All Keychain login passwords gone!

My Safari, Mail, and other system login (when I log into a server on my home network) autofill information seems to have disappeared. I have to retype every password every time I check mail! And when I type in new ones and Safari or Mail prompts me to remember them, I respond yes, but it does not remember them the next time!
I did do a Keychain First Aid a few days ago (because of a Slingbox install issue) and I'm wondering if that caused the problem.
Any help on how to get my autofill info back? I have a desktop Mac and I tried to import that info from the "login.keychain" doc. That did not work.

I did two disk utility permission fixes from the install DVD and it solved the problem.

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    > I was interested to note your comment about being unable to reset the login keychain password after resetting the admin password on a computer with the install disk.
    Resetting your login password with the install disc does not reset the login keychain password. When creating a login account and password, the password for the account's login keychain is the same as the login account password. If you want the login keychain password to be different, you must change it via Keychain Access. Changing the login account's password via an install disc does not change the login keychain password for the login account. I believe this is for security reasons. Although a thief can gain access to a person's login account and home folder/directory by using an install disc to manually change the login password for the account, this does not change the login keychain password also so sensitive data stored in a person's keychain cannot be accessed without knowing the original login account password that matches the original login keychain password.
    1. If you require password to wake this computer from sleep or screen saver, someone can't. To have your keychain extra secure, you can also make your login keychain password different from your login password but if your login password is not the same as your default keychain password, you'll be asked for the password whenever an application needs access to your keychain and your keychain is locked - but this would be more trouble than it is worth IMO.
    2. Same as the answer to 1.
    3. Someone can't if you disable automatic login for your login account which is highly recommended. Even though I currently live alone, I have automatic login disabled for my login account. If someone steals my PB and has access to an install disc to manually change the password for my login account, they can gain access to all my data in my home folder/directory but not gain access to sensitive data stored in my login keychain which is not automatically changed when manually changing the login password with an install disc.
    This is also where utilizing an encrypted disk image comes into play to store sensitive data but to be extra secure, you should not store the password for an encrypted disk image in your keychain. My encrypted disk images require that I manually enter the password to mount the encrypted disk images but the downside when doing so is if you forget the password for the encrypted disk image, all data stored within the disk will be lost with no way to recover it.
    Overall it is probably best to store the password for an encrypted disk image in your keychain but if you give someone else access to your Mac when logged in to your account, any encrypted disk image will mount automatically when selected which is also why it is best not to allow anyone else to access your Mac via your login account.

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    Please take these steps to resynchronize the iCloud keychain. Your keychain on iCloud and your other Apple devices won't be affected. Take Step 2 only if Step 1 doesn't solve the problem.
    Step 1
    Back up all data.
    Open the iCloud preference pane and uncheck the Keychain box. You'll be prompted to delete the local iCloud keychain. Confirm—the data will remain on the servers. Then re-check the box. Follow one of the procedures described in this support article to set up iCloud Keychain on an additional device. Test.
    Step 2
    If you still have problems, uncheck the Keychain box again and continue.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it, then copy the text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C:
    In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens by pressing command-V. You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    A folder named "Keychains" should open. Inside it is a subfolder with a long name similar to (but not the same as) this:
    The above is only an example; yours will have a different name of the same general form. Drag the subfolder (not the Keychains folder) to the Trash and empty.
    Restart the computer and re-enable iCloud Keychain.

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    You can try this extension to override compatibility issues,
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    Addons Manager URL:    '''about:addons'''

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    After my sync of MobileMe all my (overwrite Powerbook with mobileme).
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    Ferther I replaced from my Backup the Database /var/db/RemoteManagement/  & /var/db/RemoteManagement/ ~órig , but the problem ist still not solved.
    Is someone who is able to help me? Are their more files that need to be replaced?

    If you have backups from before the disappearance, you'll want to recover and restore the file:

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    every user (admin or not) has their own keychain. they are completely separate from each other and don't interact at all with one another.
    when you log in a new user you have to enter all the passwords you want to store in that user's keychain. not sure what you mean about keychain login and safari login being required on every login. could you explain?

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