Airport card trouble

I recently was given a Power Mac G4. I installed an original aircard in it and it will find my wireless network, but will not connect to it. Is there a setting issue? I am not very computer literate, so any help would be great.

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    KB article HT1126 could perhaps be of interest to you. See also KB article HT1344.

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    akbp80, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Which iMac G4? If the clock speed is less than 1 GHz, you need the original AirPort card! The AirPort Extreme card will not work and may damage that iMac's motherboard.

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    The following Apple article provides the details of
    installing an AirPort card in the Flat Panel iMac
    G4s. You may want to double-check it to see if you
    might have missed something in the the installation
    I installed the card properly, as per the instructions you forwarded to me. I did have some trouble getting the card to completly fit into place, one side seemed to go in easier than the other, but it did go in. Is there anyway to get this machine up and running again?

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    ride a bike:
    Requirements for wireless Internet access
    To use AirPort to access the Internet wirelessly using Mac OS X, you need:
    An Apple AirPort Card, AirPort Extreme Card, or a compatible third-party wireless card
    An AirPort Base Station, Time Capsule, AirPort Express, or an AirPort-enabled computer acting as a software base station (if you are hosting an AirPort wireless network)
    Internet access
    Some Internet service providers (ISPs) are not currently compatible with AirPort.
    If you’re setting up an AirPort Base Station, Time Capsule, or AirPort Express to connect to the Internet, you need an account with an ISP. When you set up your account with your ISP, you were most likely given account information (such as user or account name, password, phone number, and possibly other information). Have this information ready when you set up your device.
    If you are connecting your base station to an Ethernet network that already has an Internet connection, you may need an account name and password to access the network. Check with the network administrator if you’re not sure.
    (From the Help Menu)
    Please post back with further questions or comments.

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    What can I do to get my airport back on?

    Reset PRAM.
    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.

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    So when you run System Profiler and look in Network->AirPort Card there is information there? If nothing is there your iMac G4 does not have the card installed. None of the iMac G4s had the card automatically installed when they left the factory. If your iMac G4 has the card, then someone installed it later or they ordered it as a build option.
    If the card is installed and if AirPort is enabled in System Preferences-> Network preference pane, you should see an AirPort icon in the menu bar. If you click on this icon you will see a list of networks that your iMac has detected. Does your network appear there?

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    I had trouble getting my Airport card online for the longest time. Finally, I ditched the Linksys wireless router I was trying to use, and switched to a D-Link. I still don't always get full signal, but I can get online 95% of the time.
    Have no idea why it worked, but it definitely works better than the Linksys.
    PMG4 (3.4), Silver Door, FW400   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Dual 1.25, 512 RAM, original Airport card

  • How does one update original airport card for WPA?

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    I also posted this question in the airport express forum, but thought it may have a better chance of being answered here after I thought about it a bit.
    Thank you,

    You can't get it to do WPA2.
    You can get it to do WPA if you have the right software installed, which you probably already do:
    AirPort Card: When You Can Join a WPA Network
    The base station or equivalent has to be set up for 802.11b/g that is BOTH b and g, since the \[original] Airport card is 802.11b.


    I have a powerbook g4|800 mHz,
    a adsl connection to internet connected to a wireless smc network wich is plug to a imac which dont have a airport card.
    So fare i could use my imac (via ethernet) and my power book G4 (via airport)
    with no trouble, always good and full signal.
    one morning i open my power book and no more signal???
    Try to change some setting, nothing work.
    when i plug my powerbook via ethernet it works fine.
    I dont understand anything
    My power book is mac ox 10.4.9
    Network wireless card firmware vers 9.52
    says in "about my mac" current wireless :not available
    in airport admin utility, i dont see nothing even if rescan
    Built-in 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet (RJ-45 connector)
    Built-in 56K V.90 modem (RJ-11 connector)6
    Built-in 11-Mbps AirPort Card (IEEE 802.11 DSSS compliant) in 800MHz configuration; 667MHz configuration is AirPort ready5

    If you have an iMac 800 you need the original AirPort card.
    Installing an AirPort Extreme card in an iMac 800 MHz could permanently damage the iMac.

