AE SDK wrapper

I've just been working on a project writing AE plugins - mostly fairly basic things like drawing and animating geometric shapes. This has been my first foray into After Effects plugins. However in doing so I must confess to finding the API painful and the documentation impenetrable. It has taken me the best part of a year working on-and-off on this project to feel comfortable writing basic plugins - and I never even got as far as smart plugins.
Anyway, along the way I've begun to write a series of C++ wrappers around the API to manage resources, things like an multi-d array class to correctly handle AE memory management, some transformation code using the after effect matrix structure and the beginnings of a World class for managing AE_Worlds and doing drawing etc. I was wondering if there was any demand for this kind of thing in the community and if it was worth me developing further? The kind of thing I'm imagining is a more object oriented and easier to use interface to the SDK, with better resource management - to save the memory leaks. I know the code I've written already has massively speeded up my plugin development and reduced bugs. Maybe it would be some help to others.
In the end though, I'm self employed so it boils down to would anyone be interested enough in a "nice" API interface to buy it and make it worth my time developing. I wondered if anyone here had any thoughts or even might be interested in a finshed product?

well, here are my 2 cents about this issue.
any modernisation of the AE API would be a welcome change. i of course am
using my own libs made over time.
will there be a demand for a payed AE super lib? i'll try to break it down,
to the best of my knowledge.
from what i gathered from my years at the forum, there are 3 demographics
i'd say the breakdown is like so (based on intuition, not research):
1. 30% are complete noobs, with very little or no programming experience,
usually AE artists with an idea they'd like to fiddle with.
noobs are less likely to buy a library, as they have little prospect of
what their product will become. it's more of an intellectual challenge for
them, and actually using a crude c code is easier for a noob than learning
c++ concepts. however, noobs can evolve into semi-pros.
common problems noobs hit:
a. adding new params (to be set at 3 different places).
b. allocation and deallocation of objects.
c. image processing, not via a suite.
d. a dire need for better sample projects.
2. 50% are semi pro programmers with AE experience, and a better grip of
what their idea entails, and what it's worth.
semi-pros may buy a library, if they had failed at solving a certain
problem by themselves and the price is right. i'd imagine most semi-pros
develop on their spare time and make a living elsewhere, so they'd rather
spend more time than spend money. (again, until they hit a wall or come to
a realization that it's better to buy a lib)
common problems semi-pros hit:
a. combination of AEGP style project operations in an EFFECT plug-in.
b. custom UIs.
c. an even bigger dire need for better sample projects than that of a noob.
3. 20% are professional programmers, with little or no AE experience,
executing a commissioned work by a 3rd party.
commissioned pros on the other hand, they have a budget and a schedule.
they're used to using off the self libraries and consider it a shortcut.
surprisingly enough, even seasoned pros run into walls with AE's API. so
they're rather a sure sell. (given they know of your library, and it offers
a solution to the problem they've hit)
common problems pros hit:
a. wasting time learning the API nuances and subtleties. (and there are
b. realizing what the API limitations are.
c. overcoming API limitations. (doing stuff against AE's will)
all 3 demographics would LOVE to have more sample projects, and better
sample project.
my guess is, that if your library is of good enough quality, has
interesting enough sample projects, and will be brought to the attention of
the developer, you'll see some sells.
there's a world surge of AE development. for the last 2 years i saw the
demand increase x2 each year. i don't know when that surge will peak, but
it's there.
i also don't know how to estimate the market size. in this forum there are
about 20 active users, so i'm guessing there are a mere few hundreds AE SDK
developers out there at best. is the library development worth while?
depends entirely on your costs of development, and whether such tools
evolve from your actual project's work or are you developing the library as
a project on it's own merit.
these have been my 2 cents.
please take everything here as my personal opinion and not as a fact.
having said that, i hope it helped.

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  • WS-SDK Drill Functions

    If I have a Webi document with 2 report tabs ("Crosstab" and "Customer")  and I enter Drill mode on the default report ("Crosstab") I notice I get a "new" temporary report-tab called "Crosstab(1)" and all of the drill actions take place on this temporary copy....I notice there is a Snapshot boolean on the DrillPath but I am not setting this.
    What I am trying to do is enter drill mode, apply a drillpath and then get a binary (pdf) view of my drill but doing this with a view of type DOCUMENT gets me my original 2 tabs (unchanged) plus the temporary one..??
    I have done the above OK before using ReportEngine.NET but the WS-SDK wrapper on ReportEngine behaves very differently it seems, it is like it is always creating a snapshot?
    Here is some simple code that I am using:
    Dim boRetrieveData As New RetrieveData()
    boRetrieveData.RetrieveCurrentReportState = New RetrieveCurrentReportState()
    boRetrieveData.RetrieveDrillInfo = New RetrieveDrillInfo()
    Dim boActions(0) As Action
    Dim boDrillAction As New Drill()
    boDrillAction.ActiveDrill = True
    boDrillAction.Snapshot = False
    boActions(0) = boDrillAction
                Dim boDocumentInformation As DocumentInformation = m_ReportEngine.GetDocumentInformation(m_CurrentDocInfo.LatestToken, Nothing, boActions, Nothing, boRetrieveData)
                Return boDocumentInformation
    Catch ex As DSWSException
                Return Nothing
    Catch ex As Exception
                Return Nothing
    End Try
    After this call, the current report status will show the new "tab" that has been created.
    What I want is to enter Drill mode on a report without creating a new report-tab so I can manipulate it and then export it.
    Any ideas would be appreciated!

    OK, will do - I am finding the SDK documentation to be lacking when it comes to really explaining some of the classes and the samples don't give enough details so I am left wondering.
    Trying to convert code from ReportEngine.NET to WS-SDK is proving to be a challenge!

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    Please see for the complete change log. The latest gem has been pushed to so you can update/install with ease.

    Hi Ned,
    I've just tested your library. It took me a while to understand  how to do it, as I never used SWIG before.
    Anyway this is what I did:
    0. setup a NI USB-6008 with some AA battery connected to AI0 (see attached photo)
    1. installed Cygwin (I work on Win2000)
    2. setup .paths in the "vimrc" file.
    3. run "make -f Makefile.swig "
    4. run "ruby test.rb"
    It worked, but didn't show correct values. I changed settings inside the file, but still wrong numbers.
    I then tried to run other examples and I couldn't run them (I guess the fault is on my side in ruby).
    However I managed to run acquireNscans.rb , and it worked perfect.
    It took me quite long time today to do. I tried to compile it without installing cygwin, then I compiled it in cygwin, but SWIG seems to be out-of-date, etc.etc. but at the end of the day I've got some results.
    $ ruby acquireNscans.rb
    [1.38554652487558, 1.37531881852636, 1.37531881852636, ...
    read 10, total time: 0.907, rate: 11.0253583241455
    Aborted (core dumped)
    Is there any forum/topic where others discuss issues or work on the code similar to yours ?
    What I am interested in is a library that would allow me to use Ruby or Php to communicate with devices through GPIB, Ethernet , serial port, etc.
    Message Edited by jcz on 02-15-2008 03:31 PM
    DSC017791.png ‏360 KB

