Air 2.6 Include XML file

Hi guys,
I successfully created a highscore list for AIR 2.6 using File.applicationStorageDirectory.
file = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath("highscore.xml");
fileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ);
highscoreXML = new XML(fileStream.readUTFBytes(fileStream.bytesAvailable));
This works on my desktop debug, but it does not seem to work on my Ipad though.
This is how I package the file.. putting the included xml file at the end (is this right?)
./adt  -package -target ipa-test -storetype pkcs12 -keystore  Certificates.p12 -storepass PASS  -provisioning-profile MotoMemoryProfile.mobileprovision motoMemory.ipa  motoMemory-app.xml motoMemory.swf highscore.xml
It works until it has to open the highscore.xml. Not sure how to debug this or if I am missing anyhthing...
I would really appreciate any input.

I had this problem too.  Was getting IO errors.  What ended up fixing it was changing the path from "file.xml" to "/file.xml".
For some reason, I only had that problem with XML files needing the / in front.
Also, you might wasnt to consider using the SharedObject instead of an XML file.  Much easier.
var myData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("scores"); = <your scores object>;

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    If you don't want to embed the XML file into a SWF, then the SWF can download the XML file from the server at runtime when it needs it. But there will be a delay while that happens. Maybe it would be better to put the data in the XML file into a database and then access only the parts of it that you need.
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    As GerdW said, it is preferable (and better practice) to use the project explorer. My guess, you didn't configure the build correctly (and probably used the default settings).
    First, you have to specify your xml file as Always included is the source file tab
    Now look at how the build folders are built:
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    where is the big deal? there are many posts answering this in the forum.
    here is a possibility:
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    <%@page import="javax.xml.transform.*,*" %><%
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    Can you please share the entire contents of your platform.xml(if using) and the commands you are using to package ANE as well as IPA? Also, can you try unzipping the ANE and then, checking its contents, platform.xml and the architectures present in sample.a using the file command just to confirm earlier version of ANE is not being used.

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    I think xinclude and xpointer are what you're looking for.
    These technologies have been around for quite a while (at least since 2001) and many parsers support these standards out of the box. No need to write your own.

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    As far as I know, you only can import xml-files with Adobe Acrobat. If you use it, choose "Extended" -> forms -> "importing data"
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    Good Luck

