AHHHHHH! Multiple open file chooser windows

Ok, I am going nuts here. I have figured out the problem of getting the data to appear on the same frame that I originally open. The menu at the top has File -> Open. When the user first comes into the form, that is the only thing enabled. I am using a different file opener for this initial opening. Here is why (although, it doesn't fix the problem):
When the user opens the file, the data appears in the frame. If the user opens another file, the data appears in the frame and another file open chooser window appears even though the users did not select it again. If the user then opens another file, then that is it. If the user then goes to the menu and selects File->Open the file open chooser appears. The user selects a file and the data appears in the frame, but another file open chooser appears. I have had it happen up to 8 times. Now, I have no idea why this is getting called over and over again. It is this that is being called multiple times:
       jMenuFileOpen.addActionListener(new ActionListener()  {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
      });That println is printing each time another file open chooser window appears. I am pulling out my hair trying to figure this one out. The way I am starting this up is this:
  public FDASFrame(File file) {
    inputfile = file;
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
  public void setFile (File file) {
    inputfile = file;
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
  }These methods are in the main frame - FDASFrame. I am wondering if that is the problem. Here is the part of the filechooser that calls the main frame when the file is gotten:
            JFrame frame = (JFrame)parent;Has anyone got any ideas to this problem? It might solve the problem of the tables getting duplicate data in them, too, each time a new file is opened.
Thanks to anyone who has any ideas on how to solve this. I am stumped.