  • CR Server 2008 / Using openDocument interface with a no-logon wrapper

    Hi, all!
    I had a problem with the openDocument.jsp interface and a no-logon wrapper which took me quite a while to figure out. I'm now posting these results here in the hopes that someone else will find them useful. Of course, if anyone has input how to improve the solution, it's also welcome!
    The system on which this was developed and tested was a vanilla Crystal Reports Server 2008 installation on Tomcat / MySQL / Windows Server 2003.
    The problem was that calls to openDocument interface left sessions open and this quickly led to the situation where all the concurrent access licenses (CALs) were used. It seemed nondeterministic when a session was released; it could have been minutes or hours.
    The solution: write a HTTP session timeout listener which logoffs the CRS-backend session. (The code below has still some dubug output enabled.)
    package fi.niscayah.util;
    import com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class KillSession implements HttpSessionListener
        public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event)
            debug("sessionCreated()", event);
        public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event)
            HttpSession session = event.getSession();
            try {
                java.util.Enumeration name = session.getAttributeNames();
                while (name.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String attributeName = (String)name.nextElement();
                    Object attribute = session.getAttribute(attributeName);
                    if((attribute != null) && (attribute instanceof IEnterpriseSession)) {
                        debug("  attribute : " + attributeName);
                        debug("  type      : " + attribute.getClass().getName());
                        IEnterpriseSession ies = (IEnterpriseSession)attribute;
                debug("sessionDestroyed()", event);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                debug("sessionDestroyed() exception");
        private void debug(String msg)
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
            String timestamp = sdf.format(new Date());
            System.err.println("[KillSession] [" + timestamp + "] " + msg);
        private void debug(String msg, HttpSessionEvent event)
            HttpSession session = event.getSession();
            String id = session.getId();
            String context = session.getServletContext().getServletContextName();
            debug("[" + context + "] [" + id + "] " + msg);
    (If you want to test the above code, create a .jar package out of it and put it in webapps/OpenDocument/WEB-INF/lib.)
    Next we need to register our listener. I noticed that the openDocument-webapp's web.xml-file already contained a listener definition that claimed to expire enterprise sessions on HTTP timeout. I never saw such results; I tested it by registering my own listener, which only outputted debug information, and then when ever a session timeout happened, I checked the amount of licenses in use via the CMC - it never dropped predictably.
    So, comment out the SessionCleanupListener and add KillSession.
    <!-- SK: Added own listener. -->
    <!-- SK: Commented out. -->
    <!-- SessionCleanupListener is used to expire the EnterpriseSession when the web session is timeout -->   
    <!-- <listener>
    </listener> -->
    After the above, change the HTTP session timeout to something more suitable. If you're creating really big reports, one minute might be too little. Also notice, that the value is an approximation. The timeout event might happen just as one minute has passed, but usually it takes more.
    Now we're good to go and test the openDocument interface. The result should be that every time a HTTP session timeouts, an enterprise session (which was initialized via the openDocument call) is logged off.
    Next the no-logon wrapper.
    I found a lot of examples for logging in automatically, but every one of them exhibited a strange behavior (at least when used in conjunction with the openDocument interface) where the session count was increased by two. A lot of head scratching later, the solution below was devised.
    <%@ page language="java"
        import = "com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise,
    ISessionMgr sessionManager = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();
    IEnterpriseSession entSession = sessionManager.logon("Guest", "", "<server>:6400", "secEnterprise");
    String entToken = entSession.getLogonTokenMgr().createWCAToken("", 1, 1);
    // So that this can be logged off when the session timeouts
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession();
    httpSession.setAttribute("nologon_SESSION", entSession);
    String query = request.getQueryString();        
    String redirectURL = "http://<server>:8080/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?" +
        query + "&token=" + entToken;
    You can put the above .jsp-file where you like, but I dropped it in webapps/openDocument, since it's no use by itself.
    The use of nologon.jsp is simple: use it as you would openDocument.jsp.
    And there you have it. A word of warning though, if you're not sure what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend trying these things out. And you certainly shouldn't deploy these on a production environment.
    As said before, any input is welcome!

    I'll comment on the BusinessObjects Enterprise logon tokens that you may generate via the Enterprise SDK.
    DefaultToken - this is used for failover - i.e., if the original EnterpriseSession object is destroyed without having logoff() method invoked, the failover can be used to re-connect to Enterprise without redo-ing authentication.  This token is immediately invalidated with EnterpriseSession.logoff().
    CreateLogonToken - token represents an EnterpriseSession independent of the original EnterpriseSession that generates it.  So you should generated the CreateLogonToken and log off the EnterpriseSession before using the token, or you'll have two licenses being used.
    CreateWCAToken - the Web Component Adapter token - this token is tied to the EnterpriseSession used to create it.  If this EnterpriseSession is invalidated, the WCA token can no longer be used.  Since this is essentially re-use of the original EnterpriseSession, license count is not increased with its use.
    So in your application, you're generating the WCA Token, and using the Session Listener to explicitly log off the originating EnterpriseSession.  The SessionCleanupListener is for cleaning up sessions created within InfoView on Web Application Server Session timeout.
    Ted Ueda

  • Tracing references in the Flex SDK

    I work with Flash Builder on a daily basis and I find great value in  "Find reference (Ctrl+Shift+G)" and "Open declaration (F3)". In Flex SDK 4.6.0 I was able to find references and open declarations not only in my own projects but also in the SDK files which I find valuable for various reasons. Using Apache Flex SDK 4.11.0 Flash Builder seems to have lost this ability: Open declaration works half the time and most often navigates to the wrong place in the file, and Find references does not work with SDK files at all. I have tried with both Flash Builder 4.6 and 4.7.
    By tracing references in the SDK I mean working with the files accompanying the compiled Flex SDK (ie. C:\sdk_location\framework\projects\project\src\).
    Any ideas how I can make Flash Builder help me browsing the SDK again?
    My project compiles with both
    Apache Flex SDK 4.11.0
    Flex SDK 4.6.0
    I can use Find references in my own project.
    I can use Find references in Flex SDK 4.6.0.
    I can't use Find references in Apache Flex SDK 4.11.0.

    Change to the Flex bin directory and use mxmlc like this:
    mxmlc path/to/my/App.mxml
    This should create a SWF file that you can then run. If you
    plan on posting the app somewhere, you'll probably want to create
    an HTML wrapper. You can use the wrappers in the html-templates
    For more info on using mxmlc, see the online help (type
    "mxmlc -help list") or look in the Compilers chapter of the
    Building and Deploying book. For more on using the wrappers, look
    in the wrappers chapter of the same book.
    matt horn
    flex docs

  • Installing Flex SDK into Flash Builder 4.7 problems

    Im completely new to Flash Builder, today I have installed Flash Builder 4.7 & Flash CS6 from Creative Cloud for my son to start to learn game programming (with my help), I have used simple coding in web design however this terminology is new to me.
    I bought my son the latest 'Foundation Game Design with ActionScript 3.0' book on recommendation but it was written when FB was version 4.5 so im guessing this might be the problem.
    The book is very easy to follow but have hit problems at the beginning of the tutorials, the book talks about Flex SDK but it seems that FB 4.7 uses AIR SDK ?
    So the first project called HelloWorld, we got up to:
    Got an exclamation mark which said
    'The import flash.display.Sprite is not used
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    Any advice would be great!
    Thank you
    Latest ...
    I thought that installing Flex SDK may solve the problem but after following instructions I have the error message, see image below. Really stumped now!

