AGO function is not returning value in OBIEE 11g

I have 2 tables FIN_MASTER AND FIN_TRANS. 
FIN_MASTER  is having the following fields org_code, type_code, vr_no, vr_Date, pay_to .FIN_TRANS is having the columns org_code, type_code, vr_no, acct_code. debit, credit.
PK of FIN_MASTER is org_code, type_code, vr_no
PK of FIN_TRANS is org_code, type_code, vr_no, acct_code
I have imported these two tables in to physical layer and created join between these two tables on the following keys. org_code, type_code, vr_no. Then i dragged these two to BMM layer. Now i created 3 new logical columns in DIM_FIN_MASTER as year, quarter, month. These 3 columns are created using the functions year(vr_date), month(vr_date), quarter_of_year(vr_date). Then i created a dimension heirarchy called TIME( structure type is TIME) from this DIM_FIN_MASTER. and set chronological key on month level. Then I applied the AGO function on debit column with month level. After that, repository is uploaded and BI server is restarted. Now amount is not displaying in AGO function column in analytics. That column is appearing as empty. 
Please advise me.

Here is the dirty fix, I'm heading off to sleep.
If the function CurrentAdId doesn't return a number, then
this will ensure it returns 0 (prevents your error, may not display
an ad):
HINT="For internal use. Returns the Id of the current ad in
<!--- Return the adId from the current row of the
GetAdIds query --->
<cfset var returnVal = ListGetAt(THIS.AdList,
<cfif NOT IsNumeric(returnVal)>
<cfset returnVal = 0>
<CFRETURN returnVal>

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    Edited by: user12635494 on May 8, 2012 2:58 AM

    Yes, it will work. Just double click the Time level (say year/month/week), mark it as a chronological key (on keys tab). Use that in your AGO function

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    963277 wrote:
    I have dashboard with 3 reports,i saved my customization of particular date range,product group and target list.When I ran the dashboard for first time,I got all the results for 3 reports in dashboard but from the second time,only one of the reports returned results but other reports are just hanging up.I tried to clear cache in both BI server and presentation services but no use.
    Please help me what steps needs to be done so that all my saved reports return data.Do you know if anything has changed in the database or the RPD from the first time you ran those reports? Did you try running the physical query of the reports against the database to see if you are able to return results quickly?

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    String text;
    String A[] = {"WARNIGNS","CAUTIONS","NOTES"};
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    String wpText;
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    CBweapon.addItem (s_weapon);
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    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    wpText = (String)CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
    return wpText;
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    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    **I have no errors on compile or run, but it didn't return a string value to System.out.println(getit());
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    wpText = (String)CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
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    James I would suggest to read the LOV topic in OAF developers' guide. Lov mappings are responsible for bringing pop up values to base page in LOV.

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    I am using a PL/SQL function in a Discoverer Report to return a particular date. The way I am using is that I have created a PL/SQL function and registered the same in Discoverer Administatrator.
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    it returns the date as 26-May-2009
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    Can anyone guide me what could be the problem.

    Hi Rod,
    There are no session variables to be set. I have myself created that and it is returning values for other units also.
    Below is the function :
    FUNCTION max_term_dt_fn (p_unit_num VARCHAR2, p_order_status VARCHAR2)
    l_contract_number VARCHAR2 (20);
    l_max_term_date DATE; --okc_k_lines_b.date_terminated%TYPE;
    IF p_order_status IN ('RMA on Unit', 'OKS 30 Days Notice Given')
    l_max_term_date := NULL;
    SELECT contract_number
    INTO l_contract_number
    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT okhb.sts_code, okhb.date_terminated,
    oklb_ib.attribute15 unit, okhb.start_date,
    okhb.end_date, okhb.creation_date
    FROM apps.okc_k_headers_b okhb,
    apps.okc_k_lines_b oklb_ib --,
    WHERE okhb.ID = oklb_ib.dnz_chr_id
    AND lse_id = 9
    AND oklb_ib.attribute15 = p_unit_num
    ORDER BY okhb.start_date DESC,
    okhb.creation_date DESC)
    --ORDER BY okhb.start_date DESC)
    SELECT date_terminated
    INTO l_max_term_date
    FROM (SELECT oklb.dnz_chr_id, oklb.ID, oklb.date_terminated,
    oklb.sts_code, mic.category_concat_segs,
    FROM apps.okc_k_headers_b okhb,
    apps.okc_k_lines_b oklb,
    apps.okc_k_items oki,
    --apps.mtl_system_items_b msib,
    mtl_item_categories_v mic
    WHERE oklb.dnz_chr_id = okhb.ID
    AND okhb.contract_number = l_contract_number
    AND oklb.lse_id = 1
    AND oki.cle_id = oklb.ID
    -- AND msib.inventory_item_id = oki.object1_id1
    -- AND msib.organization_id = oki.object1_id2
    --AND segment1 = 'OKS-RNTL-MAINT-WH'
    --AND oklb.sts_code = 'TERMINATED'
    AND oklb.date_terminated IS NOT NULL
    AND mic.inventory_item_id = oki.object1_id1
    AND mic.organization_id = oki.object1_id2
    AND mic.category_set_name = 'Product'
    AND mic.category_concat_segs = 'OKS-Base'
    ORDER BY oklb.date_terminated DESC)
    END IF;
    RETURN l_max_term_date;

