All InDesign Versions--determining version before opening

At one point I scan a variable number of documents for information.  This involves opening the document, going through it, and closing the document.
If I open a CS3 document in CS5, no problem.  But if I open a CS5 document in CS3, InDesign crashes.
I know that I can open each document using STDIO and read the 31st byte (I believe it's that one) to determine a version, but is there any better way?  Please remember that this needs to work on both platforms, so reading the Mac type isn't a good solution.

JADarnell wrote:
Good morning Sir/Madam:
First of all, thanks for the contribution.  Though I may respectfully disagree with you, I still greatly appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to contribute to this discussion.
I'm a Sir
How come you think you disagree? There is nothing strange about some value in the header being designated as "the official version number". Adobe likes to keep this information well under wraps in the SDK, but perhaps there is a reason for that. In any case, the variable names I used come from a document on XMP: tionPart3.pdf
-- see page 38 for their (somewhat abbreviated) structure of INDD files headers. The long word starting at position 29 (where the first byte is number 0) is not specified in there but has been confirmed as the actual version number.
In this header you also find the Object Stream Endianness specification, and (from memory) you need that to successfully parse files older than CS3.
Originally, the endianness of long words in InDesign files depended on the platform they were created with, but Adobe decided somewhere along the line it would be smarter to just make the endianness a part of the "official" specs. To read older files you still need the code, though. It's very well possible your Mac/Win files are just not old enough. My personal code for this works with INDD files for as long back as I care to look -- *at least* back to InDesign 2.0 (and then only because I cannot find older files).
Then again, I admit all of the above is my personal conjecture. If you still want to disagree, you're free to examine the files yourself and devise something that works better.

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    Process:         Adobe InDesign CC [1848]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign InDesign CC
    Identifier:      com.adobe.InDesign
    Version: (9000)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [389]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-08-16 09:53:27.812 +0200
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    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  641 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      D5C53BC8-6379-3F36-EE2C-2C6B74465B33
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    VM Regions Near 0:
        __TEXT                 0000000100000000-0000000100006000 [   24K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC/Adobe InDesign InDesign CC
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    18  com.adobe.InDesign.INXCore              0x000000011d05faeb 0x11d027000 + 232171
    19  com.adobe.InDesign.XMLParser            0x0000000121182818 0x121180000 + 10264
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    21  com.adobe.AXE8SharedExpat               0x0000000104b53d98 0x104b3d000 + 93592
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    23  com.adobe.AXE8SharedExpat               0x0000000104b516f5 0x104b3d000 + 83701
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    51  com.adobe.InDesign.Utilities            0x0000000120b7c47c 0x120b7b000 + 5244
    52  com.adobe.InDesign.Utilities            0x0000000120b7c605 0x120b7b000 + 5637
    53  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework          0x0000000119b0b26f 0x119b00000 + 45679
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    56  com.adobe.InDesign.Document Framework          0x000000011b459f43 0x11b32f000 + 1224515
    57  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework          0x0000000119b59a2a 0x119b00000 + 367146
    58  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework          0x0000000119b5433e 0x119b00000 + 344894
    59  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework          0x0000000119b538e5 0x119b00000 + 342245
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    61  com.adobe.InDesign.Scripting            0x000000011f407724 0x11f3dc000 + 177956
    62  com.adobe.InDesign.Scripting            0x000000011f404738 0x11f3dc000 + 165688
    63  com.adobe.InDesign.Scripting            0x000000011f404d50 0x11f3dc000 + 167248
    64  com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript          0x000000011f921063 0x11f8f1000 + 196707
    65  com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript          0x000000011f91e75a 0x11f8f1000 + 186202
    66  com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript          0x000000011f91dae2 0x11f8f1000 + 183010
    67  com.adobe.InDesign.Support for AppleScript          0x000000011f8f251c 0x11f8f1000 + 5404
    68                            0x00007fff900b0078 aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, unsigned int, unsigned char*) + 307
    69                            0x00007fff900afed9 dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 37
    70                            0x00007fff900afd99 aeProcessAppleEvent + 318
    71                     0x00007fff8e63d709 AEProcessAppleEvent + 100
    72                        0x00007fff8c5f8836 _DPSNextEvent + 1456
    73                        0x00007fff8c5f7df2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
    74                        0x00007fff8c5ef1a3 -[NSApplication run] + 517
    75  com.adobe.exo.framework                 0x00000001028a7e98 exo::app::OS_AppBase::RunEventLoop() + 56
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    77  com.adobe.InDesign.AppFramework          0x0000000119c0d182 0x119b00000 + 1102210
    78  com.adobe.InDesign                      0x0000000100001dbc main + 412
    79  com.adobe.InDesign                      0x0000000100001bb4 start + 52

    Sorry, here is my crash report

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    Pages is telling me that I need a newer version before I can open my document.  I have the latest version and I am able to open older versions.  Whats up?

