AIR - Android -- A piece of ****

I spent my precious 2 days time to write an application (AIR-Android) which can play internet radio stations (streamed audio). Every thing worked great when I used 'Test Movie' or Ctrl+ENTER. But same is not working when I generated the .apk and installed on HTC Desire HD (running Android 2.2 and have AIR with latest updates).
I have predefined few internet radio stations and clicking on the station name should start playing the radio. I have used the SoundChannel with 3 second buffering option. On the device application triggers the buffering event but never comes out of that or plays the audio.
I have tried few things:
1. Prepared a test file with only one station
2. In publish settings --> Audio Stream set the bit rate to 24kbps which is same as that station is streamed
3. Increased the script limit to 30 seconds
4. Tried to use Security.allowDomain() which caused runtime error (3207 Application-sandbox content cannot access this feature)
I used the station "" for testing. The station is active, streaming in MP3 format and able to listen through the Windows Media Player / VLC.
I prepared a self signed AIR for desktop as well and installed on my laptop (Windows 7 64-bit) but same problem.
I have prepared this using Air for Android extn for Flash CS5.
Please let me know if anybody has faced the same problem, suggest me if I am really missing anything.
Here the AS3 code used for testing.
import flash.utils.Timer;
const AFRICA_STREAM:String = "";
var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
var recentlyPlayed:String = "";
var streamSound:Sound;
var streamChannel:SoundChannel;
var streamContext:SoundLoaderContext = new SoundLoaderContext(3000,false);
var streamTimer:Timer;
africa_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleStationSelect);
function handleStationSelect(evt:MouseEvent):void {
     if (isPlaying == true) {
          streamSound = null;
          streamChannel = null;
          isPlaying = false;
     switch ( {
          case "africa_mc" :
               if (recentlyPlayed != "africa_mc") {
                    recentlyPlayed = "africa_mc";
function playStation(streamUrl:String):void {
     streamSound = new Sound();
     streamSound.load(new URLRequest(streamUrl), streamContext);
     streamChannel =;
     isPlaying = true;
     streamTimer = new Timer(2000);
     streamTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkPlayState);
function soundIoError(evt:IOErrorEvent):void {
     streamSound = null;
     streamChannel = null;
     play_state.text = "IO Error";
function checkPlayState(evt:TimerEvent):void {
     if (streamSound.isBuffering == true) {
          play_state.text = "Buffering...";
     else {
          play_state.text = "Playing...";
function addListeners() {
     streamSound.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, soundIoError);
function removeListeners() {
     streamSound.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, soundIoError);
     streamTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkPlayState);
Its very sad that adobe has created something fully buggy and works only on IDE but not on actual device. More sad part is adobe is not even cared to have a look into the issue.

Hi Chris / tzeng,
Let me put it in much cleaner way :
What I am trying to achieve?
- Listen / play internet radio (IR) stations.
- Links are taken from : & few from Shoutcast
What are all the available formats for IR station URL?
1. http://server_name:NNNN/ where NNNN is port number
2. http://server_ip_address:NNNN
3. http://server_name_OR_ip/stream/xyz
4. http://server_name_OR_ip:NNNN/xyz.mp3
Please share if anybody came across different format than these.....
What is working on device and what is not working?
Any URL of format 3 & 4 is working on the device.
Any URL of format 1 & 2 is not working on the device.
What happens if the swf is opened in flash player like debugger version (flashplayer_10_sa_debug)?
Tried with 4 URL each of different format. Debugger player is able to play all the stations.
What happens if the swf is opened in IE browser with Flash plugin?
Only URL of format 3 & 4 works.
What happens if 'Test Movie' is used in IDE?
Only URL of format 3 & 4 works.
Now question is why URL with format 1 & 2 fails? Why same links work on debugger version or VLC or windows media player?
I have captured the packets sent(received) from(at) device (HTC Desire HD) using WireShark (on Windows 7). I dont see any option to attach the files. Will try to send as private message.
After a deep search I found that this issue is already faced :
Thanks and Regards,

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    The easiest for me is to simply embed your font into your main document class, like this:
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         import flash.text.*;
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              [Embed(source="../fonts/ITCAvantGardeStd-Bold.otf", embedAsCFF = "false", fontWeight="bold", fontName = "ITCAvantGardeStd_DemiAndBold", mimeType = "application/x-font-truetype", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+007E, U+00A9, U+00AE")] // Main characters + Copyright and Registered glyphs
              static public var ITCAvantGardeStdBold:Class; // that's what the embed gets baked into
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              public function MyApp():void // Constructor
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                   var tft:TextFormat = new TextFormat( "ITCAvantGardeStd_DemiAndBold", 20, 0xffff00, true );  // size = 20 pix, color is yellow, bold = true, matching the font weight
                   // create a text field
                   var tf:TextField = new TextField();
                   with ( tf )
                        antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; // optional
                        defaultTextFormat = tft;
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                        width = 100;
                        autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
                        wordWrap = true;
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                        height = textHeight + 8; // nice and tight
                        border = true; // for fun
                        borderColor = 0xffff00; // yellow
                   addChild( tf );
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    The embed statement contains several optional properties, like fontWeight, fontStyle, and fontFamily.
    Check here for info:
    Note: Alternatively, you could use Flash Professional to embed the font into the document class via the IDE ( like so: ).
    Also, for these kinds of questions, I recommend:
    1) O'Reilly -- Essential ActionScript 3.0
    2) O'Reilly -- ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook

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    There is no API in the AIR runtime to get user's accounts.
    But you may write an ANE to get the same.

