Air 3.6 and the fl package

I just switched over to air 3.6 in Flash Professional. I'm compiling with air which I believe is the latest version. When I start a new Actionscript 3 file, and include a TLFTextField, and then compile for Air for IOS the app won't run. The initial loading screen (e.g. default.png) comes up, and then I simply get a blank screen and nothing happens. If I take out the TLFTextField, then it works (for example, if I draw a simple circle on the stage just to test if it is rendering). My main application I develop will not run as well. I get the same issue - simply a blank screen. It's a frustrating problem as there isn't really a way to debug - if an incorrect element (like TLFTextField) is included it simply doesn't run. I took all of the TLFTextField elements out of my app and it still just has a blank screen on IOS. Things work fine with Air 3.4.
I've noticed that all the fl package elements have been removed from the actionscript documentation. I use many controls from the fl.controls. package, for example. Has the entire fl package been deprecated? (it's frustrating it's simply gone from the documentation as well - I haven't been able to find any indication anywhere why it has been removed or even that is has been removed. It's just gone. It feel a little twilight zone'ish - feels like I was the only person using it lol, even though Flash CS6 has an actual UI to pull those elements in).
Does the entire fl package not work any more?
Any suggestions on how to debug this type of situation and find other items like TLFTextField that no longer work, so that I can remove them and get my apps working on IOS?
Any suggestions on what I can use to replace all the fl.controls elements I am currently using?

well i got my solution and writing the solution may be it will help some one
the actual problem with my application is am using TLFTEXTFIELD and TLFTEXTFIELD directly not supported in air sdk 3.7 so you can remove the tlftext or use this solution
For Flash CS6, copy this swc: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS6/Common/Configuration/ActionScript 3.0/libs/flash.swc
Into my Flash Builder project using these steps: 1.jpg
and then use this link ir-3-5-or-3-6/#comment-241102

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    Here's the entire source of the mxml air app
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
         <mx:Panel x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" layout="absolute" title="M2C Studio Font Parser Utility">
              <mx:VBox x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" paddingRight="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="0">     
                   <mx:HBox x="10" y="10" width="100%" height="95%">
                        <mx:VBox width="50%" height="100%">
                             <mx:Label text="Select font directory from filelist below"/>
                             <mx:FileSystemTree width="100%" height="50%" id="fileTree"/>
                             <mx:HRule width="100%"/>
                             <mx:Label text="Fonts list"/>
                             <mx:Text width="100%" height="50%" id="fontlist"/>
                        <mx:VRule height="100%"/>
                        <mx:VBox width="50%" height="100%">
                             <mx:Label text="XML Output"/>
                             <mx:TextArea width="100%" height="50%" backgroundColor="#ECE9E9"/>
                             <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="50%" id="canv">
                   <mx:Button label="Generate XML from directory" width="100%" click="handlePress();"/>
             import flash.utils.setInterval;
             import com.m2cstudio.archont.utility.fonts.FontLibraryItem;
             import com.m2cstudio.archont.utility.fonts.IFontLibraryItem;
             import mx.accessibility.AlertAccImpl;
                 import mx.controls.*;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                var rx:RegExp = /^.*\.swf$/;
                function handlePress():void
                     // This also throws an error
                     var file:File = fileTree.selectedItem as File;
                     var aLoad:Array = new Array();                 
                "You must select a folder", "Error");
                     } else if(!file.isDirectory) {
                "You must select a folder, not a file", "Error");
                     var aList:Array = file.getDirectoryListing();
                     for each (var fil:File in aList)
                                    // Is swf
                                    var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
                                    fs.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleFileStreamLoaded);
                                    fs.openAsync(fil, FileMode.READ);                       
                function handleFileStreamLoaded(e:Event):void
                     var fs:FileStream = as FileStream;
                     var ld:Loader = new Loader();
                     var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                     var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                     lc.allowLoadBytesCodeExecution = true;
                     ld.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleLoaded);
                     ld.loadBytes(ba, lc);        
                function handleLoaded(e:Event):void
                        var cnt:FontLibraryItem = as FontLibraryItem;
                        cnt.rotation=10; // Rotation, just to be sure it's not using system fonts
                        // This doesn't output anything - neither the main app nor the loaded SWF 'see' any embedded fonts, even though the later uses them!
                        for each (var f:Font in Font.enumerateFonts(false))
                   , f.fontType);     
                        // This should retrieve the appropriate values but throws an error because the SWF can't grab the Font definition
                        //, cnt.getFontStyle());               
    Here's a screen of what it actually looks like when compiled:
    Here's the source of the font library item. Note that the SWF contains only 2 items. A TextField named font with embeded characters and a boolean bt on the first frame.
    package com.m2cstudio.archont.utility.fonts
         import flash.display.MovieClip;
         import flash.text.*;
         public dynamic class FontLibraryItem extends MovieClip implements IFontLibraryItem
              private var txtFont:TextField;
              private var fFont:Font;
              public function FontLibraryItem()
                             // Causes an error - see below why
              public function getFontName():String
                   return fFont.fontName;
              public function getFontType():String
                   return fFont.fontType;
              public function getFontStyle():String
                   return fFont.fontStyle;
              public function getBitmapText():Boolean
              public function getBitmapTextSize():uint
                   if( {
                        return Number(txtFont.defaultTextFormat.size);
                   } else {
                        return 0;
              public function hasGlyphs(glyphs:String):Boolean
                   return fFont.hasGlyphs(glyphs);
              public function createTextField():TextField
                   var tf:TextField = new TextField();
                   tf.embedFonts = true;
                   tf.defaultTextFormat = (this.font as TextField).defaultTextFormat;
                   return tf;
              public function init():void
                   if(this.font) {
                        txtFont = this.font;
                   } else {
                        throw new Error("Document must contain a textfield named 'font' with the embedded font");
                   var fArr:Array = Font.enumerateFonts(false);
                   if(fArr.length==0) {
                        throw new Error("Document does not contain any embeded fonts.");
                   } else if (fArr.length>1) {
                        throw new Error("Document must contain not more than one embedded font");
                   fFont = fArr[0];
    I'm hoping some AIR specialists will take a look at this. Frankly I'm stumped. Font support in Flash was always black magic, more or less, so I can only hope this is an issue that can be solved.
    Just tell me and I'll provide more source or sceenshots.