    Sorry, if I went a little overboard. After re-reading your post, perhaps I should back up a little.
    First, there are little things that Flash Builder (FB) will complain about. Having extra import statements in your code doesn't hurt anything. If I'm trying different solutions and then commenting out the code, the import statements will hang around, FB will complain, but just ignore it. If you see a little icon on the left edge of your code editor and its a red circle with an X in it, then that is something that will have to be fixed.
    When you create an app in FB or Flash you can choose to create a web app which means it will run in a browser window. The project can optionally create an HTML wrapper, or web page that will load your app. In Flash Pro you can choose File->Publish Settings and there will be a checkbox on the left to publish a HTML wrapper. In FB, you can right click your project in the Package Explorer, select Properties at the bottom, select the ActionScript Compiler, and down at the bottom there will be a checkbox to create a HTML wrapper.
    If you're just learning Flash Builder, then the FlexSDK 4.6 and the AIR SDK 3.1 that comes with it should be fine. You mentioned Apache SDK and I'd recently been working with that so I ended up getting side-tracked.
    Getting an AIRSDK to work with when build ActionScript projects is easy. Just go to the adobe site, type AIR SDK in the search box, and you should find a page that will let you downloaded the latest version. There's also a page to let you download the latest AIR runtime, and if you were just going to run AIR apps and not build them, then that's all you would need. As a developer you'll want to install the runtime from the downloaded .exe file. With the SDK, after downloading it, installing it is easy. Just create a new folder an unzip the SDK into it, then place it somewhere easy to find. I put all my SDK's in their own directory right off the c: drive. So I have c:\AIRSDK_3.5.0.880 and c:\AIRSDK_3.7.0.1530. I use very descriptive folder names so I always know which SDK's I have to work from.
    To use the SDK in Flash Pro select Help -> Manage AIR SDK, hit the plus button and add the folder you created. Now when you've opened a Flash project, you go to File->Publish Settings and select the combo box at the top, you'll see options like 'AIR for Android' in the list that reflect the SDK's you've added.
    Generally with FB you'll be using a FlexSDK, or perhaps a FlexSDK overlaid with a newer version of AIRSDK. Overlaid basically means you copied the contents of the AIR SDK into the Flex Folder. The article I mentioned above will give you all the details on creating those. For instance, I downloaded the Apache Flex installer, installed it, then created an empty folder called c:\ApacheFlexSDK_4.9.1, launched the Apache installer, gave it the new empty folder I'd created, selected all the download options, and let it all download. If it launches a popup box or a security warning, you can allow it, and it will continue. Once you have the SDK and you want to use it with a project in FB, just right click the project, select Properties, selected that Compiler tab again, and up in the right corner you'll see 'Manage SDK's...'. Hit that link, add your new SDK to the list and give it a descriptive name, then selected the checkbox beside it to set it up as your default. If you do this, then all your projects set to use the default will automatically switch to it and rebuild. So if you want a project to stay with a specific SDK then select that option in your Compiler tab, and then you could use the combo box to select your new added SDK.
    When I started with FB I think I spent the first 2 days going round and round with project settings and options until I got them all figured out.
    When I develop, I usually have my browser open and I have bookmarks and favorites to let me quickly get to all the pages I use most often. Here are a few of them:  <---- The API reference. In the packages window check out 'Top Level' at the top and Language Elements near the bottom. I think I have this page open in one or more tabs almost every day.
    Free videos to help you learn Flash Pro:
    And you've already found the forums! But if you don't find an answer here, many times you can find your question already answered on forums.
    Ok, I think I went a little overboard again.

  • Flex Ant Tasks html-wrapper problem

    I'm getting BUILD SUCCESSFUL and an SWF file, but no HTML
    wrapper. Any help is appreciated!
    Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006
    parsing buildfile
    C:\Installs\MTCSEWorkspace\MTCSE_WebApp\flex-build.xml with URI =
    Project base dir set to:
    [] Could not load definitions from
    resource org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml. It could not be found.
    Build sequence for target(s) `wrapper' is [compile, wrapper]
    Complete build sequence is [compile, wrapper, ]
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration file
    C:\Installs\MTCSEStudio\Flex Builder 3
    (592822 bytes)
    Total time: 18 seconds
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- flex-build.xml -->
    <project name="My App Builder" basedir=".">
    <property name="FLEX_HOME"
    value="C:\Installs\MTCSEStudio\Flex Builder 3
    Plug-in\sdks\2.0.1" />
    <property name="ANT_HOME"
    <property name="MTCSE_WebApp"
    value="C:\Installs\MTCSEWorkspace\MTCSE_WebApp" />
    <property name="DEPLOY_DIR"
    <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks"
    classpath="${ANT_HOME}/lib/flexTasks.jar" />
    <target name="main">
    filename="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/flex-config.xml" />
    <source-path path-element="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks" />
    <html-wrapper swf="ValidValueTest"
    output="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />

    Ok, on second inspection, index.html is being generated.
    However, the file attribute is unsupported.
    Using the ant Move task, I was able to accomplish what I
    wanted to do. Thanks!
    <target name="wrapper" depends="compile">
    <html-wrapper swf="ValidValueTest"
    output="${DEPLOY_DIR}" />
    <move file="${DEPLOY_DIR}/index.html"

  • Getting started with the flex sdk

    I have been reading and reading this forum looking for an
    answer to this question - have found lots of other great info :-)
    I have installed the Flex Builder 2 trial and didn't get to
    it before the trial ran out - got busy. So, now I'm down to the sdk
    to get going with Flex. I have the sdk installed and the sample
    apps have been compiled and they work. I have copied and pasted a
    sample form and saved the file as .mxml. I have launched the
    command line sdk. Now what do I do? I assume I type in something
    and that something will include the file path to my mxml file that
    I want compiled. What are the commands for the sdk so I can do
    I hope I'm on the right track :-)

    Change to the Flex bin directory and use mxmlc like this:
    mxmlc path/to/my/App.mxml
    This should create a SWF file that you can then run. If you
    plan on posting the app somewhere, you'll probably want to create
    an HTML wrapper. You can use the wrappers in the html-templates
    For more info on using mxmlc, see the online help (type
    "mxmlc -help list") or look in the Compilers chapter of the
    Building and Deploying book. For more on using the wrappers, look
    in the wrappers chapter of the same book.
    matt horn
    flex docs

  • SDK newby, Building my first sample – no go...

