Alert subscription

Hi Guys,
I have subscribed a email address for out of the box rules, I remember I did create a user to do this, just entered the email address,
It is working fine, issue now I have is it also sends out email for targets under blackout,
And I am not able to find option in 12c OMS to remove this email address.
I want to remove this email address from out of the box rules and then create custom rules so that I have more control over it.
Can someone help me please.

Hi Neo,
To stop getting email notification based on an incident rule, perform the following steps:
- From the Setup menu, select Incidents, then select Incident Rules.
- From the Incident Rules page, select Expand All from the View drop-down list.
- Select the desired rule, then click Edit.
Note: You can find the rule name from an email notification.
- From Edit Rule Set page, select the Rules tab.
- Select the rule to edit. Proceed with the Edit Rule wizard to modify (e.g. to remove) the E-mail To/E-mail field in the Add Actions phase.
By the way, it is recommended that you apply patch 13584107, which fixes a problem relating to alert notification when a blackout is ended.
- Loc

Similar Messages

  • Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running

    Hello All,
    After I configured subscriptions with many monitors, error alerts appear at SCOM(scom 2012 r2) console in active alert page.
    I googled it and found some topics at TechNet but I could not figure it out. Alert description is shown below
    Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
    The following error(s) were encountered:
    Exception Message: The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.
    One or more workflows were affected by this.
    Workflow name: Subscriptioneaa7b044_b3c1_4198_be71_ffaaf66a163f
    Instance name: Alert Notification Subscription Server
    Instance ID: {E07E3FAB-53BC-BC14-1634-5A6E949F9230}
    Management group: STS
     Any idea?

    As I understand, this issue occurs and remains after I configure a subscription with too many rules and/or monitors( i.e al available rule and/or monitor of a management pack).
    After I had deleted those subscription with many rule/monitor, this issue was resolved. 
    Any idea?

  • Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.

    Hi,    We recently started getting these errors a couple times a day.   There are 12 of them in total.     We also have exactly 12 subscriptions.   Does this indicate some db issue causing all of these
    to fail?
    Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running: Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
    The following error(s) were encountered:
    Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    One or more workflows were affected by this.
    Workflow name: Subscription8b108a3e_4e3d_4fd0_b67e_cbfc21cd10b8
    Instance name: Alert Notification Subscription Server
    Instance ID: {E07E3FAB-53BC-BC14-1634-5A6E949F9230}
    Management group: A Company Management Group
    Thanks Lance

    Do you have hotfixes applied?
    Also, I found a relevant thread for your reference.
    Alert subscription data source module encountered errors while running</u1:p></u1:p>
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Resolve Alert subscription ID to name

    Hello everybody,
    I'm expierencing some trouble with alert notification. On a regular base I get an alert about the fact that alert notification takes too long. I copied this from the eventviewer:
    Log Name: Operations Manager
    Source: Health Service Modules
    Date: 6-10-2014 11:22:57
    Event ID: 11411
    Task Category: None
    Level: Warning
    Keywords: Classic
    User: N/A
    Computer: xxxx
    Alert subscription data source module encountered alert subscriptions that were waiting for a long time to receive an acknowledgement.
    Alert subscription ruleid, Alert subscription query low watermark, Alert subscription query high watermark:
    5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f33b7,10/06/2014 09:07:09, 10/06/2014 09:10:09
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Health Service Modules" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="32768">11411</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-10-06T09:22:57.000000000Z" />
    <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
    <Security />
    <Data>5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f33b7,10/06/2014 09:07:09, 10/06/2014 09:10:09
    If I'm understanding it correctly this ID "5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f33b7" is representing one of my subscriptions. So i tried to resolve it with Powershell, but this is what I get:
    PS C:\Users\Slinkos> Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription -id 5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f33b7 | ft DisplayName
    Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription : An object of class NotificationSubscription with ID 5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f
    33b7 was not found.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription -id 5fcdbf15-4f5b-29db-ffdc-f2088a0f33b7 | ft D ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Microsoft.Syste...scriptionCmdlet:GetSCNotificationSubscriptionCmdlet
       ) [Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription], ObjectNotFoundException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExecutionError,Microsoft.SystemCenter.OperationsManagerV10.Commands.GetSCNotificationSub
    So what am I doing wrong? I don't know how else I should troubleshoot this.

