Alien5.ttf - The Alien League Font problem

Just a note:
After adding this font to user library, OSX starts using it as a default for menus in Safari and several other apps.
Weird, but true.

It's a very common problem with free fonts. Windows users must have some sort of favorite free font editor to see this so often. What I mean by that is whatever editor this is, it must not show all of the internal names you need to set.
People start with a font that's already finished (commonly Arial), clear out the characters and put new ones in. You then need to update the font names. Here's what you ran into.
Note the incorrect Full Name. I can only guess the editor being used doesn't show this field since this happens to often.
If you really like this font, a fixed version has been replacing the old one on many sites. Even though it has the same name of ALIEN5.TTF, the internal names are correct. It was actually kind of difficult to find one that was still bad. Here's a good one.

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    Here is the problem as best I can explain it!
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    Substituting fonts in Illustrator using Type>Find font is not going to work.
    If you look at the screenshots you'll see the fonts are CID fonts with custom encoding. The fonts on Marks Computer probably have ANSI encoding (i.e. standard western character set) and the character maps will not match. As a result you will not get legible text but just squares or other things (diamonds, dots etc.)
    Mark sent me a file to look at and below is what I wrote in a direct e-mail to him.
    The problem is that the PDF was made directly from InDesign, which converts the fonts to CID fonts (normally used for Asian fonts like Chinese, Japanese and Korean) and in doing so it created a character map (encoding) that is not compatible with our regular fonts which use the Western Character set (ANSI encoding). Which explains why replacing the embedded font with one on your system doesn't work.
    There is some info on the Adobe website at the following links:
    <end quote>
    The CID charachter problem also exists in Acrobat 7 and 8, but got solved in Acrobat 9.
    The only thing that worked to get a PDF with readable and editable text was to use an OCR program (Abby FineReader in my case, but Omnipage can do the same) to process the PDF and in doing so the embedded fonts were basically OCR'ed using system fonts and then saving it again as a PDF had basically the same effect as replacing the embedded fonts by system fonts. After that opening the PDF in Illustrator gave normal text and the file could be edited. Though Serif DrawPlus did a better job in opening the PDF as an editable file.
    In this case the OCR route is an option because the PDF file contained a table. If it had been a drawing the OCR option might be less useful depending on how the OCR software would handle the drawing part, unless getting the text out of the PDF and reinsert it into the drawing would be sufficient.
    Maybe the above info is of some use for those who are dealing with the same problem.

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    Iam retrieving DATE variablefrom Database to servlet
    String sardate=rs.getString(1);
    My output is
    Sardate : 2005-03-31 00:00:00.0
    i no need to display help me to retrieve
    only date....
    thank u
    String dateOnly = sardate.substring(0,10);

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    Is that a PC TTF or a Mac TTF? If the former it needs to be converted or you need to find a Mac version of the font. You can also convert the font to PS using TrueBlue - VersionTracker or MacUpdate.

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    To get the default font, just check:
    Obviously this didn't solve the problem, since InDesign server has made up a font name that is reported as missing... and it's not equal to the default font. So there is some lack of logic in my previous description.

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    Are the fonts you're putting into that folder OS 9 fonts or OS X fonts?
    I haven't used Suitcase in nearly 12 years and have no idea how Suitcase Fusion works with old-style fonts in OS X. If you think SF might have altered your old OS 9 font files in any way, make sure the ones you put in your System Folder/Fonts folder are copies of the original old fonts, not ones that have been touched by Suitcase.

