Album art - best was to create Folder.jpg

What is the best way to create a folder.jpg file, stored in the album folder, from the iTunes Album art.
I have to guess/conclude that there is no mechanism or tool to do this for my full collection (batch)?

I've written a script for this called CreateFolderArt.vbs. Select some files or a playlist and run the script. Hit Yes to refresh all folder artwork with images embedded/attached to tags, No to only generate artwork in folders that have none at present.
The script checks the timestamp of the artwork to avoid saving it multiple times for same album, so you don't need to worry about pre-selecting only one track from each album. It also sets the archive, hidden & system attributes of the files.

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    When you changed the directory, did you (or iTunes) move the actually music files? If you see little exclamation points and fail to be able to play the music in iTunes, this is probably your problem. You cannot update disconnected files.
    You may also want to assure you are logged in to the iTunes store and that you can view the store? Maybe you have a firewall program like Zone Alarm blocking access?
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    Thanks, Mimico Kid! Your suggestion was extremely easy and worked like a charm!
    I basically went to like you suggested, searched for all of my cd's in the Amazon music section. Once each cd was listed, I enlarged the album cover to its largest size and then right-clicked on the largest image and then "saved as" the name of the cd in a separate, Album Art folder that I created in the "My Pictures" folder on my c drive. Then I opened iTunes and the Album covers folder that I created and dragged the jpeg of the album cover into the section of iTunes on the lower left side where users are prompted to drag album art.
    Here's a hint to significantly quicken the transfer of album art from your separately created "Album Art" folder on your hard (c:) drive to iTunes: select all of the songs of a particular cd listed in your iTunes library before you drag the album art over from your separately created "Album Art" folder. That way, when you do drag the album art over, it will be applied to all of the selected songs - this saves lots of time if you have multiple tracks from CDs in your iTunes library.

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    I have found one ugly way to deal with the problem.
    Remember how notes are actually mail messages underneath?
    To create a note:
    1. Create a new email message.
    2. Save it as a draft.
    3. Move the message to Notes folder.
    To edit or delete an existing note:
    1. Move the note from Notes folder to Drafts folder.
    2. Do what you need
    3. If you want to keep the info - save it and move it back to Notes folder.
    I wish Apple at least automated this process.

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    You should be able to retieve your pre-corrupted library file from TM, provided the corruption didn't happen to far back.

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    Thanks !

    Thanks, Mimico Kid! Your suggestion was extremely easy and worked like a charm!
    I basically went to like you suggested, searched for all of my cd's in the Amazon music section. Once each cd was listed, I enlarged the album cover to its largest size and then right-clicked on the largest image and then "saved as" the name of the cd in a separate, Album Art folder that I created in the "My Pictures" folder on my c drive. Then I opened iTunes and the Album covers folder that I created and dragged the jpeg of the album cover into the section of iTunes on the lower left side where users are prompted to drag album art.
    Here's a hint to significantly quicken the transfer of album art from your separately created "Album Art" folder on your hard (c:) drive to iTunes: select all of the songs of a particular cd listed in your iTunes library before you drag the album art over from your separately created "Album Art" folder. That way, when you do drag the album art over, it will be applied to all of the selected songs - this saves lots of time if you have multiple tracks from CDs in your iTunes library.

  • Album art tagging vs linking?

    Hello helpful people
    I am trying to find out if there is a way to determine which of my tracks have the album art linked to the file, as is the case for music bought directly from the Apple Store and where iTunes' "Get album artwork" functionality is used to download the album art.
    Before I fully understood the mechanisms that control and manage album art, I was using a combination of two methods to add it; 1) iTunes' "Get album artwork" and 2) by scouring the web for decent cover art images (or correct ones where Apple's were wrong) and dragging them into the "Album art" box of the appropriate tracks in iTunes (and thus into the files' tags). This means that I now have a mixture of methods at work, and besides simply being irked by the inconsistency of it, if I were to ever divorce myself from iTunes I would lose all the cover art for those tracks and albums for which the art is merely linked, and not incorporated into the files themselves as a tag.
    I would like to be able to identify all the tracks with linked album art, and so be able to select them all and tick the "Album art" box as blank, thereby deleting all the linked instances of album art. I appreciate that this leaves me with a lot of work to replace the now deleted art, but given the growing number of programs out there that will scour the web and automatically download album art I think it is not an insurmountable task.
    Hmmm... Would simply deleting the iTunes/Album Artwork folder do the trick? The actual image files that are the tracks are linked to are stored in there, right? So if I deleted this folder I should essentially have deleted all the instances of linked artwork in my library... right?
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    On a more discursive note, I'm surprised there isn't more on this issue out there. I did a fair bit of searching and came up with nothing, though I have to assume this has been discussed and I just missed the mark. It seems to me a pretty frightening prospect that if I had relied on iTunes for all my album art I would have to give it all up and start from scratch if I ever wanted to leave iTunes for something else. I don't think users are aware of how shackled they are by this aspect of iTunes, and it makes me wonder if this was implemented intentionally for that purpose, or if it was genuinely a matter of opitmizing iTunes' code and functionality.

    iTunes has nothing to do with it.
    When MS developed the WAV format, they chose not to include tags for album artwork (or much else).