  • Function does not return a value

      FUNCTION Promo_Version_Logo_Rule(Rc IN test.Ot_Rule_Context)
        RETURN Ot_Rule_Activation_Result
        v_Result NUMBER;
        CURSOR Cur_Promo_Logos IS
          SELECT Pvlo.Promo_Id,
            FROM Event                  Evt,
                 Event_Technical_Data   Etd,
                 Promo_Version_Logo_Opt Pvlo,
                 Promo_Timing           Pt
           WHERE Evt.Event_Technical_Data_Id = Etd.Event_Technical_Data_Id
                 AND Etd.Promo_Timing_Id = Pt.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Pt.Promo_Timing_Id = Pvlo.Promo_Timing_Id
                 AND Evt.Channel_Id = Rc.Channelid
                 AND Evt.On_Date >= Rc.Fromdate
                 AND Evt.On_Date <= Rc.Todate
                 AND Evt.Day_Type_Id = Rc.Daytype;
        FOR Each_Record IN Cur_Promo_Logos LOOP
          v_Result := Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event(v_Channel_Id   => Each_Record.Channel_Id,
                                                           v_Tx_Time      => Each_Record.Start_Time,
                                                           v_Tx_Date      => Each_Record.On_Date,
                                                           v_Content_Id   => Each_Record.Logo_Id,
                                                           v_Duration     => Each_Record.Duration,
                                                           v_Event_Type   => Uktv_Tools_Pkg.c_Logo_Kind_Code,
                                                           v_Container_Id => Each_Record.Promo_Id);
          IF v_Result = -1
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;
    END Promo_Version_Logo_Pkg;why do I get this "Hint: Function 'Promo_Version_Logo_Rule' does not return a value" after I compile it? The Testing_Pkg.Insert_Event should insert some values somewhere...I just want to try to test it before I move on onto the next bit of it, but I do not understand what I am doing wrong...

    You need something like:
        END LOOP;
        RETURN v_Result;  -- if this is what you are trying to get the function to do
          <exception handling/logging - whatever you want>
          RAISE;  --this with then raise an error back to the calling process
      END Promo_Version_Logo_Rule;This way the function either returns a value, or an exception which can be handled in the calling procedure

  • FM F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST do not return value in RETURN_TAB