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    Native extension + in-app billing.
    Had to do the same thing for my educational app. Technically, it seems to be working well. Financially, Google Play is way behind than Apple App Store for me. So I would recommend considering developing a version for Apple App Store as well.

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    Quicktime or Quicktime Pro (both of which iTunes uses) does not convert "muxed" ( muxed means multiplexed where the audio and video are stored on the same track) video files properly. It only plays the video and not the audio.
    See:iPod plays video but not audio.
    You need a 3rd party converter to convert the file with both audio and video.
    See this for help: Guide to converting video for iPod (Mac/Windows).

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    Hi Varun,
    thanks for your answers.
    Are there any ressources/links, maybe on adobe devnet, available for audio playback while app is in background?
    I already searched the web so far, but could not find any hints.
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      var dragInitiator:Button = Button(event.currentTarget);
                    var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();
                    dragSource.addData("add_something", "some data");
                    // Create a copy of the image to use as a drag proxy.
                    var img:BitmapAsset = new buttonIcon() as BitmapAsset;
                    var dragImg:Image = new Image();
                    dragImg.source = img;
                    // calculate dragImage offset
                    var offset:Point = new Point(event.localX - img.width / 2, event.localY - img.height / 2);
                    DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event, dragImg, offset.x, offset.y);
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    \android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe" install superKaleidoscope.apk
    1669 KB/s (160722 bytes in 0.094s)
            pkg: /data/local/tmp/superKaleidoscope.apk
    Am I missing something?

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <application xmlns="">
      <!-- To localize the description, use the following format for the description element.<description><text xml:lang="en">English App description goes here</text><text xml:lang="fr">French App description goes here</text><text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App description goes here</text></description>-->
      <!-- To localize the name, use the following format for the name element.<name><text xml:lang="en">English App name goes here</text><text xml:lang="fr">French App name goes here</text><text xml:lang="ja">Japanese App name goes here</text></name>-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>

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    My rss format is roughly based on the online sample found at  ***
    ***sample code as given below***
    <description><![CDATA[<div><a href=''><img src='' title='Tyler Demogenes/Retna Ltd.' style='float:left;border:none'></a>
    <p>A leading man who has displayed a knack for action, comedy, and dramatic roles, "Charlie Sheen" is nearly as well known for his offscreen exploits as for his acting, though after suffering through scandals that would have ended many performers' careers, he overcame bad press and bad habits to enjoy a major comeback on television in the late '90s. "Charlie Sheen" was born Carlos Irwin Estevez to actor "Martin Sheen" (born "Ramon Estevez") and his wife, Janet Templeton, in 1965. By all accounts, young... [<a href=''>more</a>]<br clear=all></div>]]></description>
    Success story
    All text and images are displayed from online as htmlText when published as SWF
    The problem/requirement
    Images are NOT displayed when published as AIR 2.6, AIR for Android or AIR for iphone
    Searched the net, but no success. The images are not visible/loading when the rss application is installed on mobile devices (Android and iPhone)
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Colette
    Are you saying that there should be .hhc, .hhk, .hhp, etc. files for each topic?
    Those are project files and you would not see one for each topic. There is one (maybe more, depending on what you are doing) for each project.
    One thing you may wish to try is to enable the "Use lowercase file names" option in your SSL recipe.
    After you do this, generate and publish again.
    Cheers... Rick
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    The aplication has a simple square.
    When i write ./adb loga car, i have the following errors:
    I/ActivityManager(   66): Start proc air.Final1 for activity air.Final1/.AppEntry: pid=1082 uid=10031 gids={3003}
    D/TabletStatusBar(  258): lights on
    D/dalvikvm( 1082): Trying to load lib /data/data/com.adobe.air/lib/ 0x4063abc0
    I/WindowManager(   66): Setting rotation to 3, animFlags=1
    I/ActivityManager(   66): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/260 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=2/1/1 nav=3/1 orien=P layout=0x10000014 uiMode=0x11 seq=18}
    D/Tablet/NotificationPanel(  258): notificationCount=0
    W/dalvikvm( 1082): No implementation found for native Lcom/adobe/air/AndroidActivityWrapper;.nativeSetVisible (Z)V
    W/WindowManager(   66): Window freeze timeout expired.
    W/WindowManager(   66): Force clearing orientation change: Window{40c41db0 air.Final1/air.Final1.AppEntry paused=false}
    D/AndroidRuntime( 1082): Shutting down VM
    W/dalvikvm( 1082): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40014760)
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeSetVisible
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at com.adobe.air.AndroidActivityWrapper.nativeSetVisible(Native Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at com.adobe.air.AndroidActivityWrapper.SetVisible(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at com.adobe.air.AndroidActivityWrapper.onSurfaceInitialized( )
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at com.adobe.air.AIRWindowSurfaceView.surfaceChanged(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.SurfaceView.updateWindow(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.SurfaceView.access$000(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.SurfaceView$3.onPreDraw(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.ViewTreeObserver.dispatchOnPreDraw(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at$
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at
    E/AndroidRuntime( 1082):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
    W/ActivityManager(   66):   Force finishing activity air.Final1/.AppEntry
    W/WindowManager(   66): Failure taking screenshot for (135x84) to layer 21045
    W/ActivityManager(   66): Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{4073f990 air.Final1/.AppEntry}
    D/dalvikvm(   66): GC_EXPLICIT freed 498K, 49% free 13968K/27015K, paused 60ms+18ms
    W/ActivityManager(   66): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
    W/ActivityManager(   66): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{4073f990 air.Final1/.AppEntry}
    D/dalvikvm( 1070): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 9% free 16186K/17671K, paused 9ms+5ms
    I/WindowManager(   66): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=1
    I/ActivityManager(   66): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=310/260 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=2/1/1 nav=3/1 orien=L layout=0x10000014 uiMode=0x11 seq=19}
    W/ActivityManager(   66): Activity destroy timeout for ActivityRecord{4073f990 air.Final1/.AppEntry}
    W/WindowManager(   66): Window freeze timeout expired.
    W/WindowManager(   66): Force clearing orientation change: Window{40745e50 Sorry! paused=false}
    D/Tablet/NotificationPanel(  258): notificationCount=0
    W/WindowManager(   66): App freeze timeout expired.
    W/WindowManager(   66): Force clearing freeze: AppWindowToken{41524680 token=ActivityRecord{4073c818}}
    I/InputDispatcher(   66): Dropped event because it is stale.
    i hope someone can help
    Thank you

