After Mavericks mail problems anyone?

After upgrade I seem to have lost the universal inbox feature. Also its like someone poured molasses into the operating system! Mail takes forever to load, then each mailbox, when selected takes 30 secs+ to load. Any suggestions anyone?

Since buying my first Mac (Macbook Pro) just over a year ago I have been using Mail for my iCloud account and have really enjoyed the functionality. I use it for work only to keep personal message separate from work messages. Upgraded to Mavericks on Friday last and the experience has changed a lot. The 'Save Attachment' button is now hidden in the faint line above the message, only becoming visible when you scroll over it. Also the print function causes Mail to close. Most other aspects of the Mavericks upgrade have been positive so why can Apple spoil it with these annoying faults?

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    I used to find this happening with older version of OSX after I did my usual 6 month clean, wipe, re-install and resume.
    It's possible that the file which keeps a track of message downloaded from the server is corrupt. Goto ~/Library/Mail where "~" is your home folder and then delete these files
    Envelope Index
    Next goto each account ".mbox"
    This is in ~/Library/Mail then a folder which contains your email address example ""
    inside there should be a folder list something similar to this:
    Sent Messages.imapmbox
    Deleted Messages.imapmbox
    Inside each of them is a folder, called "Messages" and also some files, delete the files but not the "Messages" folder.
    When you reopen Mail it will be as if you opened it for the first time. See if the emails come in, if they do then it's more likely to be a setting in Mail or even possibly something that's happening at the remote email server.
    In Mail Right or Control Click in the left hand panel and select "Get Info" a box will come up with a drop down selection at the top showing active email accounts, select the one you are having problems with, either a list of folders will come up or a big long list of email messages, depending on how many you have will depend on how long it takes for the list to update. Once it has, select all the emails and Select "Remove From Server" this will delete them all from the server so at least when you re-open Mail they don't all come in again.
    Hope something in here helps

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    Terribly sorry for the long delay in replying (Work, Life, etc. BUSY).
    The send as option is set to "Account of selected mailbox". I set it to the flast@ account specifically yet the behavior does not change.
    Still not working as it should in Yosemite either.

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    You might try the following:
    1 - select a video file in the Finder and bring up its Info window (type Commnad + i).
    2 - go to the Open With menu and select Quicktime Player 7.6.6.
    3 - click on the Change All button.
    4 - reboot, relaunch iPhoto and try again.

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    Since buying my first Mac (Macbook Pro) just over a year ago I have been using Mail for my iCloud account and have really enjoyed the functionality. I use it for work only to keep personal message separate from work messages. Upgraded to Mavericks on Friday last and the experience has changed a lot. The 'Save Attachment' button is now hidden in the faint line above the message, only becoming visible when you scroll over it. Also the print function causes Mail to close. Most other aspects of the Mavericks upgrade have been positive so why can Apple spoil it with these annoying faults?

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    Look in the "Categories" section

  • Mail in On My Mac disappeared after Mavericks install

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    Everything went smoothly, and all of her various email archives in On My Mac subfolders appeared and were readable.
    She decided to clean up those old email folders. I created a new mailbox named Archive at the top On My Mac level. Throughout the afternoon, she dragged the various On My Mac subfolders with old mail into the new Archive folder. She stepped away for a few hours, returned to continue the archive process - and the new Archive folder had disappeared. The MBP had not been shut down (and still has not).
    I checked Library>Mail. Right at the top, there’s a folder marked “Mail Lost + Found” with lots of .mbox content. Just below that is the expected folder marked “V2” with the bulk of the expected mail components. Under its “Mailboxes” folder, the very first .mbox is “Archive.” All the subfolders she had dragged to that folder yesterday do appear in the “Archive” .mbox.
    I hope someone will field a few questions, please.
    1. Why would the new Archive folder at the top level of On My Mac disappear?
    2. What should I do next? I’m concerned that restarting may wipe out the Archive mailbox and its contents, but I’ve read that a restart sometimes corrects Mavericks Mail problems.
    3. Assuming I can get her Archive folder visible again, is she likely to run into the same problem if she continues to drag the remaining 10-15 subfolders into the Archive folder?
    4. What, if anything, should I do about the .mbox material in the “Mail Lost + Found” folder? At least some of it appears to be duplicates of the subfolders in the Archive folder.
    5. Is there a better, more stable archive solution for all this mail? It spans years, multiple IMAP and AOL accounts, and is - or was - neatly organized in subfolders by topic in Mail. Would Mail Steward be able to import this mail, keep the mail organized, and be as searchable as the Mail app? Would it be a good solution to import and reconcile the material in the “Mail Lost + Found” folder? Again, I do have her full Mountain Lion system, including all the Mail, on a bootable SuperDuper drive If that might help create an archive outside of Mail app.