    Thank you for providing the alert name. Helped me in digging few things.
    The event 11411 occurs when your MS / RMS is not able to send the alert notification via email.
    Overloaded SQL server or Database space.
    There is a huge alet flow in your SCOM environment.
    1.Check the performance of the SQL server where the Operationsmanager and OperationsmanagerDW is hosted
    Check the free space in both the DB's as well.
    2. There is huge alert flow in your SCOM.  There is some rule / rules or Monitor / monitors generating very very frequently for which this overload is happening.
    Did you recently configure any new set of rules / monitores ? 
    Use the reporting feature to pull the top 10 contributed alert list to validate
    Reporting --> Microsoft generic report library  --> Most common alerts report.
    Also is there any time frame of this alert coming, then check the ops manager console for other alerts as well.
    Post me the results.
    Also if the above issue resolves automatically as you said then Event id 11412 will be generated.
    So check When 11411 came and 11412 came so we can analyse the time difference when this hapens and auto recovers.

  • Alert Subscriptions - creating subscriptions for groups of computers and alerts from monitors

    I've run into something kind of odd.
    We want to "tone down" some of our alerts.  Let me explain.
    We monitor, roughly, 300 servers.  We created an alert subscription to notify us of alerts for the monitor "Computer Not Reachable".
    We found that we often received false positives.  I made sure our check interval was 60 seconds and the heartbeat was set to 3 missed heartbeats and then set the delay to a period of time. 
    That worked.  However, we wanted to change the delay based on the server "group".  Example:  Production group and Test Group.  For production, delay 5 minutes, Test, delay 30 minutes.
    As soon as tried to add the group criteria to the alert subscription, notifications ceased to function for those alerts.  The alerts still occurred, but the notifications were never delivered.
    So, I created new subscriptions and new groups as a test.  Each time, if I included a group in the criteria, the alert notification failed.
    Condition:  Raised by any instance in a specific group.  Checked, group name:  Test
    Condition:  created by specific rules or monitors.  checked, monitor:  "Computer Not Reachable"
    Subscriber:  [email protected]
    Channel:  smtp channel set up to a relay
    Alert Aging:  30 minutes (have set this as low as 5 minutes and send without delay).
    In each case, if I remove the condition of group, the notification is sent.
    Why would this behavior occur?

    Thanks Scott.  I've tried this both with the computer object and the health service watcher object.
    What I'm doing is trying to create a dynamic group based on OU.  So, right now, the groups include the computer objects.  If I view group members, the group membership does populate ok with all of the machines from the targeted OU's for the dynamic
    This is an example of the dynamic membership conditions I'm trying to create:
    ( ( Object is Windows Server AND ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Test,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local ) OR ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Development,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local) ) AND ( Object is Health Service Watcher AND ( Display Name Greater than empty
    value ) AND True ) )
    However, I'm noticing that the dynamic membership includes health service objects from all windows servers from all OU's and ignores the OU membership conditions.  But, I don't think that has anything to do with the failed notifications. 
    I could be wrong.
    I've also tried the following with the same problem:
    ( ( Object is Health Service Watcher AND ( Health Service Name Greater than empty value ) AND True ) AND ( Object is Windows Server AND ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Test,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local ) OR ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Development,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local
    Both of the above groups populate both the computer and health service objects when viewing the members of the group with the problem being it adds all health server objects instead of limiting it to the OU's specified.
    So, that lead me to a dynamic group membership of:
    ( Object is Windows Server AND ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Test,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local ) OR ( Organizational Unit Equals OU=Development,OU=Servers,DC=domain,DC=local ) )
    This is what I have now (this morning) after adding the condition for the class. 
    So, for the alert subscription rules, I added the group and the class and the monitor name:
    Condition:  Raised by any instance in a specific group.  Checked, group name:  Test
    Condition: Raised by any instance of a specific class:  Health Service Watcher
    Condition:  created by specific rules or monitors.  checked, monitor:  "Computer Not Reachable"
    Subscriber:  [email protected]
    Channel:  smtp channel set up to a relay
    Alert Aging:  30 minutes (have set this as low as 5 minutes and send without delay).
    But, again if the group condition is present, the alert subscription doesn't work.
    So, I suppose what I need to do is find a way to ensure I can build a group that includes health service objects from computer objects reside within specific OU's.  Perhaps I'm going about the dynamic membership conditions incorrectly?

