Album Art Blackberry comparison

Discovered that the Playbook is better at including music album art than the Z10.
I copy albums to my Playbook and, lately, the album cover artwork always appears, too.
That is not happening with my Z10, and I have found, with the latest iTunes, that finding the album art within that software has become impossible. I have given up, so it's a shame that the Blackberry Link has less ability than the Desktop Software that I use with the Playbook in this regard.
When, assuming it happens, the OS for the Playbook is updated to that of the Z10, I hope that the Desktop Software is  copied to the Z10, or the Link software is greatly improved.

I went the Windows Media Player route. Even still, outside of that, some downloaded tracks might have embedded art which can confuse things. Then in WMA I found that if I used the auto download of album info while ripping cd's and the art didn't match, WMA stores that jpg somewhere down deep in the system directories and is very persistent on keeping that art unless you remove it from that directory. I don't have a particularly large library so I stopped using the auto download. Ditto on folder.jpg. Once everything is arranged to your liking in WMA then you can also preview what it might look like by scrolling down everything in Link and seeing if there are any problems. Then finally, the sync to the Z10 simply took its long time to upload and all the art shows up properly.
Tip: put compilation albums of different artists in an ARTIST called compilations or whatever you like and then the albums under that.

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    3) I use a 16gb memory card 
    In the past two weeks since i have got the Q10, i have never once been able to get my music album art unto the the device, i have formatted the memory card over 10 times, i even went as far as doing a security wipe of the device itself. i have also gone into the file manager settings and and cleared the music folders, no joy!!
    PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS!!! I used to love my music on blackberry especially with my album art which showed on the Z10 so why isn't it showing on the q10. i don't have the z10 anymore to check. 
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    Well, finally someone in the same boat as me. I use a Pc with windows 7. I previously had a Z10, switched to a Q10, with the same issues on both phones. Sometimes the artwork would show up, often adding a new song would corrupt all the artwork. I've even retagged all my mp3's, by wiping the metadata and reinserting the tags. No luck. I've formatted my phone, memory card, everything.
    Ironically, the same memory card inserted into my old Bold 9900 and 9700 work fine, displaying all the artwork correctly.
    I have spent hours, maybe even DAYS trying to fix this horrible problem. Someone help us!!!
    I should add that now all of my albums are in individual folders, completely correctly named, with the latest ID3 tags. Even bypassing BlackBerry Link, and just using USB mass storage mode doesn't change things.

  • OSX Yosemite RIM Album Art Deamon crashes every few seconds.

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    Any suggestions would be appreciated, as I've updated both of my Macs to the latest software. (BBDM was only installed on one).
    Torch 9810; PlayBook 64g; iPad1 64g; iPad2 64g; iPhone6 64g Passport
    Provider Bell (tablets all WiFi)
    Go to Solution.

    I see a lot of BB Link problems out there for Yosemite users. Since Maverick, Sync Services have been removed but there is a workaround. You can sync Music and media still but for Contacts and iCal transfer and updating Blackberry already have a solution. See below.
    Sync features that accompany iCloud and Apple ID accounts utilize IMAP, CalDAV, and CardDAV. These accounts can be integrated on the BlackBerry 10 OS.
    To integrate an iCloud account that uses an email address:
    From the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Email, Calendar and Contacts.
    Enter the email address and select Next.
    Enter the email password and click Next.
    Enable the items to be synchronized (Email, Contacts Calendar).
    Select Done.
    If iCloud is used for synchronization but an email address is not used, or is not enabled, calendar and contact sync can still be integrated on BlackBerry 10 OS and BlackBerry PlayBook OS, however to integrate these, advanced integration steps need to be used instead of the above steps. The email address associated with the Apple ID must be used. To integrate this method, use the steps below.
    Note: If either an or email address are being used, integrate as an address (i.e. Instead of using [email protected], use [email protected]). Apple has aliased and email addresses so they will still receive emails, but any outgoing email will appear as the domain.
    To integrate an iCloud account that does not use an email address follow the below steps to:
    Integrate iCloud contacts using CardDAV:
    From the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Advanced > CardDAV.
    Enter Description (for example: iCloud or the email address).
    Enter Username as the either the Apple ID or email address.
    Enter Email Address as either the Apple ID or email address .
    Enter Password as the Apple ID password.
    Enter Server Address as
    Select desired Sync Interval from the drop-down menu.
    Select Done.
    Integrate iCloud calendar using CalDAV:
    From the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Advanced > CalDAV.
    Enter Description (for example: iCloud or the email address).
    Enter Username as either the Apple ID or email address.
    Enter Email Address as either the Apple ID or email address .
    Enter Password as the Apple ID password .
    Enter Server Address as or (If an error returns showing the device couldn't connect to return to the Caldav setup screen and change the server name to reflect the unique number representing the # symbol. This number could be 1-9 depending on what the return message is. Example: or
    Select desired Sync Interval from the drop-down menu.
    Select Done.
    Integrate iCloud Email using IMAP:
    From the home screen, swipe down from the top bezel and select Settings > Accounts > Add Account > Advanced > IMAP.
    Enter Description (for example: iCloud or the email address).
    Enter Display Name as the name that sent email will display from (for example: Justin Jones)
    Enter Username as the or email address email address.
    Enter Email Address as the or email address email address.
    Enter Password as the Apple ID password .
    Enter Server Address as
    Enter Port as 993
    Under Encryption drop-down menu select SSL.
    Enter SMTP Username as the or email address.
    Enter SMTP Server Address as
    Enter SMTP Port as 587
    Select desired Sync Interval and Initial Retrieval Amount from the drop-down menus.
    Select Done.
    Note: If the iCloud Email account does not integrate using the above settings, complete the steps again, but under the SMTP Encryption drop-down list select Start TLS.