    I even tried porting the code to Gumbo and running it there - still, no fonts are being enumerated.
    If you're too lazy to read the whole above post, here's the problem in one sentence
    An SWF that contains a textfield with embedded fonts, when launched by itself succeeds to return the embedded font using Font.enumerateFonts(false), however when loaded using Loader.loadBytes into AIR, it fails to see those fonts even though the textfield in it is displayed and editable.
    How do I make the loaded child application and AIR see the embedded font?

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    Apr 18 04:54:02 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 04:54:02 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 04:54:02 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 04:54:02 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 04:54:03 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 04:54:03 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 04:54:03 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 04:54:03 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Apr 18 04:54:03 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]:
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.SleepTimer (SleepTimer)
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Apr 18 06:04:04 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Apr 18 06:04:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Graphics suppressed 1242 ms
    Apr 18 06:04:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
    Apr 18 06:04:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
    Apr 18 06:04:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 4294967296, partition base 0x0, maxio 400000 ssd 1
    Apr 18 06:04:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate image major 14, minor 0, blocksize 512, pollers 5
    Apr 18 06:04:06 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 06:04:06 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:06 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 06:04:06 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 06:04:07 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 06:04:21 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_alloc_pages flags 00000000, gobbling 0 pages
    Apr 18 06:04:21 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_setup(0) took 16079 ms
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 06:04:23 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]:
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall start 0xffffff806b056000, 0xffffff806b099000
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 287 ms
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: pages 427638, wire 119260, act 23097, inact 290, spec 441, zf 2, throt 0, could discard act 117421 inact 107933 purgeable 2838 spec 56356
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 143090
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: writing 142755 pages
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: encryptStart 2f720
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_machine_init: state 2, image pages 119061, sum was a8d32a66, image1Size b38ae00, conflictCount 3017, nextFree 5e47
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_discard time: 155 ms, discarded act 117421 inact 107933 purgeable 2838 spec 56356
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(), ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_machine_init reading
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: PMStats: Hibernate read took 432 ms
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: hibernate_machine_init pagesDone 142891 sum2 f2ea7ba4, time: 432 ms, comp bytes: 19898368 time: 35 ms 536 Mb/s, crypt bytes: 87473664 time: 55 ms 1493 Mb/s
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: -60
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: com_apple_driver_AppleUSBCardReaderUMC:: Stop::Controller Reset
    Apr 18 17:16:57 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Apr 18 17:16:59 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000310 0x5ac 0x8404 0x310
    Apr 18 17:16:59 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Apr 18 17:16:59 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    Apr 18 17:17:00 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 17:17:00 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 17:17:00 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 17:17:00 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 17:17:01 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 17:17:36 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 17:25:33 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]:
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X0'.
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Apr 18 17:58:40 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'CA'.
    Apr 18 17:58:40 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 19:16:12 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 19:18:02 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
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    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 19:24:10 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]:
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X0'.
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0100 [x]
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::validateChecksum - 64-byte packet checksum is incorrect (expected 0xb95, checksum bytes were 0xd94)
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Apr 18 20:14:47 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'US'.
    Apr 18 20:14:47 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 20:14:48 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 20:14:48 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 20:14:48 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 20:14:48 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 20:14:49 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'CA'.
    Apr 18 20:14:49 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 20:16:45 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:17:15: --- last message repeated 6 times ---
    Apr 18 20:20:55 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:35:12 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:35:42: --- last message repeated 3 times ---
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 988363 free pages and 52021 wired pages
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 73
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 0035
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xf50000000
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: PCI configuration changed (bridge=15 device=2 cardbus=0)