    You have 2 versions of Pages on your Mac.
    Pages 5 is in your Applications folder.
    Pages '09/'08 is in your Applications/iWork folder.
    You are alternately opening the wrong versions.
    Pages '09/'08 can not open Pages 5 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5/5.01 can not open Pages 5.1 files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5.1 sometimes can not open its own files and you will get the warning that you need a newer version.
    Pages 5 can open Pages '09 files but may damage/alter them. It can not open Pages '08 files at all.
    Once opened and saved in Pages 5 the Pages '09 files can not be opened in Pages '09.
    Anything that is saved to iCloud is also converted to Pages 5 files.
    All Pages files no matter what version and incompatibility have the same extension .pages.
    Pages 5 files are now only compatible with themselves on a very restricted set of hardware, software and Operating Systems and will not transfer correctly on any other server software than iCloud.
    Apple has not only managed to confuse all its users, but also itself.
    Note: Apple has removed over 100 features from Pages 5 and added many bugs: 6fa05b6297cd00f8eb9&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Archive/trash Pages 5, after exporting all Pages 5 files to Pages '09 or Word .docx, and rate/review it in the App Store, then get back to work.

  • GarageBand error after data transfer that states "This song requires a newer version of GarageBand. Please update to the latest version of GarageBand before opening this song". Please Help!

    I recently had a data transfer from my older mac to my newer one. After the transfer I logged into my new account and opened up my GarageBand. It worked perfectly fine, however when I logged into my old account with all my older data that I just transferred over, I could not open my GarageBand files and there is an error that states "GarageBand error after data transfer that states "This song requires a newer version of GarageBand. Please update to the latest version of GarageBand before opening this song".If anyone could please help me with this issue, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank You!

    When you transferred your data from your old mac, you may have accidentally transferred an older GarageBand version and either overwritten your newer version, or your old account still has the old GarageBand icon in the Dock.
    Search with SpotLight, if you have more than one Garageband version on your new Mac (type "GarageBand" into the SpotLight search field). Does it list more than one GarageBand version? Then delete the older
    What GarageBand version have you been using at your old mac, and what is the version on your new mac? If it has been bought recently, it should have come with GarageBand '11.

  • Hi, It's my last day test on adobe elements 12. I want to buy it now but It's looks only posible to buy the Adobe elements 13 version. If I buy this 13 version, I'm going to loose all the projects I did before with the elements 12 test evaluation? Thanks!

    Hi, It's my last day test on adobe elements 12. I want to buy it now but It looks only posible to buy the Adobe elements 13 version. If I buy this 13 version, I'm going to loose all the projects I did before with the elements 12 test evaluation? Thanks!

    Are you currently working on a tryout of Premiere Elements 12 downloaded from Adobe?
    If so, you do not have to buy from Adobe. You can purchase the version from an authorized reseller of
    the product.
    At that point, you can leave the 12 tryout installed and just install your purchased serial number from
    the authorized reseller or uninstall the tryout and just install the purchased product with its serial number.
    When you open a tryout 12 project file (with Adobe watermark) in a purchased Premiere Elements 12, the
    Adobe watermark should disappear
    a. if you use Timeline/Delete Rendered Files
    b. do of us have found that just opening the tryout file in a purchased product removes the Adobe
    watermark automatically.
    As for
    If I buy this 13 version, I'm going to loose all the projects I did before with the elements 12 test evaluation?
    Are you talking about the Adobe watermark? You will not lose the projects, but whether or not the Adobe watermark
    is removed in a purchased version which is not the version in which it was created is of concern.
    I will see what exploration and experimentation on that I can do.

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    I Try to open an Indesign document. The message: it is made in a newer version. Go tot CC: Help/Give your Adobe id/Start Indesign again and try to open the document. This doesn’t work. How to solve this problem?

    What version are you running?
    What version was it made with?