  • I get a error when i open the criteria of a Alert subscription

    Hi All,
    I get this strange error when i open the criteria of a Alert subscription.
    Below is the screen shot of the error and the contents of the alert.
    Can any one help.
    Note:  The following information was gathered when the operation was attempted.  The information may appear cryptic but provides context for the error.  The application will continue to run.
    Id='' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).Id='' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
    Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.DataAccessLayerException: Id='' -- Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.AddParameter(SqlCommand sqlCommand, String parameterName, ColumnDefinition columnDefinition, Object parameterValue, Boolean stronglyTypeParameter)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParsePredicateNextOperand(XmlReader criteriaReader, String parameterBaseName, SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, ColumnDefinition columnDefinition,
    Boolean stronglyTypeParameter)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.NextPredicateWithPropertyOperatorAndOperand(StringBuilder criteriaStringBuilder, SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, ColumnDefinition columnDefinition,
    String propertyName, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParsePredicateWithProperty(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, Nullable`1 typeContextId, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParsePredicate(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, Nullable`1 typeContextId, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParseCriteria(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, Nullable`1 managedTypeIdContext, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParsePredicateGroup(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, Nullable`1 managedTypeIdContext, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.ParseCriteria(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, Nullable`1 managedTypeIdContext, XmlReader criteriaReader)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.ParameterizedCriteriaBuilder.CreateCriteriaTextAndParameters(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, XmlReader criteriaReader, XmlNamespaceManager xmlNamespaceManager)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.SqlCommandBuilder.CreateCriteria(SqlCommand sqlCommand, QueryDefinition queryDefinition, String criteriaXml, Dictionary`2 parameterValues)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.QueryRequest.CreateSqlCommandForSelectType()
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.DataAccess.QueryRequest.Execute(SqlNotificationRequest sqlNotificationRequest)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.ServiceDataLayer.DataAccess.ExecuteQuery(String queryDefinitionName, String criteriaXml, Pair`2[] parametersAndValues, String inClauseColumnName, ICollection`1 inClauseElements)

    Was any changes made to the Notifications Internal Library MP?
    Do you have a recent/latest backup copy for the MP? if yes, you may want to reimport it.
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  • Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.

    We have been seeing this error in the Operations Manager Event Log for quite a while.
    Alert subscription data source module was unable to find alerts that match the subscription because of database errors.
     The following error(s) were encountered:
     Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    One or more workflows were affected by this.  
    Workflow name: MMEA_1348391424 
    Instance name:
    Instance ID: {88AED57C-5627-0C0B-E5C1-A9176A7E64CD} 
    Management group: SCOMr2
    I haven't been able to spot any network outage on the management servers, or the database servers to indicate a problem.  It usually happens at night, and when I look at the health explorer, the entity is healthy.
    Please would someone help me in finding the root cause of this issue and what can be done to avoid it.
    There were no backups running when this alert was generated.  As far as I'm aware, everything was idle.
    I would appreciate any help.

     Exception Message: ExecuteScalar requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
    Based on the Error it seems the below for me
    1. Either SCOM is unable to connect to the operationsmanager / operationsmanagerDW for its transactions on subscriptions
    2. Or the SMTP server which your SCOM is using to relay emails has closed the connection.
    So my suggestion would be you check the above for issues.
    There were no network hiccups that I can see.  Minimal disk activity.  I've looked for any signs of database load, and haven't seen anything that jumps out.
    Emails were going through just fine.  These alerts get emailed to me, and if the SMTP server is 'closed' SCOM is usually quite sensitive and alerts about that too.  I've seen it.

