Aligning the label in mobileiconitemrenderer

I have a customized item rendered for a list in an application to run on android and am having difficulty getting the 'label' to align in the center.
The code is;
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
if(value != null) { = value;
if (value.assigned) {
    label = "[ASSIGNED TO YOU]";
    setStyle("textAlign", "center");
else {
    label = "[PRESS TO ACQUIRE]";
height = 150;
iconWidth = 75;
iconHeight = 75;
iconFunction = getIcon;
messageFunction = getMessage;
The colors and the fontsize seem to work fine but the label stays aligned left. I have also tried setting the alignment in the List which is the owner of the renderer.   Any ideas?

It sounds like you are using a very early preview release.  MobileIconItemRenderer has been renamed to IconItemRenderer and this seems to work for me the final release of Flex 4.5:
<s:List width="100%">
                        override public function set data(value:Object):void {
                   = value;
                            if (!data)
                            if (data == 'two'){
                                setStyle('textAlign', 'center');

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    16. Due for Payment (14-15): inputText box here
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    You can specify the direction as vertical for FormItem and inside the formitem you can add another text for the header.
    Check the code below.
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    Hope that helps,

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    I figured it out myself. I added an s:Hgroup around my label and set width="100%" and horizontalAlign="right" you need to set the width to 100% otherwise you're just right aligning within the actual width of the component (which is pretty useless eh?).
    I hope this helps someone else too.

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    You could try a custom paper size and gradually adjust the page length until it prints in the correct location.
    "Although I work for HP, I'm speaking for myself and not on behalf of HP"
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    Read this section from the Swing tutorial on "Using Layout Managers":
    Layout Managers layout the components based on rules for each layout manager.
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    You can look at IE Tab and IE View.
    *IE View:
    *IE View Lite:

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    Hello everyone,
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    public class SwingApp extends JFrame{
            // here i have declared the label and component varibles like...
                      private JTextField startTextField;
           private JComboBox maxComboBox;
           private JTextField logTextField;
           private JTextField searchTextField;
           private JLabel imagesDownloaded1;
           private JLabel imagesDownloaded2;
           private JLabel imagesDidnotDownload1;
           private JLabel imagesDidnotDownload2;
                      private JButton startButton;
    //now in the constructer.............
    public Swing(){
    //I used gridbaglayout and wrote the code for the GUI to appear....
    startButton = new JButton("Start Downloading");
        startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                 actionSearch();   //actionSearch will contain all the code and the function calls of my application...........
            }catch(Exception e1){
        constraints = new GridBagConstraints();
        constraints.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
        constraints.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5);
        layout.setConstraints(startButton, constraints);
    //update is a function which initiates a thread which updates the GUI. this function will be called to pass the required variables in the application
    public void update(final int count_hits, final int counter_image_download1, final int didnot_download1) throws Exception{
         Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
                  System.out.println("entered into thread");
                  System.out.println("the variable that has to be set is " + count_hits);
                  server_hits_count.setText( " "+ Integer.toString(count_hits));
                  imagesDownloaded2.setText(" " + Integer.toString(counter_image_download1));
                  imagesDidnotDownload2.setText(" " + Integer.toString(didnot_download1));
    //Now in main............................
    public static void main(String[] args){
    Swing s = new Swing();
    }//end of main
    }//end of class SwingAbove I have given the skeleton code of my application........ Please tell me how to update the GUI syncronously...
    Please its a bit urgent...............
    Thank you very much in advance

    First off, note that this question should have been posted in the Swing section.
    GUI events run in a separate thread (the AWT / Event Dispatch Thread) than your program.
    You should be invoking AWT/Swing events via SwingUtilities.invokeLater().
    If for whatever reason you want to have the program thread wait for the event to process
    you can use invokeAndWait().

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    Is the TOCStrings.ini file the place to change the label of Table of Contents to French?  If so, what string would I add to the file to make this change happen?
    Can someone please let me know where the change can be made (if not in the TOCStrings.ini) or if the change is even possible? 
    Thank you!

    If you enter data in the Info fields of the TOC, the indicator 'Table of Contents' will automatically be replaced by the Title field.

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                              chartheight="310" chartwidth="530" foregroundcolor="##000000"
                              scalefrom="0" scaleto="14"
                              style="#elementStyle#" >
                              <cfchartseries type="horizontalbar" paintstyle="shade"">

    When you open the default New Tab page - about:newtab - which has the Tiles and a Search Bar, the "focus" is in the Search Bar. You could change a hidden setting to have a blank page when you open a new tab if that's what you want - that will have the "focus" in the Location Bar . URL Bar.
    Type '''about:config''' in the URL bar and hit Enter.
    ''Accept the warning''
    Search field at the top to filter with this - '''browser.newtab.url'''
    Right-click the preference that appears below, and select '''Modify'''.
    Insert '''about:blank''' for the new string value.

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