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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by isitsaturday (2013-05-30 11:15:55)

    Close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

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    ''duplicate of''
    This site shows Greek letters and Greek words by calling for the Windows Symbol font. The page(s) involved display correctly in Internet Explorer, but not in Firefox 3.6.1 or 8.1. In Firefox, the Greek letter does not appear, it is just replaced with the English letter for the equivalent keystroke. Here is a html line that ought to cause Symbol's Greek letter lowercase alpha to be displayed, but all you get is an "a" :
    (td width="60")(p align="center")(big)(strong)(font face="Symbol")(span style="font-family: , Symbol")a(/span)(/font)(/strong)(/big)(/td)
    **I have had to replace the left and right carets with left and right parentheses. Otherwise, the line actually executes, disappears, and just leaves a bolded "a" on the next line.***

    Reemphasizing, the page code works on Internet Explorer. It does _not_ work with Firefox ver 3.6.1 nor ver 8.0.1 (which I upgraded to, to see if that would solve the problem). The MDC FAQ solution is not a solution, because it forces the html coder to change his language just to accommodate Firefox. Firefox needs to change to conform to standards.
    What did work was that I followed the solution offered on:
    "How to reenable symbol font in Firefox 3 on Windows"
    Download the file:
    Go to Control Panel/Fonts/Install New Font
    Install the font that was downloaded.
    <b>************Problem Solved*********</b>
    I think Firefox wants you to use _its_ font faces, not the standard Windows fonts. They do not have a Symbol font to replace the Windows TTF, I guess.

  • PDF font problem on Solaris (Reports9i)

    We are recently moving our application from 9ias Release 1 to 9ias Relese 2. After several configuration problems I was managet to get most of it to running, but encountered big problem with Reports. In Reports6i we used font aliasing, and included several modified fonts with AcrobatReader3. With AcrobatReader5 it's not posible because of more strict checking of PDF standard.
    Then of course with Reports9i we start using PDF font subsetting. After added several ttf's (Arial, Courier New, Times New Roman) it started working fine with one exception. Report created with plain Courier New 10pts is not subsetted - in pdf i receive fixed-bold 12 pts.
    It happening only with this one size of font. Courier New with size 10 pts and bold or italic looks good. When I change size to 9 or 11 pts - it's ok. I've checked if fonts existed in Xserver - they are.
    I double checked uifont.ali - it's ok. I've temporarily solved the problem by changing font in builder on Windows from Courier New to Courier (same size), and then everything works ok. Of course it might be solving - but for the amount of work (about 200 reports) I'm looking for more 'normal' solution.
    Any ideas?
    Reports server working on Sun Sparc Solaris 5.8, 9ias Release 2 (Patch 2).
    Builder works on WindowsXP, 9ids Release 2 (Patch2).

    Reports 6 or Reports 9? Note that Reports 6 does not generate
    syntactically correct RTF for Unicode characters.
    We've been running with a postprocessor to correct the RTF and
    to change the Oracle-set font to Arial; I'll be watching to see if
    there's a better way since our postprocessor shouldn't be needed.
    -- allan

  • Photoshop CS6 Font problems

    I am experiencing an intermittent problem in Photoshop CS6. I have over 500 fonts loaded on my IMac. I'll be working on a project file and when I go to add text, the drop down menu will only show about a third of my fonts instead of showing the complete list. The only way to correct this problem is to shut down Photoshop and reboot my computer.   Most of the time this will give me a menu showing all of the fonts. I have had this Mac for over two yeas and have not had such a problem while using CS5. Is this a bug in Photoshop or do I have other issues ? I have downloaded the latest Photoshop updates.
    Equipment: IMac 27 with 3.06 dual core processor and 12 gig of ram. I am running Os 10.6.8.
    As this is happening more frequently and has become very frustrating, any help would be appreciated.

