After upgrade Script No Longer Works

After I upgraded CS4 to .605 my script no longer works. I get:
Error Number:45
Error String: Object is Invalid
Line 12
Source: myParStyle.baselineshift = -1;
Here are my first 12 lines:
var doc = app.documents[0]
var color = doc.colors.item("C=100 M=65 Y=0 K=0");
var inlines = doc.stories.everyItem().textFrames.everyItem().getElements();
for(var i=0;i<inlines.length;i++){
    if (inlines[i] instanceof Group){continue}
    if(inlines[i].fillColor != color){continue}
    if(inlines[i].contents == ""){continue}
    myChangeCorners(inlines[i], 0, .3, "fourth point");
var myParStyle = doc.paragraphStyles.item("Tab_HeadB_KO");
myParStyle.baselineShift = -1;
What do I need to change to get this to work again?

So it's still somewhat a mystery, because that particular command didn't change from CS4 to CS5.
Can you try the 'fix' mentioned here? CS5 issues

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    Running apachectl -t gives an error:
    configerror at line 428  - cannot load the module - its proberly been garbled - perhaps this is not a reguar apache DSO module.
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    Please help ! I have a quite a lot of pages that are not online at this point!

  • Script no longer working under Maverick

    I just upgraded to Maverick over the weekend and I can not figure out why this script no longer works.  It has been working for the last 5 years.
    The script moves a file my server sends per e-mail to a folder on a partition on my Mac.  Here is the script.
    tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
              set selectedMsg to (current messages)
              set selectedMsg to item 1 of result
              set msgAttachment to attachments of selectedMsg
              set msgAttachment to result's item 1
              set attachmentName to name of msgAttachment
              set attachmentFile to ((path to desktop) & attachmentName) as text
      save msgAttachment in attachmentFile
    end tell
    delay 3
    set submitfolder to "OS E:Users:e:Desktop:" as alias
    set collectionfolder to "/Volumes/Data E/Consulting/Telephone Switch Record/2014" as alias
    tell application "Finder" to move (every file whose name contains ("week ") & (do shell script "date +%U")) to collectionfolder
    delay 2
    tell application "Finder" to move (every file whose name contains ("week ") & (do shell script "date +%U")) to trash
    I now get:
    If I run:
    tell application "Finder"
              open ("/Volumes/Data E/Consulting/Telephone Switch Record/2014" as POSIX file)
    end tell
    it opens the folder no problem so the path must be ok?  or? 
    Any ideas why it is broken? 

    Are you getting the error on this statement
    set collectionfolder to "/Volumes/Data E/Consulting/Telephone Switch Record/2014" as alias
    or when you do the move? And what is the error number you are getting?
    Also try this
    set filePart to "week " & (do shell script "date +%U")
    log filePart
    tell application "Finder" to move (every file whose name contains filePart) to collectionfolder
    to see what the string looks like.

  • Scripts no longer working via Bridge

    For some reason, scripts no longer works in Bridge CS4.
    I've previously installed "Dr. Brown's services" scripts which is available in the "Tools" menu of Bridge. However, when I select some files, then choose this script Photoshop starts up, but nothing more happens.
    The same goes for the "Tools"-"Photoshop" menu (Batch, Image processor etc.). Photoshop CS4 starts up but nothing else happens.
    However, if I do the same thing in Photoshop itself ("File"-"Scripts") it works fine, so the scripts themselves are working, or so it seems.

    If for some reason Bridge suddenly behaviors other then before the first
    thing to try is a restart for Bridge holding down option key to refresh the
    preferences. Set Prefs again to your wishes and try again.
    For some reason, scripts no longer works in Bridge CS4.

