Album reviews not appearing?

I know this has been asked a few times by others but not answered yet.
My album is up on itunes but of the reader reviews I know have been written, only one ever appears. Other people assure me they can see them all. Why is this? Someone suggested that any reviews written as "anonymous" were deleted. Is this true? There is no problem with the content of the reviews as far as I am aware. Using iTunes 7.3.1, OS X 10.4.10.

Reviews only appear in the store local to the poster - go to the "My Store" menu at the bottom of the window and choose a different country - then you can see reviews posted from that country.

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    **** everyone,
    My problem is the following: I started to create little webpage with iweb. At the moment it just consist of a photo gallery, one blog entry and one video. To test it I published itto a folder on my hardisk and the website worked perfectly. So I uploaded it to my server (I have no .mac account). When opening the site over the internet the start page looks perfect, as well as the video page but on the album page the album doeas not appear!!!
    The URL is: just click on "Photoalben" (it´s a german page) and there is just nothing, There should be an album which also appears in the page published to a folder on my harddrive.
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    kind regards,

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    Bilk you're not alone! No Album Art work will load on my Apple TV now, despite having artwork for ALL my albums, my iOS devices display the the artwork (iTunes Match) I live in the UK. (Virgin Media customer) I've had nothing but problems since the last 2 OS updates, I have 3rd and 2nd gen Apple TVs, both now have the same problems, I have done full restore on both devices, still doesn't work. I hope Apple fixes the software soon.

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  • Album Art Not Appearing in Album View

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    Any help you be appreciated.

    The "why" seems to be that that somebody thought that in the old layout albums with only one or two tracks were consuming too much screen area because of the way that artwork followed by album, artist and rating could create large unused areas where details would go. I can't say I've noticed anyone actually complain on these boards about it as a problem but there you are. Personally I find the solution worse, particularly at home where I have a small screen, as the new layout uses much more space horizontally. I also miss the vertical grid lines and user selectable artwork size. All in all an uneccesary attempt to fix something that wasn't broken.

  • Photo albums do not appear

    Hi everybody,
    I have looked around the forum for this issue, and I didn´t get to find it so any help would be appreciated.
    I upload my website to a non .mac account, and everything is ok, except for the IE users that can´t get to see it properly, the thing is that everything is ok except for the albums, the page appears with its design but the albums that link to my pictures do not appear, so it is empty.
    Anyone has had this problem? , how did you solve it?, is it bc I am not usin a .Mac account and this feauture is only for .Mac accounts?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Rachael,
    I have no ideas sorry... I hope someone else does...
    I had serious problems (not just me, everybody else too) with Firefox version but that issue was solved in the release of Firefox only two days after the release of .10
    Do you see them in Safari? Did you upload everything? (if on .Mac a 'publish all' instead of just 'publish' might help, uploading through an ftp be sure to publish everything, if not working when publishing to folder opening the files in the folder I don't know sorry)

  • Cover Flow Album Art Not Appearing

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    Can any help me out this with this?
    Powerbook 17', OS X, ITunes7.3.1, External HD   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   Iphone attached

    They are all still there!
    7.3 is broken.
    I replaced it with 7.2 and all is well until they fix the problem. This list is full of this problem!

  • Album artwork not appearing

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    HP Media Center   Windows XP  

    sorry, I'm not much help, i,m in the same boat. Some albums have artwork appearing immediately while others don,t want to know at all. Going to spend another hour clicking things, and if it doesn't work it's going on the BBQ

  • Album art not appearing...

