Album Art Not Loading

Firstly I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere, if so, I am happy to follow a link.
My problem:
I have recently imported music from CD's. I have found the album art off the internet and I am trying to load the art but it doesn't do anything. It always works so I don't understand why it isn't this time. I have even tried converting the files into another format to see if that will help, but it makes no difference. The format of the images are .jpg.
Thank you

I had a problem I solved with QuickTime videos in and out of iTunes that solved by moving the iTunes Music library from my SATA drive to an external USB drive.
After reading this thread I did a test by removing an album cover from an iTunes song. Re-selecting the same cover art located on my SATA drive took about 15-20 seconds to "acquire" the image. Then I did the same procedure but pointed the Add find to a copy of that cover from the USB drive. Acquisition took about 1/10-1/15th of a second. YMMV.

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    If I load a CD in to my iTunes library and then try to add album artwork to appear as the album plays I have to cut an past to each individual song. How do I load artwork so that is is attached to the whole album?
    On my powerbook, with older version of itunes I don't recall having this problem.

    Before dragging and dropping artwork to the artwork pane, select all tracks of the album.
    Alternatively, select all songs of the album and Get Info (command-I).
    Then drag and drop the picture on the little artwork pane of the 'Multiple Song Information' window and click OK.
    Hope this helps.
    17' iMac fp 800 MHz 768 MB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   Several ext. HD (backup and data)

  • Album Art not showing up?

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    use the search discussions box. there are loads of threads on this. you definitely aren't alone
    the only real solution i've seen is to re-sync the problem tracks, i've probably missed some though, so it's worth looking around.

  • Album Art not appearing on iPhone

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    SOLUTION:  After 48 hours, 100% of the artwork is now appearing.   If it's in iTunes, it's on the iPhone. 
    However, there's a few hoops I jumped through to make it all work: 
    In iTunes, if album art is not showing in the Grid view, buy you know you have album art associated with it, select Get Info on any of the tracks. Magically, the album art appears in Grid view.  Repeat for all albums with missing art.
    When you're all done with the art, in iTunes, select [store] [update iTunes Match]
    Wait 24 hours
    It appears that the iPhone processor is not fast enough to display album art quickly with a large library.  On my iPhone it takes about 10 seconds to load a full page of artwork in Album view.   If you're flipping quickly through your library, expect it to take a while to catch up.  It appears that album art is loaded via an Internet connection, because they do not load in Airplane mode. So, it seems that the robustness of this UI depends on your Internet connection. 
    Project is closed in my book. 
    Good luck with yours! 

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    Am I missing something?
    Message was edited by: KRitchie
    Message was edited by: KRitchie
    Message was edited by: KRitchie

    Yeah, on my iPhone some of the album art for my podcasts was actaully changed to an arbitrary incorrect image. For example, instead of the Cranky Geeks logo, I get to look at New Kids on the Block (don't ask). I'm going to try unsubscribing from the podcast, deleting past episodes from my computer, sync the phone so it wipes out those old episodes and incorrect art, and then resubscribing and resyncing the phone. Hopefully that will transfer the correct art back up to the phone.

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    Is that really true?
    'Cause being new to this, I've only just added a few albums as .wav and succesfully downloaded album art, using the functionality within Itunes. And this should not have been possible?For instance Loretta Lynn "Van Lear Rose", Emmylou Harris "Stumble into grace" and Elvis Costello/Burt Bacharach "Painted from Memory" all worked just fine. But Itunes was not able to download album art for all my albums - Simply Red "Greatest Hits" from 1996 was one that did not work. So I browsed the internet and was able to find jpegs of this album art, which I know have stored locally. But how do I get that into Itunes?

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    But now it keeps happening, I get a new group of albums every day that won't play.
    Can anyone tell me what is causing this?
    How do I prevent it?
    Do I really need to take every song in my library and change the ID3 tags, that could take forever?
    Could anyone please help and shed some light on this.
    Thank You

    Thanks for replying, Please read our Operating System details before taking a guess about what 'could' be the problem...
    I think I figured it out anyway, Windows Media Player might be adding extra information that iTunes does not like, either Windows Media Player and/or iTunes 7.7.1 don't conform to ID3 v2.4 standards...
    Please fix your software, Apple. I know how you love to be unique and mock PC users with your one-sided advertisements but at least conform to the ID3 standards.

  • TS1815 download album art not available thru itunes

    How do you download album art not available in iTunes store.
    I could copy and paste in the older version but not since the latest update
    I'm using windows
    Thanks Mark pianoman

    I, too, relied on the name of the iTunes library being displayed on the top header bar of the iTunes window. I have 2 iTunes libraries that I go back and forth on all the time, and now I really have to look at the contents to figure out which library I'm in at any given moment.  What a pain!!  And what a stupid move to diminish functionality, Apple.  You folks have been doing this more all the time lately -- taking away perfected functionality -- and either deleting it or changing it just for the sake of a new look.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!  Please! 
    A good example of that is the dim grey text in all too much Apple everything these days.  Black is beautiful, please!  And especially useful in reading!!  And, apparently, enough people thought so, too, since I see black text is back in iTunes 11.  It went grey, and you heard from enough people that that was something no one should have changed.  Well, as the Gipper said: Here you go again!  Bring back the Library Name.  You've got plenty of room; you don't need to put it in another vertical space -- just put in in line with the other stuff you've got there.  Put it left of the "Search Library."  That would be fine.  But, just do it!