    Since you already said that you have downloaded the latest Photoshop upgrades (  ), Then I will forward you to the next possible solution. 
    This would be to turn font preview off in Photoshop's preferences:
    In Photoshop CS6:
    Choose Type > Font Preview Size.
    Select None.
    Another solution is to turn off the following fonts:
    The following fonts are known to cause problems when used in Photoshop:
    Bustle (Mac OS only)
    SF Tattle Tales Condensed.ttF
    Haettenschweiler (Photoshop CS4 when run as a 64-bit application on Windows only)
    Finally,  another option is to Validate all the fonts through the Font Book Mac Os Application:
    If you have a third-party font management program, such as Suitcase Fusion 2, there is sometimes a tool in your application that validates fonts. (For example, Font Doctor ships as a part of Suitcase Fusion 2.) Use this type of application as your first choice.
    If you use a tool to validate your fonts, but the problem recurs, it's possible that the tool did not successfully validate your fonts. In this case, follow the steps in Solution 4 below to check for damaged fonts and to reset your font caches.
    To validate your fonts through Font Book:
    Choose Applications > Font Book.
    Choose All Fonts in the Collection column.
    Select the top most font in the Font column.
    Use the Down Arrow on the keyboard to select the first font, then hold the key down to scroll through all your fonts.
    If Font Book crashes, restart Font Book, and scroll through the fonts one by one to determine which font caused the crash.
    If you are using Mac OS X (10.5.x), Ctrl-click on any fonts that are problematic, and choose to Disable that font family.
    If you are using Mac OS X (10.6.x), Ctrl-click on any fonts that are problematic, and choose to Remove that font family. 
    I grabbed all these from Adobe Help, which offer a few other options you might want to explore if these don't help you.
    Please Respond if you cant find the resolution above or in the Adobe Help page that I posted above.

  • Font problem - special characters sometimes displayed incorrectly

    I have a problem with the fonts installed on my computer: With some of them special characters (mainly german umlauts) get replaced by other fairly random symbols. My first guess was broken fonts, but the behaviour is completely inconsistent: In some apps they are displayed correctly, in some not, sometimes it even changes within one app:
    Screenshot, wrong symbols marked red, correct symbols marked green.
    Note that Exaile consistently displays them wrongly, while Pidgin does alright in the buddy list but screws up in the conversation window [edit: See below] and Audacious behaves differently even within one window! Adding to this the behaviour changes depending on the font. Most fonts are alright (so far all default fonts are, but not all installed later (manually or via pacman) are faulty), within the faulty ones it depends on the font which apps work and which don't, e.g. Bauhaus will work perfectly except that the Pidgin conversations can't display '€', Santana works for Audacious, but fails completely in Pidgin and Exaile, while Petita (the one from the screenshot) is all over the place. In some cases one font package contains different weights of the same font and those will behave completely differently.
    All kinds of text editors work fine with all kinds of fonts, so do all file managers I tested.
    Any idea as to what might be the source of this problem? How can one app interpret one ttf-file differently depending on where it uses it?
    [edit: I was mistaken: Pidgin screws up consistently in all it's windows. It's just inconsistent with other apps: In the screenshot for example 'ü' in Pidgin works, 'ä' and 'ö' don't, in Exaile all three don't. This is insane!]
    Last edited by lastchancetosee (2011-01-15 12:21:21)

    I downloaded the Petita font by Manfred Klein and checked the mapping with Fontforge.  Fontforge is reporting many, many errors with the mapping to Unicode, such as,
    The glyph named breve is mapped to U+0005.
    But its name indicates it should be mapped to U+02D8.
    Most likely, the fonts with the errors were designed for a different operating system.
    Last edited by thisoldman (2011-01-15 16:06:49)

  • Embedding unicode font problem

    Hi All,
           I am developing a flex application for Tamil language. I want to use tamil text in all the controls.
    When I embed a tamil unicode font with the application, it doesn't render the text properly because of the glyphs.
    @font-face {
                src: url('assets/latha.ttf');
                font-family: 'latha';
            .MyEmbeddedFont {
                font-family: 'latha';
                font-size: 18px;
    Is it possible to render the glyphs fonts correctly in flex?
    Can any one help in this?
    thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply.
    The embed font is working fine. The tamil characters are displayed in controls if it doesn't contain any glyphs. It is the problem only with the glyph characters.
    The used  font contains glyphs and works well in other platforms.
    In my flex application the glyphs are rendered incorrectly.
    I tried the recipe that you have written in the cookbook. But it is not resolved?
    Do you I need to update any settings in the compiler?
    Or I anything need to be added in the code?

