All I See Are Beach-Balls

All of a sudden I have been experiencing a lot of the infamous spinning beach-balls, along with trouble booting several programs. I am using a macbook core duo with 2gb of ram.
Safari is one of my problems recently I get the beach-ball while doing simple tasks such as opening a new tab, or fill out forms. Quicktime does this when I change my view.
Numbers takes about 10 minutes to load and if I try to open a template I get the beach-ball. I have not been able to open a numbers template. I have also been trapped in the beach-ball when attempting to access the numbers menu bar.
Excel is one of the programs that just wont load. The last week I have not been able to boot up excel. With this one i don't even get the beach-ball I get stuck in the watch.
I have run the disk utilities, scanned the hardware, ran onyx, after still experiencing the problem I ran onyx again and cleaned the caches still nothing. I have checked the activity monitor and cannot see anything really draining my system. Can anyone help me I have to start school again soon and I really need my office apps to work and I need them to work at a reasonable speed.

This fixed it for me once:
Run Disk Utility but from your Mac OS X install DVD (insert DVD, System Preferences, Startup Disk, Select the DVD.......... when the first menu pops up wanting to install the OS, click Utility at the top of your screen and choose Disk Utility) Fully repair your disk. It fixed it once for me. The second time it could never fix 2 problems no matter how many times I ran the repair so I had to format and re-install.
I truly hope the simple repair fixes it. Some repairs cannot be done while you run an OS from the disk you're trying to repair

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    With the site on display, click on the site identity button (for details on what that is see []) and then on More Information. This will open up the page info dialog.
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    Bojamijams wrote:
    Try this..
    Goto Applications -> Utilities -> Diskaid
    Click your hard drive and then do Repair Disk Permissions.. if you want, you can also do Verify Disk and Verify Disk Permissions (although the verify disk permissions seems pointless, repair should just repair if things need repairing, otherwise leave them alone, but I dunno if thats how it does indeed work)
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    Go to the Events preference pane in iPhoto's preferences window and change the radio buttonn to show the photos instead of enlarging the one photo.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    Sorry to hear about all of your problems but this is a user-to-user discussion area and not Apple employees.
    You might want to contact someone here:

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    Go to your username>library>preferences and delete:
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 paths
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 settings
    and any lockfiles with the same names.
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    May 16 22:56:19 ichat[1194] ([69384]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    May 16 22:56:19 ichat[1194]: catchmach_exception_raise_stateidentity(): PID: 69383 thread: 0x9e2f type: 0xa code: 0x7fff5fbfdf14 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x7fff5fbfdf24 old_state: 0x7fff5fbfdf2c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x7fff5fbfe43c new_stateCnt: 0x7fff5fbfe438
    May 16 22:56:19 ichat[1194] ([69383]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194]: catchmach_exception_raise_stateidentity(): PID: 69388 thread: 0x9ac3 type: 0xa code: 0x1000fd044 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x1000fd054 old_state: 0x1000fd05c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x1000fe02c new_stateCnt: 0x1000fe028
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194] ([69388]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194]: catchmach_exception_raise_stateidentity(): PID: 69387 thread: 0x9e33 type: 0xa code: 0x7fff5fbfdf14 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x7fff5fbfdf24 old_state: 0x7fff5fbfdf2c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x7fff5fbfe43c new_stateCnt: 0x7fff5fbfe438
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194] ([69387]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194]: catchmach_exception_raise_stateidentity(): PID: 69386 thread: 0x9e37 type: 0xa code: 0x7fff5fbfdf14 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x7fff5fbfdf24 old_state: 0x7fff5fbfdf2c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x7fff5fbfe43c new_stateCnt: 0x7fff5fbfe438
    May 16 23:22:24 ichat[1194] ([69386]): Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    Any ideas?

    We've had this problem as well. Our xServe (10.6.3, 24Gb ram) is only running Web, AFP and SMB with Xinet running as well (mySQL). Our problem stems from directoryServices processes that cease working.
    At times -- before Finder fails, ssh fails, ard fails -- we have had success with killing the DirectoryServices PID, which automatically restarts and thankfully restores functionality to the server. Unfortunately if we're too late, then Finder fails, etc. and the only solution we've found so far is to force a restart by power-cycling the xServe....definitely not the preferred solution.
    Just had to reboot the server now.
    Rumor has it that TimeMachine might be the issue, but it isn't running on our xServes, so it's still rumor.
    This scenario didn't happen in 10.6.2 and seems to be 10.6.3. We had a case # setup with Apple Support and after a few hours on the phone we were told that this is a known issue and Engineering is working on it.
    In your case you're having a LOT of segmentation faults. Try running a repair permissions on your disk and it wouldn't hurt to check out your hostname/dns info (as root: changeip -checkhostname)

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    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
    Then reconnect with your wifi and try again.
     Cheers, Tom

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