  • How to install the driver for Airport card in a mini

    In a post regarding trouble with wireless connections some suggested...
    cd /System/Library/Extensions
    mv IO80211Family.kext IO8021Family.1066
    well I did it and now my system is telling me there is no Airport card installed. How can I reload just the Airport drivers? I have my 10.6.3 OS X disk. Can I do it with that?
    I tried running Disk Permissions with no change. I have since renamed the file back to what it was. The I started getting pop ups telling me the kernel file was improperly installed.
    I just don't want to reinstall my complete OS.

    I've already put it back to the original file name of IO80211Family.kext. I've run disk permissions too, in fact I've run it several times.
    It keeps repairing a bunch of java stuff but that's all.
    I've set the permission on the file to what I believe they were before I ran the mv command.
    It was after I restored the file name, that I got the popup saying it was installed incorrectly, but, it's not saying it now.
    And I have rebooted too, still no Airport.
    Oh, I never replaced anything with earlier version, I just renamed and renamed back.

  • How to install the airport card to my macbook?, How to install the airport card to my macbook?

    One time when i was browsing using my macbook, it suddenly hanged. I waited for several minutes for it to return to its normal function to no avail. What i did was removed the battery then switched it on again. It worked again. But could not access the wifi anymore. When i clicked the wifi icon, it says, no airport card  installed.  What should i do?

    I'm guessing there is a language issue here.  The graphics card is the actual hardware (chip) in your computer that allows it to create graphics and show them on your display.  There is no way to disable the graphics card on your Air because there would be no way to use it (it would not be able to display anything on any display).  This is a little different on machines with multiple graphics processors, but that's not the case with your Air.  I'd imagine you know what you want to do, we're just having trouble understanding your question.

  • 400 mhz G4 PB not recognizing Airport card

    HELP!!! i'm a PC girl learning Mac, and bought a used G4 powerbook to try it out. I then purchased a used Airport card to go wireless. However the computer is not recognizing the card. It is installed correctly- barcode up, all the way in, but no go. Is there anyway to test (like will a trip to the Apple store help or will they look at me like i'm from the dark ages?) the computer or the card? I was going to attempt to harvest the card from my snow base station but don't have a star tip for my screwdriver to get into the thing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!!! THANKS!

    Thanks brody. That is the card I have. I was guessing at the OX I have as I bought this machine used and truly have no idea where to find half the stuff much less what it is. since I figured out where to find it, I'm running 10.4.11.
    I appreciate everyone's help. I've had the hardest time figuring out just which model I have. i've yet to find a picture just like it. I'm not even sure it's a 12, since dummy me didn't realize they're like tv's and measured diagonally. I think it might actually be a 15 inch if that makes a difference. 2 hinges in the back, all the ports in the back under a cover (I must have looked rather comical until I figured that one out) card slot is on the left side, dvd drive in the front. I was told it was a titanium but honestly it didn't matter to me so I didnt' check to make sure. I just wanted something relatively cheap to see if I really liked a mac before i plunked down a couple of thousand on a new one. It wasn't until I had trouble with the card that I found out all these different ones existed.
    also, it looks like there are actually 2 slots to the card reader, although I cannot access it from the battery bay. The slot I can access that the card does actually fit in is from the left outside. the other slot is under it (I can see it with the keyboard off and the card removed) and looks as thought the card would be inserted similar to the one i can use, except the body of the powerbook is in the way. I'm afraid to do much more than I have hardware wise as my PC kicked the bucket so this is my only working computer right now. Let me know what you guys think!!

  • HT3964 I am getting the error message "No AirPort card installed" Restarting my iMac desktop does not solve this (Apple help says I need to reset the SMC this way, but nothing changes. Can somebody advise, please?

    I am getting the error message "No AirPort card installed" Restarting my iMac desktop does not solve this (Apple help says I need to reset the SMC this way, but nothing changes). Can somebody advise, please?

    Thanks for the flag J.K. - they contaced me and solved my problem.  On this account (which I created just to ask this question), I log in with my email rather than my user name (mtalldud). On the account that I was having trouble with, they told me to use my user ID instead of my email to log in and it worked. This is a bit confusing and seems a bit inconsistent but at least I don't need this temporary account any more to get into this community and find answers!

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