  • Simple script no longer works in PS3

    The following script no longer works in Photoshop 3. I now get the error message "Adobe Photoshop CS3 got an error. Can't make some data into the expected type."
    What does this mean and how can I fix it??
    set inputFolder to choose folder
    tell application "Finder"
    set filesList to (every file of inputFolder whose name ends with ".jpg")
    set outputFolder to folder (choose folder with prompt "Which folder do you want to save the new photo in?")
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    set display dialogs to never
    close every document saving no
    end tell
    repeat with aFile in filesList
    set fileIndex to 0
    tell application "Finder"
    set theFile to aFile as alias
    set thefileName to name of theFile
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    open theFile
    set fileName to "FCP" & name of current document
    set docRef to the current document
    set docName to name of docRef
    set docBaseName to (docName) of me
    set docRef to the current document
    set bits per channel of docRef to eight
    set docHeight to height of docRef
    set docWidth to width of docRef
    -- Convert the document to a document mode that supports saving as jpeg
    if (mode of docRef is not RGB) then
    change mode docRef to RGB
    end if
    do action "Resize JPGs" from "FCP.atn"
    set docHeight2 to height of current document
    select all of current document
    set docHeight2 to height of current document
    set docWidth2 to width of current document
    set infoRef to get info of docRef
    select all of current document
    activate "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    close docRef saving no
    make new document with properties {width:docWidth2, height:docHeight2, resolution:300}
    set docRef to current document
    set fileIndex to fileIndex + 1
    set newFileName to (outputFolder as string) & "FCP" & docBaseName
    set myOptions to {class:JPEG save options}
    save docRef in file newFileName as JPEG with options myOptions appending lowercase extension with copying
    close current document without saving
    end tell
    end repeat

    What I'm trying to do is change the resolution of a jpg file to 300 dpi and then change the the jpg pixel dimensions to a width of 1000 pixels--constraining the proportions and letting the height dimension fall wherever. That's what the "Resize JPG's" action does. I then want to save the jpg to a new file called 'FCPoriginalfilename'.
    The script gets hung up on "save docRef in file newFileName as JPEG with options myOptions appending lowercase extension with copying". I get the error message that "Photoshop CS3 can't make some data into the expected type"
    I modified the script from a previous script that I wrote to convert raw files to TIFs which I have attached--it works fine.
    --set tempFolderName
    set inputFolder to choose folder
    tell application "Finder"
    set filesList to (every file of inputFolder whose name ends with ".CR2")
    (*if (not (exists folder ((inputFolder as string) & tempFolderName))) then
    set outputFolder to make new folder at inputFolder with properties {name:tempFolderName}
    set outputFolder to folder (choose folder with prompt "Which folder do you want to save the new photo in?")
    --((inputFolder as string) & tempFolderName)
    --end if
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    set display dialogs to never
    close every document saving no
    end tell
    repeat with aFile in filesList
    set fileIndex to 0
    tell application "Finder"
    -- The step below is important because the 'aFile' reference as returned by
    -- Finder associates the file with Finder and not Photoshop. By converting
    -- the reference below 'as alias', the reference used by 'open' will be
    -- correctly handled by Photoshop rather than Finder.
    set theFile to aFile as alias
    set thefileName to name of theFile
    end tell
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
    --set myOptions2 to {class:raw format open options, bits per channel:16, byte order:Mac OS}
    open theFile as Camera RAW with options ¬
    {class:Camera RAW open options, bits per channel:sixteen}
    set docRef to the current document
    set docHeight to height of docRef
    set docWidth to width of docRef
    -- Convert the document to a document mode that supports saving as jpeg
    if (mode of docRef is not RGB) then
    change mode docRef to RGB
    end if
    (*if (bits per channel of docRef is sixteen) then
    set bits per channel of docRef to eight
    end if*)
    -- The copy is simply saved with additional document info added
    set infoRef to get info of docRef
    --set copyright notice of infoRef to "copyright 2004 trofanna"
    set docName to name of docRef
    set docBaseName to (docName) of me
    set fileIndex to fileIndex + 1
    set newFileName to (outputFolder as string) & docBaseName
    set newPhotoName to newFileName & ".tif"
    set myOptions to {class:TIFF save options, byte order:Mac OS}
    save docRef in file newFileName as TIFF with options myOptions appending lowercase extension with copying
    -- The original document is closed without saving so it remains as it was
    -- when opened for batch processing
    close current document without saving
    end tell
    end repeat

