[Ai CS4] Buscar sobreimpresiones

Hola foreros, ¿sabéis si se puede hacer una búsqueda de objetos sobreimpresos en Illustrator CS4?
Se que existe la opción de mostrar/ocultar sobreimpresión, es muy útil, pero cuando un documento tiene demasiados objetos tarda un poquillo en refrescar y pierdo lo que estoy viendo mientras se redibuja.
Estaría muy bien sino buscar por lo menos "remarcar" como hace Acrobat.
Gracias, un saludo,
Pedro J. Sempere

Hola Pedro no se que tanto te puede ayudar este plugin ayuda a detectar la sobre impresión en el color blanco....

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  • ¿Como guardar en Adobe Illustrator CS4? Compatible con pdf, perfiles...

    Hola mi cuestión es muy sencilla a la hora de guardar los docs de Ai cs4, apearece el cuadro
    de diálogo, Illustrator cs4, crear archivo pdf compatible, incrustrar perfiles ICC y Usar compresión,
    que diferencias hay y cual es la óptima, gracias.

    Hazle caso a Claudio y mira en la ayuda del programa.
    La explicación puede ser más directa y acertada. Y si te surge alguna duda leyendo en la ayuda, nos avisas.
    Un saludo.
    Nacho Cuevas.
    De todas formas mira lo que dice en la ayuda del CS4:
    Almacenamiento en formato de Illustrator
    Si el documento contiene más de una mesa de trabajo y desea almacenarlo en una versión anterior de Illustrator, guarde cada mesa de trabajo en archivos distintos o combine el contenido de todas ellas en un solo archivo.
    Elija Archivo > Guardar como o Archivo > Guardar una copia.
    Introduzca un nombre de archivo y elija una ubicación para el archivo.
    Seleccione Illustrator (*.AI) como formato de archivo y haga clic en Guardar.
    En el cuadro de diálogo Opciones de Illustrator, establezca las opciones deseadas y haga clic en OK:
    Versión Especifica la versión de Illustrator con la que desea que sea compatible el archivo. Los formatos heredados no admiten todas las funciones de la versión actual de Illustrator. Por tanto, al seleccionar una versión distinta a la versión actual, algunas opciones de almacenamiento no están disponibles, y algunos datos cambiarán. Asegúrese de leer los avisos de la parte inferior del cuadro de diálogo para tener en cuenta el modo en que cambiarán los datos.
    Crear subgrupo de fuentes cuando el porcentaje de caracteres utilizados sea menor que Especifica cuándo debe incrustarse toda la fuente (en lugar de incrustar sólo los caracteres utilizados en el documento) en función de la cantidad de caracteres de la fuente que se utilicen en el documento. Por ejemplo, si una fuente contiene 1.000 caracteres pero el documento sólo utiliza 10 de esos caracteres, puede decidir que no vale la pena aumentar el tamaño del archivo por incrustar la fuente.
    Crear archivo PDF compatible Guarda una representación en PDF del documento en el archivo de Illustrator. Seleccione esta opción si desea que el archivo de Illustrator sea compatible con otras aplicaciones de Adobe.
    Guardar cada mesa de trabajo en un archivo independiente Guarda cada una de las mesas de trabajo en un archivo distinto y los añade a una carpeta con el mismo nombre que el archivo. También se crea un archivo maestro independiente que incluye todas las mesas de trabajo. Cualquier contenido que toque una mesa de trabajo se incluye en el correspondiente archivo. Si es preciso cambiar las ilustraciones de modo que quepan en una única mesa de trabajo, aparece un aviso para informarle de ello. Si no se selecciona esta opción, las mesas se trabajo se combinan en un solo documento, donde se convierten en guías de objetos y (en Illustrator CS3) áreas de recorte. La mesa de trabajo empleada para el archivo que se guarda depende del tamaño del perfil de inicio de documentos por defecto.
    Incluir archivos enlazados Incrusta los archivos enlazados a la ilustración.
    Incrustar perfil ICC Crea un documento con gestión de color.
    Usar compresión Comprime los datos de PDF en el archivo de Illustrator. La compresión aumenta el tiempo necesario para guardar el documento, de modo que es recomendable deseleccionar esta opción si ve que ralentiza demasiado el proceso de almacenamiento (de 8 a 15 minutos).
    Opciones de Transparencia Determina lo que ocurre con los objetos transparentes si se selecciona una versión de Illustrator anterior a la 9.0. Seleccione Conservar trazados para no tener en cuenta los efectos de transparencia y restaurar la ilustración transparente con una opacidad del 100% y un modo de fusión Normal. Seleccione la opción Conservar apariencia y sobreimpresiones para mantener las sobreimpresiones que no interactúan con los objetos transparentes. Las sobreimpresiones que interactúan con los objetos se acoplan.
    Importante: si la ilustración contiene áreas superpuestas complejas y necesita un resultado de alta resolución, haga clic en Cancelar y especifique los ajustes de rasterizado antes de continuar.

