Please Help regard function that will return values of each JComboBox items

I'd like to create a function that will return values of each item on the JComboBox at a time when
I click on each item of a comboBox. I had this following codes, but didn't work.
Please help me !!!Please correct it... thanks a million
String wp;
String text;
JComboBox ABC = new JComboBox();
for (int i=0;i<A.length;i++) {
ABC.addItem (A);
text = Get_It(); //assigns each value of JComboBox's item to variable text when clicks at each item
//of a comboBOx
private String Get_It(){
ABC.addActionListener(new ActionListener (){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
wp = (String)CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
return wp;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class AlertFrame extends JFrame {
String s_alert[] ={"WARNIGNS","CAUTIONS","NOTES"};
JComboBox CBweapon;
String wpText;
public AlertFrame() {
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
CBweapon = new JComboBox();
for (int i=0;i<s_weapon.length;i++) {
CBweapon.addItem (s_weapon);
//set position for components
CBweapon.setBounds(370 + insets.left,295+, 150,30);
System.out.println(getit()); //calling getit() function
//this function will be return a String of JcomboBOx value if click on each item of combobox
private String getit(){
CBweapon.addActionListener( new ActionListener (){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
wpText = (String)CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
return wpText;
public static void main(String args[]) {
AlertFrame af = new AlertFrame();
af.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
**I have no errors on compile or run, but it didn't return a string value to System.out.println(getit());
It maybe because of the "void" of public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
wpText = (String)CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
Please help me

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    String vpText;
    String abc = getit();
    String s_alert[] ={"WARNIGNS","CAUTIONS","NOTES"};
    JComboBox CBweapon = new JComboBox();
    for (int i=0;i<s_weapon.length;i++) {
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    private String getit(){
    CBweapon.addActionListener(new ActionListener (){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
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    Maybe I'm missing some subtle point here, but why not just do this:
    private String getit(){
    return CBweapon.getSelectedItem() ;
    It doesn't make sense to me to have a method which calls actionListener like this, as if you are going to be calling it over and over again. You want to only call actionListener(...) ONE time, and every time an event is triggered, that code will be executed automatically.

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    In the event that your table may have more than one record for any given value of folderrsn_in the open, fetch, close method will not suffer any difficulties, however using the select into method without adding a rownum = 1 clause to your where statement is setting the function up for sporatic failures.
    Try this code instead:
    RETURN varchar2
        SELECT  vaf.feedesc
        INTO    v_feedesc
        FROM    folder f, accountbillfee abf, validaccountfee vaf
        WHERE   f.folderrsn = abf.folderrsn
        AND     vaf.feecode = abf.feecode
        and     f.folderrsn = folderrsn_in
        and     rownum = 1;
        return v_feedesc;
            RETURN  'Not found';

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    1           100    100                3         300     
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    2           200    200                4          400    
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                                                                                             3           cc
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    1              100             100
    2              200             200
    300             300      
    400             400
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    1          100    100
    2          200    200
    3         300     300
    4         400      400
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    Thanks in advance

    You can use SUMX ( 'Table A', 'Table A'[Cost] + 'Table B'[cost] )
    However, if you install the latest version of Power Pivot in Excel 2010, it supports the ISEMPTY function, too.
    Marco Russo

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    Hi Vishal,
    I'll try to answer your questions as best I can.
    1) It is definitely possible to preload data to the 32MB memory (per group) and start the acquisition after you have preloaded the memory. There are example programs on under Example Code for pattern generation and the 6534 that demonstrate which functions to use for this. Also, if your PC memory buffer is less than 32MB, it will automatically be loaded to the card. If you are in continuous mode however, you can choose to loop using the on-board memory or you can constantly be reading the PC memory buffer as you update it with your application environment.
    2) Yes, your data will automatically be loaded into the card's onboard memory. It will however be transferred as quickly as possible to the DMA FIFO on the card and then transferred to the PC memory buffer through DMA. It is not going to wait until the whole onboard memory is filled before it transfers. It will transfer throughout the acquisition process.
    3) Vishal, searching the example programs will give you many of the details of programming this type of application. I don't know you application software so I can't give you the exact functions but it is easiest to look at the examples on the net (or the shipping examples with your software). Now if you are acquiring 512 bytes of data, you will start to fill your onboard memory and at the same time, data will be sent to the DMA FIFO. When the FIFO is ready to send data to the PC memory buffer, it will (the exact algorithm is dependent on many things regarding how large the DMA packet is etc.).
    4) If I understand you correctly, you want to know if you waste the other 6 bits if you only need to acquire on 10 lines. The answer to this is Yes. Although you are only acquiring 10 bits, it is acquired as a complete word (16bits) and packed and sent using DMA. You application software (NI-DAQ driver) will filter out the last 6 bits of non-data.
    Hope that answers your questions. Once again, the example code on the NI site is a great place to start this type of project. Have a good day.