  • S&R script no longer works (in ID 6.0) as it did in previous versions

    This S&R script no longer works (in ID 6.0) as it did in previous versions. Can you help me by correcting it?
    app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = null; = { 
    caseSensitive:false };
    app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = "Jack & the Beanstalk";
    app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = "Mary Poppins";

    1. What error is detected?
    2. This code does the same thing you could do in UI dialog "Find...Change". Is this working?

  • Script no longer works after Upgrade to 10.4.6

    The following script worked fine using 10.4 thru 10.4.5 but no longer works after upgrading to 10.4.6.
    When I highlight a folder and then run the script the highlighted folder is moved to a specific "Achive" folder, depending on whether the highlighted folder has a ".0" or ".1" or etc in its name.
    When I run the script using 10.4.6 I get an error indicating that the highlighted folder already exists in the destination.
    Anyone else having Applescript problems with 10.4.6?
    tell application "Finder"
    set fname to selection as string
    if fname contains "0." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "0JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "1." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "1JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "2." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "2JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "3." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "3JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "4." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "4JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "5." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "5JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "6." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "6JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "7." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "7JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "8." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "8JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    if fname contains "9." then
    move selection to folder "ARCHIVE" of folder "9JobsArchive" of folder "Archived_Files" of disk "Preflight_Only"
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end if
    end tell

    I, too, immediately started having problems with my scripts immediately after updating to OS 10.4.6. I put my scripts in "Library/Applications/..." so that the scripts associated with particular applications are available in the menu bar. I don't know if that has any bearing on the problem, but for me, it was not any particular script, but just about every one that started going funny.
    First, I noticed that my scripts would typically work right once, but fail in some odd manner the second time I tried to use one. The second thing I noticed was that the modification dates of my scripts were changing to the time that I last executed the scripts, even though I had not altered and recompiled any of them in weeks. Finally, I noticed that the scripts that were failing were ones in which I had used property statements to initialize some of my variables.
    What I think is happening is this: for some strange reason 10.4.6 is recompiling scripts every time they are run, and variables are being initialized, not to the values specified in property statements, but to whatever the variable was the last time the script ended.
    I discovered that I could prevent this from happening by (1) recompiling all my scripts to make sure all the property statements were back in effect, and then (2) setting the permissions of all my scripts to read only. This seems to prevent whatever in 10.4.6 is recompiling the scripts from doing this each time the script is run. At least, the modification dates are no longer changing inexplicably, and all my scripts are running reliably again.
    It's a bit of a pain to have to remember to reset script permissions to read/write whenever I want to make a change, and then change them back to read only before executing, but it seems to be a reliable workaround. I'd appreciate hearing if anyone else can replicate this phenomenon, or tell me if I'm on the right track.
    Jeff Johnson
    Dual 1.2 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    Dual 1.2 GHz    

  • I upgraded to Firefox 8.0 and java script no longer works. I set the options to allow java script in the tools/options to allow java script but it still doesn't work. Are there any fixes?

    I support several web sites that I developed for clients and I use java script to manage/show slide shows. After upgrading to 8.0 my scripts don't load. When I click on preview on my web development tool my page will not load the java script - nothing shows on te screen. All used to work OK and still works in IE.

    Thanks for the response, Karsten,
    However, no Divx 5 Component but I did have a Divx Decoder Component and a Divx 6 Decoder Component, so I tried what you suggested anyway with those but to no avail.
    Still not working!

