AE 802.11n Keeps Dropping Security

I thought the recent AE update fixed this but this frustrating problem keeps happening. It seems that every time I restart my MPB my new AE ignores my setting for WPA2 and keeps defaulting to "no security" and leaving my base station wide open. Does anyone have a work-around for this? I've tried removing the plist file but the same problem arises. I've got my basestation set to 802.11n only so I'm probably OK in the near term but then again, who knows. Maybe it is ignoring that setting as well.

The problem does not come from your laptop. There is a bug on the base station. Many people are reporting that their WPA network is indeed a no security network. Even if the AirPort utility says your WPA is on, it is wrong. I've posted more details about my experience on a thread call "SECURITY BUG etc. etc..." in this forum. I'll go throught some tests tomorrow to (try) identify the source. But so far, no solution.
To be continued...

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  • Airport Express 802.11n keeps dropping out..

    I have the following setup
    Room 1
    1. router/ DSL modem 802.11b/g
    2. Airport express b/g "joined" to network created by router, connected to stereo.
    Room 2
    1. airport express n "joined" to network created by rounter in room 1, also connected to stereo
    2. Vista laptop b/g connecting to network created by router in room 1
    I have the following problems..
    1. When using airtunes in room 2 the music keeps cutting out, even though I am sat with my laptop next to the airport express.
    2. Airport utility keeps loosing sight of the airport express in room 2 and I cannot see its configuration..
    What can I do to improve the performance of the network in room 2, this is using a newer airport express however the older one in room 1 performs much better.
    Are the issues down to the fact that the AE in room 2 is in a different room to the router.. I cannot configure the network any other way such as WDS or extend network (only available on an N network)..
    so what are the options.. the airport express in room 2 is not really usable at the moment.. BTW room 1 and 2 are not exactly far from each other..

    I just read that if you run iTunes in Adminstrator mode for Vista, that the drop-outs disappear. Try right-click on iTunes icon and Run As administrator. Your user might have adminstrator user rights, but you should do this anyway. If this works, then you can change this in Properties -> Shortcut -> Run as Administrator. You will have to type in the administrator password, or click through on UDC, each time that you run iTunes.
    Also, make sure that the radio button on your AX is set for b/g compatible ... if you have set it to "Join an Existing Network", you might try setting it, for a moment, to "Create a Wireless Network". Check the b/g compatible option and then revert back to "Join an Existing Network." Re-enter your SSID, wireless name, and then save.

  • Extreme 802.11n 100BaseT - drops out when Time Machine starts -no USB disk

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    Dec 28 07:56:47 Severity:5 Connection accepted from ::ffff:
    Dec 28 07:56:48 Severity:5 unloading current configuration.
    Dec 28 07:57:10 Severity:5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 3).
    Dec 28 07:57:10 Severity:5 Deauthenticating with station ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff (reserved 2).
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    The machine is my Leopard server, which is backing up using time machine hourly (xx.56ish) to a firewire connected disk. Steps I've taken to troubleshoot include:
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    Is anyone seeing anything similar? Most disruptive behaviour!

    Gullah Betty wrote:
    The young man had me to click on the internet tab of my time capsule (the one next to the airport tab). He then had me click on the TCP/IP tab and change the DNS Server.
    That makes sense, although it could have been hoped that your ISP's DHCP server would have supplied the Time Capsule with the correct DNS value(s).
    My local area connection is a direct connection from my modem to my Sony.
    I imagine you don't normally have your broadband modem (that "UBEE D3.0"?) connected to the Vaio, right? Unless your modem has a second Ethernet port, I imagine that it's normally only connected to your Time Capsule.
    I only keep it available because whenever I have to call Comcast, the first thing that they ask me to do is to make a direct connection from my Sony to the modem. And they also refer to it as the host computer. I do not keep this connection active at all times.
    I understand. That's a routine troubleshooting technique, in that it removes as much equipment as possible from the connection chain. However, for the purposes of this discussion, calling that "the host computer" is irrelevant and potentially confusing.
    I have Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600, SP3.
    That's the latest version. It should be capable of connecting. If you have your Vaio connected via WiFi and via an Ethernet cable, I wonder if that's confusing Windows. In that case I'd disconnect the Ethernet cable to see if things work better that way.
    One other technique that you may already be using: When you switch what device is connected to your broadband modem, for a lot of modems it's necessary to power the modem down for several minutes to convince it to connect to a new device.