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 10 devices 12 ]
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::setupPowerSavings - GPE based runtime power management
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::start - type 2 sleep enabled
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::start - SXFP method found
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: kmod start
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: kmod start
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: load succeeded
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: load succeeded
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: BTCOEXIST off
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: wl0: Broadcom BCM4353 802.11 Wireless Controller
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]:
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000000310 0x5ac 0x8404 0x310
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch(0x0)::listenerCallbackStatic - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 6565DCBB-E99D-3A90-970D-E91B7335C936
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchS eriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOB lockStorageDriver/APPLE SSD TS128E Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: unknown-dev: replay_journal: from: 6864896 to: 9240576 (joffset 0x11502000)
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: unknown-dev: journal replay done.
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: Kernel is LP64
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
    Apr 18 20:45:50 localhost kernel[0]: hfs: Removed 12 orphaned / unlinked files and 339 directories
    Apr 18 20:45:51 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 70:56:81:a8:26:c5
    Apr 18 20:45:51 localhost kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
    Apr 18 20:45:51 localhost kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished(): 
    Apr 18 20:45:52 localhost kernel[0]: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
    Apr 18 20:45:52 localhost kernel[0]: Created virtif 0xffffff800ba65200 p2p0
    Apr 18 20:45:52 localhost kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
    Apr 18 20:45:53 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
    Apr 18 20:45:53 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
    Apr 18 20:45:53 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
    Apr 18 20:45:54 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'CA'.
    Apr 18 20:45:54 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
    Apr 18 20:45:55 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 20:45:55 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 20:45:55 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 20:45:55 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 20:45:56 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 20:45:56 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
    Apr 18 20:46:11 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en0   Auth result for: d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b  MAC AUTH succeeded
    Apr 18 20:46:11 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: wlEvent: en0 en0 Link UP virtIf = 0
    Apr 18 20:46:11 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
    Apr 18 20:46:11 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to d8:6c:e9:13:04:8b
    Apr 18 20:46:12 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
    Apr 18 20:46:21 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:48:22: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Apr 18 20:48:22 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:49:17 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:50:11 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: HFS: Very Low Disk: freeblks: 0, dangerlimit: 409
    Apr 18 20:54:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:57:05 Olas-MacBook-Air kernel[0]: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
    Apr 18 20:57:35: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
    System logs bottom to top- in terms of recent data
    Apr 18 17:17:03 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on TomatoN because it is protected and not on the exception list
    Apr 18 17:17:03 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - Unknown
    Apr 18 17:17:03 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 17:20:54 Olas-MacBook-Air mdworker32[14098]: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    Apr 18 17:25:30 Olas-MacBook-Air powerd[18]: PMScheduleWakeEventChooseBest: m=0.00 s=0.00 a=0.00
    Apr 18 17:58:39 Olas-MacBook-Air hidd[54]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    Apr 18 17:58:40 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - PreProbe
    Apr 18 17:58:40 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 17:58:42 Olas-MacBook-Air airportd[14104]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “TomatoN”. Bailing on auto-join.
    Apr 18 17:58:43 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 17:58:43 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - Probe
    Apr 18 17:58:43 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on TomatoN because it is protected and not on the exception list
    Apr 18 17:58:43 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - Unknown
    Apr 18 17:58:43 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:13 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformsAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 17:59:14 Olas-MacBook-Air Dock[129]: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Failed
    Apr 18 19:24:07 Olas-MacBook-Air powerd[18]: PMScheduleWakeEventChooseBest: m=0.00 s=0.00 a=0.00
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air hidd[54]: MultitouchHID: device bootloaded
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - PreProbe
    Apr 18 20:14:46 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 20:14:49 Olas-MacBook-Air airportd[14147]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “TomatoN”. Bailing on auto-join.
    Apr 18 20:14:50: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air ntpd[33]: bind(25) AF_INET6 fe80::7256:81ff:fea8:26c5%4#123 flags 0x11 failed: Can't assign requested address
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air ntpd[33]: unable to create socket on en0 (221) for fe80::7256:81ff:fea8:26c5#123
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - Probe
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on TomatoN because it is protected and not on the exception list
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air UserEventAgent[11]: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en0 - Unknown
    Apr 18 20:14:50 Olas-MacBook-Air configd[14]: network configuration changed.
