Airport will not connect to IP address

I'm a new user to Mac. I set up the internet just fine in when I received the computer a week ago. Now, I will be connected and the internet connection is just "lost" but the PC runs just fine. Airport will always be ON at this point, but it will not be connected to the IP address. We have wireless through the cable company and it just tells me to restart the device when I run the diagnostics. I will restart the router and modem and then it works just fine again. But within another 5 minutes, it will just completely stop connecting. Is there any way to put in the IP address and does what does it mean when it says Airport has self-assigned IP address and may not be able to connect to the internet. Thanks!

Sounds like your Mac is being dropped by the wireless modem/router and in doing so assigns itself an IP address to maintain internal network services. This is normal behaviour when your Mac fails to negotiate a connection with the DHCP server. Start by checking the quality of the wireless connection, in the menu bar click on the Airport triangle while holding down the option key (alt).

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    Are there any previous networks that you have used that have the same password as Molly?  YES
    Using System Preferences > Network > AirPort Advanced again, you need to remove any listings of previous networks that used the same password as Molly. Click the name of the network and click the - (minus) button at the bottom of the list of connections.
    Also delete any other networks (except Molly at the top of the list) that might have used the same name...Molly in the past.
    Delete any other networks that you no longer need so that your Mac will search for networks more quickly
    Click OK, then click Apply
    Open KeyChain Access and look for a listing of any old networks that you no longer need. Click to highlight the name of the network, then click the Delete Key on your computer.
    Then look for any old networks that might have used the name Molly in the past and do the same for them.
    Then look for any old networks that might have used the same password as the password for your "new" Molly network and delete them in the same way
    Click the KeyChain Access menu just next to the Apple icon in the upper left corner of the computer screen
    and then click KeyChain First Aid
    Enter the main administrator password for the Mac you are using and highlight the Repair button. Then click Start. You will see a message that repairs have been completed
    Quit Keychain Access
    Power down the entire network...all devices...order is not important
    Power up the modem first, then your main router, the other devices one at a time
    Log on to Molly and see if the Mac remembers it after a few tries. If not, I'm afraid that you will need to change the name of the wireless network and password on your router due to corruption issues on the Mac. You have done everything possible without re-installing the complete operating system.

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    After my Macbook was restored.  It reverted back to 10.4.8 (Tiger) - which was to be expected.  Now my Macbook will not connect to my router, saying there is an error. 
    I'm at a lost right now on what to do.

    robcub wrote:
    That file has nothing to do with connecting to a Wi-Fi network, but only with AirPort Utility.
    Anyone know of anything else I can try?
    You might try resetting your connection settings using the steps listed in this message:
    They're not guaranteed to solve the problem, but they'll only take a minute or so to try.

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    Anyone know of anything else I can try?

    robcub wrote:
    That file has nothing to do with connecting to a Wi-Fi network, but only with AirPort Utility.
    Anyone know of anything else I can try?
    You might try resetting your connection settings using the steps listed in this message:
    They're not guaranteed to solve the problem, but they'll only take a minute or so to try.

  • Airport will not connect to wifi (no IP address) router is working!

    I need help. I have had same router for 2 years now and recently my macbook pro has been unable to connect or stay connected to internet. It either states connection timeout or no IP address. I have just come bak form mac store where they reinstalled operating system.
    Please help - I have also spoken with Netcomm (router company) who confirmed everuthing is ok on their end

    A much easier advice that basically requires no thechnical skills, go to you nearest "Starbucks", neighbor, office or equivalent. Any place with a WiFi you can access. If you can connect there, the issue is most likely on the router-side of things.
    What does the region setting in Language & Text have to do with connecting to or not connecting to a WiFi signal/network?
    Well, it should not affect anything. But there is one issue you probably have not seen. I could not get a stable WiFi connection for almost a year, and this solved my problem. According to others here in the forums, this has solved the issue for them as well. It is a software issue, if you change individuall settings in the language formate your region gets set to "Custom". So, if you check your logs while connecting to the router you get a "country code" called X1 to X5, a "spare" code available for non-registered regions. Some routers cannot handle this and the symptom will be that the connection times-out or you keep getting prompted for your password, over and over again. The region should not matter, as long as it is not set to custom "Custom" with an "incompatable" router. As you said, as long as you have a "real" region, there is no issue. While connected through ethernet cable this affects nothing, only WiFi.
    But thanks for your opinion...
    And the Default IP for most routers on the market is not 192.168.0.x(xx). It is 192.168.1.x(xx). The only time I have seen it different was on Apple Airport products and that is
    Well, I don't know what your experience is, but in my book most personal users buy Linksys, Netgear or D-link, all of which has or, feel free to check manufacturer info on this. OP: Google manufactorer and/or model AND IP and you'll get the adress you need.
    So please follow John Th's advice. Thanks
    The last thing I would do is Assign a Static IP address to your WiFi connection. There is a Hardware problem that needs to be fixed. Whether it is on/in your Mac or your router I don't know.
    Well, I guess manually accessing your router and re-writing system information is less dangerous than clicking "new" on you locations menu, and it sounds much less complicated... But I agree, if you region is not "Custom" and you can access any other public/available WiFi, listen to John Th. But why would a static IP be "the last thing you would do"? Especially if you add this as a "new location" which can be easily deleted and revert to automatic without issues...
    Since I generally tend to take it personally when someone inferrs that I am incompetent, I'll leave this discussion here and stop following/commenting. I whish you the best of luck with solving your WiFi issues.
    // Gus