  • Alerts: subscription to 'BPConfirmed' unsuccessful?

    we have upgraded from CRM 4.0 to 5.0. After this, our custom alerts don't work anymore. There are dozens of good threads about alerts, but as far as I can see, we have done all the steps required. Still, the alerts don't work, and I fail to see why.
    According to my debugging and troubleshooting, the basic problem is that our Z-class event listener does not react to the event 'BPConfirmed'.
    I put a breakpoint into the constructor of the Z-class. The key statement is
      event_service->subscribe( event_name =
                                listener   = me          ).
    By debugging, I see that the class subscribes successfully to the event 'BPConfirmed'.
    Nevertheless, I also saw that when the event 'BPConfirmed' is actually triggered in
    the key statement
                call method lv_listener->handle_event( event ).
    is not executed for our Z-class. I went through the loop and saw that lv_listener never has the value of our Z-class. It looks as if the system would forget the subscription.
    I also have a breakpoint in the method
    of our Z-class. The program never stops there, so indeed it seems that the subscription is unsuccessful.
    Why is the event handler method of our Z-class not called?

    I found the cure.
    Note 1050377 solves the problem.
    Hope it helps someone else, too.

  • Alert Subscription : I do not see the Alert categories

    Bonjour a vous tous et toutes,
    I am getting all the alerts in my AlertInbox (MBA & CCMS).
    However, when i use the Subscription button (in the AlertInbox page), i do no see my alert categories ...
    I have (for each of my alert category) added a role - using the alrtcatdef transaction -  in the subscription authorization panel,
    Am i missing something ?
    Thank in advance !
    MO A+

    Hi Aamir,
    First Bonjour a tous et a toutes, is the english equivalent of Hello to all, but inclunding mens & womens
    Second, this is a very old note (2004). We are on PI 7.0 SP12.
    All my alerts are working fine, except that when i click on the Subscription button in the AlertInbox BSP pages, the (subscriptions page launch correctly - no error), but no categories are shown ...
    Thank in advance !
    MO A+

  • Change wording Alert subscription checkbox

         I think you should change the label on the checkbox from
    Alert me when someone responds to this post.
    Alert me when someone posts to this thread
         The offer is made when asking a question, or replying to a post.  The current wording made me think I needed to check the box every time I posted.  Even then, it made me think I would not receive an alert if someone replied
    to someone else's post.  I think the checkbox label should be reworded to make it clear that checking once results in an alert to any new post to the current thread
         Equally good (in my opinion) would be a more Wiki-like "
                        Add this thread to my watchlist

    Sounds like a good idea and clarifies the label text.
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  • Custom Email Alert Template Issue - Users not getting customized emails

    I have recently customized the XML alerts template (AlertTemplates.xml) for our site collection in SharePoint 2010 to exclude specific fields in the email when users who have subscribed to a list using the "Alert Me" feature.  I have renamed
    the custom alerts XML file and loaded the custom template in the following directory (%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\XML) and restarted IIS.  Once users subscribe to the alerts using the list using the "alert
    me" function they received the customized email as intended.  
    We needed to auto-subscribe users to the email alerts so what I did was used a powershell script to add users to the alert subscriptions using the script shown in below:
    Import-Csv D:\Temp\filename.csv | ForEach-Object{
    $web=Get-SPWeb $webUrl
    $testAlert = $web.Alerts | WHERE { $_.ID -eq $oldAlertID }
    IF ($testAlert) {
    Write-Host Old alert $oldAlertID deleted. -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    $user = $web.EnsureUser($subscribedUser)
    $newAlert = $user.Alerts.Add()
    $newAlert.Title = $alertTitle
    $newAlert.List = $list
    $newAlert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::$deliveryChannel
    $newAlert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::$eventType
    $newAlert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::$frequency
    if($frequency -ne "Immediate"){
    Write-Host Created $newAlert.Title for $subscribedUser . -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    } ELSE {
    Write-Host Alert $alertTitle for $subscribedUser already done. Moving on. -Foregroundcolor Magenta
    When I ran the script and added the users and restarted the service, all users who were auto-subscribed via this method would get the email without the customizations that were done in the custom template.
     All users who manually subscribed to the list using the "Alert Me" function would get the customized email.  
    Does anyone know why users who manually subscribe would get the custom email alert and why users who were auto-subscribed using the powershell script do not get the custom email alert?