    Hi all
    I would like to get into building ID extensions.
    I am currently trying to work through the "getting-started.pdf".
    My Mac and tools.
    iMac with OS 10.7.3
    InDesign CS 5.5 (Version 7.5)
    Xcode Version 4.2.1 Build 4D502
    I installed "Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK" inside my "Applications" Folder
    I follow the instructions in the "getting-started":
    Start by double-clicking on any SDK sample project.
    This boots Xcode...
    From then on I can not make any sense of the instructions, ie
    1. Use the Active Target drop-down list on the top left corner of the project window to make sure you are
    building the desired target.
    2. Choose Build > Rebuild ### to do a clean rebuild of the project.
    I then tried the Terminal approach to things...
    The xcodebuild utility is useful for building XCode projects on the command line. For example, the
    following builds the release target of the Basic dialog project:
    xcodebuild -project BasicDialog.sdk.xcodeproj -target Release build
    Yes I did cd myself into the correct folder first. But this made no difference.
    We recommend that you have both the debug and
    release applications. The debug application is
    instrumented to detect bugs and is essential to
    successful plug-in development.
    What does that mean? Is there a different ID 5.5 that I need? Where do I get this?
    Thank you for any hints

    Here is the dump Terminal.
    Not sure if this means anything to anybody...
    studer-imac:prj studer$
    studer-imac:prj studer$ pwd
    /Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj
    studer-imac:prj studer$ xcodebuild -project BasicDialog.sdk.xcodeproj -target Release build
    2012-03-01 12:25:40.577 xcodebuild[1446:3e03] This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    2012-03-01 12:25:40.578 xcodebuild[1446:3e03] This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    2012-03-01 12:25:40.578 xcodebuild[1446:3e03] This process is attempting to exclude an item from Time Machine by path without administrator privileges. This is not supported.
    Check dependencies
    Preprocess build/ ../../../source/sdksamples/common/Info.plist
        cd "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        /Developer/usr/bin/gcc -E -P -x c -Wno-trigraphs ../../../source/sdksamples/common/Info.plist "-F/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK" -o "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ st"
    error: can't exec '/Developer/usr/bin/gcc' (No such file or directory)
    PhaseScriptExecution "Run Script" build/
        cd "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        setenv ACTION build
        setenv ALTERNATE_GROUP studer
        setenv ALTERNATE_MODE u+w,go-w,a+rX
        setenv ALTERNATE_OWNER studer
        setenv ALWAYS_REZ YES
        setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /AppleInternal/Developer
        setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DIR /AppleInternal
        setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /AppleInternal/Documentation
        setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_LIBRARY_DIR /AppleInternal/Library
        setenv APPLE_INTERNAL_TOOLS /AppleInternal/Developer/Tools
        setenv ARCHS i386
        setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_32_64_BIT "x86_64 i386 ppc"
        setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT "i386 ppc"
        setenv ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT x86_64
        setenv ASL_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "../../../external/asl/boost_libraries/ ../../../external/asl/intel_tbb_libraries/include/ ../../../external/asl/adobe_source_libraries/"
        setenv BIB_THROW BIB_NO_THROW
        setenv BUILD_COMPONENTS "headers build"
        setenv BUILD_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build"
        setenv BUILD_ROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build"
        setenv BUILD_STYLE Default
        setenv BUILD_VARIANTS normal
        setenv BUILT_APPLICATION_DIR ../../../build/mac/Release/packagefolder/contents/macos/
        setenv BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK"
        setenv CACHE_ROOT /var/folders/8s/vxz9psl48xl5j0006s6r9qlh0000gp/C/
        setenv CCHROOT /var/folders/8s/vxz9psl48xl5j0006s6r9qlh0000gp/C/
        setenv CHMOD /bin/chmod
        setenv CHOWN /usr/sbin/chown
        setenv CLASS_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv CLEAN_PRECOMPS YES
        setenv CLONE_HEADERS NO
        setenv CODESIGNING_FOLDER_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK/BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A"
        setenv COMMAND_MODE legacy
        setenv COMPOSITE_SDK_DIRS /var/folders/8s/vxz9psl48xl5j0006s6r9qlh0000gp/C/
        setenv CONFIGURATION Default
        setenv CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK"
        setenv CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv CONTENTS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A
        setenv COPY_PHASE_STRIP YES
        setenv CP /bin/cp
        setenv CURRENT_ARCH i386
        setenv CURRENT_VARIANT normal
        setenv CURRENT_VERSION Current
        setenv DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT dwarf
        setenv DERIVED_FILES_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv DERIVED_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications
        setenv DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin
        setenv DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer
        setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR /Developer/Library/Frameworks
        setenv DEVELOPER_FRAMEWORKS_DIR_QUOTED "\"/Developer/Library/Frameworks\""
        setenv DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library
        setenv DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs
        setenv DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools
        setenv DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr
        setenv DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE English
        setenv DOCUMENTATION_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/Documentation
        setenv DSTROOT /tmp/BasicDialog.sdk.dst
        setenv DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin.dSYM
        setenv DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK"
        setenv DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE ./
        setenv EXCLUDED_RECURSIVE_SEARCH_PATH_SUBDIRECTORIES "*.nib *.lproj *.framework *.gch (*) CVS .svn *.xcodeproj *.xcode *.pbproj *.pbxproj"
        setenv EXECUTABLES_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj
        setenv EXECUTABLE_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A
        setenv EXECUTABLE_NAME BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv EXECUTABLE_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv FILE_LIST "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv FIXED_FILES_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Frameworks
        setenv FRAMEWORK_FLAG_PREFIX -framework
        setenv FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS "\"/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK\"  ../../../build/mac/release/packagefolder/contents/macos ../../../build/mac/release/packagefolder/contents/Frameworks"
        setenv FRAMEWORK_VERSION A
        setenv FULL_PRODUCT_NAME BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin
        setenv GCC3_VERSION 3.3
        setenv GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI YES
        setenv GCC_INPUT_FILETYPE sourcecode.cpp.cpp
        setenv GCC_MODEL_TUNING G5
        setenv GCC_PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS "c objective-c c++ objective-c++"
        setenv GCC_PREFIX_HEADER ../../../source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch
        setenv GCC_VERSION 4.0
        setenv GCC_VERSION_IDENTIFIER __0
        setenv GCC_WARN_SHADOW YES
        setenv GID 502
        setenv GROUP studer
        setenv HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "\"/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK/include\" /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon ../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/precomp/gcc ../../../source/public/includes  ../../../source/public/interfaces/architecture ../../../source/public/interfaces/utils ../../../source/public/interfaces/xmedia ../../../source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes ../../../source/open/includes/** ../../../source/open/interfaces/** ../../../source/open/libs/widgetbin/includes ../../../external/asl/boost_libraries/ ../../../external/asl/intel_tbb_libraries/include/ ../../../external/asl/adobe_source_libraries/ ../../../external/afl/includes ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/public/interfaces/xmedia ../../../source/public/interfaces/ui ../../../source/public/interfaces/tables ../../../source/public/interfaces/text ../../../source/public/interfaces/graphics ../../../source/public/components/widgetbin/includes ../../../source/public/interfaces/workgroup ../../../source/public/interfaces/interactive ../../../source/public/interfaces/interactive/ui ../../../source/public/interfaces/colormgmt ../../../source/public/interfaces/utils ../../../source/public/interfaces/incopy ../../../source/public/interfaces/layout ../../../source/public/interfaces/architecture ../../../source/public/interfaces/cjk ../../../source/public/facades/graphics ../../../source/public/facades/text ../../../source/public/facades/layout ../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/public/includes ../../../source/public/components/publiclib/plugins ../../../source/public/components/publiclib/files ../../../source/public/components/publiclib/objectmodel ../../../source/sdksamples/common ../../../external/afl/includes"
        setenv ICONV /usr/bin/iconv
        setenv IC_CREATOR "\"InCp\""
        setenv ID_ALLPUBLIC_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/precomp/gcc ../../../source/public/includes ../../../source/public/interfaces/** ../../../source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes"
        setenv ID_APPLICATION_TYPE "\"APPL\""
        setenv ID_BUILT_SDK_SAMPLES_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK"
        setenv ID_COMMON_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon ../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/precomp/gcc ../../../source/public/includes  ../../../source/public/interfaces/architecture ../../../source/public/interfaces/utils ../../../source/public/interfaces/xmedia ../../../source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes ../../../source/open/includes/** ../../../source/open/interfaces/** ../../../source/open/libs/widgetbin/includes ../../../external/asl/boost_libraries/ ../../../external/asl/intel_tbb_libraries/include/ ../../../external/asl/adobe_source_libraries/"
        setenv ID_COMMON_REZ_SEARCH_PATHS "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon ../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/public/includes"
        setenv ID_CREATOR "\"InDn\""
        setenv ID_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release"
        setenv ID_FUTURE_VERSION_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/packagefolder/contents/macos/future version"
        setenv ID_OPEN_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "../../../source/open/includes/** ../../../source/open/interfaces/** ../../../source/open/libs/widgetbin/includes"
        setenv ID_PLUGINS_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/plug-ins"
        setenv ID_PLUGIN_OPTIONAL_TYPE "\"InDa\""
        setenv ID_PLUGIN_REQUIRED_TYPE "\"InDr\""
        setenv ID_PLUGIN_SDK_TYPE "\"InD3\""
        setenv ID_PRJ_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        setenv ID_PUBLIC_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS "../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/precomp/gcc ../../../source/public/includes  ../../../source/public/interfaces/architecture ../../../source/public/interfaces/utils ../../../source/public/interfaces/xmedia ../../../source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes"