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    Is there someway I can just reset my entire airport settings to where it would be like the first time I used my Macbook and configured it to my home network?
    Did you Shut Down the Mac and then power it back up?  Can you connect to your home network now if you click the fan shaped AirPort icon at the top of the Mac's screen? 
    If your home network name does not appear, click Join Other Network, then click Show Networks.
    Click the name of the network that you want to join and enter the password if required
    Are you saying that you want to delete the connection to the school network from your Mac?  If you do this, you will have to setup the connection again if you head back to the school.

  • Airport will not connect to Linksys router after iDisk sync force quit

    Hoping someone can help me here, kinda at my wits end.
    A week ago I was video ichatting and restarted my MacBook because the video feed was sluggish. I thought a restart would help.
    Unknown to me was that my iDisk was syncing. I recieved an warning dialogue box and was given the option of canceling the restart or force quitting the iDisk sync. I choose to force quit and proceed with the restart. After choosing to continue with the force quit I received an error message, it had the phrase "Mirror Agent" in it, and then my MacPro restarted.
    Since that first restart, I have not been able to connect, using Airport, to my Linksys Wireless router (model # WRT54 GX4).
    This is where it gets strange. Airport sees the router, displays a signal strength, shows up on my list of perfered displays all of the signs of a fully connected router but when I try to access the web, check mail or use iChat I cannot because Safari, Mail and iChat tell me that I am not connected to the internet.
    When I ran the network dianogistic tool, it first asked me why I would want to run it because it thought I was already connected. After running the tool it still came back with the same results, I was connect to the internet. But I still couldn't launch Safari, it just hung.
    This is where it gets really wierd. My wife, she's on a HP, can connect, using her built-in wireless card. Even after changing the Firmware on the Linksys router, her pc can still connect.
    And here's the icing on the cake. There are some unprotected wireless networks on my street. I can connected to those but not my own! Something has to be blocking the signal between my AirPort card and the Linksys router. Does that make sense?
    And if there is one saving grace to all of this, I still can connect to the web using the built-in Ethernet.
    Here's what I have tried:
    Removed Perfered Network, restarted MAC, added network back, still no connectivity.
    Removed security (was using WPA/WPA2) from the router still no connectivity.
    Removed Airport Keychain, restarted MAC, added router back, still no connectivity.
    Repaired the permissions on my HD, someone at work told me to try that, still no connectivity.
    Updated firmware to Linksys router to version 1.00.20, no connectivity.
    Rebooted Linksys router and cable modem, still no connectivity.
    Thank you to all in advance for reading my rambling note and forgiving my poor spelling (it is way past my bedtime and the keys are really blurry). I am still very new to Mac's and appreiciate any help that you can provide.
    [email protected]

    Sounds like you have two wireless networks on the same channel.
    Change the channel on the Airport Express.

  • IStumbler finds my wireless router, but airport will not connect

    Hi there
    Had a search around this forum, but nothing seems to exactly match this confusing situation:
    My airport connection to the wireless router has, over the last few days, been becoming increasingly flaky and intermittent followed last night by a total refusal to connect.
    It had been working fine for at least a year up until recently.
    The funny thing is that iStumbler finds my router(as well as some neighbours'), and reports a signal strength similar to what I have always had.
    Problems started as follows:
    iMac would show full bars, then no bars and then full again, followed by a slow drop to nothing. Turning airport off and back on again, would repeat this process. Occasionally, the iMac would also require the WPA2 password.
    And progressed to:
    Over a few days things got worse to the point that I had no usable connection and the airport would not always pick up any networks and would request the WPA2 password repeatedly always followed by a 'Connection timeout'.
    I would say that the airport extreme card is broken, except iStumbler is reporting 'normal' service. Also, my iPhone reports full signal strength sitting next to the iMac!
    Can anyone shed some light on this?
    Typically, Applecare expired all of 2 weeks ago!!!

    Which Airport are you using? If AirPort Extreme(802.11n), have you tried its diagnostic tool the +AirPort Same is located in your Utilities folder.
    What about the OS Airport diagnostic tool? Same is located in:
    System Preferences>Network
    Show: Network Status
    Bottom of window click on the "Assist Me" button.
    Next window that pops up click on the Diagnostic button.
    Have you contacted your ISP? Make sure the problem is not on their end.
    If using Apple's Airport, suggest that you cross-post in one of their AirPort Forums where the AP users hang out.