  • ¿Dónde está Hoja de contactos Ps CS4?

    No encuentro la opción de hojas de contacto en Photoshop CS4, si lo han quitado. ¿de que forma puedo hacerlo? gracias

    Hay varias cosas que habia en el CS3 y que ya no estan en la instalacion del CS4 por defecto, si todavia tienes instalado el CS3 puedes buscar el filtro en la carpeta respectiva y copiarlo a la carpeta respectiva del CS4 te adjunto un pantallazo. YO estoy en un Mac OS x, si estas en pc la ruta debe ser mas o menos similar.
    Con este truco se pueden poner a funcionar varias cosas como la que mencionas, y el filtro extraer que tampoco esta en el CS4.
    Otra opcion puede ser buscar en el cd de instalacion en extras o goodies..
    o descargarlo desde la pagina de adobe

  • Buscar y cambiar / objeto en indesign

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    ¿Se os ocurre alguna forma de hacerlo?

    Hola Federico, ya veo que no soy el único que esta de guardia..., 
    habrá que tener cuidado, como se enteren los sindicatos, nos van a 
    dar el alto.
    Efectivamente funciona con el CS4.
    Con el CS3 no, con este al intentar seleccionar las opciones de marco 
    de texto, esta en gris.
    Con respecto al otro problemilla de las notas, puedo asegurar que con 
    el CS3 no ocurre, no falla al importar texto. En cambio el CS4 sí.
    También me ha pasado que importando el texto en CS3 y luego abrir el 
    documento en el 4, las opciones de nota al pie de página funcionaban 
    mal, es como si no reconocieran los cambios, p. ej. cambias el 
    espacio entre el número y la nota por un tabulador y nada que NO. 
    Esto me paso varias veces haciendo el mismo camino, por lo que opte 
    por seguir con el 3.
    Reconozco que las mejoras son apetitosas y lo más seguro es que me 
    haré con él. Aunque tenga que importar los textos en el 3 y pasarlos 
    al 5 si es que no sigue dando problemas.
    Aprovechando que me he lanzado te comento otro problemilla. En el 
    trabajo tenemos una versión de indesign adaptada para hacer el 
    Boletín Oficial de Navarra, en el que a partir de una base de datos 
    nos genera un indesign de x páginas, recopila la información de unas 
    secciones diferentes en la que en cada una de ella los estilos ponen 
    el texto de un color diferente para diferenciar una sección de otra. 
    Entonces cuando tenemos el indesign final sustituimos los colores por 
    negro y.... atención nos recorre el texto. ¿Cómo es posible que al 
    sustituir un color por negro nos varíe la justificación?
    Bueno ya paro.....
    gracias y a descansar que ya está bien.

  • Error in VBA reference for Adobe Photoshop CS4 Object Library

    I'm using Windows 7 Pro, MS Office 2010 Pro and Creative Suite CS4 (with all updates).
    I will automate Photoshop via Visual Basic for Applications in MS Access.
    Befor using there the Adobe Photoshop CS4 Object Library I must reference it in VBA.
    But when I will du this, I get the message "Error loading DLL".
    When I will manually reference to the WIASupport.8LI File, I get the error: "Cannot reference this file"
    Can you give a tip, how I can solve this problem?

    I have the same problem!  I have photoshop cc2014 (which we own) and the object library shows, but not for cs 5.1 (30 day trial).
    Does registering unlock something?
    Help please!!

  • Installation problem on CS4 Master Collection

    WHen I attempt to install CS4 master collection on Vista Ultimate X64
    While the installer is "checking system profile" the next window shows "Loading Setup"
    I then get a System Check error page. The window label is "Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection Installer - Alerts"
    In the box it says, System Check.
    Critical Errors were found in setup for Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection.
    Session has dependencies that cannot be satisfied.
    please see the Setup log file for details. click Quit to exit Setup."
    Then there is a Quit button, that is the only option.
    Any ideas which services need to be enabled to be able to install creative suite?