    Apr 18 20:19:03 Olas-MacBook-Air SoftwareUpdateCheck[14164]: SoftwareUpdateCheck: checking for updates
    Apr 18 20:19:06 Olas-MacBook-Air fseventsd[19]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    Apr 18 20:19:06 Olas-MacBook-Air SoftwareUpdateCheck[14164]: PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id=""></bundle>
    Apr 18 20:19:18 Olas-MacBook-Air SoftwareUpdateCheck[14164]: SoftwareUpdateCheck: Arranging to launch app
    Apr 18 20:24:18 Olas-MacBook-Air SoftwareUpdateCheck[14180]: SoftwareUpdateCheck (Launch): launching app
    Apr 18 20:24:19 Olas-MacBook-Air installd[14197]: Starting
    Apr 18 20:24:19 Olas-MacBook-Air installd[14197]: uid=0, euid=0
    Apr 18 20:24:21 Olas-MacBook-Air fseventsd[19]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
    Apr 18 20:24:21 Olas-MacBook-Air Software Update[14193]: PackageKit: Missing bundle path, skipping: <bundle id=""></bundle>
    Apr 18 20:24:49 Olas-MacBook-Air installd[14197]: Exiting.
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:247, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:244, reset:244, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:295, reset:295, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:327, reset:322, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:450, reset:450, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:353, reset:353, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:371, reset:371, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:398, reset:395, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:327, reset:327, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:249, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:310, reset:310, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:481, reset:478, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:313, reset:313, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:266, reset:262, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:251, reset:251, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:339, reset:335, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:430, reset:430, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:389, reset:383, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:402, reset:402, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:240, reset:240, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:388, reset:388, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:243, reset:239, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:69, reset:69, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:262, reset:257, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:244, reset:244, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:350, reset:350, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:263, reset:258, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:456, reset:456, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:295, reset:295, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:368, reset:368, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:243, reset:237, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:84, reset:84, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:195, reset:158, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:431, reset:431, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:466, reset:466, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:300, reset:300, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:249, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:342, reset:342, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:242, reset:236, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:252, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:256, reset:256, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:467, reset:467, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:266, reset:262, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:280, reset:280, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:374, reset:371, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:144, reset:144, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:171, reset:95, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:75, reset:44, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:268, reset:150, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:17, reset:17, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:246, reset:115, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:286, reset:130, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:80, reset:68, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:463, reset:414, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:248, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:278, reset:278, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:297, reset:297, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:266, reset:266, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:326, reset:323, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:284, reset:284, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:326, reset:322, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:290, reset:290, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:410, reset:404, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:298, reset:298, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:362, reset:362, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:355, reset:355, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:328, reset:324, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:252, reset:237, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:22, reset:22, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:215, reset:167, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:362, reset:362, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:350, reset:350, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:370, reset:364, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:257, reset:257, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:350, reset:347, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:402, reset:396, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:183, reset:183, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:284, reset:276, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:428, reset:428, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:329, reset:329, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:115, reset:112, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: RingBufferPool wr:0, rd:147, reset:76, warning:0
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: checkDecoderUsage, vaCodecString: <Gen7>
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x0-0xba1ba1][14085]: AVF info: pp_hw_name: RenderingEngine, id: 3ea, m_pp_nowait: 1
    Apr 18 20:38:42 Olas-MacBook-Air [0x