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    I had a chance to bring it in to the Genius bar today. My worst fear was that after everything I had tried, it would work at the store. It did. ("Are you sure you plugged it into the port with the circle?") Luckily, it died after about 2 minutes, which apparently was what it had been doing. So the Genius worked on it. And worked on it. After my 8 hours of troubleshooting, it was almost worth it to see a Genius stumped. A half hour later, he decided that the Airport was toast, as I had suspected. It would cost him $300 to order a replacement, so he said to just get a new Airport. The new Airports are not cheap. We ended up getting a Linksys WRT54G for 50 bucks, and I set that up in a few minutes. I got a cool-looking broken Airport out of the deal, though, which will look awesome, even if it doesn't work.

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    I too have had the same problem with the PB G4 (but not the MB Pro).
    I deleted all the keychain certificates (I didn't know which were relevant) and also changed the firewall to allow all connections (I will think about this being a good idea later) I have since turned back to essential services (for the firewall) and hope this will continue to work.
    For others: twice I had set the dsl modem and airport extreme to factory settings and that seemed to work. Then both times, about 3 weeks after the internet worked, it would stop again.
    Lets hope the certificate deletion works and I

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    Sorry, I found the error, FIXED

  • Airport will not connect to my preferred wireless network

    I set up a wireless network in my house. My mac connected has connected to it before, but when i had to restart my computer I can no longer connect to it again.
    I have added it under my preferred networks and it is top of the priority list.
    Every time i try to reconnect it, my comp tells me "connection timedout", therefore not letting me reconnect to it. My router etc appears to be working properly as i can connect via ethernet.
    I have tried deleting the preferred network and re-adding it, and rebooting my computer. Nothing seems to be working.
    Someone who know about computers please help i have work that needs to be done!

    Thanks, but it didn't work.
    My mac remembers it, but doesn't remember the settings (ie on the preferred list). It tells me that none of my preferred networks are available, even though my network is still in the preferred list.
    So i click on my network when it tells me that none of them are available and re-enter my password and it always says connection timeout.
    It was working perfectly earlier on today, like i said when i restarted my computer, it automatically connected to another network and i haven't been able to get on to mine since!

  • Airport shows being connected but will not connect to internet

    Airport will not connect to internet yet shows me as connected. 
    When and if I do get connected, I will loose the connection and unable to access the internet.
    This has happened using several different wireless locations.
    Please help as to what my settings should be or how to correct the problem

    What debugging steps have you taken?
    Connecting to your wireless network and connecting to the Internet are two different parts of the connection process.
    If you open your Network preferences panel does it show you have an IP address of the form 169.x.x.x?

  • My airport network will not connect to to the internet via my modem. My host computer is a hp running windows xp. I have had great connection for 3 years. Then suddenly can not connect. Please can you assist

    My airport will not connect to the internet via my modem. Worked for 3 years. Suddenly stopped. Main host computer is hp running windows xp.
    When trying to connect windows states connection was cancelled. I have had hp checked by compputer repair and still have same problem?

    The router is much, much newer than the computer, perhaps some characteristic of the WiFi network as it's currently setup is preventing the computer from connecting.
    Try to go back to the basics: set your WiFi network to "b" mode only (i.e., turn off "g") and termporarily remove the password from it. See if the computer will at least establish a connection at that point. Then start turning on one thing at a time ("g" mode, then security, etc).
    Not sure what format your WEP key is, but if it's not 10 characters (the minimum for the standard, which constitutes a 64-bit key), you can try making it that long. If it's 13 or 26 characters, it might be a higher encryption than the computer can support.
    If all else fails, you could try looking on ebay/craigslist for a copy of Tiger to install on the iMac, which would have software support for more WiFi encryption schemes. Also, it would provide software support for USB WiFi adapters that would also be able to connect to more modern networks.

  • Airport does not connect fast enough after sleep on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

    Ever since installing Snow Leopard, I have noticed that my Airport will not connect fast enough when I am waking from sleep. I sometimes have to wait upwards of 30 seconds after waking from sleep so Airport can connect and I can begin using the Internet. I notice that Airport says it is connected, but when I launch Safari, I get the "Not Connected to Internet" error message. I have tried removing the file to no avail. I have also tried Archiving and Installing and the issue is still there. Any ideas or fixes? Thanks.

    Those seem to happen a lot when you have stealth mode enabled (Security System Prefs, Firewall, Advanced). For me, they all seemed to be innocuous so I turned it off. I don't think this would affect your connectivity, though.
    You should also see it negotiate the connection. Is there anything that looks like it is repeating or retrying or other disconcerting messages? Here's an example of mine waking:1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel Wake reason = USB1
    1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel System Wake
    1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel vmmon: powerStateDidChange flags=0x82 (state 4)
    1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel Previous Sleep Cause: 0
    1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel USB (UHCI):Port 2 on bus 0x1d has remote wakeup from some device
    1/5/10 8:27:36 PM kernel EIR is not supported.
    1/5/10 8:27:37 PM kernel en1: 802.11d country code set to 'US'.
    1/5/10 8:27:37 PM kernel en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 149 153 157 161 165
    1/5/10 8:27:38 PM kernel AirPort: Link Up on en1
    1/5/10 8:27:38 PM kernel AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
    1/5/10 8:27:38 PM configd[14] network configuration changed.

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