  • Airport Express 802.11n keeps disconnecting Airplay with iPhone and Macbook Air

    I purchased this Airport Express on Jan 7, 2012. It was working fine.
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    It was working fine until about a month or so ago when after playing a few songs it would disconnect. Now after less than 2-3mins it would disconnect. When I try to manually reconnect with my iPhone or Macbook Air, it would say that is unable to connect to the Airport.
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    I am at wits end. I have not changed the arrangement at all since Jan. What could have happened?
    About a month ago there were an update to Airport Utility. I ran that update. Could that be the problem?
    I'd appreciate if someone could help me. The warranty will run out a less than a month. How timely isn't it.
    Is the router broken. If so why does it still allow me to use Airplay but only for a few minutes (less than a song)?
    Thanks in advance for any help and or advice.

    Unfortunately there could be any number of possible causes. Your router could be at fault, or the Express, or something else that is affecting both. To troubleshoot this issue you would have to eliminate or significantly reduce one or more of these possibilities.
    Try performing a "hard reset" of the Express and configure it anew. Sometimes an internal parameter becomes corrupted that only a "hard reset" can fix.
    The following is an excerpt from:
    Resetting an AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule FAQ
    Hard reset
    Press and hold the reset button with a pen or pencil until you see the status light (LED) start to flash amber rapidly, which should occur after about five seconds.
    Release the button, and the AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule will hard reset.
    ... but read the entire document to ensure you do it correctly. An Express that has been "hard reset" will create an open network with the name "Apple Network nnnnnn" where nnnnnn = the last few digits of its MAC address.
    If you do not see the network with that name, the "hard reset" did not take effect, which will happen if you do not hold its little reset button long enough. In that case do it again.
    Following the "hard reset", reconfigure your Express.
    Failing that, position the Express closer to your wireless router. This may not be a practicable long term solution for you but it will minimize the possibility that wireless interference is causing the problem.
    Consider substituting another router, to eliminate that as the cause.
    Finally, you could take your Express to Apple who may simply offer you an exchanged unit. It will most likely operate perfectly well for them so you will not be able to demonstrate this failure mode, but you can explain you did all that I suggested above without success.

  • Airport express 802.11n airtunes drop outs with imac ppc

    my desktop has an original airport card, in perfect working order, and suffers from non-stop dropouts when streaming music via airtunes. my macbook streams flawlessly. Is this a backwards compatibility issue and is there a fix? I switched the desktop's internet connection to ethernet to test whether laying off the express would improve the streaming. it didn't. airtunes is vital to my computing environment. if i can't fix this, i will have to go back to the old express.

    I'm having the same problem on my macbook. Help anyone?

  • Connections dropped, DNS and server timeouts from new Lenovo with 802.11n

    New Airport Extreme, works great with Windows XP machine ethernetted into it, and also with a MacBook with wireless-N.
    But my brand new Lenovo T60P with wireless-N is flakey with the Airport. It connects fine with a 100% signal, using the WPA2-PSK / AES setting on the Lenovo (WPA2 Personal security in 802.11n b/g compatibility mode on the Airport). Most of the time it works quite well.
    But very frequently (every five minutes?) one of two things will happen: with the signal still registering fine in the taskbar (and in the laptop's wireless "status" utility), it will become unable to locate any website, including, etc., and refreshes of currently-displayed websites yield server timeouts. The browser (firefox) gives a DNS timeout message. The second thing is just your basic dropped wireless connection. It will reconnect by itself after a while.
    Any advice is hugely appreciated. It ***** to "upgrade" to headaches! (Ha! the forum software doesn't like a synonym for "vaccuums". Apologies to the nuns at Apple for my potty mouth.)

