AIC vs. DVl

It seems that when I use Streamclip to convert MPEG-2 video to AIC and the same footage to DV (just as a test) I can't see any difference in the quality of the playback. But, when in FCE I have to constantly render the DV footage many times during and edit session. With AIC, not so much. Why would AIC require less rendering than DV.
I'm converting from MPEG-2 (actually a .MOD file) because I have a flash card camera (Standard Definition on a flash drive).
Also, the AIC footage looks slightly better to me than DV when both are converted from MPEG-2.

The render times depend on your sequence settings. Do your sequence settings match the formats of your source footage?

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    To whom it may concern
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    You are welcome. I'm glad you got it back up.
    (1) You say you did the symbolic link. I will assume this is set correctly; it's very important that it is.
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    (4) Add some SARE rules:
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    Visit and download the following rules:
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  • Why doesn't iMovie use ProRes 422 or native instead of AIC

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    I understand that the iMovie and FCP teams at Apple have been, hitherto, completely independent.
    FCP was bought in - under a different original name - and tweaked from its original incarnation before being offered as 'Final Cut Pro' by Apple. See the section marked "History" in this Wikipedia article.
    iMovie, however, was written long ago to Steve Jobs' specifications by Glenn Reid as a simple video editor for amateurs.
    The ProRes codec appears to have been created separately from the Apple Intermediate Codec of iMovie ..probably because of different programmers' responsibilities for the separate programs ..although, under the 'Terms of Use', we're not supposed to speculate here in Apple Discussions.
    HDV and AVCHD, being extremely 'compressed' methods of storing video, similar to the MPEG-2 format used for squeezing long movies onto small DVDs, cannot be edited 'frame-accurately' directly, as most of the video frames rely on data stored in other frames for their content. In other words, the 1st frame of fifteen frames contains a whole frame's worth of data, but the next 14 contain only differences between the first frame of a group and the subsequent frames.
    So there needs to be a method to 'unscramble' or extract the data from the next few frames after the first of each group, in order to reconstitute the rest of the frames for editing them.
    AIC is the method used in iMovie. ProRes is the method chosen for FCP.
    It's interesting, though, that Randy Ubillos, now 'Chief Architect - Video Applications' at Apple, and the "onlie true begetter" of what later became Final Cut Pro, was the man who demonstrated iMovie '09 at last month's MacWorld Keynote. So if Randy's on hand to explain how to use iMovie, and created the new-style iMovie, then maybe we'll see some more convergence occur. (..iMovie has already taken on board FCP's "instant rendering", so that we no longer have to wait for transitions to be rendered within iMovie, but can see the results immediately. iMovie's real "behind the scenes" rendering now takes place during export, after after editing's finished..)

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    Think it's custom dimensions/fit to dimensions

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    The thing that is wrong is that you are judging the quality of VIDEO on COMPUTER monitors. Properly calibrated or no...this is not how you do it. Calibration for computer monitors sets them right for PHOTOSHOP and color, not VIDEO and proper monitoring. Only getting a signal to a broadcast VIDEO monitor, or HDTV, will show you what you really have. And for that you need an HD input/output device or capture card...and the HDTV or HD monitor.
    Computer monitors are never the place to judge video quality. Resolution is typically lowered to allow for full frame playback. Even if paused.

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    2. Does pro RES442 offer better picture resolution ( less artifacts) ?
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    thanks for everyones support

    iDVD can only create standard definition format so it makes no sense to send it an HD file.

  • HD quality iMovie vs. Final Cut Express (AIC)

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    * Footage: filmed on Canon 5D Mark II (1080p, bitrate >40Mbps
    * Imported into iMovie '09, no stabilization and other tricks, exported to Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC) with as little quality loss as possible
    * Imported into FCE, exported to AIC
    Resulting file from FCE is sharper and cleaner when compared side by side in QuickTime. Not surprisingly the same AIC export has different sizes, too.
    * FCE: 477 MB for 32 seconds of footage
    * iMovie: 253 MB for the same 32 seconds of identical footage
    Hope this helps someone. Happy filming!

    It's been long discussed, but your conclusion is not fully correct:
    1) If you import at FULL, no pixels are lost by iM. Thus, his Canon footage could have come in perfectly.
    2) "One field is DISCARDED with 1080i." Not true. IF AND ONLY IF you use a function or FX that performs scaling, ALL video is chopped to 540p.
    3) The functions that do NOT cause conversion of ALL video to 540p include SPEED, DISSOLVE, and FADE. If you use only these FX, then EVERY pixel that is recorded by your camera CAN BE exported by iM 09.
    4) If you use no FX, then EVERY pixel that is recorded by your camera CAN BE exported by iM 09.
    5) To export ALL pixels, you of course, must choose the correct settings in the QT dialog. They would be the same as you use with FCE or FCP.
    The fact he got different sized files shows HE did something to cause the difference. Had he done things "correctly," he would have the same size file.
    PS1: Page Curl is a perfect example of a scaling FX. So, by violating the #1 rule of using iM 09 you get support for your incorrect conclusion. Folks shooting with a camera like the Canon do so mostly to get a high-end film look. Very few folks making a film use anything other than SPEED, DISSOLVE, and FADE. In fact, no one making a high-end video would use anything other than SPEED, DISSOLVE, and FADE. So, it is perfectly possible to NOT use any of the "bad" FX. (Although they can be fun I admit!)
    PS2: Be aware the black Background IS one of the bad FX. Unless, this bug was fixed in the last update. A static background should not need to use scaling! If this bug remains, use a black JPEG! I keep a black and white matte in iPhoto to use with "Fade TO" FX.

