get this application working properly. 

    Hi Sam,
    Doing repair disc permissions, normally should not create problems, reason being this is Apple's own built-in utility.
    I am guessing there might have been permission issues already on your computer and repair disk permission tried to resolve that problem. But if the problem is severe these things may happen. 
    I would suggest you first you may try it again if that didn't resolve you should contact Apple support. They may help to repair the permissions.
    ~Ajlan Huda.

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    Is it possible. if so, can someone kind enough to point to me right directions?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for reply. What I am trying to achieve is to give an option for the user to download the pdf form and once the user tries to save the pdf, it validates with the required field. I managed to create the editable pdf with required fields option. I just need that validation to be done when user click on save file. How can I achieve this? thanks so much for your help.

  • Adobe Flash Pro CC 2014 fuzzy Audio

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    Scary Sound Effects - YouTube
    and  Pokemon 'Bridged Episode 19: Family - Elite3 - YouTube
    i put them in Audacity, cut them so i could keep the bits audio i wanted and saved the audio as MP3 files
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    until i play them as SWF files
    now they sound like this: (sorry that its all FNAF's animations ) rt%3Atime%20gallery%3ALe-PineMarten&qo=85

    Hey Mitch, Thanx for your reply.
    I don't it's false. The reason for that is whenever I get that "audio dropout" event, adobe reacts really slow and I can't edit fluently.
    I've been busy the whole day trying to figure out what the problem is. I contacted adobe support and the remotely accessed my computer and see for themselves.
    We opened the activity monitor to see what's happening. Monitoring system memory revealed something interesting. The free memory dropped low after working for 20 minutes. when the "swap used" reached 5gb I got an "audio dropped" event. So we purged the memory with the terminal application.
    I restarted my computer and reopened Adobe premiere pro CC and started editing. After a few minutes it gave me an audio drop event again. Whenever I get them, premiere reacts slowly.

  • Since I tried the free trial adobe XI pro

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                   I HAVE WINDOWS 8, YES I HAVE UNINSTALLED IT, THAT DIDN’T HELP. Error message when attempting to open PDF files; Adobe reader could not open – ‘96463_plans_0063^a2_08_plans_building.jpg’ because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn’t correctly decoded). For one, this file was never a jpg file nor was it ever sent as an email and it worked just fine until the program expired and the message would come up that I needed to purchase the program to continue opening item’s that I could open prior to trying the free trial. I deleted the free trial and now I get the message that it is a corrupted file. Not all pdf files that I have are affected, it appears only the ones that I opened while trying the free trail. Nor does it affect new pdf files, we are a business and the computers are connected through a peer to peer network and I can view them on another computer. I believe the when the free trial ended the program left so sort of marker (maybe the jpg) on these files on my computer that does not allow me to open my files from my computer. On the screen the appear to be pdf files, on other computers they are pdf files, but the program on exit put a jpg designation on them and now I can’t open them even as a picture (jpg) file as it comes up as a corrupted file. Is this salvageable or am I just screwed as to recovering my files?
    [private data removed]

  • Adobe premier pro cc - timeline doesn't work.

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    Hi there,
    It sounds like you don't have a sequence created yet. Try
    Peter Garaway
    Premiere Pro

  • Error Message:  Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premier Pro to shut down.

    Hi. I'm having another serious problem with CS4 (the version that comes with CS5 when you don't have 64 bit capability. I just finished a project, had saved it, and then had switched over to Adobe Encoder to create a finished flash video (which worked perfectly). I shut down CS4, went home, tried to restart the main project to create a video from the same project (wanted to make an mpeg version as well) and got the following error message:
    Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premier Pro to shut down. We will attempt to save your current project. Then the system shuts down.
    Not only can I not open the project I was working on, I cannot open any of my prior projects without receiving the same error.
    Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this issue and how to resolve it?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    By the way, is everyone else having the same amount of problems with this software? I've never had any software that has had so many problems from the beginning. My opinion of this software and Adobe in general has gone down substantially.

    Not enough information for anyone to even make a guess
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section, the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 Crashing very often! Please Help!

    I am currently editing my first feature on Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 and it is currently up to date.
    I am editing on a iMac 27in, late 2013 brand new computer.
    Processor: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 32GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096MB
    System: OSX Yosemite V 10.10.1
    The project is located on a 8TB G Drive
    7200 RPM
    High Performance ThunderBolt drive.
    Details of the project:
    I am currently working on a fine cut of 5K Red Footage that is being cut in the RAW.
    I work at 1/2 quality settings and have no lag.
    The timeline includes limited stacked video files and various mp3 audio files.
    The Problem:
    Lately, the program will randomly quit or freeze up 4-5 times during an 5-6 hour edit session.
    Many times it is random, however, it seems to happen often if I accidentally click on the end of a clip on the timeline and it goes to switch into trimming mode. 
    Also, it will randomly go into the "pinwheel of death" out of nowhere followed by "Adobe CC is not responding."
    My project file is just about 15MB now.
    What is causing this reoccurring problem?
    How can I make it happen less?  I have scoured the forums and found similar articles but no helpful solutions.
    I have recently turned auto save on to save every 2 minutes because there have been more than one occasion where I lost A LOT of work because of this issue.
    I am about two weeks out from picture lock delivery and this issue is driving me crazy and loosing me a ton of time.
    Please help or let me know if any more additional information can help solve the issue.
    I have sent in well over 25 error reports already.

    I think I may have found the solution...
    I completely removed the Premiere Pro folder under User > Documents > Adobe and so far it seems to have solved the problem.
    I of course backed up my projects and than deleted this folder. So far it seems it worked.
    I'll know for sure in a day or two, but after constantly crashing, Premiere hasn't crashed for the last 4-5 hours of work.

  • Error installing Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 on winows 7

    Installing Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 on my new Winows 7 computer and get an error 1311.source file not found.  The last file shown on the addy is  Does anybody have an idea why that program will not install?  Thanks........

    Adobe sent me the download link after I told them I have a Windows 7 system and the 2.0 was suppose to be an upgrade from the 1.5, thanks a ton and I'll call Adobe again....

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