  • About a month ago, most of the Album art on my iPod just up and disappeared.

    So, about a month ago, for no apparent reason at all, almost all of the album art on all of the music on my iPod just disappeared and was replaced by the default white art. It even happened to most of my purchased music! As time passed, some of it gradually re-appeared, which is really weird, but most of it is still gone. I have 174 albums on my ipod and about only 1/4 of them have art. Before this problem happened, almost every single album had art. I meticulously spend HOURS adding really nice album art to the music on my iPod, and then this happens.
    I'm genuinely quite upset. I use my iPod a LOT and have put a lot of money into Apple. A problem like this should not be happening. I'm actually very tech-savvy (going to be getting a CS degree) but this problem baffles me at every turn and it's extremely frustrating.
    So, last night, I tried to fix the problem again. I made an album in my music folder and added the proper information to each song, with an album cover (500X500 - all of my album art is 500X500) in the folder where the songs reside. I then plug my iPod in and open iTunes. I then go into file and add the album to my iTunes library, and then I go to the songs and add the album cover to their information via the "add artwork" submenu of the get info on the songs. I then sync the songs to my iPod normally, and the album art shows up on them. Great. Wonderful.
    I then think, "Oh, maybe I can fix all of my OTHER album art manually!".
    So I go to my artists on my iPod and find an album titled Asteroid (it's a song by Rameses B) which doesn't have a cover but should. I deleted it off of my iPod. I then plugged my iPod back into my computer and tried to re-sync the song Asteroid back onto my iPod but nothing happened. It WOULD NOT, and I mean WOULD NOT sync that **** song to my iPod. It just sat there like I never did anything at all. My method of syncing is that I find the song and drag-drop it to the iPod menu on the right side of my screen.
    So then I kind of gave up for the night. It was midnight and I was done with this **** after trying to get that song to sync for at least 20 minutes.
    So I eject the iPod from my computer (SAFELY) and close iTunes normally, bla bla bla, go to sleep.
    I get up this morning and go to my music app and ALL OF MY ALBUM ART ON EVERYTHING IS GONE. *POOF*, gone. Including the songs that I'd synced last night! What the ****! How does that even happen?!
    Some more information:
    I'm running Windows 7 with a fully updated iTunes. My iPod is fully updated as well. As in iOS 7.1.0, non-Beta. It's an iPod touch 5th generation.
    So, my question is, how the heck do I get my album art back on my darn iPod?! I have tried manually re-syncing individual songs after deleting them off of my iPod and they won't re-sync. I have also tried re-syncing my entire music library to my iPod, and the result was the same as before. Most of the album art didn't transfer to the iPod.
    I'm extremely frustrated at this point. I'm at the very verge of jailbreaking this thing and iFunbox-ing all of my album art over to it forcefully. If Apple can't fix my problem, I will. I'm at that point right now.
    Please help.
    Thank you so much in advance.

    Have you:
    - Restore from backup. See:                                                
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.            
    If a PC
    Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP
    Removing and reinstalling iTunes and other software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8


    Right then, guyz n galz, I have recently acquired this device and a cracking piece of kit it is too. However, one major problem and one niggly thing.
    The major problem is the radio, I cannot get it to find any stations at all - yes I have connected the headphones. I have tuned it in to frequencys i know are correct (Radio , 2 etc) but nothing !? I also notice when the radio is selected it says at the top MONO ?
    The niggly thing is album art. When I got the device, there were a couple of albums already uploaded and they displayed album art. I uploaded my music, but no album art is displayed. The art is displayed in my music folder on my PC and on WMP . I transferred files via WMP. I then tried to drag and drop files direct from my folder. Whilst the files went across OK, the art threw up a message advising the device wouldn't be able to display on the player but could be put into the photo library for viewing. I OK'd this and sure enough, all the album art is in the photos folder ? Any ideas ?
    Finally, is there a stop button on this player or do you just switch off and then it resumes at where you left it when you switch on ?
    Thanks in anticipation of your help. Scott.

