Hi ,my son has recently bought a new macbookpro, after a full charged battery at 100% ,the battery said (in time) 3hours 49 mins,then within 2 mins,dropped to 3hours 4mins,then was draining down ,So he decided after reading on this forum & checking with Applecare tech guys to Recalibrate the battery ,so he used an app called COCONUT BATTERY to keep a record of the battery datails & strangely enough before he calibrated it,at 100% it said 5774mAh at 2 cycles then after he properly calibrated the battery it has dropped to 5634mAh & it says fully charged but wont go to 100% it reaches 99% on a full charge?
Can anyone help us out with any advice why a brand new MBPro battery is behaving so odd & after only 4 cycles ,it says fully charged at only 99% & the mAh has dropped quite a lot.

it says fully charged but wont go to 100% it reaches 99% on a full charge?
And it may not:

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    Thanks, Chris
    5G iPod Video   Windows 2000  

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    Well, can you use the notebook without the battery but only in connection with the AC adaptor?
    If yes, then the AC adaptor is OK and fully compatible.
    The Ac Adaptor should support the 19V and 9,5A
    The Ampere (A) value could be a little bit different. This is no matter but the Volt (V) value has to be the same 19V
    In your case the battery could be faulty or there is some problem with power supply electronic on the motherboard.
    But I think the battery should be checked firstly

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    Does anyone have any idea what my problem could be? I have read so many forums and spent hours trying to get to the bottom of this with no luck yet. Alot of other people seem to have this same problem happen when they replaced there battery or LCD but cant find a solution. I contacted IFIXIT and they thought it could be a bad battery and are sending me out a new one next day shipping. That was before i tested my old battery and found out it has nothing to do with a bad battery it just wont take a charge now. Any help will be greatly appreciated i no longer have apple-care so that's not a option. i was told to maybe clean all the connections with alchol but im a bit nervous that could cause more problems?

    konradsa wrote:
    Ok, you go and pay that 80 bucks, I will go have a nice dinner with the money I saved.
    Fair market value for a legitimate iPhone battery would be about $40-50.  If you're paying anything less than that, then you're getting an inferior battery.  How much did you pay for the replacement battery?  Let's assume you didn't get scammed, and actually did purchase a quality (albeit unauthorized) battery.
    So, you saved about $30-40.  Okay, good so far.  However, now you run the risk of:
    A) The installation was performed incorrectly, and causes a problem down the road.
    B) The battery or iPhone has a related issue within the next few months, and you pay for another battery and/or another installation, because the first one didn't fix the problem.
    C) That battery wasn't actually a quality battery; it was just priced like one, and it leaks, expands, causes a fire, etc.
    There's a phrase you need to learn; penny wise and pound foolish.
    Depending on the context, it has various meanings.  In this context, it means you are trying to save a little bit of money in the short term, but failing to see the possible long term costs.
    Let's take a hypothetical:
    I have an iPhone 6 Plus, 128 GB.  Retail cost:  $949 USD + tax.
    My battery needs to be replaced.  Apple quotes me $79 USD + tax.  I find a place in the mall called 'iFix iPhones 4 U' that will do it for $40, parts and labor included.
    "Heh, dumb Apple, they think I'm a sucker.  I'm saving me $39 and taking my girl out to a fancy place, like Red Lobster!" (sarcasm intended)
    About three months later, I notice that my iPhone 6 Plus is getting really warm.  Like, toasty warm, almost enough to burn my skin.
    I go back to the kiosk in the mall that replaced my battery.  They tell me they don't warranty their work past five days, and they could replace the battery again for $40, if I want.  Great.  Now I've broken even, but at least I have that great Red Lobster dinner memory!
    A few weeks later, the screen flashes red, and the iPhone locks up.
    The kiosk guy tells me he's down, and to go somewhere else.  He's sick of seeing me, because he's already got my money, and there's a sign that says 'All sales final'.  What am I gonna do?  Hire a lawyer over $80?
    Maybe Apple can help.  I go to the Apple Store, explain my case, they inspect my iPhone, and then tell me they cannot replace the battery because the device has had unauthorized service.  Dang.  Okay, but I've heard that I can get an iPhone 6 Plus exchanged, even if it's damaged, for $329.  Surely they will do that, right?
    Nope.  Unauthorized modifications void ALL support options from Apple.  Meaning I cannot get it replaced by Apple.  So, what are my options?
    A) Pay another $949 USD + tax to get another iPhone 6 Plus 128 GB.
    B) Find another unauthorized shop and try my luck again... and again... and again.
    Guess I'm not going to Red Lobster anytime soon.
    “For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
    For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
    For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
    For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
    For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
    And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”
    TL;DR Version: Saving $30-40 bucks today might end up costing you 20x as much later on.
    Instead of that nice dinner, chew on that instead.