    To deploy custom alert template file, we would load changes into SharePoint and restart SharePoint 2010 Timer Service from Windows Service. If you create your own AlertTemplate in the custom_alerttemplates.xml, you will need to set the set the SPList.AlertTemplate
    property of the list. Then delete and re-subscribe to the alerts for the list.
    Please refer to:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Custom Alert Email Templates Issue - List Alerts emails not using customized XML alert template

    I have recently customized the XML alerts template (AlertTemplates.xml) for our site collection in SharePoint 2010 to exclude specific fields in the email when users who have subscribed to a list using the "Alert Me" feature.  I
    have renamed the custom alerts XML file and loaded the custom template in the following directory (%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\XML) and
    restarted IIS.  Once users subscribe to the alerts using the list using the "alert me" function they received the customized email as intended. 
    We needed to auto-subscribe users to the email alerts so what I did was used a powershell script to add users to the alert subscriptions using the script shown in below:
    Import-Csv D:\Temp\filename.csv | ForEach-Object{
    $web=Get-SPWeb $webUrl
    $testAlert = $web.Alerts | WHERE { $_.ID -eq $oldAlertID }
    IF ($testAlert) {
    Write-Host Old alert $oldAlertID deleted. -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    $user = $web.EnsureUser($subscribedUser)
    $newAlert = $user.Alerts.Add()
    $newAlert.Title = $alertTitle
    $newAlert.List = $list
    $newAlert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::$deliveryChannel
    $newAlert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::$eventType
    $newAlert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::$frequency
    if($frequency -ne "Immediate"){
    Write-Host Created $newAlert.Title for $subscribedUser . -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    } ELSE {
    Write-Host Alert $alertTitle for $subscribedUser already done. Moving on. -Foregroundcolor Magenta
    When I ran the script and added the users and restarted the service, all users who were auto-subscribed via this method would get the email without the customizations that were done in the custom template.  All users who manually subscribed to the list
    using the "Alert Me" function would get the customized email. 
    Does anyone know why users who manually subscribe would get the custom email alert and why users who were auto-subscribed using the powershell script do not get the custom email alert?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that users who were auto-subscribed using the PowerShell script do not get the custom email alert.
    For your issue, it can be caused by the auto-subscribed alert email which is generated by PowerShell script is  using OOTB alert template. You can add the following script into your script for setting
    the alerts’ alert email template:
    $contentService = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService]::ContentService
    $AlertsTemplateCollection =new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertTemplateCollection($contentService)
    $newAlert.AlertTemplate = $AlertsTemplateCollection["YOUR_UNIQUE_TEMPLATE_NAME_VALUE"]
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Email Alert Template Issue - List Alerts (Alert Me) emails not using customized XML alert template

    We have recently customized the XML alerts template (AlertTemplates.xml) for our site collection in SharePoint 2010 to exclude specific fields in the email when users who have subscribed using the "Alert Me" feature. We have renamed the
    custom alerts XML file and loaded the custom template in the following directory (%ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE\XML) and restarted IIS.  Once users subscribe to the alerts using the list "alert me"
    function they received the customized email as intended.
    We needed to auto-subscribe users to the email alerts so what we did was use a powershell script to add users to the alert subscriptions using the script shown below:
    Import-Csv D:\Temp\filename.csv | ForEach-Object{
    $web=Get-SPWeb $webUrl
    $testAlert = $web.Alerts | WHERE { $_.ID -eq $oldAlertID }
    IF ($testAlert) {
    Write-Host Old alert $oldAlertID deleted. -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    $user = $web.EnsureUser($subscribedUser)
    $newAlert = $user.Alerts.Add()
    $newAlert.Title = $alertTitle
    $newAlert.List = $list
    $newAlert.DeliveryChannels = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertDeliveryChannels]::$deliveryChannel
    $newAlert.EventType = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventType]::$eventType
    $newAlert.AlertFrequency = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAlertFrequency]::$frequency
    if($frequency -ne "Immediate"){
    Write-Host Created $newAlert.Title for $subscribedUser . -Foregroundcolor Cyan
    } ELSE {
    Write-Host Alert $alertTitle for $subscribedUser already done. Moving on. -Foregroundcolor Magenta
    When we ran the script and added the users and restarted the service, all users who were auto-subscribed via this method get the email without the customizations that were done in teh custom alert template.  All users who manually subscribed on their
    own to the list using the "Alert Me" function would get the customized email.
    Does anyone know why users who manually subscribe to the alerts get the customized email, and users who were auto-subscribed using the powershell script do not get the customized email and get the standard generic email template?

