Airport Express setup fails

I just purchased an Airport Express in order to connect my iMac Intel (with OS X 10.6.1) to Internet, and later also my iBook G4. I followed the instructions in the Setup guide. This is what I did:
1. Connected Airport Express to DSL modem (Ethernet cable).
2. Plugged Airport Express into power outlet. Status light flashed for one second and then glowed amber for a whiile, and finally flashed amber.
3. Opened Airport utility 5.4.2. The setup guide says "Select your Airport Express and click Continue." But the left side of the Airport utility is blank, and in the right portion a message tells "Airport utility was unable to find any Apple wireless devices. ...". Status light off.
Good advice is welcome!

Your are very welcome. The AX is a neat little device. But, yes, at this point it is not working out well for you. You could try to get help with it at the Apple Store where you purchased. I can only recommend one modem/router maker--because I haven't used any other brand in recent history. I recommend the Linksys brand. I just keep buying newer ones because "they just work." Linksys has modems and routers in a variety of price ranges. I would get an n-supporting router in the price range you are comfortable with. I use the WRT310 (a/b/g/n) (I think that's the model number).
Message was edited by: donv (The Ghost)

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    Hi Geo,
    = -43,  /*File not found*/
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.
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    You can configure your Airport Express using Airport 4.2 for Windows available here:

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    Do you want the Express to create a wireless network?
    How did you configure the Express to connect to the Internet, and how are you connecting to the Internet now?
    Here are the instructions: nd_gen_setup_guide.pdf
    Let me know the page where you're getting stuck or where things aren't making sense.

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    There are literally hundreds of posts on this topic that offer a number of solutions. You may want to search the Discussions forum to access them ... and yes, there are a number of frustrated users due to this.
    Basically you have the following choices:
    Use a Mac running an earlier OS X version that supports v5.6 of the AirPort Utility.
    Run a virtual machine on your Mac that is running an earlier OS X version.
    Use a Windows-based PC.
    Update to a newer base station.
    There are also a couple of other solutions / "hacks" that involve Terminal edits or using script files that are not supported by Apple.

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    Internet connection sharing must be set up on the main base station in your network, which would be the base station that is connected to your cable or DSL modem.
    Internet connection sharing must not be enabled on any of the remote base stations in your WDS. So... what I'm saying is do not touch the configuration of your Airport Express.
    Once you have enabled internet connection sharing on the main base station and the main base station has rebooted, then pull power for a moment to the Airport Express to force a reconnection to the base station.
    If you still have problems, please describe to us how your network is set up in detail. If you have a typical network with a cable/DSL modem connection to an Airport Extreme base station, and that base station and an Airport Express are configured to form a WDS, you have an extremely basic setup that the Airport Utility should have had no trouble configuring for you. It really shouldn't be difficult!
    Addendum - after thinking about your problem a bit more, I thought I should probably ask you to explain in more detail exactly what the symptoms are when you state that "But Doing this I am unable to receive shared net connection from Extreme to Express using Airport Setup Utility. It will only allow networking and not internet." Perhaps I'm not understanding the problem. Are you saying that none of the computers connected to your network are able to access the internet - but everything else on your network works just fine?

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    I'm having the exact same issue (I'm getting internet from a DSL router). I've sent my school the Ethernet MAC address and they informed me that it had been registered and I was to reset the Airport. I reset both it and the DSL router and still my Airport will not recognize the IP address of the modem. It still says a 169.etc.. number.
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    Am I doing something wrong, or misunderstanding how the Airport Express works with the Extreme unit?
    All help most welcome.

    Thanks James, I have now an Extended network, and my signal strength is excellent. Once I knew what I was aiming for, it was easy enough.