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    If you have all your music on the cmputer then i would connect up my phone uncheck the Sync Music option and apply.
    This should take all the music off your phone .Then you can resync the music back on to it.
    If this doesn't work maybe a restore to factory settings and start from scratch is the way to go

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    However, now, instead of going into sleep mode when battery runs down, the computer turns off. This happens when the battery gets down to around 15 minutes on the menu bar.
    I don't mind (at least not too much) the computer turning off before the minute counter gets down to the end, but not going into sleep mode is a problem, as I lose whatever I'm working on.
    This problem has probably been covered on this board, but I haven't been able to find it.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Same problem! Does your battery icon in the menu bar go red at about one hour run time left? What about the Amperage number in the About this Mac - is it a negative number?
    See both my posts:
    I too can live with this, just wondering if you are having the same issues I am.
    Have you spoken with any of the technicians? They told me someone with a G4 just called with the same issues, was it you?
    Mrs H

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    Do you place the ipod in the dock during the night? I did this once and the other day the battery was almost empty because it kept on playing after it rested in the dock.
    Here is more info about battery life and exchange program:

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    will final cut pro X 10.0.8  still be available for purchase after the new final cut pro release for mavericks/new macpro in december?

    10.0.8 is no longer available, except in the trial version. The current sale version is 10.0.9. Apple has never sold older versions of their software, only the current version. That's not going to change in the near future.

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    once i downloaded the new updated my battery runs low really fast and takes a day or 2 to get it fully charge know anyway i can fix it?

    simged2 wrote:
    it started losing battery when i updated to ios7
    See this discussion...

  • Blackberry 9320 broken,9360 on the same route due to "battery to low for radio use" etc

    My previous blackberry 9320 ,which I can't use anymore, aswell as my 9360 that's on the same route as the previous one started out in the beginning with
    -battery to low for radio use(which I would turn back on)
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    Problems got worse ,as if I allready can't use a memory card because all 3 got broken somehow,but after that it started saying "battery to low for radio use" then my battery would in a matter of seconds drain and then a message I get atleast 30 times a day "battery drained,shuttingdown handheld". It gets worse, then it says the same message ,but only this time the battery is full, because the phone must be pluged in too a charger to be able to start, and as I call it, then has to be on "life-support"(charging like 24/7). These problems seem to be activated by high radio use or just plainly to irretate a person. I'm very dissatisfied with blackberry and I seek answers. now here comes the catch, I took my previouse blackberry,the 9320, in 2 times to get the software updated and the last time they couldn't say why this is happening , aswell as try putting another(new) blackberry 9320 battery in the phone. It worked for 3 days,no kidding, and the same problems in their stages began.I fear my blackberry 9360 is on the same route and I'm dissatisfied with these products for its expensive and causing trouble. Please help me resolve this problem ???p.s both phones were newly bought since they are contract phones.

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Given that you've already begun formal service for this issue, I recommend you continue with that. After all, they said it was fixed, but it's not...don't you want to challenge them on that fact?
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • Expected life/capacity of new OEM battery?

    I replaced then battery in my MacBook Pro (13" 2.4 GHz C2D, 8GB RAM, 1TB HD, OSX 10.9.1) back in November because my battery life had fallennoff considerably. Coconut Battery showed it had fallen below 80% capacity.  I used a brand new Genuine Apple OEM battery.
    Fast forward to tonight. I had connected this MBP to my TV to watch a program w/family.  I turned the brightness all the way down.  jjust over two hours later, my MBP shut down with no warning.  I hooked up power cord and the machine booted.  I cranked up Coconut Battery and found:
    charge: 3%
    current capacity: 5292 mAh
    Design Capacity: 5770 mAh
    Battery load cycles: 17
    This seems rather week, especially compared to my old battery that went 6+ months before dropping to that capacity.

    Your question begs another question HOW is the battery treated.
    what was it before the movie?  .......3% is a problem level to ever drop the battery to.
    Contrary to popular myths about notebook batteries, there is protection circuitry in your Macbook and therefore you cannot ‘overcharge’ your notebook when plugged in and already fully charged.
    However if you do not plan on using your notebook for several hours, turn it off (plugged in or otherwise), since you do not want your Macbook ‘both always plugged in and in sleep mode’.
    A lot of battery experts call the use of Lithium-Ion cells the "80% Rule", meaning use 80% of the full charge or so, then recharge them for longer overall life. The only quantified damage done in the use of Lithium Ion batteries are instances where the internal notebook battery is “often drained very low”, this is bad general use of your notebook battery.
    A person who has, for example, 300 charge cycles on their battery and is recharging at say 40% remaining of a 100% charge has a better battery condition state than, say, another person who has 300 charge cycles on their battery and is recharging at say 10-15% remaining on a 100% charge. DoD (depth of discharge) is much more important on the wear and tear on your Macbook’s battery than the count of charge cycles. There is no set “mile” or wear from a charge cycle in specific. Frequent high depth of discharge rates (draining the battery very low) on a Lithium battery will hasten the lowering of maximum battery capacity.
    All batteries in any device are a consumable meant to be replaced eventually after much time, even under perfect use conditions.
    If the massive amount of data that exists on lithium batteries were to be condensed into a simplex, helpful, and memorable bit of information it would be:
    1. While realistically a bit impractical during normal everyday use, a lithium battery's longevity and its chemistry's health is most happy swinging back and forth between 20% and 85% charge roughly.
    2. Do not purposefully drain your battery very low (10% and less), and do not keep them charged often or always high (100%).
    3. Lithium batteries do not like the following:
    A: Deep discharges, as meaning roughly 10% or less on a frequent basis.
    B: Rapid discharges as referring to energy intensive gaming on battery on a frequent basis (in which case while gaming, if possible, do same on power rather than battery). This is a minor consideration.
    C: Constant inflation, as meaning always or most often on charge, and certainly not both in sleep mode and on charge always or often.
    From Apple on batteries:
    "Apple does not recommend leaving your portable plugged in all the time."