    I do have service pack 1 for vista ultimate x64.
    Here is the end of the log....
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 DEBUG
    PayloadPolicyInit: BEGIN Updating installstate for payloads
    PayloadPolicyInit: END Updating installstate for payloads
    PayloadPolicyInit: BEGIN Creating policyNodes
    PayloadPolicyNode._SetPayloadAction: none for {092DF7B0-6E10-4718-9763-9704CC4E6EF9} Adobe Anchor Service CS4
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 ERROR
    Unable to load fileOptions from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Options\Op tions.js
    Log of: object
    name {string}: TypeError
    message {string}: 'collectionID' is null or not an object
    number {number}: -2146823281
    description {string}: 'collectionID' is null or not an object
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 DEBUG
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Progress" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Progress\P rogress.js
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Register" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Register\R egister.js
    updating path to Win32
    WizardControl: loading page "Finish" from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\49b2c0059f3cb852831867eec06474a\resources\pages\Install\Finish\Fin ish.js
    HTML data complete: Welcome
    HTML data complete: Eula
    HTML data complete: Progress
    HTML data complete: Register
    HTML data complete: Finish
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:12:48 2008 ERROR
    Critical errors were found in setup for Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection:
    - Session has dependencies that cannot be satisfied.
    Please see the Setup log file for details. Click Quit to exit Setup.
    [ 436] Thu Oct 30 19:17:23 2008 INFO
    END - Installer Session
    Doesn't really make sense to me....

  • Installed Premiere Pro CS4 but video display does not work?

    I just got my copy of CS$. After installing Premiere I found two things that seem very wrong:
    1) video display does not work, not even the little playback viewer next to improted film clips located on the project / sequence window. Audio works fine.
    2) the UI is way too slow for my big beefy system.
    My pc is a dual boot Vista-32 and XP system with 4GB of memory installed and nvidia geforce 280 graphics board with plenty of GPU power. The CS4 is installed on the Vista-32 partition. My windows XP partition on the same PC with Premiere CS2 works great and real fast.
    Any ideas how to solve this CS4 install issue?

    I would like to thank Dan, Hunt, and Haram:
    The problem is now very clear to me. The problem only shows up with video footage imported into PP CS4 encoded with "MS Video 1" codec. So this seems to be a bug. The codec is very clearly called out and supported within various menues but video with this codec just will not play in any monitor or preview window. In addition the entire product looks horrible with respect to performance while PP CS4 trys its best to play the video. Audio will start playing after about 30 seconds. And once in awhile part of video shows up at the wrong magnification before blanking out again.
    My suggestion to the Adobe team: fix the bug and add some sample footage to the next release so new installations can test their systems with known footage.
    My PC is brand new with the following "beefy" components:
    nForce 790i SLI FTW
    3x PCI Express x16 graphics support
    PCI Express 2.0
    NVIDIA SLI-Ready (requires multiple NVIDIA GeForce GPUs)
    DDR3-2000 SLI-Ready memory w/ ERP 2.0 (requires select third party system memory)
    Overclocking tools
    NVIDIA MediaSheild w/ 9 SATA 3 Gb/sec ports
    ESA Certified
    NVIDIA DualNet and FirstPacket Ethernet technology
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
    S-Spec: SLAWQ
    Ver: E36105-001
    Product Code: BX80569Q9550
    Made in Malaysia
    Pack Date: 09/04/08
    Freq.: 2.83 GHz
    L2 Cache: 12 MHz Cache
    FSB: 1333 MHz (MT/s)
    Core: 45nm
    Code named: Yorkfield
    Socket: LGA775
    Cooling: Liquid Cooled
    NVIDIAGeForce GTX 280 SC graphics card
    1 GB of onboard memory
    Full Microsoft DirectX 10
    NVIDIA 2-way and 3-way SLI Ready
    NVIDIA PureVideo HD technology
    NVIDIA PhysX Ready
    NVIDI CUDA technology
    PCI Express 2.0 support
    Dual-link HDCP
    OpenGL 2.1 Capaple
    Output: DVI (2 dual-link), HDTV
    Western Digital
    2 WD VelociRaptor 300 GB SATA Hard Drives configured as Raid 0
    10,000 RPM, 3 Gb/sec transfer rate
    RAM Memory , Corsair 4 GB (2 x 2 GB) 1333 MHz DDR3
    p/n: TW3X4G1333C9DHX G
    product: CM3X2048-1333C9DHX
    XMS3 DHX Dual-Path 'heat xchange'
    2048 x 2 MB
    1333 MHz
    Latency 9-9-9-24-2T
    1.6V ver3.2

  • Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

    All the icons in my Text Wrap window have disappeared. The tab/pallet is still there, but empty. The pop out still lists “Show Options” and “Apply to Master Page Only” are still there, but grayed out. Thanks in advance for any help!!