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    To build a playlist, I would open a newly created one in a separate window, then in the main widow I would roam through the full music collection adding songs to the playlist - by simple drag and drop - as I find them. But this doesn't work when I have to jump between full list view and playlist view in the same window - that kind of confuses the process. I need to be able to see the playlist I am building while I roam through the main list, using two windows to see both lists of songs at the same time. Is this no longer possible in iTunes 11?
    Using iMac 10.7.5

    Apple never officially comments on these posts, true, and I have no idea if they pay much attention to this very helpful user to user forum set-up here, but they do let you provide feedback at-( )-for any product concerns you may have, though they don't respond there either, which I think is understandable. I think they do consider feedback while developing updates and I expect they try to incorporate feedback concerns as they create updates and revisions. But it is probably exceedingly difficult to include all feedback concerns or please everyone all the time.
    A long time ago I was complaining to them about how the full music library view would jump to show next song playing every time a new song started and that would take my view away from wherever I had scrolled to while the last song was playing. That was annoying and they eventually fixed that issue in iTunes 11.
    I have sent apple my feedback concerns (more than once) about how it really helps to open separate windows to do playist creations and edit, revise, and manage playlists - and how that split window method is not easy to use (linked to in a previous post I made on this thread). The more people they get feedback from asking to be able to open multiple iTunes windows, then the more likely they will bring that feature back. So don't forget to provide feedback (go to feedback link provided herein).
    Hopefully it won't take them years to return the multiple window capability in a future update.

  • I have an old version Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium. I uninstalled it from my old computer and was trying to install it on my new computer. It copied all the files but I cant open them and it doesn't ask me for my registration info, which I have.

    I have an old version Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium. I uninstalled it from my old computer and was trying to install it on my new computer. It copied all the files but I cant open them and it doesn't ask me for my registration info, which I have.  What shall I do to get Adobe up and running?

    when you were install your cs3 you should have been prompted for you serial number.  were you?
    if not, you probably didn't properly install cs3.  copying/migrating/moving etc is problematic.
    if yes, did you see any error messages during installation?
    if yes, attach a screenshot of the error message.
    if not, check you install logs, Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC

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    You can’t. You have upgrade or have whoever is send you files save as IDML. Don’t expect perfection.

  • I am using Iphone 3gs. Last week I updated my itunes to latest version, although I couldnt not update my iphone OS since the download fails saying error 9006. For last 2 days all my Iphone applications fail to open except the default ones. Any solutions?

    I am using Iphone 3gs. Last week I updated my itunes to latest version, although I couldnt not update my iphone OS since the download fails saying error 9006. For last 2 days all my Iphone applications fail to open except the default ones. Any solutions?

    Download a free app and try again, you can delete the free app afterward.

  • I have been able to open PDF docs using C# API Process.Start("Full_path_To_the_PDF_File") in windows 7 or windows 8 with all previous versions of Acrobat32 reader.

    I have been able to open PDF docs using C# API Process.Start("Full_path_To_the_PDF_File") in windows 7 or windows 8 with all previous versions of Acrobat32 reader.
    However, with v11.0, the same command, in Windows 8, it does not open the PDF document. I can see the Acrobat(32) started in the task manager, but the document does open. Not sure how I can troble shoot this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

    I haven't use the C# API but I imagine it is the same as C ShellExecute. Which in turn is the same thing (in essence) as double clicking in Windows Explorer.
    So... does Adobe Reader run normally on this machine?
    And does it start and open if you double click on a PDF file?

  • Do I have to update all the older versions before I can update OS X Mavericks

    Do I have to update all the older versions before I can update OS X Mavericks

    If you are below 10.6.8, you must get there first.
    See here:

  • How to open a edxcel file made with edxcel version before windows 1997

    i have recently bought a imac and i am currently transfering my spreadsheets that i had on my old windows computor to my imac and i can not open them beacuse the where made with a edxcel version before 97 and i need the information that they contain beacuse it referse to my buissness finances

    Barry Carver wrote:
    i have recently bought an iMac and i am currently transfering my spreadsheets that i had on my old windows computor to my imac and i can not open them because they were made with a excel version before 97 and i need the information that they contain because it refers to my business finances
    Welcome to Apple discussions and the numbers '09 forum.
    You might check, suppliers of MacLink Deluxe. They claim to support MS Excel 2.x, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 95, 97, 2000, XP 2002 files on the Windows side. On the Mac side, spreadsheet support includes Excel 2004 (.xls) and (listed as database support rather than spreadsheet) CSV files. Numbers '09 can, I think, open both those formats.
    The other route is to find someone with a more recent version of Excel that can open you files and save them in a newer Excel format.

  • How do i check the compatability of all my version 3 add-ons with version 4 before updating to vesin 4

    How do i check the compatability of all my version 3 add-ons with version 4 before updating to vesin 4

    Here's the link. It's a long list and unfortunately, it's not in alphabetical order. So it'll take some time to go through them:

Maybe you are looking for