  • Need help with Apple TV + Airport Express setup

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    Here's what I currently have...
    I have a 4000+ sq.ft. home with 3 levels on a 1-acre lot. I have 5 zones for music/movies - 7.1 dedicated Home Theater (lower level), 5.1 HT system for casual TV watching in Family Room, 2.1 system (music only) in my Home Office, 2.1 system (music only) in my Master Bedroom, 5.1 HTiB in Kids Bedroom. All systems have dedicated AVRs/Speakers/Subs (Denon, Harmon Kardon, Yamaha, Polk, Energy, Klipsch etc.).
    I have 2 MacBook Pros and 2 Windows Laptops. I have AirportExtreme running a wireless network throughout the house. I have NAS attached to AE. I use iTunes to manage all my media content. I also have a iPhone 3G.
    I have ripped all my CDs in Apple Lossless format into iTunes. I listen to free internet radio stations (NO Napster, Raphsody or other subscription-based services). Sometimes watch/listen free video/audio podcasts. I do NOT rent or buy movies/music via iTunes or any other source (just buy old-fashioned CDs/DVDs when neeeded).
    Here's what I want to accomplish...
    1. Ability to "wirelessly" stream media to any or all zones.
    2. Central, easy to use controller for all systems.
    3. Should be able to accomplish this functionality without having to keep PC/Mac running.
    Ques 1: I have considered Sonos option, but it can't do video content. So, I guess my options are Apple TV + 5 Airport Expresses. Is that correct? Will I be able to accomplish my goal with this setup? Anything I need to be aware of, e.g, network connectivity/slowdown issues, system reliability issues, ease-of-use etc.?
    Ques 2: One of the major benefits of Sonos system is the ability to play different music in different zones. From what I understand, this is NOT possible with AppleTV + AirportExpress + iTunes setup. Is that correct?
    What if I have iTunes running on 2 separate laptops. Can one laptop play it's own playlist via AirExp-1 and the other laptop play a different playlist via AirExp-2 & AirExp-3? Is this possible? If yes, then I guess this may "simulate" the zoning effect of Sonos (albeit thru 2 separate controllers; but it works for my needs).
    Ques 3: I have a MobileMe account to keep my MBP and iPhone in sync. I have lot of Photo Albums in MobileMe Gallery and also in iPhoto on my MBP. How can this me viewed via AppleTV? Would I have to move my iPhoto from MBP to AppleTV HDD?
    Ques 4: Currently my iTunes library resides on my MBP. Is there any benefit of putting it on AppleTV HDD?
    Ques 5: Can AppleTV HDD be used as backup drive for Time Machine. Currently, I have no choice but to buy Apple Time Capsule to use as wireless backup drive for my MBP; I can't use my NAS for this purpose (From what I've read on forums, I think Apple removed this functionality).
    Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you all.

    >and Verizon Fios w/ 50mg upload and 25 mg download.
    Your internet connection is not relevant this is all runnig across your home network.
    >- I want to be able to backup all of my photos, movies and music
    Time Machine on MacOS will will already take care of this for you.
    >- I want to store all of my movies on a separate devise that wont clog up my mac book pro
    So put then do that.  You said you have two external drives. (As long as they both have network support)  Put the content on one of them and make the other one the back up.
    > (ideally I would like a wireless connection)
    While technically possible not a great idea.  Streaming video over WiFi is usally problemattic and so are large scale data set backups.
    >- I want to be able to watch those stored movies through ATV (via itunes)
    Only going to work when your Mac is on with iTunes running, but can be done.

  • Can't Connect Properly to Router After Successful Airport Express Setup

    Hello - this is my first time posting here, but I had a weird issue I was hopeful someone could assist with.
    Basically, I was having a lot of trouble setting up my Airport Express to join my existing network to steam audio to a set of speakers. After trying a number of permutations and searching on the internet, I found out that when selecting to join my home network I needed to select WEP-40 rather than WEP-128. Once I did this, it worked!
    Unfortunately, the only issue now is that my PC laptop (I'm using a Mac desktop)...has trouble connecting to this same router for my home network. I am able to get it to connect, but only when I change the "Network Authentication" in the Settings to "Open" from "Shared" (which it seems to have been at previously when I could connect before Airport setup. When I do this though, the Wireless Network Connection area says that it's "Not Connected", but it is connected. Now, this laptop can connect to all other networks no problem, as well as other devices can connect to my network fine. I would be able to deal with this minor annoyance, but it does seem that the network will drop from time to time now, where it didn't before.
    Very appreciated if you made this far and followed along - I'd really like some help with this issue. I am very, very confident it is directly correlated to the set up with the Airport Express, as this became an issue immediately following getting it connected.

    Welcome to the discussion area, dgbruce!
    Your post did not indicate whether you had performed a full power cycle on your network. You should always do this whenever you make any changes on your network. If you have not already done this, follow this procedure:
    Power everything...all devices...down, order is not important.
    Wait a moment, then start the modem and let it run a moment or two by itself.
    Then, start the next device connected to the modem the same way.
    Keep starting devices until you have everything powered back up.
    What are your results?
    If no help, can you tell us if you made any changes to your main router? If no, power down the AirPort Express only. You are now back to your original condition. Can the PC connect now?
    If no, then the connection issue is between your wireless router and the PC (because the AirPort Express is not even on the network)
    If yes, and the PC connects correctly now, power the Express back up and watch for any changes. What are the results?
    Message was edited by: Bob Timmons

  • Airport card, Airport express setup

    Hi, I'm trying to set up my G3 iBook to connect wirelessly to the internet.
    My setup:
    -Comcast cable modem
    -D-Link 604 router
    -Airport Card
    -Airport Express
    -Latest OS, and drivers for everything
    The card is properly installed as I pick it up in system profile and I pick up a very strong signle. I can configure AX with the set up but it will not connect to the internet.
    I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything I can think of and have read.
    Thanks in advance.