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" xmlns:s="library://" width="1400" backgroundColor="#666666" xmlns:mx2="library://" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <mx:Style source="map_1.css"/>
        <mx:XML id="customer_info.xml" source="Assets/customer_info.xml" />
                /**Google Map Code API: ps_&
                 _ */
                private function onMapReady(event:Event):void {
               LatLng(31.683952973286058, -97.09904551506042), 14, MapType.NORMAL_MAP_TYPE);
                            private function processForm(event:Event):void { trace(from.text + " " + to.text); }
                    public var directionsSteps:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                    var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess);
                    directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
          "Status:" + event.directions.status);
                    map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline(); map.addOverlay(directionsPolyline);
                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter()); map.setZoom(map.getBoundsZoomLevel(directionsBounds));
                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng;
                                var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng)); map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                    for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                    { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step);
                                    privatefunction onGridClick(event:Event):void { var latLng:LatLng = directionsGrid.selectedItem.latLng;
                                        var opts:InfoWindowOptions = new InfoWindowOptions(); opts.contentHTML = directionsGrid.selectedItem.descriptionHtml; map.openInfoWindow(latLng, opts);
                                        var ServerPath:String = "";
                                        var ServerPage:String = serverPath + "getCountries";
                                                var directions:Directions = new Directions(); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_SUCCESS, onDirectionsSuccess); directions.addEventListener(DirectionsEvent.DIRECTIONS_FAILURE, onDirectionsFail);
                                                directions.load("from: " + from.text + " to: " + to.text);
                                      "Status:" + event.directions.status);
                                                map.clearOverlays(); var directions:Directions = event.directions; var directionsPolyline:IPolyline = directions.createPolyline();
                                                var directionsBounds:LatLngBounds = directionsPolyline.getLatLngBounds(); map.setCenter(directionsBounds.getCenter());
                                                var startLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(0).getStep(0).latLng; var endLatLng:LatLng = dir.getRoute(directions.numRoutes-1).endLatLng; map.addOverlay(new Marker(startLatLng));
                                                map.addOverlay(new Marker(endLatLng));
                                                for (var r:Number = 0 ; r < directions.numRoutes; r++ ) { var route:Route = directions.getRoute(r); for (var s:Number = 0 ; s < route.numSteps; s++ )
                                                { var step:Step = route.getStep(s); directionsSteps.addItem(step); } }
                                    var sender:URLLoader;
                                    var sendPage:URLRequest;
                                    var sendVars:URLVariables;
                                        function initApp:void {
                                    var ServerPath:String = "http://localhost/silverfoxcc/";
                                    var url:String = serverPath + "login.aspx";
                                    sender = new URLLoader();
                                    sendPage = new URLRequest(url);
                                    sendPage.method = URLRequest.POST;
                                    sendvars = new URLVariables();
                                    SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                    sender.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorhandler);
                                                function clickhandler(e:MouseEvent:void{
                                                    var suppSUBMIT:String = username_txt.text;
                                                    var suppRESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                    if (suppSUBMIT.length > 0 && suppRESET.length > 0) {
                                                        message_txt.text = "";
                                                        sendVars.submit = suppSUBMIT;
                                                        sendVars.reset = suppRESET;
                                               = sendVars;
                                                        message_txt.text ="You must enter a last name and customer identification before clicking the submit button."
                                                  function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                      var xmlResponse:XML = XML(;
                                                          var userMessage:String;
                                                          if (xmlResponse.text().toString() == "true") {
                                                              userMessage = "Congratulations, information is retrieved"'';
                                                          else {
                                                              usermessage = "Information to be retrieved failed. Please try again";
                                                                              message_txt.text =userMessage;
                                                                      function ioErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                      function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
                                                                          message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                             /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 9: COMMUNICATION WITH THE SERVER*/
                                                              import xmlUtilities.XMLLoader;
                                                              private var serverPath:String = "http://localhost/FOE/";
                                                              private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                  myXMLLoader = new XMLLoader();
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                  myXMLLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_Error, IOErrorHandler);
                                                                  SUBMIT.btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
                                                                          private function completeHandler(e:Event):void{
                                                                              var userMessage:String;
                                                                              var response:String =myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                              if (response:String = myXMLLoader.response().toString();
                                                                                  if (response == true"){
                                                                                         usermessage = "Congratualtions. You were successful";
                                                                                            userMessage = Login failed. Please try again";
                                                                                      message_txt.text = userMessage;
                                                                                  private function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                                                                      var SUBMIT:String = submit_txt.text;
                                                                                      var RESET:String = reset_txt.text;
                                                                                      vars myVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
                                                                                      if (username.length > 0 && password.length > 0) {
                                                                                          myVars.SUBMIT = submit;
                                                                                          myVars.CUSTMER ID = customerid;
                                                                                          myXMLLOADER.loafxml("login.aspx, myVars);
                                                                                            else {
                                                                                             message_txt.text = "You must enter a last name and customer id before clicking the submit button"
                                                                                  private function IOErrorHandler(e:IOErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                                  private function securityErrorHandler(e:SecurityErrorEvent):void{
                                                                                      message_txt.text = e.text;
                                                                            /**Foundation for Ed: XML & E4X-Chapter 8: MODIFYING XML CONTENT WITH ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0*/
                                                                                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                                                                                import xmlUtilities.MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                private function initApp(e:Event):void {
                                                                                /add testing lines here