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    hi all,
    any one can help me how to call a procedure that will return me list of value with using adf and jsf

    I did this with a LoginModule that returned a list of user roles. Below is the Java call
    stmt = conn.prepareCall(authquery);
            stmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
            stmt.setString(3,new String(password));
            // realm is null if not set
            rolesResultSet = (ResultSet)stmt.getObject(1); 
            stmt.close();authquery is the name of a procedure that returned a ref Cursor
      TYPE principal_ref IS REF CURSOR;
      function get_user_authentication(p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2) return principal_ref;
      FUNCTION get_user_authentication (p_username in varchar2, p_password in varchar2, p_realm varchar2)
      RETURN principal_ref
        var_username varchar2(100);
        var_userid number(10);
        var_password varchar2(100);
        role_cursor principal_ref;
        FAILED_AUTHENTICATION exception;
        select userid, username, password into var_userid, var_username, var_password from sec_users where username = p_username;
        if (var_password = p_password) then
            if (p_realm is null) then
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid;
              open role_cursor for
                select rolename from user_roles_view where userid = var_userid and realm=p_realm;
            end if; -- p_realm check
          -- if password doesn't match, raise Excpetion for LM to
          -- abort the authentication process
        else raise FAILED_AUTHENTICATION;
        end if;
        RETURN role_cursor;
      END get_user_authentication;
    END;You only ned to expose the call to teh procedure in a method (e.g. on ADF BC Application Module) and create a method binding for it.

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    I am expecting
    Start Date  - 01/01/2005
    End Date   -  05/05/2006
    WK YEAR BEGDA      ENDDA      
    02 2005 01/03/2005 01/09/2005 
    03 2005 01/10/2005 01/16/2005 
    04 2005 01/01/2005 01/23/2005
    Thank, Bill

    Hi Bill,
    Here's a test-program for your requirement:
    REPORT zforum09 LINE-SIZE 255.
    PARAMETERS:fdate  LIKE sy-datum DEFAULT '20050103',
               tdate  LIKE sy-datum DEFAULT '20060505'.
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
           week LIKE scal-week,
           from LIKE sy-datum,
           to LIKE sy-datum,
           END OF itab,
           next LIKE sy-datum.
    next = fdate.
    WHILE tdate > itab-to.
                date   = next
                week   = itab-week
                monday = itab-from
                sunday = itab-to.
      next = itab-from + 7.
      APPEND itab.
    LOOP AT itab.
      WRITE:/ itab-week+4(2),
    Regards Andreas

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    Error 9006: Following Troubleshooting security software frequently resolves this error. There may be third-party software installed that modifies your default packet size in Windows by inserting a TcpWindowSize entry into your Registry. Your default packet size being set incorrectly can cause this error. Contact the manufacturer of the software that installed the packet size modification for assistance.

  • Need help writing a MySQL query that will return only records with matching counter-parts

    Since I don't know how to explain this easily, I'm using the
    table below as an example.
    I want to create a MySQL query that will return only records
    that have matching counter-parts where 'col1' = 'ABC'.
    Notice the 'ABC / GHI' record does not have a
    counter-matching 'GHI / ABC' record. This record should not be
    returned because there is no matching counter-part. With this
    table, the 'ABC / GHI' record should be the only one returned in
    the query.
    How can I create a query that will do this?
    id | col1 | col2
    1 | ABC | DEF
    2 | DEF | ABC
    3 | ABC | GHI
    4 | DEF | GHI
    5 | GHI | DEF
    *Please let me know if you have no idea what I'm trying to

    AngryCloud wrote:
    > Since I don't know how to explain this easily, I'm using
    the table below as an
    > example.
    > I want to create a MySQL query that will return only
    records that have
    > matching counter-parts where 'col1' = 'ABC'.
    > Notice the 'ABC / GHI' record does not have a
    counter-matching 'GHI / ABC'
    > record. This record should not be returned because there
    is no matching
    > counter-part. With this table, the 'ABC / GHI' record
    should be the only one
    > returned in the query.
    > How can I create a query that will do this?
    > id | col1 | col2
    > --------------------
    > 1 | ABC | DEF
    > 2 | DEF | ABC
    > 3 | ABC | GHI
    > 4 | DEF | GHI
    > 5 | GHI | DEF
    > *Please let me know if you have no idea what I'm trying
    to explain.
    Please be more clear. You say that 'ABC / GHI' should not be
    and then you say that 'ABC / GHI' should be the only one
    returned. Can't
    have both...

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    Hello Dear Moderator,
    My skype id is pavank77
    I had accidnetaly exceeded the unlimited india calling subscription on 1 april 2012 and my call would not connect, The subscription is still not active on 2 April 2012....According to skype as far as i searched in the forum it should be active today....
    Please Help regarding this matter. Skype calling is important to me as i am far away from home.
    I would highly appreciate your help.
    Warm Regards,

    I am sorry to hear that your account has been suspended due to Fair Usage Policy.
    For Skype to fully assist you with this concern, we can go through the email verification form by just clicking this link below:​language=en&locale=EN-US&oaspworkflow=start_1.0.0.​...
    1. Once you are on that page, choose Account and Password.
    2. Choose Blocked Accounts.
    3. Click on Next.
    4. Click on Email Support.
    5. Kindly fill out the form.
    **Please make sure to enter as much information as you can for them to collate enough data to authenticate your identity. It is also important to include the Service Request number together with the issue <SR# - ISSUE>, on the subject field. Once the form is completed it will be forwarded to a special team who will handle your case. You will then receive a follow-up email and will be assisted further in resolving the issue/processing your request.
    If one of my replies has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.

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    Thanks for that.  I did as suggested but when I tried again, it still did not work.  Another appeared in the Library.
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    file://localhost/Users/peterpatel/Library/Preferences/ eList.plist
    file://localhost/Users/peterpatel/Library/Preferences/ eList.plist.lockfile
    file://localhost/Users/peterpatel/Library/Preferences/ ile
    What do you suggest I do now?

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    select id, password thepassword
    from yourtable
    cfloop query="query1"
    update yourtable
    set password = '#hash(thepassword)#'
    where id = #id#

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