  • Album art not tagged properly iPhone 4

    In iTunes, ALL my songs have their album art covers TAGGED PROPERLY!
    Upon transfer to iPhone, the art covers are NOT Synced/Tagged properly as the art covers of songs uses art covers from other songs!
    EVERY TIME I correct this, it still is messed up!!
    I had to RESTORE my iPhone then load back up ALL the songs, etc... back onto my iPhone 4 and it still does NOT WORK!
    I then used MP3Tag to PROPERLY TAG ALL the album art covers to my songs then re-import those songs BACK INTO ITUNES 10.x.x.
    Even when I manually correct it and it shows the art cover properly in iTunes, when I disconnect the iPhone and go to those SAME songs that I fixed, the art covers are MESSED UP AGAIN!!!
    Weird thing is...
    1. This problem ONLY occurs on the iPhone!!
    2. This problem does NOT occur on my iTouch or Nano or iPods!
    3. This issue has been around since the Original iPhone and still present through iPhone 4 as I've looked online and found MANY users have posted about the same problems!
    Why hasn't Apple FIXED this **** problem by now?!
    Any suggestions would be appreciated as I'm really PO about this!
    Thank you!

    does anyone have any answers to this?
    I have tried updating my video drivers, I am running directX 9, and i tried the dxdiag and everything is fine. DirectDraw Acceleration and Direct 3D Acceleration are both Enabled.

  • Album art not syncing on iPod Video

    I'm new to iPods. Don't hate me.
    I purchased a bunch of songs at work on my G5. That's not my "home" Mac. I copied them to my iPod in drive mode, brought them back to the "home" Mac. Added them to iTunes by drag and drop. Synced. They show up in iTunes and on my iPod, but the album art is not there. What happened?
    Again, I purchased them on a different computer and loaded to my "home" Mac.
    Is it at all possible for the art to show up?

    The album art is stored in the iPod's database. This should work...
    If not, try copying songs from the mac to the mac...
    How to copy music between authorized computers

  • Album art not displaying in Feature Box

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    Any suggestions as to why the art is not displaying?

    Can you post a link to the Collection you're having an issue with?
    Syd Rodocker
    Tennessee Department of Education

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    What annoying is that the embedded art may be present but I can't tell just by looking at the individual files.  how can I get confirmation outside of loading up itunes?
    is it possible for me to get the embedded art to display in place of the file icon in windows explorer for these file types?  if so, how?

    It only happens wih some files, and I can't seem to find out what the correlation is.
    If I take a series of mp3s where the album art cannot be displayed in iTunes but can in MediaMonkey or, extract the album art from the the tag through MediaMonkey (iTunes artwork fetching usually gives me poor results), and then assign the album art through iTunes, yes the album art does appear to be saved and displayed through iTunes.  But that's a process.
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    I'm going to play around with Mp3Tag and see if that yields anything.

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    The undocking issue are you sure the arrows are still moving. I made that mistake when I first got the vision M. I thought it was still updating.
    The arrows stay still when you can remove the Vision M and kinda rotate, actually move when you are tranferring songs.
    Looks similar.
    As for the album art ill try that today and get back to you.

  • Album art not being synced correctly

    I used an external tagging program to embed album art into all my song files. They show up correctly in iTunes when selected or playing, but they do not, in all cases, sync to the iPod. However, I have found that if I go to an album that has art in iTunes and does not sync to the iPod, and play each track just for an instant, and resync, the art transfers. What's weird is that it's not consistently NOT showing up on the iPod... and I certainly don't want to have to hunt down every piece of music with art that doesn't sync to the iPod and play that song. Is there a way to make iTunes refresh the library without deleting the database? I don't use iTunes to manage my physical music files.

    Thank You, now I can see the art work when I play the songs in itunes but now when I play a song on my ipod it doesnt display the artwork with the title on the ipod itself.
    I've tried everything.
    Thank you for your help!

  • Zen Vision : M - Album Art not displaying and other probl

    I bought a Zen Vision : M from Hong Kong last week and of course the first thing I did when I got home was install all the software that came with it and started uploading songs.
    The player is great and I love it but there are just two annoying little things.
    Two problems I encountered.
    . I uploaded the album art using the Media Explorer by clicking and draging the JPEG into the explorer as instructed, sometimes the album art shows on the player and for some albums, it just won't show on the player, however it shows correctly on the explorer. Has anybody else experienced the same thing?
    Is there going to be a new firmware to fix that?
    2. Sometimes after closing all the Creative applications and explorers, it still does not release the player. It still saids that it is docked. I have to either shut down the computer or manually pull the USB cable out which is something I don't want to do if it is still transferring information between the player and the PC... In the next firmware, there should be an option to undock the player.
    Also the website claims to have all these accesories such as the docking station and leather case for the player but I cannot find any online store that has it!?! I have searched the Europe online stores and Asia online shops yet I cannot find it. Where would I be able to find it's As I am always afraid that the connector that comes with the player will break as it feels quite fragile.

    The undocking issue are you sure the arrows are still moving. I made that mistake when I first got the vision M. I thought it was still updating.
    The arrows stay still when you can remove the Vision M and kinda rotate, actually move when you are tranferring songs.
    Looks similar.
    As for the album art ill try that today and get back to you.

Maybe you are looking for

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