    Hi Eric. Thanks for your response.
    1. All the non-archived sub-folders already appeared under “On My Mac,” so they weren't hidden.
    2. A restart helped, in fact. I first made a copy of the entire Library>Mail folder so I would still have all the .mbox content. Upon restart, Mail automatically created its own Archive. Fortunately, it contained all the subfolders in the manually created Archive mailbox that had disappeared. Apple apparently reserves the term "Archive" for its own use in Mail. I found another thread that arrives at the same conclusion and suggests a fix for a related problem: Re: Deleted my 'On my Mac' folder in Archived mail after Mountain Lion OS X update - all mail lost - how to retrieve?
    3. I believe the answer to #3 is yes; she'll need to drag her non-archived subfolders to Apple's newly created Archive from now on.
    4. I copied them along with the Library>Mail folder, so I'll have them if I need them.
    Thanks again for your suggestions.

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    Hello is anyone from Adobe out there? Is anyone from Adobe monitoring the forum? The 1.6 update has stopped the app from crashing when you were trying the sync function to the creative cloud.
    However, the sync function is not working as it did in the past. If you make a change in an already existing file in the Photoshop touch app and save it, the sync to the creative cloud results in an explanation point instead of a check to the left of the filename. Toggling the sync button on and off doesn't change the exclamation point to a check. The blue line goes across the file as it normally would when syncing but the explanation point remains. As a result, the changed file is not being synced with the creative cloud.
    I am not sure of the exact amount of time it takes, I am guessing about 24 hours. After about 24 hours when you do a sync, the file that had the explanation point to the left of it does change to a checkmark. However, you now have two files. One that reflects the change and has the word conflicted now added to the file name. As well as a file with the same name that doesn't reflect the change and no conflicted added to its file name.
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        Connecting through email is extremely important these days donhinson. Let's get this fixed today. I first recommend removing the email account and readding it back to your device.This will help reset the settings. Listed below are steps to check the email settings, outgoing, and incoming servings.
    1.From a home screen, select Apps (located in the lower-right).
    2. Select Email.
    3. From an Inbox, select Menu (  located below the display).
    4.Select Account settings.
    5.Select Account display name.
    6.Enter an name then select OK.
    7.Select My name.
    8.Enter the name then select OK.
    9.Select Signature.
    10.Select the desired signature.
    --To add a custom signature, select New signature (plus ( ) symbol located in the upper-right), enter the signature then 11. select Save.
    12.Select Retrieve interval.
    13.Select one of the following:
    --5 minutes
    --10 minutes
    --15 minutes
    --30 minutes
    --1 hour
    --2 hours
    --4 hours
    --8 hours
    14.Select Maximum emails to show.
    15.Select one of the following:
    --20 messages
    --40 messages
    --60 messages
    --80 messages
    --100 messages
    --200 messages
    --500 messages
    --1000 messages
    16.Select Delete from server.
    17.Select one of the following:
    --When I download from server
    --When I delete from device
    18. Configure the following as appropriate:
    -- Enabled when a check mark  is present.
    --Forward message
    --Forward attachment
    19. Select Change login settings.
    19. Ensure the following settings are correct then select Save:
    --Email address
    --POP3 Server
              --Secure type (e.g. Off, SSL, TLS)
    --Port number
    --APOP secure login
    -- Enabled when a check mark  is present.
    --SMTP Server
    --Secure type (e.g. Off, SSL, TLS)
    --Port number
    --Authentication. Enabled when a check mark  is present.
    I hope the information above is helpful.