    Did you create your apk file using Flash Builder Burrito? If yes, Flash Builder Burrito does not support emulators. Packages created with Burrito are only intended to run on pyshical devices.
    -Sedat Akkus

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    I don't think there's a way to do this with standard AIR APIs. On iOS there's no general solution for this, but for Android you could probably make a simple ANE, possibly by using sendTaskToBack.

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    <supports-screens android:
    I tried it like this, but got an error:
            <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/>
    <supports-screens android:

    You can use it as written below:
                <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
                     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                     <supports-screens android:largeScreens="true"
    Hope it helps.

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    The share menu lets you share text/links from the browser to apps.
    This is how it looks like: /images/tldr/439304-1-eng-US/TLDR_reference.png
    Does anybody know how to do that?
    I'm using AIR 3.9 and Flash CS6

    You can try with this ANE for Android:
    If you need iOS functionality as well, you have this paid extension:
    Instructions for the latter can be found here:

  • AIR Android camera landscape lock

    J'ai un problème avec l'object sous Android dans une application affiché en paysage.
    Lorsque je créé un objet video dans mon application (var video:Video = new Video(); où que ce soit dans le code) et que je verrouille puis dévérouille le smartphone, j'ai un gros blocage que plusieurs secondes.
    Même si je passe video à null, le problème reste présent.
    Cela ne se produit qu'en paysage, si je passe en orientation portrait, le problème disparait.
    Appareils :
    Samsung IGT9000 (2 exemplaires) Android 2.3 (stageVideo inutilisable).
    Samsung IGT9300 (1 exemplaire, problème présent mais discret) Android 4.3.3
    Air application
    Testé avec AIR SDK 3.6, 3.8 et
    Testé avec rendering auto, gpu, cpu et direct
    <containsVideo>true</containsVideo> testé et rend le problème présent dès le démarrage de l'application.
    Flash CC
    Code source de l'exemple de la video:
    Ma vraie application est utilisée pour prendre des photo et doit s'executer pendant parfois de nombreuses heures, le téléphone est donc souvent en veille mais doit rester réactif à la reprise.
    Quelqu'un a t'il rencontré ce probleme? Y a t'il une solution?
    Merci beaucoup.

    Hi Nick
    That's a great discovery. I'm having the same exact problem.
    Do you mind telling me whether the XML manifest modifications are to me made before compiling the APK or did you mean modifying the manifest after compiling the APK, i.e. decompile and  then recomple? I tried making the changes in the XML that goes inside the APK package before compiling the APK, but I guess the publish process resets that XML file with default entries, which are:
    <manifest><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/></manifest>
    I'd really appreciate if you could mention some more details that helped you overcome this issue, as I'm really stuck with this issue.

Maybe you are looking for

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