    Hi all,
    I used the FM F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST to return the objid and stext and it is showing the search help in the selection screen, however, after i choose a value from the search help, the FM does not return me the value that i have choosen. The following is the code that I had written.
    DATA: lt_retval  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ddshretval,
            lwa_retval TYPE ddshretval.
      DATA: lt_field  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies,
            lwa_field TYPE dfies.
    CONSTANTS: lc_retfield       TYPE dfies-fieldname VALUE 'STEXT',
                           lc_value_org      TYPE c VALUE 'S'.
    lwa_field-fieldname = 'F0001'.
      lwa_field-langu     = sy-langu.
      lwa_field-position  = '1'.
      lwa_field-offset    = '0'.
      lwa_field-domname   = 'HROBJID'.
      lwa_field-rollname  = 'HROBJID'.
      lwa_field-leng      = '8'.
      lwa_field-intlen    = '16'.
      lwa_field-outputlen = '8'.
      lwa_field-datatype  = 'NUMC'.
      lwa_field-inttype   = 'N'.
      lwa_field-precfield = 'HROBJID'.
      lwa_field-headlen   = '8'.
      lwa_field-scrlen1   = '10'.
      lwa_field-scrlen2   = '15'.
      lwa_field-scrlen3   = '20'.
      lwa_field-fieldtext = 'Posting ID'.
      lwa_field-reptext   = 'Posting ID'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_s = 'PostingID'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_m = 'ID'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_l = 'Posting ID'.
    APPEND lwa_field TO lt_field.
      CLEAR lwa_values.
    lwa_field-fieldname = 'F0002'.
      lwa_field-langu     = sy-langu.
      lwa_field-position  = '2'.
      lwa_field-offset    = '16'.
      lwa_field-domname   = 'TEXT40'.
      lwa_field-rollname  = 'STEXT'.
      lwa_field-leng      = '40'.
      lwa_field-intlen    = '80'.
      lwa_field-outputlen = '40'.
      lwa_field-datatype  = 'CHAR'.
      lwa_field-inttype   = 'C'.
      lwa_field-precfield = 'STEXT'.
      lwa_field-headlen   = '40'.
      lwa_field-scrlen1   = '10'.
      lwa_field-scrlen2   = '15'.
      lwa_field-scrlen3   = '20'.
      lwa_field-fieldtext = 'Posting Text'.
      lwa_field-reptext   = 'Posting Text'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_s = 'PostingTxt'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_m = 'Text'.
      lwa_field-scrtext_l = 'Posting Text'.
      lwa_field-lowercase = 'X'.
    APPEND lwa_field TO lt_field.
      CLEAR lwa_values.
      IF lt_values IS NOT INITIAL.
            retfield        = lc_retfield
    *        dynpprog        = sy-repid
    *        dynpnr          = sy-dynnr
    *        dynprofield     = lc_fieldn
            value_org       = lc_value_org
            value_tab       = lt_values
            field_tab       = lt_field
            return_tab      = lt_retval
            parameter_error = 1
            no_values_found = 2
            OTHERS          = 3.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          CLEAR lwa_retval.
          READ TABLE lt_retval INTO lwa_retval INDEX 1.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            MOVE lwa_retval-fieldval TO s_post-low.
            CLEAR lwa_retval.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Please assist, thanks so much.
    Edited by: yf wee on Oct 5, 2009 8:11 AM

    Refer this demo code:-
    PARAMETERS : p_belnr TYPE belnr,
                 p_bukrs TYPE bukrs.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
             belnr TYPE belnr,
           END OF itab.
      PERFORM f4_belnr_help USING p_belnr.
    *&      Form  f4_belnr_help
    *       text
    *      -->P_BELNR text
    FORM f4_belnr_help USING p_belnr.
      SELECT belnr from <db_table> INTO TABLE itab.
          retfield               = 'BELNR' "internal table field
          dynpprog               = 'Z_F4' "program name
          dynpnr                 = '1000' "screen number
          dynprofield            = 'P_BELNR' "screen field name
          value_org              = 'S'
          value_tab              = itab "internal table
          PARAMETER_ERROR        = 1
          NO_VALUES_FOUND        = 2
          OTHERS                 = 3.
      IF sy-subrc  0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    ENDFORM.                    " f4_belnr_help
    Hope this helps you.

  • WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS does not return values

    DB v
    OWB repository/client v
    A DB function has a call to the Control Center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS to extract and preserve the metadata of number of records inserted/updated/deleted in a DB table.
    The control center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS does not return any values when used under the Post-Mapping Process(mapped to the DB function describe above) in a Map.
    The input parameter ;Audit Id' to the Map is passed from a calling Process Flow. The following query is used to retrieve the Audit Id of the Map.,
    SELECT execution_audit_id
    INTO l_audit_id
    WHERE parent_execution_audit_id = P_AUDIT_ID;
    And the retrieve l_audit_id is passed to the WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS transformation to extract the number of records inserted/deleted/updated with the execution of the map.
    Gurus, please advice if the approach is appropriate to retrieve the number of records inserted/deleted/updated by the execution of the map. If not, any alternate method.
    2. The control center transformation WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS returns values when used in a standalone pl/sql block with the appropriate audit_id.
    Is this because the metadata for the Map execution is complete, whereas in the earlier attempt, the transformation is called within the map using the Post-Mapping process.
    3. Since the option 1 did not return any value, tried other option of calling/executing a transformation(call the the DB function mentioned earlier) after the Map activity is successful in a ProcessFlow. Here, the transformation does not seem to be executing, any tips of correcting this issue.
    Request the forum for some helpful tips to resolve the problem. TiA (Thanks in Advance) for the response.
    Message was edited by:

    In a process flow, passed the pseudo variable to a transformation to run the WB_RT_GET_JOB_METRICS after the map execution. I am not sure if this is the best solution, but it worked for me.
    Still trying to figure how to use the pre-defined transformation when working on expression.