  • My iPad battery getting low quickly when im playing games. What should i do ?

    My iPad battery getting low quickly when im playing games. What should i do ?

    The quickest way (and really the only way) to charge your iPad is with the included 10W or 12W (5W on Mini) USB Power Adapter. iPad will also charge, although more slowly, when attached to a computer with a high-power USB port (many recent Mac computers) or with an iPhone Power Adapter (5W). When attached to a computer via a standard USB port (2.5W, most PCs or older Mac computers) iPad will charge very slowly (but iPad indicates not charging). Make sure your computer is on while charging iPad via USB. If iPad is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPad battery will continue to drain.
    Apple recommends that once a month you let the iPad fully discharge & then recharge to 100%.
    How to Calibrate Your Mac, iPhone, or iPad Battery
    At this link,3014-11.html , tests show that the iPad 2 battery (25 watt-hours) will charge to 90% in 3 hours 1 minute. It will charge to 100% in 4 hours 2 minutes. The new iPad has a larger capacity battery (42 watt-hours), so using the 10W charger will obviously take longer. If you are using your iPad while charging, it will take even longer. It's best to turn your new iPad OFF and charge over night. Also look at The iPad's charging challenge explained
    Also, if you have a 3rd generation iPad, look at
    Apple: iPad Battery Nothing to Get Charged Up About t/
    Apple Explains New iPad's Continued Charging Beyond 100% Battery Level beyond-100-battery-level/
    New iPad Takes Much Longer to Charge Than iPad 2 d-2.html
    Apple Batteries - iPad
    Extend iPad Battery Life (Look at pjl123 comment)
    New iPad Slow to Recharge, Barely Charges During Use uring_use.html
    Tips About Charging for New iPad 3 ad-3.html
    How to Save and Prolong the battery life of your new ipad
    Prolong battery lifespan for iPad / iPad 2 / iPad 3: charging tips
    iPhone, iPod, Using the iPad Charger
    Install and use Battery Doctor HD
    To Extend a Device’s Battery Life, Get to Know It Better
    iPad Battery Replacement
    In rare instances when using the Camera Connection Kit, you may notice that iPad does not charge after using the Camera Connection Kit. Disconnecting and reconnecting the iPad from the charger will resolve this issue.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Wont wake up after forced sleep when battery dies

    I have a new MacBookPro OSX 10.7.2 from the first day the laptop will wakeup from hibernation or sleep after the battery dies.
    I try to let the battery cycle fully before plugging in and reguaarly the laptop shutsdown when the battery is low.
    When i try to turn it back on it starts the wake up process with indicator bars showing progress, then it stops at about three bars and just beeps indefinatly until i power off the machine when i turn it back on it comes up but ive lost everything i was working on!
    very frustrating, why wont it properly wake up after a low battery hibernation??!????

    bradchand wrote:
    I have a new MacBookPro OSX 10.7.2 from the first day the laptop will wakeup from hibernation or sleep after the battery dies.
    I try to let the battery cycle fully before plugging in and reguaarly the laptop shutsdown when the battery is low.
    When i try to turn it back on it starts the wake up process with indicator bars showing progress, then it stops at about three bars and just beeps indefinatly until i power off the machine when i turn it back on it comes up but ive lost everything i was working on!
    very frustrating, why wont it properly wake up after a low battery hibernation??!????
    Well the question is when this happened the first time and you lost everything you were working on why did you let it happen the second time or the third or forth and not plug the computer in.
    It may be frustrating but there is only one person to blame and that is you. Not Apple and not the computer. As YOU knew exactly what was going to happen but you let it happen anyway.
    The true definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different outcome.

  • 'New' Exchange Battery not holding charge - Date & Time problems

    I recently received a 'new' exchange battery for my 2001 500mhz white ibook (OSX 10.3.9, 320ram), as part of the Battery Exchange program, and now I'm having some new problems.
    Since I started using the battery a few weeks ago, I've been having constant problems with the Date & Time reseting itself to 1969. I reset to current time, but when I turn on again, it's resets back again. Also, this battery is not holding a charge very well, lasting only about 40 minutes after fully charged (My old battery lasted 2 hours).
    I calibrated the battery when i first received it, and I've reset the PMU twice, but no luck.
    Thanks in advance for any help & advice....
    ibook (500mhz 2001)   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Is there any such program for the G3s?
    Only if you replaced your original battery with one from Apple within a certain time frame and within a specific range of serial numbers. Check out the details here:

Maybe you are looking for