  • Album Art Missing/No​t Showing Up...Among Other Things

    Recently my new Q10 has decided to stop showing album art randomly - I say randomly as art work that used to show has now suddenly gone either black or now shows the default blue note art. I am practically OCD about my mp3 tags and while 3 different tagging programs say I have the correct art, my Q10 says otherwise.
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    Sometimes I really hate technology....
    Not all things are good.
    Not all things are evil.
    But with an open mind...
    You can see the difference.
    Knowledge is power.

    Hey Er1nye5,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums.
    To better assist you with this issue and to further investigate, we would request that you contact your wireless service provider to have this issue escalated to BlackBerry Technical support for further trouble shooting.
    Let us know if you have any questions.
    Thank you.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Refresh iTunes album art fails in DM6

      I'm trying to import iTunes album art into Desktop Manager 6 and about halfway through, the process fails. I've checked the log files and found this info that might be relevant:
    22:34:02.020|ERROR|9|Rim.Desktop.Media|19038|Beginning Album Art caching process...
    22:34:19.408|ERROR|9|Rim.Desktop.Media|19044|Attempting to parse iTunes version:
    22:38:53.920|ERROR|9|Rim.Desktop.Media|18005|EXCEPTION: System.OutOfMemoryException -- MESSAGE: Out of memory. -- STACK: at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement){CRLF} at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean useOriginalSize, Boolean useOriginalBitDepth){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetScaledImage(IFilePath filePath, Int32 width, Int32 height){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesArtCacheWorker.OnDoWork(){CRLF} at Rim.Desktop.Services.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation()
    22:38:53.921|ERROR|9|Rim.Desktop.Media|18005|EXCEPTION: System.OutOfMemoryException -- MESSAGE: Out of memory. -- STACK: at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement){CRLF} at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean useOriginalSize, Boolean useOriginalBitDepth){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetScaledImage(IFilePath filePath, Int32 width, Int32 height){CRLF} at Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesArtCacheWorker.OnDoWork(){CRLF} at Rim.Desktop.Services.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation()
    22:38:53.930|INFO |9|Rim.Desktop.Media|0|TASK: [Art Cache Worker], STATE: Progressing, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: Void OnDoWork(), ERROR: System.OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory.
    at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename, Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement)
    at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(String filename)
    at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height)
    at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetThumbnail(IFilePath path, Int32 width, Int32 height, Boolean useOriginalSize, Boolean useOriginalBitDepth)
    at Rim.Media.Images.ImageUtilities.GetScaledImage(IFilePath filePath, Int32 width, Int32 height)
    at Rim.Media.Source.iTunes.ITunesArtCacheWorker.OnDoWork()
    at Rim.Desktop.Services.Tasks.Task.RunOneOperation()
    22:38:53.930|INFO |9|Rim.Desktop.Media|0|TASK: [Art Cache Worker], STATE: Failed, TRANSITION: none, OPERATION: none, DURATION: 291933
    The log points to a possibly corrupted album art image, but it would be desirable if the Desktop manager could simply ignore that exception and resume the import. Has anybody else encountered this problem?