                                                                                            private var myXMLLoader:MyXMLLoaderHelper;
                                                                                            private function initApp(e:FlexEvent):void {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader = new MyXMLLoaderHelper();
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addEventListener("xmlUpdated", xmlUpdatedHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.addEventListener(ListEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);
                                                                                                 addRow_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addClickHandler);
                                                                                                 delete_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteClickHandler);
                                                                                                 books_dg.addEventListener(DataGridEvent.ITEM_EDIT_END, itemEditEndHandler);
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.labelFunction = getFullName;
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.loadXML("Assets/customer_info.xml", "lastname");
                                                                                            private function completeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 authors_cbo.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getChildElements("author");
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(0);
                                                                                            private function getFullName(item:Object):String {
                                                                                              return item.authorFirstName + " " + item.customerLastName;
                                                                                            private function changeHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(;
                                                                                            private function addClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var newBookName:String = name_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newPublishYear:String = year_txt.text;
                                                                                              var newBookCost:String = cost_txt.text;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              if(newBookName.length > 0 && newPublishYear.length > 0 && newBookCost.length > 0) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.addBook(authorIndex, newBookName, newPublishYear, newBookCost);
                                                                                            private function deleteClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void {
                                                                                              var bookIndex:int = books_dg.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;;
                                                                                              if (books_dg.selectedIndex != -1) {
                                                                                                 myXMLLoader.deleteBook(authorIndex, bookIndex);
                                                                                            private function itemEditEndHandler(e:DataGridEvent):void {
                                                                                              var authorIndex:int = authors_cbo.selectedIndex;
                                                                                              var dg:DataGrid = as DataGrid;
                                                                                              var field:String = e.dataField;
                                                                                              var row:int = e.rowIndex;
                                                                                              var col:int = e.columnIndex;
                                                                                              var oldVal:String =[field];
                                                                                              var newVal:String = dg.itemEditorInstance[dg.columns[col].editorDataField];
                                                                                              if (oldVal != newVal) {
                                                                                                   myXMLLoader.modifyXMLTree(authorIndex, dg.columns[col].dataField, row, newVal)
                                                                                            private function xmlUpdatedHandler(e:Event):void {
                                                                                                 books_dg.dataProvider = myXMLLoader.getBooks(authors_cbo.selectedIndex);
                                                                                                 tree_txt.text = myXMLLoader.getXML().toXMLString();
        <s:Panel x="9" y="257" width="459" height="383" contentBackgroundColor="#666666" backgroundColor="#666666" chromeColor="#FCF6F6" title="DIRECTIONS TO SILVER FOX COLLISION CENTER:" fontSize="14">
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="7" contentBackgroundColor="#030000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="3" y="6" text="FROM:" fontSize="14" color="#FDF9F9"/>
            <s:TextInput x="1114" y="637" contentBackgroundColor="#FCF7F7" height="17" width="213"/>
            <s:Button x="1337" y="634" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="141" fontSize="14"/>
            <mx:Label x="1088" y="637" text="TO:" fontSize="12" color="#FDFBFB"/>
            <s:Button x="295" y="56" label="GET DIRECTIONS" focusColor="#FBFCFD" chromeColor="#666666" color="#FEFEFE" width="157" fontSize="12"/>
            <s:TextInput x="55" y="31" contentBackgroundColor="#070000" height="17" width="392"/>
            <mx:Label x="25" y="30" text="TO:" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <mx2:DataGrid x="10" y="54" width="458" height="104" color="#666666" contentBackgroundColor="#060000" borderColor="#030000" fontSize="8" focusColor="#666666" chromeColor="#030000" selectionColor="#666666" dropShadowVisible="true" rollOverColor="#FFFFFF">
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="LAST NAME:" dataField="col1"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="DESIGNATED DUE DATE:" dataField="col2"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="STATUS UPDATED:" dataField="col3"/>
                <mx2:DataGridColumn headerText="CUSTOMER ID:" dataField="col3"/>
        <mx:Text id="directionsSummary" width="100%"/> <mx:DataGrid id="directionsGrid" dataProvider="{directionsSteps}" width="100%" height="100%" sortableColumns="false" />
        <mx:Text id="directionsCopyright" width="100%"/>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="From: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="from" text="San Francisco, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="To: " width="70"/> <mx:TextInput id="to" text="Mountain View, CA" width="100%"/> </mx:HBox>
        <s:Label x="11" y="38" text="LAST NAME:" color="#FCFBFB" fontSize="14" verticalAlign="top"/>
        <s:TextArea x="96" y="32" width="145" height="18" focusColor="#FCFAFA" color="#010000" contentBackgroundColor="#000000" id="message_txt" text="{xmlService.lastResult.toString()}>
        <s:Label x="273" y="37" text="CUSTOMER ID;" fontSize="14" color="#FDFBFB"/>
        <s:TextInput x="376" y="32" width="89" height="18" focusColor="#FCF9F9" color="#FAF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#040000"/>
        <s:Button x="318" y="212" label="RESET" focusColor="#F8FAFB" color="#FEFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:Button x="393" y="212" label="SUBMIT" focusColor="#F8F9FA" color="#FFFBFB" chromeColor="#666666" fontSize="12"/>
        <s:TextArea x="10" y="160" width="458" height="48" color="#FEF8F8" contentBackgroundColor="#050000"/>
        <mx:Panel x="483" y="31" width="750" height="609" layout="absolute" backgroundColor="#666666" borderVisible="true" dropShadowVisible="true" chromeColor="#FDF9F9">
            <mx:VBox x="26" y="7" height="559" width="708">
                <maps:Map xmlns:maps="*" id="map" mapevent_mapready="onMapReady(event)" x="500" y="25" width="700" height="550" key="ABQIAAAA9YXHa-b0xqHBMiooUNYUbhRpa9TAnukyOWjhoGl3Y9H2BJoi9xSrm6cnM0lBZ4lCtqRLxKpQK_eb Rg" sensor="true"/>
    /**the AIR APPLICATION*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                           xmlns:mx="library://" backgroundColor="#666666" width="854" height="348" creationComplete="initApp(event)">
        <s:HTTPService id="customer_info" url="data/customer_info.xml" resultFormat="e4x" result="resultHandler(event)"/>
            /**FLEX 4 Bible: Chapter 24- Managing XML w/ E4X*/
            private var xmlData:XML;
            private function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
                xmlData = event.result as XML:
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
        <mx:Image source="@Embed('Assets/logo.png')" x="1" y="0" width="760" height="168"/>
        <s:Label x="96" y="126" text="Last Name:&#xd;" color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:Label x="13" y="218" text="Designated Due Date:&#xd;" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman" color="#FBF8F8"/>
        <s:Label x="63" y="186" text="Status Updated:&#xd;" color="#FCF5F5" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="125" width="196"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="215" width="195"/>
        <s:TextInput x="193" y="185" width="195"/>
        <s:Label x="80" y="158" text="Customer ID:" color="#FDFCFC" fontSize="20" fontFamily="Times New Roman"/>
        <s:TextInput x="192" y="155" width="196"/>
        <s:Button x="243" y="241" label="RESET"/>
        <s:Button x="317" y="241" label="UPDATE" focusColor="#666666"/>
    /**the Customer Information XML*/
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <name namesID="1">
                    <customerid customerID="1">