        setenv ID_REQUIRED_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/packagefolder/contents/macos/required"
        setenv ID_SDK_ROOT ../../..
        setenv ID_SHARED_PRECOMPS_ROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/SharedPrecompiledHeaders"
        setenv ID_TESTING_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/packagefolder/contents/macos/testing"
        setenv ID_TOOLS_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/tools"
        setenv INFOPLISTSTRINGS_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
        setenv INFOPLIST_FILE ../../../source/sdksamples/common/Info.plist
        setenv INFOPLIST_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input
        setenv INFOPLIST_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist
        setenv INSTALL_DIR /tmp/BasicDialog.sdk.dst./
        setenv INSTALL_GROUP studer
        setenv INSTALL_MODE_FLAG u+w,go-w,a+rX
        setenv INSTALL_OWNER studer
        setenv INSTALL_PATH ./
        setenv INSTALL_ROOT /tmp/BasicDialog.sdk.dst
        setenv JAVAC_DEFAULT_FLAGS "-J-Xms64m -J-XX:NewSize=4M -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"
        setenv JAVA_APP_STUB /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
        setenv JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPE JAR
        setenv JAVA_COMPILER /usr/bin/javac
        setenv JAVA_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/Java
        setenv JAVA_FRAMEWORK_RESOURCES_DIRS Resources
        setenv JAVA_JAR_FLAGS cv
        setenv JAVA_SOURCE_SUBDIR .
        setenv JAVA_ZIP_FLAGS -urg
        setenv LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME ./BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv LD_GENERATE_MAP_FILE NO
        setenv LD_MAP_FILE_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ ap-normal-i386.txt"
        setenv LD_OPENMP_FLAGS -fopenmp
        setenv LEX /Developer/usr/bin/lex
        setenv LIBRARY_FLAG_PREFIX -l
        setenv LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS "\"/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK\"  ../../../build/mac/release/packagefolder/contents/macos/libs"
        setenv LINK_FILE_LIST_normal_i386 "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ asicDialog.sdk.LinkFileList"
        setenv LOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/English.lproj
        setenv LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities
        setenv LOCAL_APPS_DIR /Applications
        setenv LOCAL_DEVELOPER_DIR /Library/Developer
        setenv LOCAL_LIBRARY_DIR /Library
        setenv MACH_O_TYPE mh_dylib
        setenv MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET 10.5
        setenv MACOSX_SDKVERSION 1050
        setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_ACTUAL 1073
        setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAJOR 1070
        setenv MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MINOR 0703
        setenv NATIVE_ARCH i386
        setenv NATIVE_ARCH_32_BIT i386
        setenv NATIVE_ARCH_64_BIT x86_64
        setenv NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL x86_64
        setenv NO_COMMON YES
        setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv OBJECT_FILE_DIR_normal "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv OBJROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build"
        setenv ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH NO
        setenv OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL 0
        setenv OS MACOS
        setenv OSAC /usr/bin/osacompile
        setenv OS_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon
        setenv OTHER_LDFLAGS "-Wl,-executable_path -Wl,../../../build/mac/Release/packagefolder/contents/macos/"
        setenv OTHER_REZFLAGS "-d __GNUC__ -d MACINTOSH"
        setenv PACKAGE_TYPE
        setenv PASCAL_STRINGS YES
        setenv PATH_PREFIXES_EXCLUDED_FROM_HEADER_DEPENDENCIES "/usr/include /usr/local/include /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /Developer/Headers /Developer/SDKs /Developer/Platforms"
        setenv PBDEVELOPMENTPLIST_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/pbdevelopment.plist
        setenv PER_ARCH_CFLAGS_i386 -DMACTEL_SKIP
        setenv PFE_FILE_C_DIALECTS c++
        setenv PKGINFO_FILE_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv PKGINFO_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/PkgInfo
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_APPLICATIONS_DIR /Developer/Applications
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_LIBRARY_DIR /Developer/Library
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DIR /Developer/Tools
        setenv PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr
        setenv PLATFORM_NAME macosx
        setenv PLC_INCLUDES "/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon ../../../source/precomp/** ../../../source/public/includes ../../../source/components/documentui ../../../source/components/documentactions ../../../source/application/shared ../../../source/components/s4sp/control/includes ../../../source/components/kfkerning/hzincludes ../../../source/components/filters/pngfilter ../../../external/application\\ icons ../../../external/workflow\\ icons"
        setenv PLC_OUTPUT_CREATOR InDn
        setenv PLC_OUTPUT_TYPE InDa
        setenv PLIST_FILE_OUTPUT_FORMAT same-as-input
        setenv PLUGINS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources
        setenv PREBINDING NO
        setenv PRECOMP_DESTINATION_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv PRIVATE_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/PrivateHeaders
        setenv PRODUCT_NAME BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv PRODUCT_SETTINGS_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../../../source/sdksamples/common/Info.plist"
        setenv PRODUCT_TYPE
        setenv PROFILING_CODE NO
        setenv PROJECT BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv PROJECT_DERIVED_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv PROJECT_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        setenv PROJECT_FILE_PATH "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/BasicDialog.sdk.xcodeproj"
        setenv PROJECT_NAME BasicDialog.sdk
        setenv PROJECT_TEMP_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Headers
        setenv REZ_COLLECTOR_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ ces"
        setenv REZ_OBJECTS_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ ces/Objects"
        setenv REZ_SEARCH_PATHS "\"/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK\" /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon ../../../source/precomp/common ../../../source/precomp/msvc ../../../source/public/includes ../../../external/palettes ../../../external/workflow icons"
        setenv SCRIPTS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/Scripts
        setenv SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_COUNT 0
        setenv SDKROOT /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
        setenv SDK_DIR /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk
        setenv SDK_NAME macosx10.5
        setenv SED /usr/bin/sed
        setenv SEPARATE_STRIP NO
        setenv SHARED_DERIVED_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK/DerivedSources"
        setenv SHARED_FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/SharedFrameworks
        setenv SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/SharedPrecompiledHeaders/Release"
        setenv SHARED_SUPPORT_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources
        setenv SKIP_INSTALL YES
        setenv SOURCE_ROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        setenv SRCROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj"
        setenv STANDARD_C_PLUS_PLUS_LIBRARY_TYPE dynamic
        setenv STRIP_STYLE debugging
        setenv SYMBOL_REPOSITORY_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv SYMROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build"
        setenv SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS_DIR /Applications/Utilities
        setenv SYSTEM_APPS_DIR /Applications
        setenv SYSTEM_CORE_SERVICES_DIR /System/Library/CoreServices
        setenv SYSTEM_DEMOS_DIR /Applications/Extras
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_APPS_DIR /Developer/Applications
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_BIN_DIR /Developer/usr/bin
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DEMOS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Built Examples"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR /Developer
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_GRAPHICS_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Graphics Tools"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_JAVA_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Java Tools"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_PERFORMANCE_TOOLS_DIR "/Developer/Applications/Performance Tools"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS /Developer/Tools
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_DOC_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/documentation/DeveloperTools"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_TOOLS_RELEASENOTES_DIR "/Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools"
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR /Developer/usr
        setenv SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_UTILITIES_DIR /Developer/Applications/Utilities
        setenv SYSTEM_DOCUMENTATION_DIR /Library/Documentation
        setenv SYSTEM_LIBRARY_DIR /System/Library
        setenv TARGETNAME Release
        setenv TARGET_BUILD_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/../Release/SDK"
        setenv TARGET_NAME Release
        setenv TARGET_TEMP_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv TEMP_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv TEMP_FILES_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv TEMP_FILE_DIR "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/"
        setenv TEMP_ROOT "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build"
        setenv UID 502
        setenv UNLOCALIZED_RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources
        setenv USER studer
        setenv USER_APPS_DIR /Users/studer/Applications
        setenv USER_LIBRARY_DIR /Users/studer/Library
        setenv USE_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC YES
        setenv USE_HEADERMAP YES
        setenv VALIDATE_PRODUCT NO
        setenv VALID_ARCHS "i386 x86_64"
        setenv VERBOSE_PBXCP NO
        setenv VERSIONPLIST_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions/A/Resources/version.plist
        setenv VERSIONS_FOLDER_PATH BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin/Versions
        setenv VERSION_INFO_BUILDER studer
        setenv VERSION_INFO_FILE BasicDialog.sdk_vers.c
        setenv VERSION_INFO_STRING "\"@(#)PROGRAM:BasicDialog.sdk  PROJECT:BasicDialog.sdk-\""
        setenv WARNING_CFLAGS "-Wchar-subscripts -Wimplicit -Wsequence-point -Winit-self -Wmissing-field-initializers -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wpacked"
        setenv WRAPPER_EXTENSION InDesignPlugin
        setenv WRAPPER_NAME BasicDialog.sdk.InDesignPlugin
        setenv WRAPPER_SUFFIX .InDesignPlugin
        setenv XCODE_APP_SUPPORT_DIR /Developer/Library/Xcode
        setenv XCODE_VERSION_ACTUAL 0323
        setenv XCODE_VERSION_MAJOR 0300
        setenv XCODE_VERSION_MINOR 0320
        setenv YACC /Developer/usr/bin/yacc
        /bin/sh -c "\"/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/\""
    ** BUILD FAILED **
    The following build commands failed:
              Preprocess "/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5 SDK/build/mac/prj/build/ st" ../../../source/sdksamples/common/Info.plist
    (1 failure)
    studer-imac:prj studer$

  • Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. Failed to attach update to the automation wrapper, error = 0x87d00215_

    I recently tried to deploy Windows 7 update to my client computers. I am able to download and distribute it to DP, but somehow it wouldn't install into my client computers. Can anyone help me? Below text is copied from my scanagent.log and updatesdeployment.log
    files from my client computer.
    Any assistance is highly appreciated.
    - - Calling back to client on Scan request complete... ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:01:17 AM 77868 (0x1302C)
    CScanAgent::ScanComplete- Scan completion received. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:01:17 AM 77868 (0x1302C)
    - -Processing Scan Job TTL invalidity request ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:04:34 AM 75864 (0x12858)
    - -Processing Scan Job TTL invalidity request ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:09:29 AM 80536 (0x13A98)
    *****ScanByUpdates request received with ForceReScan=0, ScanOptions=0x00000008,  WSUSLocationTimeout = 604800 ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    Found CategoryID of :bfe5b177-a086-47a0-b102-097e4fa1f807 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    CScanAgent::ScanByUpdates - Found UpdateClassification 0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    Sources are Valid, so converting to Offline Scan. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): CScanJob::Scan- Requesting Offline Scan with last known location. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    No CatScan history exists ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): CScanJob::Execute- Requesting scan with CategoryIDs=BFE5B177-A086-47A0-B102-097E4FA1F807 ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): Scan Succeeded, setting flag that performed scan was catscan ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): CScanJob::OnScanComplete - Scan completed successfully, ScanType=2 ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete -ScanJob is completed. ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    ScanJob({1B5BE021-EAEF-43E2-A7A2-329D803F2248}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete - Reporting Scan request complete to clients... ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    - - Calling back to client on Scan request complete... ScanAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 90080 (0x15FE0)
    Message received: '<?xml version='1.0' ?><SoftwareUpdatesMessage MessageType='EvaluateAssignments'><UseCachedResults>False</UseCachedResults></SoftwareUpdatesMessage>' UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:04:34 AM 75864
    Removing scan history to force non cached results UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:04:34 AM 75864 (0x12858)
    Evaluation initiated for (0) assignments. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:04:34 AM 75864 (0x12858)
    Message received: '<?xml version='1.0' ?><SoftwareUpdatesMessage MessageType='EvaluateAssignments'><UseCachedResults>False</UseCachedResults></SoftwareUpdatesMessage>' UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:09:29 AM 80536
    Removing scan history to force non cached results UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:09:29 AM 80536 (0x13A98)
    Evaluation initiated for (0) assignments. UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:09:29 AM 80536 (0x13A98)
    Message received: '<?xml version='1.0' ?>
     <CIAssignmentMessage MessageType='EnforcementDeadline'>
     </CIAssignmentMessage>' UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Assignment {85D3A208-0AE4-46F6-87C3-8A94CCA8361C} has total CI = 1 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Deadline received for assignment ({85D3A208-0AE4-46F6-87C3-8A94CCA8361C}) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Detection job ({D4D22069-E341-476B-9048-4C4FAFF7075D}) started for assignment ({85D3A208-0AE4-46F6-87C3-8A94CCA8361C}) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:32 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    DetectJob completion received for assignment ({85D3A208-0AE4-46F6-87C3-8A94CCA8361C}) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_SoftwareUpdate, instance CCM_SoftwareUpdate.UpdateID="Site_95D1BDFA-B063-4820-8D5D-497ECA9F10BB/SUM_eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6", actionType 12l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l,
    verbosity 30l UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Update (Site_95D1BDFA-B063-4820-8D5D-497ECA9F10BB/SUM_eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6) added to the targeted list of deployment ({85D3A208-0AE4-46F6-87C3-8A94CCA8361C}) UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 94188 (0x16FEC)
    Failed to attach update to the automation wrapper, error = 0x87d00215 UpdatesDeploymentAgent 4/10/2014 8:50:41 AM 83412 (0x145D4)