    Hi all very new to this, but looks like people are getting some good help here. I was approved by iTunes a few days ago. I am using hipcast for hosting and feedburner for tracking. I think I have done everything correct so far. I have been reading around that sometimes it takes a while for album art to propagate across the apple servers. I wanted to have you guys take a look at my feed and see if that was probably the problem, or if I goofed something up.
    heres the feed
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="/~d/styles/rss2enclosuresfull.xsl"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" media="screen" href=""?>
    <rss xmlns:itunes="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:media="" xmlns:feedburner="" version="2.0">
    <title>Loser's Lunch</title>
    <description>We feed your ears all the nutrition they need.</description>
    <copyright />
    <managingEditor>[email protected] (J, Nate, and Kelan)</managingEditor>
    <lastBuildDate>Fri, 05 Nov 2010 04:06:12 GMT</lastBuildDate>
    <generator>Hipcast RSS Feeder 1.25</generator>
    <title>Loser's Lunch</title>
    <itunes:author>Kelan, Nate, and Jay</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary>We keep you entertained every second of your lunch break. Not on lunch? We will entertain you even harder.</itunes:summary>
    <itunes:subtitle>We keep you entertained every second of your lunch break. Not on lunch? We will entertain you even harder.</itunes:subtitle>
    <itunes:name>Kelan, Nate, and Jay</itunes:name>
    <itunes:email>[email protected]</itunes:email>
    <itunes:image href="" />
    <itunes:category text="Comedy" />
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    <media:category scheme="">Comedy</media:category>
    <guid isPermaLink="false">eb9b4ad8-64e6-6f04-a5ce-82291a593e3c</guid>
    <title>Episode 2</title>
    <description><![CDATA[Post Halloween wrap-up, Fast Food, Is Kelan going to be murdered?]]></description>
    <pubDate>Fri, 05 Nov 2010 03:39:36 GMT</pubDate>
    <itunes:author>Kelan, Nate, and Jay</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Post Halloween wrap-up, Fast Food, Is Kelan going to be murdered?]]></itunes:summary>
    <itunes:subtitle />
    <media:title>Episode 2</media:title>
    <media:text type="plain">Post Halloween wrap-up, Fast Food, Is Kelan going to be murdered?</media:text>
    <media:content url=" 55-3aa5-5f41f5512700.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" fileSize="28033276" duration="3504" />
    <link> 5-5f41f5512700.mp3</link>
    <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Kelan, Nate, and Jay</dc:creator>
    <enclosure url=" 55-3aa5-5f41f5512700.mp3" length="28033276" type="audio/mpeg" />
    <guid isPermaLink="false">58c466ad-fdfd-d6ec-fb3f-b70705b60480</guid>
    <title>Episode 1</title>
    <description><![CDATA[Our VERY FIRST EPISODE. We talk tipping etiquette and midget hipsters. We also delve in to the bad texting habits of Kelan and Jay.]]></description>
    <pubDate>Fri, 29 Oct 2010 21:26:46 GMT</pubDate>
    <itunes:author>Kelan, Nate, and Jay</itunes:author>
    <itunes:summary><![CDATA[Our VERY FIRST EPISODE. We talk tipping etiquette and midget hipsters. We also delve in to the bad texting habits of Kelan and Jay.]]></itunes:summary>
    <media:title>Episode 1</media:title>
    <media:text type="plain">Our VERY FIRST EPISODE. We talk tipping etiquette and midget hipsters. We also delve in to the bad texting habits of Kelan and Jay.</media:text>
    <media:content url=" a2-275b-aedb565047fa.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" fileSize="60387705" duration="3774" />
    <link> b-aedb565047fa.mp3</link>
    <dc:creator xmlns:dc="">Kelan, Nate, and Jay</dc:creator>
    <enclosure url=" a2-275b-aedb565047fa.mp3" length="60387705" type="audio/mpeg" />
    <media:credit role="author">Kelan, Nate, and Jay</media:credit>
    <media:description type="plain">We keep you entertained every second of your lunch break. Not on lunch? We will entertain you even harder.</media:description>
    any help would be great

    Please when you have a query post the URL of your feed, not its contents. For the record, your feed is at
    This is the feed which iTunes is using. The Feedburner feed is irrelevant since it has not been submitted to iTunes. If you want to use the Feedburner feed you will have to follow the steps detailed here to point iTunes to it instead of the current one.
    The 'podcast image' is correctly referenced in the feed: it can sometimes take several days before it appears in the Store, and even longer before it appears in the Search results. Give it a few more days and it should appear.
    However the image referenced in the feed does not appear for subscribers: if you want subscribers to see an image you have to embed it in the actual media file. Please see this page for a detailed explanation.