    New Airport Extreme, works great with Windows XP
    machine ethernetted into it, and also with a MacBook
    with wireless-N.
    But my brand new Lenovo T60P with wireless-N is
    flakey with the Airport. It connects fine with a
    100% signal, using the WPA2-PSK / AES setting on the
    Lenovo (WPA2 Personal security in 802.11n b/g
    compatibility mode on the Airport). Most of the time
    it works quite well.
    But very frequently (every five minutes?) one of two
    things will happen: with the signal still registering
    fine in the taskbar (and in the laptop's wireless
    "status" utility), it will become unable to locate
    any website, including, etc., and
    refreshes of currently-displayed websites yield
    server timeouts. The browser (firefox) gives a DNS
    timeout message. The second thing is just your basic
    dropped wireless connection. It will reconnect by
    itself after a while.
    Any advice is hugely appreciated. It ***** to
    "upgrade" to headaches! (Ha! the forum software
    doesn't like a synonym for "vaccuums". Apologies to
    the nuns at Apple for my potty mouth.)
    What you experienced is not a surprise as 802.11n is not a standard yet and each manufacturer has developed it own "pre-n" version. Right now Apple (base station) will work with Apple (notebooks), Dlink (routers) will work with Dlink (PCMCIA cards), etc.
    Lenovo is no different. You can expect 80-90% compatibility, but not 100%. To expect cross-vendor 100% compatibility, you will likely have to wait until 802.11n is "approved" and then the firmware is updated on all devices.

  • I have a Airport Extreme 802.11n and my T.V. is a panisonic,I keep losing the connection. Anybody have any answers?

    I have a Airport Extreme 802.11n and my T.V. is a panisonic,I keep losing the connection. Anybody have any answers?

    Plenty of suggestions.. only you can find out which one is correct.
    What model AE? What firmware?
    Since Panasonic TV is not apple it will use SMB windows type networking.. everything but Apple does.
    Are the names in the AE all SMB compatible.. ie short.. max about 20 characters.. no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    Is the security set to WPA2 Personal with a pure alphanumeric password of 10-20 characters.. more is fine if you suffer paranoia but isn't needed.
    Fix the wireless channels.. so it doesn't flip flop like a dying fish.
    There are only 3 channels for 2.4ghz that do not overlap, 11, 6, 1  although someone suggested 8 works well if you have heaps of interference. If you live in flat/apartment building you have heaps of interference.
    Lastly is it stable if the distance is 3M direct line of sight?
    If not then get a high power wireless AP and use that instead.

  • HP Color LaserJet 1500L - drops off the 802.11n network

    My HP Color LaserJet 1500L drops off the network (it just stops printing). This happens when it is plugged into the usb bus of my new 802.11n base station or directly into the usb bus of a computer. The only way to fix it seems to be to plug it directly into a computer and unplug the usb plug and replug it, or to add the printer again. This problem has occurred in the past, but over time, and after various upgrades to the operating systems and hardware, etc, the situation tends to change. Before I installed the 802.11n base station the printer was staying in contact with my computers, but now it is misbehaving again. I doubt there is a real solution out there now, because it happened before and I never did discover a direct fix, but I thought the problem to be worth posting. This problem does not happen with my Canon PhotoPrinter iP6000S, which sticks to my network like glue whereever I plug it in (airport express, airport extreme, direct to computer, etc.) The HP loses contact with either of my computers in exactly the same way.
    Mac Pro Intel Core 2 Duo, and iMac Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   airport express, airport extreme 802.11n, cable modem
    iMac Intel Core Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    To use the OS X standard network protocols (Windows/IP printing), you must have either a postscript printer (the driver in that case is just a ppd for the OS X postscript output) OR, a driver designed to work with CUPS (CUPS driver). HP doesn't provide CUPS drivers for OS X (who knows why, since they do for linux).
    You need to install foomatic and ESP ghostscript:
    then, install the foo2oak driver:

  • Configuring Airptort Extreme for Optimum Speed and security 802.11n

    I am running a Airport Extreme 802.11n with a Macbook Pro Core 2Duo, I would like to configure the Airport Extreme to run in the fastest and most secure mode.
    Since I plan on only running .N devices I do not need backwards compatibility with other wireless device.
    What advanced settings can I make to the Airport in order to achieve the best wireless transfer rates and security (including firewall security)
    Thank you so much in advance!