    Hi All,
    please note that we found the problem. The problem was that we didn't configure under:
    "Configuration-> Security -> Message Security -> SOAP" the voprrect provider to handle the security.
    After that was done (extract of domain.xml) the message was understood.
    <provider-config class-name="com.sun.identity.agents.jsr196.as9soap.AMServerAuthModule" provider-id="AMServerProvider-UserNameToken-Plain" provider-type="server">
                <request-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <response-policy auth-source="content"/>
                <property name="providername" value="UserNameToken-Plain"/>
              </provider-config>unfortunately the next problem occured I will post in a new thread.
    Edited by: rankin_ut on Jan 26, 2009 4:43 AM

  • Trouble Importing XML Files

    So I recently switched to a PC from a Mac.  I actually prefer Windows 8 to all other OS's, I know I'm in the minority, but that's what I like.  My question is this:  When I imported my catalogs from my Mac to my PC all imported fine with all files showing correctly and all images showing a history of edits etc.  However for whatever reason one wedding I shot didn't make it in.  The files are there along with the sidecar files.  So I tried to import that folder into the catalog and it did.  However it didn't import the sidecar files and all my previous edits are now not showing.
    How do I import these XML files so that my edits are restored?  I see no option at the import screen to inlcude or not include XML files.  Are my edits lost forever or can they be saved? Thanks.
    FYI: I'm using Lightroom 4.3

    For your information, the .xmp files are not the way to restore a catalog. Certain information is not stored in .xmp files, such as collections, and flags, and a few other things.
    All of your edits, as well as collections, flags, and everything else done in Lightroom are stored in the Lightroom catalog. If you moved the catalog file from one computer to the other, all of your edits and everything else you did in Lightroom will be in there. You would not have had this issue.

  • How can I set connection to external XML file with Dreamweaver to buiild AIR app?

    I try to do simple AIR app in dreamweaver. It's not problem
    to use static data. But I'd like to use dynamic data from external
    XML file. I try to use Spry and evrything works fine in web browser
    but i have problem with loading external XML data into my app in
    AIR. Can I simply transform my spry based html app into AIR?
    What should I add to do this?

    Daniel Lichtenwald wrote:
    What are the requirements and steps for arranging to receive this large file using File Transfer Protocol (FTP)?
    Usually, we don't speak of "receive" when using FTP, since the file is transferred from server to client, so it's more of a case of "download".
    At your end, it's simple. You use an FTP client; under SL, that includes Finder and Safari, so you don't even need to get any additional software.
    At the other end, it's more complicated; the 'sender' must set up an FTP server on his machine.
    Alternatively, you can set up your own Mac as an FTP server, and have the 'sender' connect to you with an FTP client and upload the file; but, if your Mac lives behind a router, then you have more work to do with the router settings.
    That's why it's much easier to use the file sharing services mentioned above -- if they are available in both sender's and receiver's locations. (Keep in mind that some countries block access to all those mentioned -- except perhaps <>, of which I know absolutely nothing.)