I have other tests, but this is the one that is messing me up. Here is the whole file chooser (it is really long):
package sdh;
import java.io.*;
//import java.io.File;
//import java.io.FileInputStream;
//import java.io.BufferedReader;
//import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
//import javax.swing.filechooser.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
public class FileChooserFrame extends JFrame {
  static File file;
  String tempfile, wholeline;
  PrintWriter textfile;
  Hashtable QualityCodes = new Hashtable();
  Hashtable DistanceCodes = new Hashtable();
  Hashtable ScreeningCodes = new Hashtable();
  Hashtable ObjectCodes = new Hashtable();
  Hashtable WeatherCodes = new Hashtable();
  Hashtable StabilityCodes = new Hashtable();
    public FileChooserFrame(FDASFrame parent, String filetype) {
      //Create a file chooser
      if (filetype.equals("Open")) {
        final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new xmlExtensionFileFilterClass());
        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new fsExtensionFileFilterClass());
        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new sdmExtensionFileFilterClass());
        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new rcvExtensionFileFilterClass());
        fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new txtExtensionFileFilterClass());
        int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(FileChooserFrame.this);
        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
          file = fc.getSelectedFile();
          String ext = fc.getSelectedFile().toString().substring(fc.getSelectedFile().toString().indexOf(".")+1);
          /** @todo FDASFrame comes up each time you open a file - does not put data in the one already up */
//        FDASFrame fdas = FDASFrame.getInstance();
//          JFrame frame = new FDASFrame(file);
          if (ext.equals("txt")) {
            JFrame frame = parent;
//            JFrame frame = new FDASFrame(file);
            try {
              String v;
              FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(file);
              BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(f));
              if ((v = b.readLine()) != null) {
                StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(v,"|");
                if (t.nextElement().equals("FH")) {
                  frame.setTitle(t.nextElement().toString() + " Version " + t.nextElement().toString());
            catch(Exception ee) {
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
              public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
          else if (ext.equals("xml") || ext.equals("sdm") || ext.equals("sdm.xml")) {
            // Hashtable for WeatherCodes for setups
            WeatherCodes.put("Pt. Cloudy","3");
            // Hashtable for StabilityCodes for setups
            // Hashtable for ObjectCodes for objects
            ObjectCodes.put("Dense Trees","6");
            ObjectCodes.put("Thin Trees","5");
            // Hashtable for ScreeningCodes for objects
            // Hashtable for DistanceCodes for objects
            // Hashtable for QualityCodes for points
              tempfile = fc.getCurrentDirectory().toString() + "\\Tempxml.txt";
              textfile = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tempfile)));
            catch(Exception ee) {
            try {
              DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
              DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
              Document doc = docBuilder.parse(file);
              // normalize text representation
              doc.getDocumentElement ().normalize ();
              NodeList rootlist = doc.getElementsByTagName("root");
              NodeList FHList = null;
              Node rootnode = rootlist.item(0);
              if(rootnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
                Element FHElement = (Element)rootnode;
                FHList = FHElement.getElementsByTagName("FileHeader");
                Element FHeElement = (Element)FHList.item(0);
                NodeList textFHList = FHeElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = ((Node)textFHList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
              Node FHnode = FHList.item(0);
              if(FHnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
                Element FHelemElement = (Element)FHnode;
                NodeList IDList = FHelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Identifier");
                Element IDElement = (Element)IDList.item(0);
                NodeList textIDList = IDElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textIDList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList VerList = FHelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Version");
                Element VerElement = (Element)VerList.item(0);
                NodeList textVerList = VerElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textVerList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
              wholeline = "";
              NodeList siteList = doc.getElementsByTagName("Site");
              Element siteElement = (Element)siteList.item(0);
              NodeList textsiteList = siteElement.getChildNodes();
              wholeline = ((Node)textsiteList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
              Node sitenode = siteList.item(0);
              if (sitenode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                Element siteelemElement = (Element) sitenode;
                NodeList SiteNameList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Site_Name");
                Element SiteNameElement = (Element)SiteNameList.item(0);
                NodeList textSiteNameList = SiteNameElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textSiteNameList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList EquipTypeList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Equipment_Type");
                Element EquipTypeElement = (Element)EquipTypeList.item(0);
                NodeList textEquipTypeList = EquipTypeElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textEquipTypeList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList LatList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Site_Latitude");
                Element LatElement = (Element)LatList.item(0);
                NodeList textLatList = LatElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textLatList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList LonList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Site_Longitude");
                Element LonElement = (Element)LonList.item(0);
                NodeList textLonList = LonElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textLonList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList GtFPList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Ground_to_Focal_Point");
                Element GtFPElement = (Element)GtFPList.item(0);
                NodeList textGtFPList = GtFPElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textGtFPList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList SiteElvList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Site_Elevation");
                Element SiteElvElement = (Element)SiteElvList.item(0);
                NodeList textSiteElvList = SiteElvElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textSiteElvList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                NodeList UCAList = siteelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Upper_Coverage_Angle");
                Element UCAElement = (Element)UCAList.item(0);
                NodeList textUCAList = UCAElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textUCAList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
              NodeList listOfSetups = doc.getElementsByTagName("Setup");
              int totalSetups = listOfSetups.getLength();
              for (int s = 0; s < totalSetups; s++) {
                wholeline = "";
                Node Setupnode = listOfSetups.item(s);
                Element setupElement = (Element)listOfSetups.item(s);
                NodeList textsetupList = setupElement.getChildNodes();
                wholeline = ((Node)textsetupList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                if (Setupnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                  Element setuplistElement = (Element)Setupnode;
                  NodeList SurveyorList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Surveyor");
                  Element SurveyorElement = (Element)SurveyorList.item(0);
                  NodeList textSurveyorList = SurveyorElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textSurveyorList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                  NodeList Azi2FPList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Azimuth_to_Focal_Point");