    Thanks so much for the response.
    In terms of the firewall test I was running it from
    my Macbook Pro core duo 2 via Wireless 5ghz 802.11N
    Airport Extreme connection, I ran the firewall test
    from the Guards up firewall test (Test all
    ports) it showed that my system was not fully
    stealthed and responded to pings. I am trying to
    figure out how to best secure my network, I currently
    have WPA2 with 25character letters and numbers set on
    the router, as well as having my MacbookPro firewall
    set to on.
    Any suggestions for this setup?
    Thanks again!
    Get an even better 63-character WPA "strong" passcode (Maximum WPA Security is 63 characters/504 bits)). See these sites for generating one:

  • How to enable 802.11N extended network and WPA2 Personal Security?

    I have an aiport express 802.11N, using Radio Mode 802.11N (5Ghz only) and set to "allow this network to be extended". At the same time the wireless security is set to "WPA2 Personal" (and the key defined). This router is also hooked up to the internet as the main bridge.
    On the other side, I have an airport extreme set exactly the same way from a security standpoint (WPA2 Personal) and for this one, the wireless is set to "extend a wireless network".
    Both routers have their light green and my computer is wired to the airport extreme. The computer gets its IP address from the main dhcp server and I can FTP to any ftp site; I can ping any machines on my network;
    Now the problem:I can not browse the internet nor ping any website. Http traffic is completely blocked.
    If I reset the security to none on both routers, I can then access the internet without any problem.
    Has anybody been succesful with this configuration and what am I doing wrong?

    You need to download and install the AirPort Extreme 802.11n* Enabler for Mac. But it will cost you --- $1.99. Order it from the Apple Store:
    802.11n Enabler
    Message was edited by: John Strung

  • Laserjet 1505 connected to AEB 802.11n via USB keeps timing out after print

    I have a HP Laserjet 1505 connected on my AEB 802.11n via USB and shared on my network, on my network are two macs connected via wifi and 3 WinXP PC connected via wire. I have Bonjour and WinXP laserjet drivers installed on all Win PC. Everytime I print from any of the computers, it will print the first time, but when I try printing again from any of the machines, the macs and winxp pc's cannot detect the printer. When I go to airport utility, the printer cannot be detected anymore. I have to hard reset the AEB for it to detect the laserjet printer again. But the same thing happens again after I print out another document. Has anybody encountered this kind of problem. Can anyone help me resolve this?

    Here is what I got from HP support :
    The driver for the Laserjet P1006 is not available yet for Os 10.5...we are hoping it will be release in the next week or so...please click on the link below to sign up for an email update as soon as it is available..As a workaround, some people have been able to use the 10.4 driver from the cd, but this is not guaranteed to work in all applications therefore the only solution is to wait and install the 10.5 driver.
    So we wait.

  • WLC 5508 - 802.11n using 802.1X security

    WLC 5508 product version:
    AP: AIR-LAP1142N-S-K9
    The connection can reach up to 144Mbps when using WPA2 with AES (Layer 2 security), WMM allowed (QOS). But when I use 802.1X (Layer 2 security), can only reach up to 54Mbps.
    Any special setting when using 802.1X to reach 144Mbps?
    Or do I need to upgrade?
    Any help is very much appreciated.

    Change the field "layer 2 security to " WPA+WPA2"
    in the below section in authentication key managment set the checkmark for "802.1X"
    That should solve the issue.

  • AirPort Express 802.11N (2nd generation) Drops off Network

    I have recently purchased the Airport Express (2nd generation) and wanted to use it for streaming music through Spotify from my Ipad.
    After having set it up by Airport Utility 6.3 on my Mac it works for about an hour but then drops of the network.
    I am joining my existing network wirelessly.
    I have tried to set the IPv6 to Link-local only ( ) and also to Tunnel as advised by an expert from the Apple Chat - but it still drops off after about an hour. Then the only way to get Airport Utility to see the Airport Express again is to hard reset it and start all over again, but it keeps dropping out. I have lost count of the number of times I have rest it by now.
    I have now read several posts about people having various issues with the Airport Express and am a bit confused wheter it works at all.
    I have updated the Airport Exp to the latest firmwear and also my router as someone suggested but still with no luck.
    Hope to hear from anyone who can shed a bit of light on this one.
    Many thanks,

    Forgot to say that the green light stays on the Airport Express even when it has dropped off the network and one no longer can use it for Airplay through Spotify as well as the yellow trianlge shows up in the Airport Utility and says "device not found".