  • Album artwork not appearing on all album tracks

    I have a problem with my iPod 5th Gen 60GB. Not all the songs have cover art, although the cover art is visible in all songs in iTunes. The pattern seems to be that the first couple of tracks of an album show cover art when played/selected, but the remaining tracks have missing cover art.
    Some background info. The problem started after I upgraded from Tiger (OS X 10.4) to Leopard (OS X 10.5). I didn't do an actual upgrade, but a clean install. After Leopard was installed I restored my iTunes Library and everything looked and worked fine. After I synced my iPod I soon discovered the problem of the missing artwork.
    Based on suggestions on this forum I have tried several things to try and remedy the problem, but have not been succesful yet. Things I have tried:
    1. Unchecked the option in iTunes for including cover art on your iPod. Synced. Rechecked the option and synced again.
    2. Performed a factory reset of my iPod. Synced so that my complete library was placed on my iPod again.
    3. Deleted the Album Artwork cache directory.
    4. Configured iTunes so that the currently selected song's cover art was displayed in the little preview window at bottom left. Cycled through all the songs in my library, hoping this would do some black magic voodoo stuff with my library or cache.
    The only thing I haven't done yet is to completely delete my current library and create a new one and import all the songs again. Needless to say, this is my last resort, because it's going to take a lot of time (my library location is actually on a Samba share) and it means I will lose all my song ratings.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.
    Edit: I'm using iTunes 8.1.1

    Note: You do not need to buy a song from the iTunes Store to use the online downloadable artwork for that song. You probably know that, but just in case...
    If you have manually added artwork to songs, I believe it overrides any downloaded artwork. So as a test, you should select an album (one where the artwork does not appear on the iPod). Select the songs, right click, and +Get Album Artwork+. First, see if your manually added artwork still appears in iTunes. If you get the downloaded artwork showing up instead in iTunes, you can just give the +Clear Downloaded Artwork+ command; your embedded artwork is still there and should show up. I remember trying this to see what happens, and the manually added art had priority in iTunes (but that was a while ago).
    If iTunes still uses your manually added artwork, try syncing to the iPod now. See if the downloaded artwork appears. If it does, at least you have album art. iTunes converts album art into a database format that is optimize in size and resolution, to take up the least amount of space possible on the iPod. Maybe there is something about the artwork, for the ones currently missing on the iPod, that prevents the conversion for some reason (too high resolution?). In that case, redoing everything probably will not help, if you are using the same artwork images.
    Another thing you can try is to pick a song that does not have artwork on the iPod (but should). In iTunes, right click on the song. Select +Get Info+. In the Info window, go to the Artwork tab. Click on the artwork image and Delete to remove the artwork. iTunes should no longer show artwork for that song.
    Sync the iPod.
    Do a +Get Info+ on that song again, and go to the Artwork tab. Drag the artwork image you want to use as the album artwork from a Finder window, or from a web browser window, and drop it onto the artwork area in that iTunes song Info window to add it.
    Sync the iPod again. See if this re-added artwork now appears on the iPod.
    If that works, you can manually delete and re-add the artwork for the songs that do not have artwork on the iPod. Unfortunately, you cannot do the delete part for multiple songs at the same time (as far as I know). You must sync the iPod when there is no artwork in iTunes for the songs in question; you can do several songs before syncing. And you can re-add (at the same time) for a set of songs that have the same artwork, by dragging the artwork to the bottom right corner display on the iTunes window (instead of the the +Get Info+ window for a single song).

  • I just want to organize my photos to albums and not appear anywhere else.  Photos appear in Photos and no indication if they have been dealt with.

    I want to load my photos onto my MacBook Pro, sort them into albums and not have them appear in other locations.  If I go to Photos all of the photos in the computer seem to appear.  I can't tell if they have been put in an Album or have been edited.  Is there a simpler system that I can use.

    iPhoto works similarly to iTunes. In iTunes, every track is in the Library and each playlist is a sub-set of the Library.
    So, in iPhoto, every image is in the Library and each Album is a subset of the Library. So, your photos will always be visible in the Library and in any album you use them in. That - of course - means that any image can ne used in a multitude of albums, and use no extra disk space. So that shot of your son, daughter and their puppy can be in the Son album, Daughter album, Puppy Album and even a favourites album.
    Photos and Events are simply two views of the Library - two doors to the same room as it were.
    It's easy to find photos not in an Album - with a Smart Album:
    File -> New Smart Album
    Album -> is not -> any
    and another will find Photos not editoed:
    File -> New Smart Album
    Photo -> is -> Edited.
    As you edit a photo, or add it to an album, they will be dropped from the Smart Album.