                  Element Azi2FPElement = (Element)Azi2FPList.item(0);
                  NodeList textAzi2FPList = Azi2FPElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textAzi2FPList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                  NodeList Dist2FPList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Dist_to_Focal_Point");
                  Element Dist2FPElement = (Element)Dist2FPList.item(0);
                  NodeList textDist2FPList = Dist2FPElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textDist2FPList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                  NodeList Hi2FPList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Hi_to_Focal_Point");
                  Element Hi2FPElement = (Element)Hi2FPList.item(0);
                  NodeList textHi2FPList = Hi2FPElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textHi2FPList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                  NodeList WeatherList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Weather");
                  Element WeatherElement = (Element)WeatherList.item(0);
                  NodeList textWeatherList = WeatherElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)WeatherCodes.get(((Node)textWeatherList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                  NodeList StabilityList = setuplistElement.getElementsByTagName("Stability");
                  Element StabilityElement = (Element)StabilityList.item(0);
                  NodeList textStabilityList = StabilityElement.getChildNodes();
                  wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)StabilityCodes.get(((Node)textStabilityList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                  Element objectElement = (Element)Setupnode;
                  NodeList textobjectList = objectElement.getElementsByTagName("Object");
                  int TotalObjs = textobjectList.getLength();
                  if (TotalObjs == 0) {
                  else {
                  for (int j = 0; j < TotalObjs; j++) {
                    wholeline = "";
                    Node Objectnode = textobjectList.item(j);
                    Element objectelement = (Element)textobjectList.item(j);
                    NodeList textObjList = objectelement.getChildNodes();
                    wholeline = ((Node)textObjList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                    if (Objectnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                      Element objElement1 = (Element)Objectnode;
                      NodeList textobjList1 = objElement1.getElementsByTagName("Object_Type");
                      Element objelement1 = (Element)textobjList1.item(0);
                      NodeList textOList1 = objelement1.getChildNodes();
                      wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)ObjectCodes.get(((Node)textOList1.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                      Element objElement2 = (Element)Objectnode;
                      NodeList textobjList2 = objElement2.getElementsByTagName("Screening_Type");
                      Element objelement2 = (Element)textobjList2.item(0);
                      NodeList textOList2 = objelement2.getChildNodes();
                      wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)ScreeningCodes.get(((Node)textOList2.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                      Element objElement3 = (Element)Objectnode;
                      NodeList textobjList3 = objElement3.getElementsByTagName("Distance_Units");
                      Element objelement3 = (Element)textobjList3.item(0);
                      NodeList textOList3 = objelement3.getChildNodes();
                      wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)DistanceCodes.get(((Node)textOList3.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
                      Element PointElement = (Element)Objectnode;
                      NodeList textPointList = PointElement.getElementsByTagName("Point");
                      int TotalPts = textPointList.getLength();
                      for (int k = 0; k < TotalPts; k++) {
                        wholeline = "";
                        Node Pointnode = textPointList.item(k);
                        Element pointelement = (Element)textPointList.item(k);
                        NodeList textPList = pointelement.getChildNodes();
                        wholeline = ((Node)textPList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                        if (Pointnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                          Element pointElement1 = (Element)Pointnode;
                          NodeList textpointList1 = pointElement1.getElementsByTagName("Azimuth");
                          Element pointelement1 = (Element)textpointList1.item(0);
                          NodeList textPList1 = pointelement1.getChildNodes();
                          wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textPList1.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                          Element pointElement2 = (Element)Pointnode;
                          NodeList textpointList2 = pointElement2.getElementsByTagName("Vertical_Angle");
                          Element pointelement2 = (Element)textpointList2.item(0);
                          NodeList textPList2 = pointelement2.getChildNodes();
                          wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textPList2.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                          Element pointElement3 = (Element)Pointnode;
                          NodeList textpointList3 = pointElement3.getElementsByTagName("Distance");
                          Element pointelement3 = (Element)textpointList3.item(0);
                          NodeList textPList3 = pointelement3.getChildNodes();
                          wholeline = wholeline + "|" + ((Node)textPList3.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim();
                          Element pointElement4 = (Element)Pointnode;
                          NodeList textpointList4 = pointElement4.getElementsByTagName("Quality");
                          Element pointelement4 = (Element)textpointList4.item(0);
                          NodeList textPList4 = pointelement4.getChildNodes();
                          wholeline = wholeline + "|" + (String)QualityCodes.get(((Node)textPList4.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
              File f = new File(tempfile);
//              JFrame frame = new FDASFrame(f);
              JFrame frame = parent;
              if(FHnode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE){
                Element FHelemElement = (Element)FHnode;
                NodeList IDList = FHelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Identifier");
                Element IDElement = (Element)IDList.item(0);
                NodeList textIDList = IDElement.getChildNodes();
                NodeList VerList = FHelemElement.getElementsByTagName("Version");
                Element VerElement = (Element)VerList.item(0);
                NodeList textVerList = VerElement.getChildNodes();
                frame.setTitle(((Node)textIDList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim() + " Version " + ((Node)textVerList.item(0)).getNodeValue().trim());
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
               public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            catch(Exception ee) {
      else if (filetype.equals("Save")) {
        final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
        fc.setFileFilter(new saveExtensionFileFilterClass());
        int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(FileChooserFrame.this);
        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
          file = fc.getSelectedFile();
      else if (filetype.equals("Log")) {
        final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
        fc.setFileFilter(new logExtensionFileFilterClass());
        int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(FileChooserFrame.this);
        if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
          file = fc.getSelectedFile();
    public static File getFile() {
      return file;
}I know I should split this out and I will sometime, but for now, this is the way the code is.
I think the reason that nothing is coming up is that all my work is done in jbInit(). I don't want to post that code, but I will if needed. So, if I can only call it once, then how do I get the rest of it to run? Maybe I am going about this all wrong. But if it is not in jbInit(), then how does it get called? I guess now, I am confused.
Thanks for the help.