  • IMAC keeps dropping the internet connection using Wi-Fi.

    iMAC keeps dropping internect connection when using wi-fi.

    Best way ti fix it !
    iMac and MacBooks have the  ( PHY Mode:    802.11n ) as standard
    there not supporting 802.11g or other types
    what you need to do
    go About this Mac  > More Info... > Overview > Than > System Report..
    Than from the lest under Network - Wi-Fi
    you will get report about your network Interfaces ,
    your router name here  :
      PHY Mode:    802.11n
      BSSID:    bc:76:70:5d:c6:a7
      Channel:    7
      Country Code:   
      Network Type:    Infrastructure
      Security:    WPA2 Personal
      Signal / Noise:    -74 dBm / -101 dBm
      Transmit Rate:    52
    make sure that your router setting on your router match the machine
    in example the router set on : Mode:    802.11n only !
    and Security:    WPA2 Personal
    after that you mac will work faster and smooth
    why is that happened ?
    when your router set in auto mode , if any other pc or laptop join the network the router will change the mode from 802.11n than your mac will lose the connection setting and you will need to refresh the network
    agin and agin and agin .
    make sure you buy good router that support 802.11n
    very easy job takes me 1 year for find it and no one have the right answer on the net

  • Airport Extreme(SW) keeps dropping the WAN connection under "heavy" load

    Have had this problem ever since I got the Airport Extreme when it first came out and I got it.
    The problem is this : The connection will work just fine for ages, but if I end up downloading something using (primarily this is the problem) torrents and I end up getting a rather good speed on it the airport will all of the sudden stop getting data from the WAN(ADSL modem connected to it through the WAN connection) and the Airport will have to be restarted. Some days it will have to be restarted up towards 15 times a day.
    The Airport remains accessible through the LAN connection, as well as through the WiFi when it has failed like this so I can go in through the Airport Admin Utility and restart the unit without any problems whatsoever. The modem does not need restart or reiniting either.
    The problem occurs no matter of if I am on the hard wired (LAN) connection or the WiFi connection. If I download something using a torrent that is high speed, especially if its more then one torrent at the same time (say 4 torrents each running at 200-300kbps therefor peaking at the roof of what my DSL connection can handle) then it will absolutely lock up after a minute or so. If I only do surfing or 'ordinary' work then there is no problem.
    The problem is easily repeated.
    * If I connect my laptop by wire to the modem directly without the airport in between there will be no problem.
    * I have software reseted the Airport many times to attempt to fix the problem when it has gotten on my nerves with no positive or changing result.
    * I have the latest available from Apple firmware(5.6) installed on the Airport.
    * I have no 'weird' or abnormal settings set on the Airport, and no neighbors playing tricks on me - This problem was with me when I used the airport fully locked down in a office environment and then went with it when I moved my airport unit out of my office in to my home.
    * I have no other wifi units in the house that may cause problems, no bluetooth phones running amok.
    Airport details:
    Apple Airport Extreme Base Station
    Firmware Version: 5.6
    Wireless Security : Not currently enabled
    Wireless Channel : 1 (automatic)
    Built in modem : No
    Prod # : M8930LL/A (A-1034)

    Hi guys,
    Recently I bought AirPort Extreme 802.11n Base Station (Gigabit, MB053LL/A), and
    seems, I have very similar problem with yours. Internet connection from my ISP over WAN is dropped after few hours of being idle. The router successfully receives its IP settings from provider's DHCP, eveyithing is working fine at first and as long as I have some inet activity. Then I disconnect, or sleep my laptops, and when I'm back - WAN provides no Internet traffic at all It looks like WAN is not functioning or blocked in someway. AirPort Utility and logs show no problems, all statuses are good, correct WAN IP settings are shown in the utility.
    Sometimes it helps to plug-out/in Ethernet cable to WAN port, but more often only full router restart helps (with around 10-20 secs of outage). BTW, WiFi connection between the router and laptops is pretty stable and causes absolutely no probs. HDD connected to the router works good also.
    My firmware is 7.2.1 (gigabit), and reading above posts I tried to downgrade to 7.2. It didn't fix the problem So well there are no earlier firmware versions for this AEBS model to try.
    Does anybody have ideas about it?
    (I understand you guys mostly wrote about 100Mbit version of AEBS)
    Thanks you,

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