    Should have remembered that one.
    Thanks for the help!
    = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    Wally Flick
    Director Creative Services
    [email protected]
    314-854-0718 (voice)
    847-953-0774 (fax)
    Designer's Corner
    Designer's Blog
    BobLevine <[email protected]>
    02/01/2010 04:55 PM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    Walter Flick <[email protected]>
    Text Wrap Options have Disappeared ID CS4

  • Change Locale / UI Text Options of Photoshop CS4

    Sorry to bug you all but I've searched the answer to this for two days and can't find anything.
    I recently installed CS4 Design Premium on a PC running Windows 7. When I resize an image (Image>Image Size), the dialog window always displays the Document Size in centimeters. Unfortunately I'm in the U.S. and haven't yet converted to the metric system and it's a royal pain to change the drop-down to inches each time.
    In my "Locales" folder the only subdirectory that exists is, "en_GB". In Edit>Preferences>Interface:UI Text Options:UI Language there is only one option available which is "English: UK". I'm pretty sure that during the initial install of the suite I selected "United States" as my Locale. And is there any reason to have a drop-down with only one choice and no means of adding others (no need to answer this one, I'm just thinking out loud)?
    Is there any way to add the United States as a Locale without having to re-install the Suite?
    Many Thanks

    Is there any way to add the United States as a Locale without having to re-install the Suite?
    The locale for the main program is defined by the serial, not necessarily by your language selection. Shared components derive their locale from this as well and/or in part from the system setting. That issue with installs wrongly using en_GB is quite common, though. It usually occurs when other Adobe software with shared components already was on the system and coerced the installer into using the wrong language. However, short of reinstalling everything Adobe after having sweeped clean with uninstalls and the CS4 Clean Script, there is no way to resolve this.

  • Complaint: Animated GIF, Photoshop CS4

    I am a freelance print designer. Needless to say that I have upgraded to the Design Standard Edition of the Creative Suite 4. Still, some customers ask me to do their web banners, too.
    Fact 1:
    There is an animation palette in Photoshop CS4 Standard.
    Fact 2:
    You can create animations with that palette.
    Fact 3:
    You can save the animation as an animated GIF.
    Fact 4:
    Opening the animated GIF, you only get the first frame, so you cannot edit the animation or content inside the GIF.
    Fact 5:
    I need to alter a few animated GIFs which I created several years ago using Photoshop CS2. Due to a harddrive crash, I don't have access to the original layered PSD files any more.
    Fact 5:
    Photoshop CS4, the most advanced image editing tool on the face of the earth, is absolutely useless at this point, and I have to find freeware or shareware to do the job. Finding and purchasing this sort of software is MY time, and that is MY money.
    Whatever drove Adobe to cripple Photoshop CS4 Standard, whatever drove them to expel the simple "Open Animated GIF" feature from Photoshop CS4, it was the wrong decision.
    This, Adobe, is a customer complaint. Take it serious. There is competition, and I hear a lot about GIMP these days.

    I know this thread is getting on a bit now, but I do have the answers.
    Quite simply, as far as I can tell, this cannot be done without Quicktime installed.
    To open an animated gif in CS4 on a PC:
    1. Go to File->Import->Video Frames to Layers
    2. In the File Name box type “*” ( or you can type the name manually) The window will now show every type of file
    3. Select your gif and you are done
    To open animated gif in CS4 on a MAC:
    1.  Go to open, select your GIF, then in the bottom left corner of the open file dialogue box select Quicktime Movie as the format, then open your GIF.
    2.  You’ll need to open your animations window by going to window -> animation. This will bring up the time line.
    3.  If you want to have all of the frames broken up into layers, click the options in the animation window, and select “Flatten Frames into Layers”.
    This will give you access to all the frames as layers and you can now edit the GIF as though it was a movie.
    I hope this helps to ease somebody's frustration.