    After having no itunes media sync issues with my 238 albums, other than album art for "Greatest Hits" albums getting mixed up, i have found that DM 6 gets the album art correct, but will not sync approximately 238 of 1500 files.  Who knows how to fix this one.  I am through with RIM, Blackberry and DM.  I don't understand why they can't get this stuff right.

  • Album art fails to show after 1st track

    ipod classic 80G fw 1.0.3
    The album art shows properly in CoverFlow
    When I start playing from coverflow, it shows the proper album art in the first song I play, but if I go the next song, it shows the "music notes" placeholder like there is no art in the file.
    Now for the kicker: if I press the center click from coverflow to show the track list, then start playing the album on track #2, then it shows the artwork, but if I move on to the next track, it fails to show the artwork again.
    Basically it acts like it can't find artwork when moving from one song to the next.
    All my tracks have album art embedded into them (I checked with Mp3Tag. Art size varies from about 100x100 all the way to 500x500

    I figured it out. Thanks to going click happy on the interface. Click on Advanced, then Get Album Artwork". It will then tell you to login and a warning that the song info will get sent to Apple. I've been trying to move my songs over to this thing on and off for months. I really think Android is the way to go as forcing you to convert your songs to a format that takes your rights to play a song away is rediculous. No ringtone using my own songs... seriously? My ancient Blackberry had that option with no special software necessary, you just put your music in a folder and let there be sound! I'm not upgrading to the new iPhone.

  • ITunes shows a white box instead of artwork for most of my albums.  Many of these are albums I purchased on itunes.  Also when I hit get album art it deleted the artwork it already had form many albums and says it cant find it.

    OS is Windows 7
    I updated iTunes the other day and I decided to run "get album art" and instead of finding artwork, it made some of the artwork I already had show up as white squares, or disapear entirely.  The ones that are white squares show up under the get info, but not in itunes.  I did click in view for show al artwork, no luck.  Many of these albums I bought from iTunes.  The ones that the artwork was deleted some albums I can buy on iTunes, but already owned, and iTunes found the artwork before, but now cannot.  Some are albums that I spent many hours finding and adding the artwork myself.  I am very frustrated.  I cannot find the time to manually install artwork for thousands of songs.
    My work computer is Windows 8, so I really don't want to hear windows vs OSX argument.  My company won't switch to mac because you like it better, so I just need a solution to my issue.  iTunes it has always worked better for me on my work PC than my macBook, I dont know why, but I don't take two laptops with me when I travel so I have my iTunes library on the PC that has to come with me.  This is the first time an update has screwed things up for me.

    Well my first guess was wrong. The line that failed is the one that writes out the image to disk. I've not revisited the code for that script for ages, but it seems I did add in an extra test for missing files a little while later, then forgot to upload the change. I can reproduce the error message if I deliberately rename a file to confuse iTunes so that seems the most likely reason for your problem with the script. I've uploaded a new build of CreateFolderArt which should work better.
    See FindTracks for a tool to repair broken links. You should probably get that issue fixed first.
    I know what SPSS stands for but that is all I know about it.

  • How can I display all album art of my library in iTunes

    All my music tracks in my library contain the respective album art within their ID3-tags and it is perfectly displayed in the lower left corner window when I select or play a track.
    What I really would like to do is to browse through my library using the album art, not the text-based endless lists (title, album, interpret, genre etc.), then click on a cover, see the tracks and select one.
    Is there a feature in iTunes already that can do that or a plug-in somewhere in the market ? (I do not need a tool that collects album art like eyejamz, but a tool to display the art I already have)
    Thanks a lot for any feedback
    iPod shuffle   Windows XP  

    You can use iTunes to remove the beginning or end of a song (or both) by setting the Start and Stop times. 
    But to remove a section from the middle and keep the rest, you will need an audio editor such as Audacity.

  • How can I quickly get the same album art for all tracks on an album without manually doing them one at a time?

    I am having trouble with album art linked to each track. My library is ripped from my own cd's and ITunes only provides some of the artwork from a find artwork search. The rest must be found and added one at a time manually from web. This process is tedious and time consuming for me. Is there a file in iTunes related to each album that I can just drop the art once and it shows up linked to all the tracks from that album when they play? I've tried selecting all songs from an album and dragging the artwork to the artwork window once in hopes of all tracks getting the artwork at the same time with no luck. Any advice for this paltry artwork dilemma would be appreciated. If Cassidy & Greene still owned this ******* child of SoundJam I know I would not be having this problem! HaHa...Thanks for any advice/help with this problem.