    Hiya Richard, thanks for that - I will have a play around with the album art thing later, but just noted that a firmware update is required. I have just downloaded the latest version (after I uploaded all my music) DO you think the problem was that the firmware I had on there was version .40 (I think) and so now, with version .62, it should be OK ?
    Regarding the radio thing, nothing !!? I have tried everything - middle of the garden, upstairs out the window, uou name it I've done it to try and get a reception. Its just not picking a thing up at all. Autoscan just runs and then finishes without setting one station.
    Thanks, Scott.

  • No Album Art after trasnfer from WMP11??

    Recently I tried to transfer music from WMP11 to my N82 thru USB cable connection set at Music Player profile. However to much of my dismay, the album arts that was stored in my music files in Windows Media Player is not displayed after it was transferred to my N82.
    What could be wrong and how do I remedy it?
    PS: thanks Nokia for enabling music tag editting on-the-go!
    was: 3310--> N80 v5.0719.0.2--> N82 v31.0.016; now: 5800xm v40

    Hi El,
    thanks for your input. I realise the problem with WMP11 way of handling album art which is the cause of my problem here. I am in the midst of deleting the album art of my songs and paste them back as Cover (front) which is damn tedious given that the tag editor in WMP11 is not user friendly at all.
    I do manage my album art well using iTunes but sadly, the album arts are not displayed preperly on WMP11. Any suggestions for a quick and fast way to update my album art in WMP?
    Next, I would like to feedback on the Nokia Music Manager (NMM). This is nice that Nokia has created this software for music transfer. back in the days N series phones are not supported by WMP, it is the main tool for music transfer for my device. However, it performance as a music manager disappoints me.
    Firstly, the tag details of the songs are not displayed fully after scanning my library of 3k plus songs. Also, the album art function is not functioning at all. There is no wat to drag and drop the album art on the NMM. Anyone experience the same problem as me? Any syggestions??
    was: 3310--> N80 v5.0719.0.2--> N82 v31.0.016; now: 5800xm v40

  • Why is my album art downloading to the wrong music?

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    The only way I was able to get the album art correct was to hook my iPod up to my laptop and then go into iPod Preferences and check the box that says hide Album art. I then updated my iPod and all my album art was wiped off my iPod. The next step is to go back into preferences for the iPod and enable album art again and the next time I updated...BINGO, all my artwork was put back correctly. It took a little work but I'm happy with it!

  • How can I get album art to be shown in the left corner when it's already shown in the main area of iTunes?

    My entire music collection was recently deleted on accident. It was my fault (and partially my external harddrive's ridiculously touchy USB cord's fault), but anyways I was able to use an undelete software to get the files back. Some are gone, some are somehow warped into each other, e.g., a folk song, audio-wise, is now replaced with half of a death metal song. I'm trying to fix all that up right now, but my problem is that I can only see album art in the main part of iTunes, right next to the song titles displayed. iTunes refuses to display the art in the bottom left-hand corner, where I think it usually shows what the cursor is locked on at a given time. I'm sorry for not elaborating a sentence or two back, I've also lost about half of my album art in iTunes, so that's why I'm adding it back.
    The weird thing is, album art that was retained after the deletion fiasco does show up in both areas. It's just album art that I add right now that doesn't work. And it can't just be because the files are corrupted or something, because they are editable and play fine, and the same thing happened with a file I just redownloaded and then imported. That file should be perfectly OK.
    Can anyone tell me if there's a reason for album art to not display in the bottom left-hand corner of iTunes while I have certain files selected?
    p.s. one more thing, it's not like the Currently Selected box in that corner is hidden, it's in plain view which is why the blank space is so bothersome.

    I am having a similar problem - my iPod Touch (2nd gen., 32GB, iOS 4.1) was recognized by iTunes on my 24" iMac (Intel, Late 2006) after I had updated it about 1-2 weeks ago (Software Update) to 10.2.2 (the iMac has OS X 10.5.8 on it). I had to take my iMac to a local WiFi spot to do the updating, because I don't have Internet at home currently (can't find anyone who provides just affordable DSL if you don't have your landline via AT&T).
    Today I went to sync my iPod Touch with the iMac (I had updated some apps and bought one new one using the iPT through local WiFi spot). However, iTunes did not see ANY devices at all(!). I tried connecting the iPod Touch first, restarting iTunes and then re-connecting the iPT - nothing helps. The iPod screen turns on just like when charging, but no sign of syncing.
    I'm wondering how applicable the article that you listed would be, or is there a comparable article for iPod Touches with 10.5.8? (I'm getting very fed up with what seems to be the standard Apple partyline of "Just buy a new iPod/Mac/get new software....blah, blah, blah" -Apple, what about those of us who consider it wasteful and unnecessary to buy new hardware or software every few years, just to get a helpful and NON-condescending reply from your support people? (/rant off))

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