    Have you already tried the following steps to reload your device software ?
    1. Verify that the Desktop Manager and BlackBerry Device Software are installed on the computer.
    2. Remove the battery from the BlackBerry. Do not re-insert.
    3. Connect the BlackBerry to the computer.
    4. On the BlackBerry Desktop Manager main screen, click Application Loader.
    5. Click Start.
    6. Click Options to select applications to be installed.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Click Next.
    9. Click Finish.
    10. When the application load starts, re-insert the battery into the BlackBerry.

  • MacBook Air is laggy and the fan is out of control

    My MacBook Air 2013 is laggy and the fan is out of control. The fan is out of control even when I start my macbook up. I don't know if it has something to do with Yosemite or something else. I have tried SMC restarting, and nothing has changed. I would really love to hear if anyone else is having this problem, and I would love to hear if any of you have any tips. Also I checked if anything is using up my CPU a bunch, and nothing is out of the ordinary.

    The kernel is using excessive processor cycles. Below are some possible causes for the condition.
    When it gets high temperature readings from the hardware, or low voltage readings from the battery of a MacBook, the kernel may try to compensate by interrupting the processor(s) to slow them down and reduce power consumption. This condition can be due to:
    ☞ a buildup of dust on the logic board
    ☞ high ambient temperature
    ☞ a worn-out or faulty battery in a portable
    ☞ the malfunction of a cooling fan, a temperature sensor, a voltage sensor, or some other internal component
    Note that if the problem is caused by a sensor, there may be no actual overheating or undervoltage.
    If the computer is portable, test with and without the AC adapter connected. If kernel_task hogs the processor only on AC power, charging is causing the machine to heat up. That behavior may be normal for some models. CPU usage should drop when charging is complete.
    Apple Diagnostics or the Apple Hardware Test, though not very reliable, is sometimes able to detect a fault. For more thorough hardware testing, make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider.
    If nothing is wrong with the hardware, then whatever you can do to improve cooling may help.
    Installed software
    User-installed software that includes a device driver or other kernel code may thrash the kernel. That category includes virtualization software, such as Parallels and VMware, as well as most commercial "anti-virus" products. Some system-monitoring applications, such as "iStat," can also contribute to the problem. You can test for this possibility by completely disabling or removing the software according to the developer's instructions, or starting in safe mode. Note, however, that disabling a system modification without removing it or testing in safe mode may not be as easy as you think.
    Corrupt NVRAM or SMC data
    Sometimes the problem is cleared up by resetting the NVRAM or the SMC.
    External display
    Connecting an external LCD display to some MacBook Pro models while the lid is open may cause this issue. If applicable, test by closing the lid or disconnecting the display. You might get better results with a newer LED display.