  • Script no longer works in mail since upgrade to 10.5

    I used the script below to generate mail messages. Under 10.4 it would just send the message, now under 10.5 it puts it in the Out Box and that is it.
    Anybody knows how to fix this so it sends it immediately?
    Secondly I used to be able to set sender to any of my accounts for example "[email protected]" or any address I liked, this too is no longer working as it uses always the account from Mail it is send from.
    Anybody knows why or how to fix this?
    set theBody to "abc"
    set theSubject to "XYZ"
    set theTarget to "[email protected]"
    tell application "Mail"
    set newMessage to make new outgoing message with
    roperties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody}
    tell newMessage
    make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theTarget}
    set sender to "[email protected]"
    end tell
    send newMessage
    end tell

    Sorry forgot to add:
    I have found and tried the advice in article:
    However I have no files in the format iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD that the artical relies on for its solution.
    (Yes hidden and system files are set as shown in Windows Explorer)

  • Script no longer works in mail V3 since upgrading from 10.4 to 10.5

    I used the script below to generate mail messages. Under 10.4 it would just send the message, now under 10.5 it puts it in the Out Box and that is it.
    Anybody knows how to fix this so it sends it immediately?
    Secondly I used to be able to set sender to any of my accounts for example "[email protected]" or any address I liked, this too is no longer working as it uses always the main account from Mail it is send from.
    Anybody knows why or how to fix this?
    set theBody to "abc"
    set theSubject to "XYZ"
    set theTarget to "[email protected]"
    tell application "Mail"
    set newMessage to make new outgoing message with
    roperties {subject:theSubject, content:theBody}
    tell newMessage
    make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theTarget}
    set sender to "[email protected]"
    end tell
    send newMessage
    end tell

    I don't know if this is still an issue for you guys, but I've been experiencing a problem with the MouseWheelListener added to a Component that is added to an Applet. This is browser independent, but appletviewer/browser dependent.
    Check this link for some test cases:
    I thought it had something to do with the event getting "consumed" by other listeners, but it seems like it only has to do with the MouseWheelListener.

  • After the update on aurora my scripts no longer works ive tried reinstalling them anyone knows how to fix this?

    ok in-game 2 of the scripts no longer show up but it says there enabled idk what to do

    If AMDS is running, you are using a USB port directly on the computer and not a hub, you have disconnected other USB devices except keyboard and mouse, you have completely uninstalled and reinstalled iTunes as described in, You have tried cleaning the connector on the bottom of the phone, you have tried a different cable, you have installed the latest USB drivers for your computer, you have disabled your antivirus and firewall, you are running as an Administrator account and you have tried creating a new user on your computer and connected when logged in as that user then you have exhausted my knowledge. The only other thing to try is a different computer. If it isn't recognized on a different computer you have a hardware problem. Good luck!