    Ensure that you configure the AX to not distribute IP addresses.

  • AirPort Express Setup does not recognize Linksys Router

    I have recently installed a Linksys WRT54G wireless router and an AirPort express card hooked up to my stereo for AirTunes. When I run the AirPort Setup Assistant, it gives me a "This computer has no wirless interface enabled or Windows is not able to manage wireless networks on this computer" error. I ran the WRT5G setup software successfully and am able to get a wireless signal from a labtop.
    How can I get the AirPort Setup Assistant to recognize my wireless network/router?

    RafaPapi wrote:
    In the instruction booklet that came with my Airport it says that I can connnect an USB HD to the USB port of the base station. Is the last Express available (xxxx,n). I did not buy the Extreme because It was not available 2-3 weeks ago when I needed it
    I don't know what instruction booklet came with your Express but this is the relevant excerpt from its setup guide:
    There is no mention of "disk" or "HD" anywhere in the document, so I am at a loss to know where you found the information.

  • Can't get AirPort Express Setup Assistant to Work

    I'm having trouble just setting up AirPort Express. (All I want to do is play iTunes from a stereo system in another room.) I purchased an "AirMac Express base station" in Tokyo a few days ago, took it out of the box, and followed the instructions as far as connecting audio jacks and plugging the base station into an electric outlet. (My iMac is also a Japanese machine, and I'm using it in Tokyo.
    The next step was supposed to be opening AirPort Setup Assistant and obeying it. But the SA wasn't in Apps>Utilities, where the instruction manual said it would be, so I used the CD that came with the base station to install SA.
    I did manage to open it and get as far as the first step, but then I got this message:
    "In order to use the AirPort Setup Assistant your AirPort card must be enabled and AirPort needs to be turned on and set to use DHCP. Click OK if you would like to change these settings, or Skip if you would like to configure AirPort Base Stations using ethernet."
    (An AirPort card was factory-installed, and AirPort is turned on.) So I clicked on "OK." Then I get this message and SA vanishes:
    There was an error communicating with your AirPort card. Please make sure it is installed properly and try the AirPort Setup Assistant again.
    I have looked in support as best I can and also tried some googling, but I still have idea what to do. Can anyone help?
    Many thanks!

    I finally found the answer to my question in Joe Kissell's Taking Control of Upgrading to Leopard. For anyone who may need to know, the AirPort Setup Assistant is no longer used to set up base stations. That task has now been delegated to Airport Utility. Duh.
    But why couldn't Apple manage to put this information in a place where people who bought a base station could find it??

  • Airport Express setup seems fine....then nothing....

    I've been trying to add an Airport Express to my existing wireless network (A-Link ADSL saferouter -> Buffalo Airstation WHR-G54S).
    Using both the Airport Setup Assistant and Airport Admin Utility, I've followed the steps in the manual/on the support section (here: and the whole setup seems to go along as it should, until the final stages:
    1. The Airport Express doesn't seem to restart: the light goes from green to off to solid amber, and then instead of going green it blinks amber. This step takes a long time (about 60 seconds)
    2. The Setup Assistant tries to reconnect to my existing network (on the Buffalo wireless router) but doesn't seem to succeed, even if I connect manually (this step also takes about 60 seconds)
    3. The Setup Assistant attempts to detect the Airport Express. This step takes about 60 seconds, and the Airport Express continues to blink amber the whole time.
    4. At the end of the setup process, I get the following message:
    The AirPort Setup Assistant has successfully configured the AirPort base station but is unable to reconnect to the network or detect if the base station is functioning correctly.
    This may be caused by one of the following:
    The base station did not finish restarting
    The network security or password are not correct
    You manually canceled the detection process
    Please allow the base station to finish restarting and then manually connect to the network.
    Of the conditions above, "network security and password" should be OK unless there's some issue I'm not aware of; I didn't manually cancel the detection process.
    After all this, the Airport Express continues to blink amber and is entirely undetectable by my machine unless I perform a hard reset and start the process again.
    Any ideas what could be the trouble?
    Acer Aspire 5024 WLMi   Windows XP   SP 2
    Acer Aspire 5024 WLMi   Windows XP  

    This is not a definitive answer, but to me it sounds like the Express power supply may have given up the ghost. Usually, if the indicator light goes completely dark this is the case.
    If you had a local power surge or nearby lightning strike, that would further confirm my suspicion.

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