  • Export release build not including XML data files in apk package

    Hi, all;
    I have a flash pro project that I have packaged for AIR based on these steps: l-projects/
    There are two differences:
    I am loading XML files from right next to the swf
    The Flash Pro project and the Mobile project are sharing a directory that is outside of both projects (this was the workflow already established in FP, since multiple swfs share the same XML).
    When I test this on my phone, it adds the XML files to the apk and everything works great. The problem I am having is that the Export Release Build does not have the XML files included, and I don't see anything in the Flash Builder interface that looks like it will allow me to add other files than the swf and the app.xml.
    What am I missing?

    Thank you so much--your feedback enabled me to think through this and get to the critical piece I was missing. I've marked it helpful, because it pointed the way.
    I'm not a big fan of marking one's own answers "correct," but I'm going to do that this time so that people can easily find the steps.
    The mistake I was making was thinking that the "Debug on device" was not going to push out a debug AIR version, because the swf was not a debug swf.
    I didn't understand that if I clicked the Run button, that this would also push a version out to the device, and that this version would not give the "waiting to connect to the debugger" message.
    The whole process you get when you click "Run" is a little odd (I say this for those who have never tried it). It will install the app to the device, but doesn't launch it (I think it can't). Flash Builder then hangs in "Installing application to device." If you actually look at the screen, you will see a new download in your notifications bar, and from there you can launch the app.
    To summarize:
    To get started packaging your Flash Pro swf for Air using Flash Builder, follow Renaun's steps ( l-projects/)
    In the process of getting this working on Mobile, you probably have a debug version installed on your phone. Uninstall this using Astro File Manager (
    Instead of clicking the "Debug" button in Flash Builder, click "Run." This makes a non-debug apk and pushes it to your phone (if your configuration allows for debugging on the device).
    Additional notes: if you have xml files that are packaged into the apk file and you're using URLLoader (because the app originates as a web app), add "app:/" to the beginning of the URL string you are using. So "xml/myFile.xml" becomes "app:/xml/myFile.xml". If you need to keep your original web app logic, add a conditional on Capabilities.playerType=="Desktop."
    Hope this helps someone else with the same problems

  • How to include .class or xml file in a JNLP

    I want to include an xml file in the JNLP file. Can any one tell me the syntax to include it plzzzzz.....

    You mean as related-content?
    If so, put it in a native-lib as myXml.jar and have href="jar:myXml.jar!/actualXmlFile.xml"

  • Adobe AIR 4 Not reading a XML file larger than 10MB

    I have an application where the XML file could be over 10MB in size. I am using XMLHttpRequest to read the file in. However, on Air 4, it results in null when the file is greater than 10MB in size. This was working until I updated to AIR 4. I can go back to a previous version of AIR and the loading of large file works.
    xml = new XMLHttpRequest( );
    xml.onreadystatechange = function( ){
        if( xml.readyState == 4 && xml.status == 200){
      b[language] = xml.responseXML.documentElement; //Results in NULL when file size is greater than 10MB
            var tempTxt = "Loaded Database"; "GET", file.url, false);
    xml.send( null );
    Why AIR limited the file size and any work around for this? The Request processes fine and readyState will become 4. However, xml.responseXML.documentElement will respond with a NULL.
    Thank you

    It's difficult to tell what it is, it looks like a binary
    pipe symbol but I can copy it from TextPad for example. Some of the
    characters following it cannot be copied from TextPad which I
    assume is because it's null. I can read the whole file in C#/.Net
    and assign it to a string variable without any problems but perhaps
    Air is somewhat limited to binary content.

  • How to include an xml file in an xml file ?

    Is there an xml tag to include the content of an xml file in another ? So the parser, parsing the first one, automaticaly parse the second one (included one) when reaching the tag.
    William T.

    You can use an entity reference to point to the next xml file.
    An entity reference in an xml file is preceded by the & And then the name of the reference i.e.
    <mytag>&nextFile</mytag>. Your DTD for the xml file must have a corresponding <!ENTITY> tag that says how to dereference the entity reference in the xml file to an actual resource. If you want to handle entity references via a SAXParser, then you will need to implement the EntityResolver interface and register this with the parser. I think it should be possible in the entity resolver to create a new parser object to handle the new file.
    Hope this helps.

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