    Thx 4 quick reply alexbird. Your method will work and after a little experimenting so will this: Just go to the album art view option and highlight the album you want artwork for. Drag the artwork from your album art web search page to bottom left hand album art window in iTunes and just drop it there. A small progress window then appears showing each album track adopting the dropped artwork one by one. It only takes 10-15 seconds for all of the tracks on your album to adopt the new artwork. I then went back and removed unwanted artwork(from the albums that had it) track by track from the get info menu. This goes pretty quick as you just pick track>get info>artwork>highlight art>delete>ok for each track.
    This drag/drop to the album art view page has been the simplest and most effective way I have discovered to manually import album artwork into iTunes so far. Hope this helps someone else out there. Any other methods or suggestions to do this task added to this thread will be duly noted. Thx... Oh, I am currently using iTunes 10.5.1

  • After i downloaded IOS5 most of my album art on my iPod touch is missing, but its still on my computer.

    some of the album art for the songs i recently downloaded from itunes is there, but almost everything i've downloaded from itunes in the past has no album art. how do i get it back?

    Another thing to try: uncheck the "Sync Music" checkbox in your iPod pane in iTunes, sync and allow iTunes to remove the tracks, then rechec the "Sync Music" checkbox and resync. That fixed the problem with missing and incorrect album artwork on my iPad with iOS 5.

  • A late majority of the album art on my iPod Touch is mixed up.

    I put a CD in my laptop to import it to iTunes. I unplugged my iPod and all the album art in my music (all of which I had purchased on iTunes) was mixed up. Say, a Lady Gaga song still played Lady Gaga but the album art was one of my Katy Perry songs. I've tried restoring all settings but it's still messed up. I need help, please.

    You are not alone. Try:
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost      
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync/delete all music and resync
    To delete all music go to Settings>General>Usage>Storage>Music>Tap edit in upper right and then tap the minus sign by All Music
    - Reset all settings                            
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                               
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.                       

  • Album art thats om my itunes wont show on my iphone 5

    Certain album art that appears on my itunes will not show on my iphone no matter how many times I sync it.
    Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a solution to this?

    Does it have album artwork On itunes
    itunes>right click on a song>get info,first click artwork if thats ok then click options and check if everything is ok

  • Why is my album art downloading to the wrong music?

    When I am syncing my iPhone, I am getting an error (-54) at times. I am also seeing the wrong album art downloading with the incorrect music. Whenever I use a song for my alarm, I see music that I do not have checked to be on my phone showing up and it always has the wrong album art. Please advise. Thank you so much!

    The only way I was able to get the album art correct was to hook my iPod up to my laptop and then go into iPod Preferences and check the box that says hide Album art. I then updated my iPod and all my album art was wiped off my iPod. The next step is to go back into preferences for the iPod and enable album art again and the next time I updated...BINGO, all my artwork was put back correctly. It took a little work but I'm happy with it!

  • Unable to optimize album art on my iPod and then display the art on my iPod

    When I optimize album art it gives me an error message "unknown error (-50)"
    I would like to fix that. Any pointers?

    get the order number from itunes account "Purchase History" & then send a mail to itunes store from following website. They will provide you exception to redownload because its Apple's problem

  • 1 CD, compilation CD, 16 artists, 16 album art displays (of same picture)

    I have a CD of 16 songs, a "best of" CD, and when I import it to iTunes, everything is fine save for the album artwork. When I put iTunes in album art view, I see 16 entries. Now I have seen this before on other CDs where I would just make sure the title is consistent, the artist name is consistent (in this case, I am using "Various Artists" and then putting the individual name in Album Artist"). I also checked "Compliation" in the "info" banner. I re-imported the CD using iTunes thinking that would make a difference but it hasn't.
    This is the only CD in my collection I have not been able to fix. Other fixes, as I have tried above, have worked for several similar problematic listings.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Rob - When you selected "Compilation" - did you have all of the tracks selected? If so, when you checked the Compilation box, did you make sure it said "YES"?
    The Multiple Item Information pane is a little tricksy - checking the box doesn't necessarily select anything - what it does is tell iTunes to change the information. For example, you want to delete all album art - you would do this by checking the tickbox next to the Artwork box and closing the Info pane. That will tell iTunes to update each of the Song Files and delete all applied artwork. Same thing with Compliation - just ticking the box without changing the selection may result in the opposite of what you intended.
    Hope this helps,

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