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    Hi Georgios,
    There is support for using audio overlays in our service - see http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/2014/08/21/advanced-encoding-features-in-azure-media-encoder/ for examples. It may be possible to perform pairwise overlays to implement your scenario.
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              - the user clicks
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              Thanks in advance

    Thanks Mettu,
              that worked fine.
              This is what the code looked like:
              if (nextPage.getType()== Page.TYPE_CSV)
              String filePath = (String) req.getAttribute(Attribute.CSV_FILE_PATH);
              String fileName = (String)
              file://Writing text file like this enforces fileDownload popup
              res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" +
              private void writeFileToOutStream(HttpServletResponse res,String
              filePath,String fileName) throws IOException
              OutputStream out1 = res.getOutputStream();
              FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(filePath + fileName);
              byte [] b = new byte[1024];
              int size = 0;
              while((size = fin.read(b, 0, 1024)) > 0)
              out1.write(b, 0, size);
              "Mettu Kumar" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Per,
              > For this to work in both Netscape and IE, You need You need to set
              > Type and Also a header information.
              > Set Content Type As : Content-type: application/RFC822
              > set the Header "Content-Disposition" to "attachment; filename=\"" +
              > youfilename + "\""
              > Where youfilename is the name of the file you display to
              > If you want the exact java code use the following two lines of code in
              > servlet:
              > res.setContentType("Content-type: application/RFC822");
              > res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" +
              > + "\"");
              > This should solve your problem.
              > Kumar.
              > Per Lovdinger wrote:
              > > Hi all,
              > >
              > > This is the scenario I'm trying to achieve:
              > >
              > > - Display html page with a button or href "download csv file"
              > > - the user clicks
              > > - the file-download pop-up window should appear,so the user can save
              > > file at any location
              > >
              > > This is how far I get:
              > > - when the user clicks a servlet gets activated
              > > - Servlet:
              > > - creates the csv file and write it to disk
              > > - now I want the servlet to do something so that the file-download
              > > opens
              > >
              > > - I've tried with forward the request to the url (which only displays
              > > content in the browser)
              > > - I write to HttpServletResponse it opens the file in excel which I
              > > want
              > >
              > > Any ideas ?
              > > Thanks in advance
              > > Per

  • Ou are working with multiple open files and wish to separate them into movable windows. Which of the following will accomplish this?

    Which of the following will exactly copy a file in Photoshop CS5?

    Which of the following will exactly copy a file in Photoshop CS5?

  • 'No date' files in Open file dialog window

    It is annoying to open recent created/modified files/folders.  They are dated as 'no dated'.
    This does not happen browsing files/folders in Finder.
    This snapshot was taken on Nov 24 and "Today" contains Nov 17 files
    And here 'No Date' files at bottom of the popup window
    Thank you

    In the Finder Toolbar (top of the window), you'll see the Arrange icon:
    (If you don't see this icon, control-click in the Toolbar, choose Customize Toolbar, and add the Arrange icon to your Finder Toolbar.)
    When you click on that, you have a choice of how you'd like items in the open folder to be arranged. If you option-click on that, you have the choice of how you'd like the arranged icons to be sorted. Depending on the Arrange-Sort combination you've selected, No Date becomes a part of the mix. Play with the Arrange and Sort possibilities to list your files more to your liking.

  • Photoshop CS3 Won't Open Files in Windows 7 64-bit

    Hi All,
    I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on my desktop. When I try to open an image file in Photoshop CS3, the program hangs and never opens it. I have attemped PSD's, JPG's, GIF's and PNG's.
    I have right-clicked on the program and selected to run it as an administrator. I have set up a compatibility profile as Windows XP SP3. I have tried both at the same time and there's been no change.
    Any thoughts how I can conquer this beast??

    Change the default printer to something local, and that you know is available (either a PDF print, or an attached printer).
    The most common cause of this is a remote printer that isn't available, and the driver takes it's sweet time returning.

  • Cannot open files in Windows XP with Illustrator CS4

    I have installed the CS4 package on my PC with Windows XP sytem. Photoshop, Indesign and Acrobat works without problems. ´
    But Illustrator won't open any file. I have tried to change the parameters when saving the dokuments in Illutrator CS2, but it won't work.