    Tested on the following steps:
    1.       Start an elevated command prompt,and run wbemtest.exe
    2.       Click Connect, and specify the path: root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent and connect
    3.       Select Query, and type select * from DownloadContentRequestEx2
    4.        Select query, and select * from downloadinfoex2
    5.       Delete each instance that returned by the query.
    6.       Restart SMS Agent Host service, and check to confirm the instances didn’t come back.
    7.       Trigger Software update evaluation cycle and try to install update again
    Didn't managed to execute step[5] as there is nothing for me to delete. Once I ran through the above steps, I noticed the following error in ScanAgent.log file. Also, I found some error in ClientIDManagerStartup.log. Can anyone tell me what is wrong
    here? Thanks
    *****ScanByUpdates request received with ForceReScan=0, ScanOptions=0x00000008,  WSUSLocationTimeout = 604800 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    Found CategoryID of :bfe5b177-a086-47a0-b102-097e4fa1f807 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    CScanAgent::ScanByUpdates - Found UpdateClassification 0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    Sources are Valid, so converting to Offline Scan. 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    ScanJob({8985F022-97C1-4D5E-80FF-4385E36D3316}): CScanJob::Scan- Requesting Offline Scan with last known location. 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    Catscan history version is up-to-date and TTL is valid 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 108228 (0x1A6C4)
    ScanJob({8985F022-97C1-4D5E-80FF-4385E36D3316}): CScanJob::Execute - SKIPPING SCAN and Using cached results, ScanType=2 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 108228 (0x1A6C4)
    ScanJob({8985F022-97C1-4D5E-80FF-4385E36D3316}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete -ScanJob is completed. 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    ScanJob({8985F022-97C1-4D5E-80FF-4385E36D3316}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete - Reporting Scan request complete to clients... 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 105440 (0x19BE0)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 108228 (0x1A6C4)
    - - Calling back to client on Scan request complete... 4/10/2014 9:30:00 AM 108228 (0x1A6C4)
    - -Recovering persisted Scan requests... 4/10/2014 9:31:55 AM 106812 (0x1A13C)
    ScanJob({0A14B277-B6B7-4D3A-B945-9E9586EAA3B6}): CScanJob::Scan - Recovered Scan request waiting for ScanRetry, but MAX Scan Retry is completed. No Scan Retry will be attempted, returning E_FAIL. 4/10/2014 9:31:55 AM 106812 (0x1A13C)
    ScanJob({0A14B277-B6B7-4D3A-B945-9E9586EAA3B6}): CScanJobManager::Initialize - failed at CScanJob::Scan() with Error=0x80004005 4/10/2014 9:31:55 AM 106812 (0x1A13C)
    CScanAgent::OnStartup - failed at Initialize with error=0x80004005 4/10/2014 9:31:55 AM 106812 (0x1A13C)
    - -Processing Scan Job TTL invalidity request 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    *****ScanByUpdates request received with ForceReScan=0, ScanOptions=0x00000008,  WSUSLocationTimeout = 604800 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    Found CategoryID of :bfe5b177-a086-47a0-b102-097e4fa1f807 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    CScanAgent::ScanByUpdates - Found UpdateClassification 0fa1201d-4330-4fa8-8ae9-b877473b6441 for Update:eaf2ae60-e6f3-4d39-a014-ae25e07361a6 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    Sources are Valid, so converting to Offline Scan. 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): CScanJob::Scan- Requesting Offline Scan with last known location. 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    No CatScan history exists 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 106040 (0x19E38)
    Sources are current and valid. TTLs are however, invalid. 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 106040 (0x19E38)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): CScanJob::Execute- Requesting scan with CategoryIDs=BFE5B177-A086-47A0-B102-097E4FA1F807 4/10/2014 9:32:30 AM 106040 (0x19E38)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): Scan Succeeded, setting flag that performed scan was catscan 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): CScanJob::OnScanComplete - Scan completed successfully, ScanType=2 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete -ScanJob is completed. 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    ScanJob({5FD26726-F1E3-4C33-BF65-21EFEF9EC0BF}): CScanJobManager::OnScanComplete - Reporting Scan request complete to clients... 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 107756 (0x1A4EC)
    - - -Evaluating Update Status... 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 106040 (0x19E38)
    - - Calling back to client on Scan request complete... 4/10/2014 9:32:44 AM 106040 (0x19E38)
    [----- SHUTDOWN -----] 4/10/2014 9:31:37 AM 3976 (0x0F88)
    [----- STARTUP -----] 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Machine: GHQ-ITD-LT036 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    OS Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    SCCM Client Version: 5.00.7804.1000 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    'RDV' Identity store does not support backup. 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    CCM Identity is in sync with Identity stores 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    'RDV' Identity store does not support backup. 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Client is set to use HTTPS when available. The current state is 480. 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Begin searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Completed searching client certificates based on Certificate Issuers 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Begin to select client certificate 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    There are no certificates in the 'MY' store. 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Raising event:
    instance of CCM_ServiceHost_CertRetrieval_Status
     ClientID = "GUID:88760DF6-ABF1-4131-829D-365431082860";
     DateTime = "20141004013141.072000+000";
     HRESULT = "0x87d00280";
     ProcessID = 104240;
     ThreadID = 105612;
     4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Failed to submit event to the Status Agent. Attempting to create pending event. 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Raising pending event:
    instance of CCM_ServiceHost_CertRetrieval_Status
     ClientID = "GUID:88760DF6-ABF1-4131-829D-365431082860";
     DateTime = "20141004013141.072000+000";
     HRESULT = "0x87d00280";
     ProcessID = 104240;
     ThreadID = 105612;
     4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Unable to find PKI Certificate matching SCCM certificate selection criteria. 0x87d00280 4/10/2014 9:31:41 AM 105612 (0x19C8C)
    Initializing registration renewal for potential PKI issued certificate changes. 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    Succesfully intialized registration renewal. 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    [RegTask] - Executing registration task synchronously. 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    [RegTask] - Client is already registered. Exiting. 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    Read SMBIOS (encoded): 3600320039003500350031002D003000310052003300390030003000300030003100 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    Evaluated SMBIOS (encoded): 3600320039003500350031002D003000310052003300390030003000300030003100 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    No SMBIOS Changed 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    SMBIOS unchanged 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    SID unchanged 4/10/2014 9:31:49 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    HWID unchanged 4/10/2014 9:31:51 AM 103528 (0x19468)
    GetSystemEnclosureChassisInfo: IsFixed=TRUE, IsLaptop=TRUE 4/10/2014 9:31:51 AM 103528 (0x19468)

