All of my music is gone...please help

When I open itunes, I get a message that says my ipod islinked with another library. I have never used my ipod on any other computer and I am the only one who uses this computer. This message gives me the options "erase and sync" or "transfer purchases". I chose cancel. There is no music in my entire library. Everything is blank. I tried to import the library by choosing import and following the path to my ".itl" file. When I chose import, it sent all of the folders that I had organized, but they are all empty. There is still no music. I don't want to "erase and sync" because I only have about half of my total library on my ipod. Also, how can I get back all of my purchased music? Any help would be appreciated, since I have scoured the web in search of answers and everything says to locate the "itl" file and import it, which I did but it did not work.
Thank you.

Do you have it set to auto Sync? If so, go to preferences and select Syncing. there should be a check box that says "disable auto syncing for all iPhones and iPods", check it. then click OK or Apply.
then to add songs to your ipod, drag and drop.
jakthebomb A True Gamer

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    Sounds as if you synced your iPod to an empty iTunes library.
    If you have no back up anyplace else, then your only hope is some data recovery software as mentioned in this post.
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    it has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer.  Use your backup copy to put everything back.
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    RE: "P.S. I  found it aggravating that I couldn't copy and paste text  here, it wanted me to insert as a link or an image, how do you insert plain  text?"
    I take it you tried using the "right click" menu?   That doesn't seem to work, as you noted, but, you should be able to paste text by pressing your CTRL key  and while holding it down, press the "V" letter  key.
    CTRL + C = COPY
    CTRL + X = CUT
    CTRL + V = PASTE

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