  • IBooks, Mail, After Affects, Quick Time Player, Maps, App Store, won't open after Mavericks install/update

    Just about everything on computer is slow as mollases after Mavericks Update. I am very angry because I can't use After Effects at all. It says it's not compatible with this new system. My mail application crashes as soon as I open it. Notification centre is non-existent now and Messages app won't open at all. Other apps such as iBooks, Mail, After Affects, Quick Time Player, Maps, App Store, and a few others won't open at all on this new system. I'm soo angry with Apple as I've never had so many problems with a new OS X. .. I would love to downgrade back to Mountain Lion OS. Anyone with helpful info, please respond. Thanks.

    From the top More Like This item
    7:29 pm      Sunday; October 27, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.4)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Mac Mail not working after Mavericks upgrade

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    Here's my issue and how I fixed it. If you have this problem then try what I did.
    When I lauched Mail, it appeared like it opened but then wouldn't display any windows at all and wouldn't
    update my mail count on the icon.
    Within mail there is options to display. The setting was set to "assign to none". That makes mail appears as though it is not working and seemed to bottleneck how mail operates.
    In the dock - click and hold on Mail - open Options and chose the display you wish to assign the window to display
    Hope this helps.

  • Has Yosemite fixed Maverick's Mail problem with Group email addresses?

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    Many thanks,
    Bob Winckler

    Hi Barney,
    Just found out that Maverick's problem with Mail's Group address procedure has resulted in my email accounts being put on hold by my Internet Provider. I'm the president of a local club, and I routinely send out emails to 200+ email addresses several times a month. Since Maverick's Mail now doesn't keep Group addresses hidden when shown in the email "To:" window, we have to put those Group addresses into the "Bcc:" window.  The first couple of times that I did that, the emails went through, but the third time that I tried to send out such an email, my Internet Provider shut down my email account with the statement "Your ability to send new mail has been suspended as a high volume of suspicious mail has been sent from your account recently. Please contact your IT administrator."  The IT administrator required me to run a virus check and then set a new password for my account before they would reactivate it. In my discussions with several of my Internet Provideer's tech reps, it appears that the way the way that the Internet Provider has their server's security system set, a high volume of email addresses in the "Bcc:" section of emails is enough to shut down an account as suspicious. Until Apple gets this problem fixed, my only options are to switch internet providers (after finding one that will let high volumes of "Bcc:" go through) or switch to an older Mac operating system, which I've done (now using an ancient iMac 400DV running Tiger (OS 10.4.11).  Given the high number of businesses, etc., likely to be using Macs, I'm really surprised that Apple has let this problem with Maverick's Mail program go uncorrected.
    Best regards,
    Bob W

  • After Mavericks upgrade, doesn't show messages in Sent Items

    I upgraded to Mavericks this morning and is not displaying messages in the Sent folder.
    I have 2 Gmail accounts set up and the messages are present in the All Mail folder but they're not displayed in Sent. They were definitely there before the upgrade.
    Has anyone else seen this happen ? I have TM backups that I can get to but I tried restoring the folder for the account with little success.
    Any help is appreciated.

    I had the same issue and discovered multiple copies of sent mail in the DRAFTS folder..
    I also had other MAIL issues after my update to Mavericks.
    This answer by Steve Rhyne SOLVED my issue and dozens of other people's too! 
    The Answer is here and go down to Steve Rhynes fix for it.  :
    No need to rebuild or anything!!
    lemme know if worked for u please?

  • Problems after Mavericks upgrade

    A few days ago, I installed the latest Mavericks upgrade.  I now cannot access the app store, which opens but doesn't show any icons or information - the pages are just blank.  Safari is also not working properly - it won't recognise the certificates from any secure sites, including this forum.  Facebook won't load properly, it only shows the bare html page.  I've tried restoring the system from a previous backup, but this doesn't work.  Can anyone help?

    Hi everyone,
    i have a solution!
    well at least that worked for me.
    It is nothing like a bug or software problem. It is just that after mavericks install for some reason i found a change in my Preview app preferences. So i set it correctly and now everything is back and working correctly.
    Go to the Preview Preferences, then choose the "Images" section/tab, then choose "Size on screen equals size on printout" option, and thats it!
    Try this out and I hope this works for you too!

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