  • Who has a find Open Path plug-in for CS4 Illustrator on WinXP and a close path also?

    Can anyone lead me to a plug-ins for finding open paths and closing them in CS4 on WinXP?

    Just a thought, but, have you tried using Live Paint?

  • I need to install photoshop cs4 extended from a disk to a new computer because my old computer had a hard drive crash. There is no serial number on the back of the case.  How can I obtain a usable serial number?

    I have to install Photoshop CS4 extended on a new computer from a disk because my old computer had a hard drive crash.  There is no serial number on the back of the case.  How can I obtain a usable serial number?

    Find your serial number quickly
    You can activate software without following up and registering it... at least that was the case in the past.  The serial number is normally located on the disc case or a box inside the main box.  If you did not purchase the disc from Adobe then it is possible you would have dealt with a redemption code, in which case it would have been up to you to keep a record of the serial number, especially if you did not follow up and register the software.

  • I am transfering my stuff from my lap top to my desk top (both Mac). I cannot get my CS4 to open. It gives me a 150:30 error, licencing thing. I have no idea what to do and after hours of searching none of what I found helps. I don't know anything about t

    Sorry didn't know that the first step was just supposed to be "subject".
    So here it is again.
    "I am transfering my stuff from my lap top to my desk top (both Mac). I cannot get my CS4 to open. It gives me a 150:30 error, licencing thing. I have no idea what to do and after hours of searching none of what I found helps. I don't know anything about this stuff so please don't answer with "maybe this willl work, or maybe that."  I need a real answer please and I cannot find a way to actually contact Adobe. I also don't have a disk drive on this Mac. Thanks"
    Also please feel free to e-mail the answer because I hate looking for these answers online. It takes me forever to find this section. Not that I have even even gotten a real answer.
    [email protected]

    Hi Sonia,
    While transferring Adobe from laptop to PC the licensing files got corrupt and the right way to use Adobe Applications is to install first as transferring from a different machine can give you problems.
    You can try steps from this article if that helps otherwise you have to reinstall and manually delete some files , everything is mentioned.
    You can download CS4 from here:
    Download CS4 products

  • Clip Notes in CS4/Acrobat 9: exports transcript, no controls for QuickTime

    When I use the Transcribe feature, then export my project to Clip Notes, it exports every transcribed word as a separate comment. There doesn't seem to be any way of suppressing that, and there doesn't seem to be a way of deleting a transcription either in PP or in Acrobat. The result is that the reviewer sees all these comments and has to fight with Acrobat to insert new comments. When I import the xfdf back into PP, I get the whole transcription loaded into markers along with the reviewer's comments. Unless I open every one, I can't tell what's what.
    Is there at least a way of deleting the transcription in PP or Acrobat?
    Also, if I export the video as QuickTime, there are no player controls in Acrobat. I only get player controls if I export as Windows Media. That means that some Mac users won't be able to use my Clip Notes exports. I've seen others asking about this, but no answers. Any ideas? I'm running this under Windows Vista Ultimate.

    But I find it amazing that there's no way to delete the damn thing. Adobe made a big deal of transcription, but it seems they didn't regard it as more than a gimmick, since they did it half-baked. I think you're right that it's best not to use this "feature".
    I don't know if it's necessarily half-baked, so much as it is an overly optimistic appraisal of the capability of the technology at this point in time. I mean, it does create words, and sometimes very interesting ones at that
    What's interesting to me is that when I tested out the transcribe feature back when Adobe released the beta of Soundbooth CS4, it was MUCH more accurate--and I was testing it on the mixed, final soundtrack of a documentary captured from Betacam SP. The transcription wasn't anywhere near 100%, but it was actually usable. Now, it struggles on pristine audio from a single, clear voice track. Wish it wasn't so...
    Anyway, you can stop the transcription from appearing in a Clip Notes export. Check out the following screenshot for the how-to:

  • User can't open a PDF created with Illustrator CS4

    I'm creating a PDF in Illustrator CS4, and I save it on a server where the user can get it. User is not able to open the file, it says acces denied. When I email that same file to several users, they can open it without a problem. I have checked that there's no restrictions on accessibility on the folder or the file. I wonder if it has to do with windows user permissions...
    Our IT guy couldn't find any problem ....
    Any clue?

    Try saving locally and copying to the server.

Maybe you are looking for

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