Album art in my podcast

i moved my podcast from self hosted to a .mac account using iweb to do this.
i use the freestyle templet and now my album art is an ugly square grey thing. not the album art i put in the show. i noticed the new xml feed is showing the wrong file as album art but i cant figure out how to change it with out using dreamweaver or text edit to manually edit the xml file.
any way or work around for this.

i guess no one knows the answer

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    Message was edited by: KRitchie
    Message was edited by: KRitchie
    Message was edited by: KRitchie

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    Don't touch the Artist field — select the entire album, Get Info (command-I), and enter the primary artist's name in the Album Artist field. This tells iTunes the album is a single artist's work, but that other artists feature on individual tracks. If you then sort on the Album column (including "Album by Artist" and "Album by Year"), the album will have a single cover art associated with it.

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    Hey ralf.haring,
    Thanks for the question. To remove artwork from a selected item, simply select the artwork in the “Get Info” screen and tap the delete or backspace button. For more information on Artwork in iTunes 12, check out the following resource:
    Add artwork to songs and other items - iTunes Help
    Matt M.

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