  • Using Eclipse 3.1 SDK to implement Web Services

    I am using Eclipse3.1 as the SDK for developing Web Services from Java Classes, and I have created two Web Services: X and Y. I need to make X a client to Y; therefore, I have been searching the Internet on how I can implement this. I got many references; some of them uses JAX and others use "" and " packages", but so far I cannot make it. When I try to import "", I got an error that the name of the package cannot be resolved. If any one has a suggestion of best practice in this or telling me why I cannot import "", I will be really appreciating as this is very impotant for my MSc. Thesis.
    Best regards for all

    It does look like a bug. I can offer the following workaround.
    Create a Manual Web reference as described here:
    section "Creating a Web Service Manually"
    based on the WSDL below, you would enter the following for URL and Action:
    Action: process
    Also, enter a name for an APEX collection to store the response, such as GET_ITEM_RESPONSE.
    For the SOAP Envelope, paste in the one that works from SOAPUI or use BPEL Control to get the envelope. Instead of static values for the parameters you use #ITEM_NAME# substitutions. So if the page generated by the wizard was on page 1, it would look something like:
    <inputVariable><part xmlns:xsi="" name="payload"><get:Item xmlns:get="">
    (with the proper SOAP Envelope wrapper around it)
    Now go to page 1 (assuming that was the page created by the wizard) and remove the current process of type Web service on that page. Add a new process of type Web service, choose Manual, and choose the manual one you created above.
    Follow the instructions in the section titled "Displaying Web Service Results in a Report" at the link above to create a report on the result.
    There is also an advanced tutorial using Manual Web references you may wish to review:
    Hope that helps,

  • (Un)Managed Wrapper calling LabView-Dll

    I am focused with a strange behaviour which i could not explain.
    I had to extend the NI272x in my C++ unmanaged environment for a StepType that descripes a functional testsystem.
    Unfortuanately NI provieds no C Api for this devices. But LabView drivers were available. So i made LabView Wrapper
    to consume it. This is worked fine.
    A current extension development is done in C#. It loads the old unmanaged StepType-Dll during runtime. If the LabView Dll is
    used. I am not able to load the DLL with C# via SDK LoadLibrary to memory.
    To understand whats going on i have provied a small project that descripes the task.
    =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e= Click on the Star and see what happens :-) =s=i=g=n=a=t=u=r=e=
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏129 KB

    I believe the problem is that the dll you are loading has dependent dlls. The normal behavior of LoadLibrary does NOT automatically look for dependent dlls in the same directory as the dll you are loading. You should use LoadLibraryEx with the LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH option instead (This is what teststand uses when loading dlls with the c++ adapter). See Microsoft's help info on MSDN for more details about LoadLibraryEx and LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH.
    Hope this helps,

  • Using SDK objects(coded in VB) .dll

    Hi Dukes,
    I have to import & export data into Pastel using it's SDK objects that are written in VB. I've read all I can about JNI(tutorial) and went through most of the previous topics regarding this issue and found some usefull information, but nothing that is working so far. My questions are:
    1. I only know the methods name and their paramaters, but not what they return. I got some sample code in VB that uses these methods, so do I have to convert this code into C before i can access it from my native methods. And would I call the VB methods that uses the SDK methods or do I call the SDK methods directly?
    2. I read that I have to create a wrapper .dll.....How on earth do I do this :)
    3. If after all this, I get it running, is it possible to query my database using Java then passing the array elements into VB where they will be used by the SDK objects to be passed into Pastel's database?
    I've asked the same question at many other forums and allot of people read it but no one replied, I'm not sure why. If my questions are unclear please let me know then I will try to be more specific. Hope some of you genuises out there can help me. :)
    Thanks in advance!!!

    1. I only know the methods name and their paramaters,
    but not what they return. I got some sample code in VB
    that uses these methods, so do I have to convert this
    code into C before i can access it from my native
    methods. And would I call the VB methods that uses the
    SDK methods or do I call the SDK methods directly?Your not going to be able to invoke the SDK methods directly from your Java class, you will have to write a C/C++ dll that calls the methods with the appropriate JNI elements built into it. Then you would load this dll through JNI in your Java class. In your Java class you will call a native method which is associated with the C/C++ dll method of the same name, which will in turn call that method in the C/C++ dll which will call the method in the VB dll. Not very neat but its all you got.
    2. I read that I have to create a wrapper .dll.....How
    on earth do I do this :)Read the JNI tutorial on this site, it has a step by step procedure on creating a C/C++ dll which calls native methods and how to use it with Java. I don't know the URL to the tutorial off hand but you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it.
    3. If after all this, I get it running, is it possible
    to query my database using Java then passing the array
    elements into VB where they will be used by the SDK
    objects to be passed into Pastel's database?I not even gonna touch that one.

  • Error when installing java se sdk  6.16

    Hi All,
    while installing java se 6.16 sdk I get this error: " Installer: Wrapper.WriteFile(In small chunks) failed with error 112: there is not enough space on the disk."
    I can not figure this out as my hard drive has 207Gb free.
    any help apreciated.
    Best Regards

    I'm seeing exactly the same problem with JDK 6 Update 17 under Windows XP. I've got plenty of disk space. Anyone got any suggestions?

  • Lookin for html wrapper example

    All I have done so far is using the Flex Builder to generate
    the html wrapper that embeds/hosts the swf file. I am new to
    Javascript and would like to learn more about embedding the Flex
    swf in html, particularly customizing it, such as embedding
    multiple swf files in different areas of the page.
    Are there any good examples, or tutorials? Thanks!

    Hi webvalue,
    I second buabco's suggestion that you focus your efforts
    around swfobject.
    Per the post here in the Flex JIRA, Flex Product Manager Matt
    Chotin indicates that future versions of Flex will be switching to
    generating wrapper code using swfobject:
    The SWFObject home is here:
    For a default Flex template using SWFObject, this link looks

Maybe you are looking for