    What happens if you DoubleClick the file(s), or use Open With, without getting Illy started first?

  • Error Opening File In Windows

    I am running the latest Raptor (Just updated from EA4) on Windows XP.
    I find that if I have a file and I right click and open with SQL Developer, the file opens OK but I get the following error message:
    "Windows cannot file C:/path_to_file. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search".
    It does not matter if Raptor is open or not.
    Anybody else find this behavior?

    I have had another look at this and am increasingly convinced that this is a bug. I think it may apply only to Windows computers. I am running the EA4.1 on windows XP.
    To recreate:
    - Open raptor; tools, preferences, file types.
    - Find the .sql extension and highlight.
    - Check the "open with SQL developer box"
    - OK and close raptor.
    - Find a .sql file on the hard drive, double click to open
    - Raptor will open the file fine, but you will get the error I referred to in the previous post, which you need to OK to close.
    If you then go to the .sql file, right click, open with and browse to the sqldeveloper.exe executable, and open it that way, it will open in Raptor and NOT produce the warning.

  • Gmail in firefox won't open file selection window when adding attachments, no errors, just nothing. Chrome works fine on same computer. Firefox is up to date

    when attempting to attach files to a message using gmail there is no response. i click the paperclip icon and no windows open, no errors show, it just sits there? I can attach to messages as expected using Chrome & gmail on the same computer.
    I have shut down and restarted the computer with no change. I have current firefox [v31] and the machine is a dell desktop running Windows Vista Home Premium SP 2 build 6002.
    Thanks for your help

    Try allowing pop up windows
    Open Menu
    Content (on the top)
    Click Exceptions...
    Type mail.google.com in address of website area
    Click Allow
    Try to open attachment window now.
    Restart FireFox and try adding attachment again.

  • Problems opening files from Windows server

    Since upgrading to Leopard, some files saved on an Windows server no longer open in the correct application. For example, documents created in Quark 6.1 or 6.5 show up as Unix Executable Files and attempt to open in the terminal. Copying the file to my desktop does not help. The files work correctly for pre-Leopard Macs. New files saved from Quark 6.5 on a machine running Leopard onto the server work fine for other Leopard Macs, but pre-Leopard Macs try to open the files with Script Editor. I can change the "Open With" preferences in a get info window for individual files, but if I select "Change All", i get an error that "not enough information is available".
    Also, Photoshop EPS files created with pre CS 1 versions of Photoshop appear as Illustrator EPS files.

    I'm not sure if anyone is working on it.
    I did copy everything to the Mac running 10.3.9 (above I mistakenly said the computer I was going to copy to was running 10.4).
    I then updated the Mac to 10.5 and all the files continued to open with the proper program even after I put them back on the server.
    I know that it's a hassle, but it worked. I guess if you don't have another Mac still running 10.3, you could put everything on your server, reformat you Mac to OS 10.3.9, then copy the server to your Mac, then upgrade to 10.5. That is, if you have a large enough hard drive. I don't claim to be a Mac expert so I can't guarantee anything in this paragraph. It just seems like that would be the only logical step given what worked for me with upgrading the computer running 10.3.9. Even after doing that, I'd then do a clean install on the computer. My Mac was having problems so that's what I did and plan on doing to the other Mac when I get the chance.
    I guess it all depends how many files you have and how annoyed you are at having to Control click all your files to open them.

  • New/Open File puts window BEHIND all my tool windows - UGH.

    I'm running PS CS4/mac on a Apple 30" display and have all my tool windows set up on the left side of the screen in three columns.  When I open up a file, it is placed BEHIND my tools in the upper left hand corner so I have to keep moving it over to the right - is there a way when you open or create a new file that the window opens to the right of my tools?  Very frustrating!

    Heh! I lied, unintentionally. It all depends on how you dock your palettes. It must be done just right. Here's how.
    Notice the position of my palettes on the right in my image above (exluding the Tools bar, that's already on the left). Once I drag them left, they collapse like this:
    No good. Images will fall underneath. You have to drag the palette group until you see this:
    Let go and the palettes will snap properly docked back to the sizes I had them at on the right.
    Notice the dark gray in the blank area below the Tools palette. That's another indication the palettes are docked correctly. Done like this, images do properly stay to the right of the palettes.

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