  • Script no longer working with OS 10.5

    Since I have upgraded to 10.5 a few weeks ago the following script no longer is working properly. I had been using this script extensively over the last two without any problems. Now it seems to hang up when it gets to the
    "duplicate item i of photoList to "P&M2:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing"
    Sometimes it eventually copies the file but usually it times out because it takes so long. Have the commands or the way you refer to a server volume changed from 10.4 to 10.5. P&M2 is a server volume. As I said before this script worked fine with 10.4--it only took a matter of seconds to copy a file to my server. I realize that the problem could lie with my server connection but I don't think so.
    Any suggestions??? The script is attached below.
    global photoList, theFolder, theDate, theSchool, theCats, theEvent, theKeywords, theID, theFileName
    on run
    tell application "Finder"
    set theFolder to ¬
    (choose folder with prompt "Where are my photos?")
    set photoList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".jpg")
    set cr2List to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".cr2")
    set crwList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".crw")
    set nefList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".nef")
    set tifList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".tif")
    set xmpList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".xmp")
    set dngList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".dng")
    end tell
    end run
    on open theFolder
    tell application "Finder"
    set the photoList to every file of (item 1 of theFolder whose name ends with ".jpg")
    set cr2List to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".cr2")
    set crwList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".crw")
    set nefList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".nef")
    set tifList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".tif")
    set xmpList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".xmp")
    set dngList to (every file of the theFolder whose name ends with ".dng")
    end tell
    end open
    to archiveFiles(thePhotos)
    tell application "iMagine Photo"
    close every importer
    end tell
    on error
    end try
    set Archived to the (count of thePhotos) as integer
    repeat with i from 1 to count of photoList
    --return photoList
    set thisFile to item i of photoList as alias
    set theFileName to the name of item i of photoList
    with timeout of 3000 seconds
    tell application "Finder"
    duplicate item i of photoList to "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    mount volume "afp://username:[email protected]/P&M2"
    on error theMsg
    display dialog theMsg
    end try
    duplicate item i of photoList to "P&M2:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing --SCRIPT HANGS UP HERE!
    on error
    mount volume "afp://username:[email protected]/P&M2"
    duplicate item i of photoList to "P&M2:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    end try
    duplicate item i of photoList to "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    on error
    mount volume "afp://username:[email protected]/Photo [Archive]"
    duplicate item i of photoList to "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    end try
    end tell
    end timeout
    set importPhoto to name of item i of photoList
    set fileRef to "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" & importPhoto as alias
    set fileRef2 to "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA JPEG Archive Files:"
    tell application "iMagine Photo"
    set thisImporter to import graphic fileRef
    set exifInfo to the exif data of thisImporter
    close thisImporter
    set fileInfo to the exif unicode of item 1 of exifInfo --something like that
    set thePhotog to the exif unicode of item 6 of exifInfo
    set myTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
    set schoolInfo to 1st text item of fileInfo
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" & space
    set theSchool to 2nd text item of schoolInfo --school of the file
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
    set catInfo to 2nd text item of fileInfo
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" & space
    set theCats to 2nd text item of catInfo --catagories of file
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
    set theEvent to 3rd text item of fileInfo
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" & space
    set theEvent to 2nd text item of theEvent
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
    set theKeywords to 4th text item of fileInfo
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" & space
    set theKeywords to 2nd text item of theKeywords
    on error
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
    set theKeywords to 2nd text item of theKeywords
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ";"
    set theID to 5th text item of fileInfo
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":" & space
    set theID to 2nd text item of theID
    on error
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
    set theID to 2nd text item of theID
    end try
    on error
    if thePhotog is "Sari Goodfriend" then
    set theKeywords to ""
    set theID to ""
    tell application "Finder"
    display dialog "There appears to be a problem with the archiving information for file" & space & ¬
    theFileName --("OK", "cancel") default button "OK"
    end tell
    end if
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to myTID
    tell application "Expression Media"
    open file "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:5 PHOTO ARCHIVE:Expression Media catalogs:YU CPA Catalog.ivc"
    tell front catalog
    tell application "Finder"
    set theNameofFileRef to the name of fileRef
    end tell
    import fileRef
    on error number theNumber
    set theErrNum to theNumber
    if the theErrNum is not -48 then
    display dialog "There appears to be a problem with file" & space & theNameofFileRef & "."
    end if
    --display dialog theErrNum
    end try
    count media items
    set currentMediaItem to result
    set the people of media item currentMediaItem to theID
    set the headline of media item currentMediaItem to ""
    set thePhotographer to author of media item currentMediaItem
    set the keywords of media item currentMediaItem to theKeywords --& "," & space & addKeywords
    set the categories of media item currentMediaItem to theSchool & "," & space & theCats
    set the event of media item currentMediaItem to theEvent
    set the copyright of media item currentMediaItem to "Yeshiva University"
    set theDate to creation date of media item currentMediaItem
    set event date of media item currentMediaItem to theDate
    set the caption of media item currentMediaItem to "ID:" & space & theID & return & "School/Category:" & space & theSchool & "," & space & theCats & return & "Event:" & space & theEvent & return & "Keywords:" & space & theKeywords & return & "Date:" & space & theDate & return & "Photographer:" & space & thePhotographer as text
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    end repeat
    tell application "Expression Media"
    save front catalog
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    --open file "P&M2:YU CPA Server Catalog.ivc"
    repeat with i from 1 to count of photoList
    end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".xmp") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".xmp") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".CR2") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".CR2") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA JPEG Archive Files:" with replacing
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".dng") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".dng") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".CRW") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".CRW") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".NEF") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".NEF") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    duplicate (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".TIF") to folder "Photo Server Volumes:Photo [Archive]:CPA Photo Archive:CPA Photo Archive FILES:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    move (every file of theFolder whose name ends with ".TIF") to folder "Photo Server Data:Photo [Data]:CPA Photo Archive:Archive Files:CPA HiRes Archive FILES:" with replacing
    end tell
    tell application "iMagine Photo"
    close every importer
    end tell
    beep 3
    activate "Finder"
    set dd to display dialog "The number of files cataloged was:" & space & Archived buttons ¬
    {"OK", "cancel"} default button ¬
    "OK" giving up after 10
    end archiveFiles

