AIR-LAP1522 power via eth, data via FO. Possible?

Hi all. I need do place AP1522 about 300 meters from distribution cabinet. As a data link i will use SM FO cable. I dont have power supply where AP is, but I have 1 pair of copper cable (20AWG). I would like to use power injector on the cabinet side, connect it to cable and plugged to eth port on the AP side. And my question is: is it possible? I'm afraid that ethernet port is off when optic port is enabled so power will be switched off.

I believe you can use multiple power sources when powering up the mesh AP's. per the doc, that's what it states. Search the forum as about a few months back, someone did post on the same concern as you have. Maybe you can find the post and reply to see if it worked or not.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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    Thanks for all the help beforehand.
    Data Logger_Final ‏57 KB

    I was not able to find an example that will directly log data from the Norma 4000. I looked at the LNOPA01 Getting and it seems like, with a few modifications, you could use this to log data. You would have to open a file, write the collected data to the file, and then close the file. You are already doing something similar to this in the VI you attached.
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    LV 2011 SP1, Windows 7 64-Bit
    Attachments: ‏9 KB

    Option 1 is a definite no and as far as I know it has been NI's explicit intention to steer clear from it. I believe there's an idea in the IE which asks for this.
    I agree that option 2 makes sense, but I don't think it should be something the user specifies. Either LV can detect it automatically or it can't, but I doubt NI would let you have an option which creates the possibility for this kind of bug.
    I'm not sure, but the mark as modifier option on the IPES might be the option you're looking for. I know that it exists and I know very roughly what it does, but the documentation for it is very limited and I never actually played around with it, as usually I don't need these kinds of optimizations.
    You may well be right that a new option on the IPES is desirable and you should probably add it to the idea exchange.
    As for NIWeek, I'm not going this year, so I have no idea what kinds of sessions are around, but it's a great place to find people who know what they're talking about and ask them about it directly. Certain people in LV R&D would probably be ideal for this and if you ask relevant people, you might even get their names. I'm sure buying them a beer would also help to loosen their tounges. If you ask me, this type of interaction is the main value of the conference, not the sessions themselves.
    Try to take over the world!

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    There is no standard solution, but yoju can use this (see below) to create a object link between HR object and DMS
    Adding Other Objects
    You can also link documents with SAP objects for which no linking is supported in the standard
    SAP System.
    In Customizing for the Do
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    u2013 SAPLCVIN
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    Object Links).

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    I've removed irrelevant lines from the code and substituted a phony ID, password, server name and application name. The line with the error is preceded by the comment "THE LINE BELOW IS THE ONE THAT FAILS".
    Module Module1
    Public lActualScenario, lBudgetScenario As Long
    Public oClient As HSXCLIENTLib.HsxClient
    Public oDataLoad As HSVCDATALOADLib.HsvcDataLoad
    Public oOptions As HSVCDATALOADLib.IHsvLoadExtractOptions
    Public oOption As HSVCDATALOADLib.IHsvLoadExtractOption
    Public oSession As HSVSESSIONLib.HsvSession
    Public oServer As HSXSERVERLib.HsxServer
    Sub Main()
    'Create a client object instance, giving access to
    'the methods to logon and create an HFM session
    oClient = New HSXCLIENTLib.HsxClient
    'Create a server object instance, giving access to
    'all server-based methods and properties
    oServer = oClient.GetServerOnCluster("SERVERNAME")
    'Establish login credentials
    oClient.SetLogonInfoSSO("", "MYID", "", "MYPASSWORD")
    'Open the application, which will initialize the server
    'and session instances as well.
    oClient.OpenApplication("SERVERNAME", "Financial Management", "APPLICATION", oServer, oSession)
    'Instantiate a data load object instance, which will be used to extract data from
    oDataLoad = New HSVCDATALOADLib.HsvcDataLoad
    'Initialize the data load options interface.
    oOptions = oDataLoad.ExtractOptions
    'Find the internal ID numbers for various scenarios and years.
    'These are required for HFM API function calls.
    lActualScenario = GetMemberID(DIMENSIONSCENARIO, "Actual")
    lBudgetScenario = GetMemberID(DIMENSIONSCENARIO, "Budget")
    'Construct file names for open data.
    strFileName = "c:\Temp\FEWND_BudgetData.dat"
    strLogFileName = "c:\Temp\FEWND_BudgetData.log"
    'Extract data for the current open cycle.
    ExtractData("Budget", BudgetYear, "Dec", strFileName, strLogFileName)
    End Sub
    Sub ExtractData(ByVal strScenario As String, ByVal strYear As String, ByVal strPeriod As String, _
    ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal strLogFileName As String)
    'Populate the Scenario element.
    If strScenario = "Actual" Then
    oOption.CurrentValue = lActualScenario
    oOption.CurrentValue = lBudgetScenario
    End If
    End Sub
    Function GetMemberID(ByVal lDimID As Long, ByVal strMemLabel As String) As Long
    Dim oMetaData As HSVMETADATALib.HsvMetadata
    oMetaData = oSession.Metadata
    oEntityTreeInfo = oMetaData.Dimension(lDimID)
    GetMemberID = oEntityTreeInfo.GetItemID(strMemLabel)
    End Function
    End Module

    I stumbled upon the solution to my problem. The documentation for extracting data via objects defines member ID variables as Longs. In fact, I've always defined such variables as longs in previous object programs and had no problems. It appears that the datal load/extract "option" property of "Currentvalue" is defined as integer. When I changed all of my member ID items (such as the "lBudgetScenario" variable that was the right-side of the failing assignment statement) to be integers, the program worked.