  • Self-registration and the WWSSO_API_USER_ADMIN package

    I am using the wwsso_api_user_admin package to build a self registration JPDK portlet for my client to be run on the Portal Welcome page and I have a few questions. Just so you know, I am using Oracle and Oracle Portal all running on Win 2000.
    1. The package spec ssoumgt.pks is not clear as to which warning codes and exceptions can be returned or raise from create_user. All the other procedures in that package have explicit comments about which warnings and/or exceptions can possibly occur, but create_user does not. It makes sense that it would return OK_SO_FAR and DUP_USERNAME, but are there any other return codes and/or exceptions?
    2. The package spec ssoumgt.pks also states that the create_user procedure "will raise an exception if a dupicate user is created." During my unit testing, I only recieve a DUP_USERNAME warning when I try to register a username twice. Is there a similar exception, and if so, what causes it to be raised? The phrase in the spec also makes it sound like the duplicate username is created anyway before the exception or warning is returned. I suspect that the package has change, but someone forgot to update the comments in the package spec. Can you clarify this?
    3. In Portal, under Login Server Administration, I have set the Login Server configuration to disallow passwords to be the same as the user name and required passwords to contain at least one numeric digit and one character. However, these restrictions are not enforced by the create_user procedure in the wwsso_api_user_admin package. I can even supply a NULL password and the account is created in the login server. Is this a bug or am I not getting something?

    are you working with 9iAS portals?
    portal_sso (or portal30_sso) schema was used to be in the 9iAS system. in the 10g family, it was replaced by orasso which resides in the infrastructure db.

  • I recently bought a mac book air (mid 2013) and the power adapter that came with it does not fit into the port.

    The port has a small silver knob next to the pins that is preventing the adapter from connecting. I've never seen a port that looks like this and the tech specs say that the port should be a magsafe 2.  Has anyone seen anything like this before? I've included a picture

    You can return a new Mac within 14 days of purchase.
    A new Mac comes with 90 days of free tech support from AppleCare.
    AppleCare: 1-800-275-2273
    Call AppleCare.

  • If I have an macbook air LCD screen and the the bottom with the keyboard and the hard drive, can I put them together to make the laptop?

    I want a mac book air. Preferable a maxium of 1 year old, but I don't have the money to buy a new or referbished one. Please help.

    To free up hard drive space the best bet is to move data files that you don't need access to all the time. Likely candidates are music, video, and photos. Things like word processing and spreadsheet files can also be moved but they tend not to be very large and so don't free up much space. The problem with moving the above mentioned files is that iTunes and iPhoto need to know where the files are stored.
    Here's an article explaining how to move the iTunes folder. You can move the iPhoto library using the Finder but there is a slight complication. Start iPhoto, open the Preferences and click on the Advanced tab. The first option is "Copy items to the iPhoto Library". If this option is checked, copy the iPhoto library to your external folder (drag it from the Pictures folder to your external drive) and then delete it from your Picture folder. If this option is not checked, it is a bit more complicated and we'll need to talk a bit.

  • Extended Attributes - Glibc and the 'attr' package

    Glibc implements the (semi-standard) EA functions: {,l,f}setxattr, {,l,f}getxattr, {,l,f}removexattr, {,l,f}listxattr.  the interface of which is accessible via sys/xattr.h.
    In core there is an 'attr' package -required by acl and more- that includes the exact same functions, the interface is in attr/xattr.h.
    I see that attr includes some more -mostly convenience- functions, but other then that are they the same?  when should one prefer one over the other?

    That's what I thought first, but look at the (attr) source, it can't go more straight-forward...
    most of the other libattr functions are just for compatibility with Irix, (the only exceptions seems to be the attr_copy_* functions).
    On Acl-devel they say:
    The libattr interfaces predate the glibc interfaces - they were used
    when we were originally developing the tools.
    These days, you should always use the glibc variant.
    thanks anyway.

  • Why my iPad Air always restarts and the apps close!?

    When I'm using Safari somehow it closes itself, it happens me minimum once a day. And sometimes it happen to me that I am using it normally and suddenly the apple logo appears and it restarts. This is kind of frustrating to me what can I do, who can I call?

    Hello Alfonsocastillo,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
    If your iOS device restarts repeatedly or isn’t responding, for example if you see a stopped progress bar or no progress bar, put the device into recovery mode and restore it again.
    Have a nice day,

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