    It may be but I have not been able to figure it out.

  • Script no longer working. Help please.

    I have the following script that worked just fine last year, but since upgrading the OS it no longer works as it should. First it only scales and save the first image file of a batch to the 'Photos' folder and does not scale and save any to the 'Thumbs' folder.
    Can anybody shed any light on this for me please.
    Here is the script as an image as I don't know how to add it otherwise.

    Ok twtwtw
    Here it is and thanks in advance.
    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
              set Photos to (this_folder as text) & "Photos"
              set Thumbs to (this_folder as text) & "Thumbs"
              repeat with a_Item in these_items
                        tell application "Image Events"
                                  set theImage to open a_Item
                                  scale theImage to size 900
                                  save theImage as JPEG in file Photos
                                  scale theImage to size 240
                                  save theImage as JPEG in file Thumbs
                                            close theImage
                                  on error
                                            delay 2
                                            close theImage
                                  end try
                        end tell
              end repeat
    end adding folder items to

  • After upgrade can no longer connect to Mac from Windows

    I have a wireless network (Linksys) with 2 iMacs, Ubuntu Linux and Windows XP workstations. I have file sharing between the Windows and Mac computers. After upgrading I can no longer see the shared folders on the upgraded iMac from the Windows box. I cannot even ping the iMac by node name, but I can ping it by IP address so it is recognizable on the network. I cannot connect by IP address, however.
    I have file and printer sharing enabled on the Leopard iMac. What can I do to restore the former connection?

    Thank you! That partially solved the problem. I can now see the Leopard Mac and can open my user folder on it. However, the subfolders give an error saying they are not accessible - permission denied. I have gone through the folders and set all of them to Shared, but this did not make them accessible.

  • My 'run with administrative privileges' script no longer works - help

    Hey all. I have an applescript that shuts down the computer that I made a while back. I pulled it out today to use it and it no longer works. Here's part of the code I'm having trouble with:
    do shell script ¬
    "sudo shutdown -h now" password "myadminpassword" with administrator privileges
    On old machines this worked great, I would just put the admin password where myadminpassword is and it would work perfectly. Now though, I run it on my machine and I get the prompt to enter my admin username and password before it will shutdown.
    Now this is going on a remote install so I need it to work. Any ideas? The machine is running snow leopard, but it seems to still work on an old leopard macbook pro.

    Well, for one, do not use sudo in do shell script.
    The whole 'with administrator privileges' part takes care of elevating your privileges. sudo has no place in do shell script.
    Don't know if that's your issue, but it's the first thing I'd fix.
    If that doesn't help, are you running the script as your admin user?
    Nowhere in your script are you defining the username to run the command as, therefore it will attempt to run as the current user who may not be the same as your admin user, nor have the same password. You might need to include the username:
    do shell script "shutdown -h now" user name "admin" password "myadminpassword" with administrator privileges

Maybe you are looking for

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