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    Thanks for linking me! Wow I had no idea the clock speed would be cut so severely! What a bunch of rubbish, as if the AC won't provide enough power!
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    To create a graphic watermark or identity plate for this purpose with a hand written chalk look you would need Photoshop or Elements to create a transparent PNG file so you might as well do the whole thing in one of those programs to start with.  You can't do this in the develop stage anyway like you requested.

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    Kind regards,

    Hi Priya,
    can you please explain a little bit more what you mean? I didn't get it..
    Kind regards,

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    I have to release network data via a Custom Report Program, so I am using the STD BAPI , BAPI_BUS2002_SET_STATUS.
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          number                    = < NETWORK NUMBER >
          set_system_status = 'REL'
          return             = c_return
          e_result           = lt_result.
    The error  is Error in processing. Function was not executed . On further analysis, the Function Module CO_ZR_HEADER_RELEASE is causing the issue , not allowing network header data to be free.
    The same functionality works via CN22. Please advice whether there is a need to pass further parameters or anything else.
    Awaiting a response..

    there are some special requirements for using this BAPI. You need to call BAPI BAPI_PS_INITIALIZATION and BAPI_PS_PRECOMMIT with this BAPI. Check documentation for your BAPI. It's well documented there.

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    Many thanks.

    Im sorry. Im on my ipad and i didnt read that.
    Sorry again

  • RE: DataField, update underlying data via TOOL,Express

    does it work if you mix the "CopyfromClipboard" method with the "PlaceValueinDisplayedField" ?
    If this is not the correct solution to you problem, could you please specify "where" it does not work ?
    Thanks a lot indeed.
    Best regards
    Stefano POGLIANI Fort&eacute; Software Consultant
    E-Mail : [email protected] Tel : +33.0)450201025
    Fax : +33.(0)450200257 Mobile : +33.(6)08431221
    Visit the Fort&eacute; Web Site :
    Ducunt fata volentem, nolentem trahunt....
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Hodgson [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 1997 8:39 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: DataField, update underlying data via TOOL, Express
    In TOOL code we PasteText() into a DataField, but the underlying data
    object does not get updated until the user interacts with the GUI.
    That causes problems if we need to use the underlying data object's
    value immediately after the paste. How can we:
    force an update of the underlying data object and
    ensure that the update goes through before our method call returns,
    i.e., ensure that if the update is via Forte events, those events
    are handled before returning.
    The context is a calendar lookup button that pastes into an adjoining
    John Hodgson |Descartes Systems Group Inc.|[email protected]
    Systems Engineer|120 Randall Drive |
    |Waterloo, Ontario |Tel.: 519-746-8110 x250
    |CANADA N2V 1C6 |Fax: 519-747-0082

    Well, I think I have answered my own question, but I will leave it here in case anyone else has the same problem. 
    So, as far as I have been able to track down, it all went wrong when I was running through the connection wizard. 
    Under the section titled "Creating the Data Source" is describes how to find your database file and create the appropriate connection string. However, on my version of VS Express 2010 . It offered me a prompts , saying something like, "would you like to
    move this database file into the application directory and change the connection string" this sounded very sensible to me, so I said yes.
    All proceeded accordingly. And the database file now appeared in the solution explorer. 
    The app config file said that the connection string was 
    Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database1.sdf"
    I presumed this would be interpreted correctly by the rest of the app, as it was generated by VS.
    But it didn't, what I cannot understand is how no error was generated. And data seemed to pull
    into the bound controls. 
    But I have been testing it for a while now. and it seems that if I manually override the config file with the actual directory where the file exists , then there is not a problem. Data is retained in the file 
    This is more of a question, but I couldn't find it in the drop down. I will try and move it there now
    Thanks guys for your patience. 
    p.s. RSingh , the code I posted above did come from the SaveItem_Click event

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    Go to Solution.

    WHNOKLUM520 wrote:
    So far so good. That's great news. If I could ask one follow up question though:
    Would it matter if the same SIM is installed on the phone? Lets say the 'thief' was able to get into the phone with a different SIM (if the security was not setup correctly) - would the phone be erased based on the SIM that's installed or on the IMEI number of the device?
    If there's no data connection, cannot access your phone to send push notifications and if push notifications fail, then it will try to send SMS to your phone.
    I just tried to ring my phone after taking out the SIM card, it was connected to wi-fi and I could ring it.
    The silence will fall

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    I think this document will solve your problem.
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