    Hi  ,
    According to your code, it create a new alert using SPUser.Alerts.Add() method. For this method, it will create a new alert based on the predefined alert template by default.
    If you only assigned the custom alert template to the list, users who manually subscribe to the alerts get the customized email, but users who were auto-subscribed using the PowerShell script get the standard
    generic email template.
    For your issue, you can set the new alert ‘s alert template:
    Here is a good blog you can have a look:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support,
    contact [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Pre-Paid SMS alerts and confirmations

    Depending on the device being used, Pre-Paid services can receive the following alerts and confirmations:
    Pre-Paid service activation alerts
    Low credit alerts
    Main balance expiry alerts (four days before expiry)
    Bonus and Plus Pack low balance alerts
    Account deactivation alerts (32 days and eight days before the service is deactivated)
    Change of Pre-Paid offer confirmations
    Scheduled and automatic recharges
    BlackBerry BIS subscription cancellation
    Pre-Paid marketing messages
    Global roaming alerts
    Subscriptions and purchases, including MessageBank
    Mandatory service messages
    Occasional Telstra service messages
    How to opt out of Pre-Paid SMS alerts and confirmations
    While you can opt out, we strongly recommend you don't, as alerts and confirmations are a great way to stay on top of your balance and expiry dates.
    To opt out, text the word 'stop' to 125 8884. This is a free service. You'll receive a confirmation message, but due to scheduling it may take up to 24 hours for all alerts to stop. Note, mandatory SMS notifications will still be sent.
    These may include:
    Mandatory confirmation of self-service options, e.g. recharges, change of offer and Plus Pack purchases
    Pre-Paid marketing offers with a separate opt out
    Mandatory global roaming alerts
    MessageBank notifications
    Occasional Telstra service messages
    If you opt out of Pre-Paid SMS alerts and confirmations, you can still check your balance and expiry dates using your device or online. Find out more about Managing your Pre-Paid service.
    To opt in again, call our Pre-Paid customer service team on 125 8880.
    Change your contract details
    Log in to My Account and edit your 'Personal Details'. Register for My Account to access all your account details in one place, recharge, check your balance, view your usage history, get tax statements and more.
    View SMS messages using a mobile broadband device
    Using USB devices, messages are sent to the Connection Manager. If you're connected using a Wi-Fi hotspot, access messages on your device at http://m.home
    Check your device user manual to learn if it's SMS capable, or follow these steps:
    Step 1
    Connect your Pre-Paid mobile broadband device
    Step 2
    Type http://m.home into your browser
    Step 3
    Click the 'SMS' tab to see if you can view SMS messages

    It doesn't address what I needed help with
    I am in Malaysia with Telstra Long Life so I can receive my banking secure code when necessary from St George. However, it never arrives in time, if at all. So basically the service is useless for me and I have wasted $80. What can be going wrong and how can i ensure I receive a bank secure code sms in time that I can use it before the banking website cuts it off?
    I also cannot see on the My account page where I can get the online help. I think this should always be in the bottom corner of the page as I have spent ages looking for it - depending where you are on Telstra's site, sometimes it is there and sometimes not. VERY confusing.
    Thank you Janet Mills

  • How do we create cpu alerts on virtual machines?

    We are using SCVMM 2012 R2 and SCOM 2012 R2
    Under monitoring we can see the cpu load for individual instances of virtual machines Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.VirtualMachine.PercentCPU
    Under authoring there doesn't appear to be a cpu counter for us to create overrides to add to an alert subscription
    We don't want to load the scom agent on each VM and access via e.g. target 'windows server 2012 operating system'

    Hi David!
    1. You could create overrides directly from the perf.view, but:
    2. you cannot simply add alerting to a collection rule (of a sealed MP).
    3. I am able to see that perf. collection rule in the authoring pane, but again: see 2.
    4. You will need the Win OS MP and an agent on the VM if you'd like to monitor the CPUs. AFAIR there is nothing in the VMM MP itself for alerting on the VMs CPU perf.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helped you.
    Patrick Seidl (System Center and Private Cloud)

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