  • Album Art not appearing on iPhone

    For the life of me, I cannot change the songs from "Abbey Road" to appear as that album on my iPhone. By that I mean each individual song will have the album art when played, but in my list of albums, "Abbey Road" will appear blank. That, is, not the blue music note, but actually just white space. It's not a matter of the tracks not having identical info, as they do. I have repeatedly selected them all, got the info and made sure they have the same album title, band name, image for artwork. I have also tried removing the folder from the iTunes music library, then adding it to my library again, variations of this, etc. The files themselves will all look uniform with the album art if I go into Finder, etc. I tried renaming the album with jibberish like "AAAAAAAA" and it will work. Everything will be perfect...track names, artist info, album art....but then the second I go and change the jibberish to the words "Abbey Road," it gives me the white space again on my iPhone.

    SOLUTION:  After 48 hours, 100% of the artwork is now appearing.   If it's in iTunes, it's on the iPhone. 
    However, there's a few hoops I jumped through to make it all work: 
    In iTunes, if album art is not showing in the Grid view, buy you know you have album art associated with it, select Get Info on any of the tracks. Magically, the album art appears in Grid view.  Repeat for all albums with missing art.
    When you're all done with the art, in iTunes, select [store] [update iTunes Match]
    Wait 24 hours
    It appears that the iPhone processor is not fast enough to display album art quickly with a large library.  On my iPhone it takes about 10 seconds to load a full page of artwork in Album view.   If you're flipping quickly through your library, expect it to take a while to catch up.  It appears that album art is loaded via an Internet connection, because they do not load in Airplane mode. So, it seems that the robustness of this UI depends on your Internet connection. 
    Project is closed in my book. 
    Good luck with yours! 

  • Collection image (album art) not appearing on provider page

    The album art appears OK on the collection page but not on provider page:
    Image is a png pulled from provider-hosted rss feed, but it also failed with a jpg.
    RSS feed:
    Apple folks: Any ideas?

    Herts is having the same issue: displays fine on the collection page but not on the Homepage. I noticed this with another one last week but that fixed itself within 24hrs. This collection was added on Monday but is still not displaying an image on the Homepage.
    Also 2 additional items were added to the Philosophy collection on Monday and are still not showing on the live site. They show up in preview mode though.
    Feed URL:
    iTunes URL:

  • Photos and/or albums do not appear on the published site.

    I have been trying to publish my site for ages without getting the photos to work.
    I create the domain in Iweb => publish to folder => upload to server through Cyberduck. But the photos fail to appear on the published web page.
    As I have had this problem now for several weeks, I have been reading on the forums daily to scout for any solutions. I have tried to open the webpages in the folder before uploading the files to the server, and the photos do not show up here either. Everything else looks normal as far as I can see.
    So the problem is in Iweb, right?
    I have also try to delete my domain and to build up completely new ones, but without any success. I have tried to delete the .plst folder in library and also repair the permissions in the disc tools, as recommended to many other users.
    The server I am using is My Iweb version is up to date as by 9th of November.
    I am very grateful for any suggestions or advice you might have.
    Thank you...:)
    EDIT: I have tried several browsers (mainly Safari) as I know that FF3 have experienced some problems with Iweb. I have also reset settings in Safari, without any luck.
    Message was edited by: AdamSmith

    Hehe, that is what i experienced using the MobileMe trial.
    Ok, I will dig deep into my computer software boxes and look for the discs that came with the computer.
    Thank you for all your help, it is much appreciated

  • Album does not appear in Albums list but is on iPod

    Several albums I have loaded onto my iPod do not show up in the Albums list. The strange thing is, is that they are on the iPod because I can search for the tracks and they are available on the iPod.
    At first I thought they might be compilation albums, but I checked and they're not. I'm not sure why this is happening.
    I have the latest version of iTunes and my Ipod classic has the latest firmware.
    Any help would be appreciated

    Presumably you do have an album name entered for each of the tracks on these albums? When the track is playing, the song title is on the first line (of the iPod's display), the artist is on line two and the album name is on line three.
    Is there anything special about the album names? Names beginning with a number digit will be placed after the letter z. Also, names in the Greek alphabet will be after z but before numbers! (I only happen to know as I have some Greek music on my iPod.) What about asterisks, question marks and so on? Perhaps there is a leading space _in front_ of the title, which might place the album out of alphabetical order.
    What happens if you look at the album list in iTunes, in alphabetical order? Do they show up in the correct place?

Maybe you are looking for

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