Advice about multicam workflow editing

I am going to edit a shortmovie shot with twho dslr at 1080 (h264) and audio recorded a part, we used a slate,
what is you advice to get best workflow:
1) first  synchronizing  all video clips (camera A and B) and audio first and later work on a multicam  file?
2) could be affordable this  work with a macbook pro 2009, with 256 mb vram, how can afford this, what is your experience, I am going to working with files in proxy  and keeping them  on a external drive.

1) No. You build the cameras and the audio together at the same time in the multicam clip.
2) The VRAM is minimum. Assuming the hardware meets the basic spec requirements you should be able to work in proxy on a fast external drive, Thunderbolt or USB3 if possible, FireWire800 minimum.

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    Message was edited by: girrrl

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    Hi @VVel ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. It is a great site for information and questions. I have looked into your issue about your HP ENVY 17 Notebook and issue with keeping the Notebook on while closing the lid. Here is a document on changing the Power option.
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    Mac OS X has a built in Archive Utility which doesn't support .rar files. To uncompress rar files you will need a utility like RAR Expander or Stuffit Expander both are free. I suggest doing a search on MacUpdate ( or VersionTracker ( to find a programme that you like.
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    after deleted rows, the high water mark is still the same and so the size of the table. you need to bring down the water mark
    here is what you need to do to bring down the high water mark. We do this monthly for performance purpose.
    This is an EBS R12 system  but the procedures are the same for EBS database or non EBS database.
    After you purge or delete data in a table
    1) alter table APPLSYS.WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES move; <-- this operation will invalidate all indexes attache to the table
    2)select owner, index_name, status from dba_indexes  -- list all invalid object for user APPLSYS
    where table_owner = upper('APPLSYS')
    status NOT IN ('VALID','N/A');
    3)spool idxrebuild.sql --generate script to rebuild indexes.
    select 'alter index ' ||owner||'.'||index_name ||' rebuild online;'  from dba_indexes
    where table_owner = upper('APPLSYS')
    status <> 'VALID';
    4) run idxrebuild.sql   -- to rebuild indexes.  -- at this point if you check spaces on the table, it is still the same, you need to run #5
    5)exec fnd_stats.gather_schema_stats ('APPLSYS');  --fnd_stat is for EBS system you can replace with the database equivalent command.
    use this statement to count the block before and after the operation to see the different.
    select DISTINCT(SEGMENT_NAME), count(blocks) "Total Block" from dba_extents
    owner IN ('APPLSYS')
    AND segment_name = 'WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES'
    Hope this help.

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    I agree with LowLister, the best option for you to share the video online is to upload it to your online storage account for example : Box, Dropbox, SkyDrive (All of them provide free storage beginning from 2GB).
    You can upload the files which you want to share in this online storage and then they have sharing options in which you'll will get the link of the file to be sent and send the email. You're good to go!
    Tip : You can store multiple files for backup purposes.

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    Is there a Forum where Folk such as me can share experiences of answering Tweets and also just be given examples how the system works, please, or might it be better for me to resign before I start rather than cause complications for anyone?

    Thanks - I hope to have a check there, when I have more time, meanwhile I see that separately I have been sent an email asking for my experience etc.. -
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  • About the 2nd edition of book " Archiving Your SAP Data"

    I know some new stuff has been added to the 2nd edition.
    Could you share your opinion about the 2nd edition: It's worthwhile to buy it sinec I already have
    the 1st edition?
    Thanks a lot!

    Hi Black Belt Expert,
    you might want to ask the publisher for an Enhancement Package covered by your support contract for your 1.0 version of the book.
    good luck,

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