  • Arial Black font problems in InDesign CS2

    Hi there,
    I'm having a bit of a problem with the Arial Black font in InDesign CS2.  I recently got a new computer running Windows XP. The computer has had  MS Service Pack 3 installed. When I installed my old fonts onto the new  computer and booted up InDesign, I noticed there was no Arial Black font, only Arial Black Italic. When I looked under the Arial group of fonts a Black version of the font was there, but on my old machine Arial Black is a separate font group. I've tried deleting the font cache and adding the fonts to the InDesign fonts folder as well, but it still doesn't register as a separate font family. I've also tried installing an older version of Arial Black (2.35 from 2004) and emptying the font cache but still no joy. The  problem is I work on a newspaper and this font is quite common, and is  used on our templates, so when I receive a page I need to change the  font, which isn't ideal. Interestingly, the file name of the font is  ariblk.ttf, but when you look at the icon it appears to be OpenType. The  Arial Black Italic font is called ARBLI__.TTF and has a TrueType icon, and this appears as a separate font family in InDesign. Any help would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.

    I'd give it a go anyway. And please keep in mind that CS2 is the earliest version eligible for upgrade pricing.
    At some point, if the current policy holds, you'll be out of the upgrade loop and will have to pay full price.

  • Illustrator crashes when I use the move tool. No help here in the forums. Ridiculous problem that is so basic and that completly ruins workflow.

    Illustrator (CS6, Creative Cloud) crashes when I use the move tool. No help here in the forums that I can see.
    As far as I'm concerned this is a ridiculous problem that is so basic - it should not happen for the price Adobe charges.
    Completely ruins workflow.
    Please help.

    Just to make sure, are all the faces of the Verdana and Tahoma fonts installed and enabled/activated through the OS (not font mangement) as TTF (not OTF)?

  • XML Pub v. 5.0.0 Micr Font problems

    I am trying to get MICR font output from XML Pub 5.0.0 for AP checks on Oracle 11.5.10. The MICR is not processing correctly--it is just showing up as a regular font. We have uploaded an xdo.cfg file to the location /test_sysdict/apps/appltest/xdo/11.5.0/resource and the font is located at /test_sysdict/apps/appltest/xdo/11.5.0/resource/fonts/MICR.ttf.
    My settings in Word properties are as follows currently:
    Name: xdo-font.MICR.normal.normal
    Type: Text
    Value: /test_sysdict/apps/appltest/xdo/11.5.0/resource/fonts/MICR.ttf
    I have also tried the following:
    Name: xdo-font family="MICR" style="normal" weight="normal"
    Value: truetype path="/test_sysdict/apps/appltest/xdo/11.5.0/resource/fonts/MICR.ttf"
    My config file reads as follows:
    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns="">
    <property name="system-temp-dir">/tmp</property>
    <font family="MICR" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="fonts/MICR.ttf"/>
    Can anyone spot something that I am doing wrong that would prevent the font from working? I know that the report recognizes the cfg file because we've applied and then unapplied some security settings successfully using the cfg file. I've been scouring the forum and tried quite a few things but haven't gotten it to work yet.
    Any help at all would be appreciated.

    hi....i am struggling with the E-13B MICR fonts..Please advice how you have fixed ur problem..mine is similar to it.
    I have installed the MICR (E-13B) font on my client machine.
    It exists in ‘C:\Windows\Fonts\E-13B’ , I have also put it in ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\fonts\E-13B’ &
    ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\fonts’
    In my RTF template I am able to see the font ‘E-13B’, BUT when I do a preview in PDF it is not showing up in MICR font.
    The fields supposed to appear in MICR font appear in normal (Arial / Times New Roman) Format.
    Whereas if I do an preview in RTF the fields appear as expected in MICR font itself. So I am assuming there must be something that we have to do with the PDF fonts as well.
    I have also tried to modify the config file in ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\config\xdo.cfg’.
    When I modify this file and added the following lines
    <font family="E-13B" style="normal" weight="normal">
    <truetype path="C:\Windows\Fonts\E-13B.ttf" />
    My preview from RTF fails with the following error
    Caused by: The system cannot find the path specified
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at oracle.xdo.common.tmp.TmpFile.createTmpFile(
    at oracle.xdo.template.FOProcessor.getTmpFOFile(
    ... 5 more
    Please advise on how to proceed further. How did you get it running for yourself.

Maybe you are looking for