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    template <typename T> class Ptr {
      T* p_;
      Ptr(T* p) : p_(p) { }
      template <typename U> Ptr(const Ptr<U>& u) : p_(u.p_) { }
      template <typename U> Ptr<U> cast() const { return Ptr<U>(*this); }
    class A {
    class B : public A {
    Ptr<A> test_cast_1(const Ptr<B>& b) { return b.cast<A>(); }
    Ptr<A> test_cast_2(const Ptr<B>& b) { return Ptr<B>(b).cast<A>(); }sun studio 9 CC complains with the following message:
    "", line 18: Error: Unexpected type name "A" encountered.
    "", line 18: Error: Operand expected instead of ")".
    2 Error(s) detected.
    (line 18 is test_cast_2)
    is this a known bug?

    you omitted the required keyword template:
    template <typename T> class Ptr {
      T* p_;
      Ptr(T* p) : p_(p) { }
      template <typename U> Ptr(const Ptr<U>& u) : p_(u.p_) { }
      template <typename U> Ptr<U> cast() const { return Ptr<U>(*this); }
    class A {
    class B : public A {
    Ptr<A> test_cast_1(const Ptr<B>& b) { return b.cast<A>(); }
    Ptr<A> test_cast_2(const Ptr<B>& b) { return Ptr<B>(b).template cast<A>(); }

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    If you share some code, we might be able to help you.

  • LOV not return values more than certain limit

    Hi Guys,
    I have created 2 search fields (State, Area) in report page. Both of them are LOVs based. User select first field value, next field's LOV return values based on the first field( AJAX call). First field is states like 'VIC', 'NSW', 'SA' etc..., next field is 'Area'. when I select state other than 'NSW' in state field then next field is populated successfully. But when I select state as 'NSW' then next field is blank. 'NSW' state has records more than 100 in the table(LOV based on), but all other states have even less than 10 records. when I remove (more than 50) records of 'NSW' in the table then It works.
    Can anybody know if there is a limit of LOV that can be supported?

    Thanks Varad for reply.
    As you suggested to change gReturn = get.get('XML') to gReturn = get.get() for text values, But it is not simple as you said.
    I have found the problem. Actualy, there are some special characters in database column that suppose to return in LOV. But LOV is returned as xml object that may not support special characters (&,$, % etc...). I have put the 'replace' function in query. My query is like
    select replace(name,'&','and') d, id r
    from table1
    where val1 = :P2_val
    order by 1
    This query works in SQL WORKSHOP but not in AJAX. Any Idea? If I have to replace get.get('XML') to get.get() then what other steps I have to perform?

  • Coulmn values is not being displayed in obiee 11g

    Hi All,
    Below is the sample xml generated from data structure.
    +<!--Generated by Oracle BI Publisher>+
    We were unable to see the REVENUE column values in the report. We were able to see the values while creating layout, but unable to see the values in report. Report is not having any filters or parameters. This is build on two tables. Revenue in one table and details in another table.

    Just noticed that, able to see column values in HTML, pdf views but unable to see in interactive view.
    While creating the layout checked in Interactive view, at that time able to get column values, but in the report column values are not being displayed in interactive view.
    But in HTML, list option , Repeating Section is not working, so have to see in interactive view only.
    I can say, in Interactive vew Aggregate functions are not working properly. We need tro use Repeating Section and List option in report. so we need interactive view only.
    Any ideas..

  • Bulk editor is not returning values for default properties

    ..even though the content nodes have a value for this property. CQ version is 5.5.
    I need to export a report of all user generated content from /content/usergenerated/content/<sitename>/en. This is the root path.
    The query parameter I have specified is "type:Rating". By default the "sling:resourceType" is selected. No other custom properties are specified in the interface.
    The search returns the nodes of this type, but the results do not return a value for the "sling:resourceType" for these nodes.

    It should work. Might be you do not have data. Is the results shown as zero records?

Maybe you are looking for

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