  • HDV looks jerky, convert to AIC and exported from FCE: more jerky

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    When I view the footage in QT, it looks like the frame rate is messed up (the footage looks jerky, and you can see ghost trail type effects when there is a lot of motion.) There is also a wiggly black line, about 1 px wide at the top and bottom of the video the entire time.
    Does anyone have any idea why it looks like this? It is a setting in QT? Or do I need to get my eyes checked? At first I thought the footage may have been shot at 25fps but when I look at the info, it says 29.97 like it should be.
    I don't own FCP, so I'm editing this footage in FCE. I have converted it all to the AIC codec, and the jerkiness remains the same. The most bizarre thing is that I never noticed this until a few days ago. Do you think it has something to do with the interlacing (Upper fields)?
    If necessary I can upload a sample HDV clip.
    Thank you!

    Thank you Tom, I've actually uploaded a sample of the problem. You can see both the weird jerkiness and the wiggly black lines. Do you think it could just be the illusion of watching something interlaced on a computer monitor? This is actually my first time working with HD (upper fields.) I appreciate your help A LOT!

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    Thanks in advance for any help I can get!

    First, I assume that if you right click on the h.264 and the AIC files and check duration, they are identical.
    Second, if you look at the AIC clip properties within FCE in the broser, the duration is also unchanged.
    Third, if you bring the clip to the timeline, it is still the same length.
    If that's the case, put an out point after the last frame of your sequecnce (the entire sequence should now be highlighted) and export as QuickTime movie, current settings.

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    I currently edit a lot of videos - mixing high quality original footage with found low quality clips from the web. I edit in ProRes, but for the sake of storage space, would it hurt much to convert the low quality web clips to AIC instead of ProRes and use them in the timeline? Even when I use ProRes, I encode at the resolution of the source clip, so it has to be rendered in FCP anyway. Just curious what your thoughts are about this. Thanks!

    I think they are basically the same sort of idea.
    AIC was the original and ProRes is the "new improved" version though I've never noticed any difference in quality.
    Of course, that doesn't mean that others with more specialised eyes and requirements can't see vast improvements.

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    We are trying to configure AIC and EIC modules under the shared services framework of CRM, do you have any guides on how to configure / activate those modules related on the SAP BASIS side.
    Thank you in advance for your answers

    After extensive testing with Oracle Hyperion the root cause was runnong HSS as a service following the configuration with MSAD. The config framework page displayed as the version when it was actually as confirmed by the HSS console. Apparently this problem can happen in
    Just thought I'd let you know the solution.

  • 2.6 + DELL PowerEdge 4400 + AIC-7880 + AIC-7899 don't mix

    I have 10 DELL Poweredge 4400 servers to get Solaris 2.6 installed on asap.
    They come with embedded aic-7880 for scsi cdrom and aic-7899 for raid support.
    Well I can not get past the DCA diskettes to get Solaris installed. Seems to hang on the adp.bef driver. Also I think I may have an IRQ problem.
    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I know we should have bought Ultra II systems!!!
    Best regards,

    Please see my post under the question about using Solaris 7 drivers under 2.6. Patch 107768-02 addresses this and has an image for a driver diskette so you can apply it during the DCA to allow the install. All covered in the readme.

  • Help with AIC Export

    I've read a few threads where it is suggested to export HD content to AIC format and then use Toast to burn the short movie to dvd (to play in blu ray player).
    Where do I find the option to export AIC format in imovie hd?
    file --> export --> QT---> expert setting - not sure what setting gets AIC.

    I haven't actually done this but when you click the "Expert Settings" you will get a button named "Options".
    Click it and in the window that opens click "Settings".
    In the new window click "Compression Types" where you can choose from the dropdown menu "HDV - 1080i60" or whatever the exact format of your video is.

  • When exporting as aic cropping does not transfer the clips appear in the original size...

    When exporting as aic cropping does not transfer the clips appear in the original can I fix this??  Aic seems to be the best quality - least compressed - so I would prefer to use it rather than the other options.

    ssprengel wrote:
    And if you go to Develop, and make your filmstrip thumbnails a little taller to make sure all the badges are shown, does a missing indicator show up, there?   Can you Export from Develop?
    If you click on the Photos that Failed to Export collection at the top right does the photo it highlight have a missing indicator?
    If you do a test export with just one photo, to your internal drive, does it work?
    I adjusted the height of the thumbnails. Still no exclamation points or question marks as noted here.
    Also, as to your second question, unfortunately no as noted here.
    And as to your last question, I have tried several times to export them to my desktop (which would be on my internal drive, not external). I've even gone so far as to put a copy folder of my original NEF files onto my desktop (7 gb worth) to see if that would help me didn't.

Maybe you are looking for

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