[All Platforms][Discover] Prevent Duplicates in Discover Weekly

Discover Weekly is the one of the best features I've seen from Spotify since I've been a subscriber: I've been finding so many great new tracks. One minor issue I've found is that I occasionally get recommendations in the playlists that I've already gotten in previous weaks (specifically, I know for a fact I've been recommended Leonard Cohen's 'Chelsea Hotel #2 more than once). 
It should fairly simple to implement a check to confirm that the song hasn't been recommended previously, or at least a check to make sure the user listened to it.

Updated: 2015-07-27Marked as new idea.

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  • [All Platforms][Discover] Discover Weekly

    The discover weekly feature is excellent, however I was disappointed yesterday to notice that last weeks playlist had disappeared. It would be great to be able to view previous discover weekly playlists.  Thanks  

    Updated: 2015-07-31Marked as New Idea and edited title to make it easier to find via search.

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Change the language of the content

    Users should be able to view the content in the language they want, regardless of where they are. I have seen threads from users in 2012 with this exact issue and I am simply unable to even slightly understand why a simple country dropdown menu has still not been added. In your knowledge base, you suggest users to change the language of their payment gateway, but this is not a realistic option, since the country of choice must match with the country of your payment gateway (PayPal is the common and obvious example here). We should not be forced to seeing content in a language that we might not even understand!

    Updated: 2015-07-20Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Playlist discovery

    One simple but pretty cool discovery feature I would like to see is if you could go to a artist and see which popular playlists that artist belonged to. Like an tab for Appears on Playlists or something. It would be a great way of discovering new user playlists

    This would be great !

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Playlists for the atmosphere

    Atmosphere ( Atmos ) PlaylistsAnd I don't mean the gases around the planet. I mean the "pervading tone or mood of a place, situation, or work of art" - so states Oxford. - Spotify is set-up for the best possible personal music expereience, and they've nailed it. The "Genres and Moods" section is a perfect  feature and is awesome for finding new music and artists while "Hanging Out and Relaxing", having a "Productive morning", or feeling "All Out 90's". Sometimes you'll stumble across a playlist that would be good to use with a group of people - but they are designed to put yourself in the mood or interact with what you are doing at that moment.- The system is built for headphones basically, personal computer, or a nice bluetooth speaker system ( Sound Sticks name drop ). Either the headphones or speaker system- the group is either just you or maybe one other person- possible two or three more. With Atmosphere playlists you would be able to select the situation you are in or creating. Examples below.  :Playing Cards ( this is where the Playlist cover would be important and fun to create - the cover art would have to depict exactly the "atmosphere" you are in at that moment ). My suggestion for the Album Art would be a bunch of friends sitting around a table playing Cards Against Humanity. We all know Cards, 6-10 friends sitting around a table drinking, having fun, laughing and just enjoying the moment. All the attention is on the game but music should be in the background- and yes you can browse for a playlist but this is the point of the idea. Instant, tested, and ready to go. The research and development on this playlist would be a lot of fun as well- "alright everyone, for the next 5 Friday nights we have to sit, play cards, and pick songs that fit the moment". First song = Perspective by Until the Ribbon Breaks. or Everlasting Light by the Black Keys. :Porch Party. Album art of a Screened in Porch with pong set-up ( if that is allowed- not sure. PC check ). Group of 2 on 2 playing, 4-5 sitting around a table chatting - maybe a grill outside with people cooking. Need roughly 100 songs to be played on random to suit the moment. This would be cool if you can narrow down the Atmosphere by selecting how many people are in attendance. A playlist for 10 people partying should be very different than a playlist for a party of 50 people.- Spotify does have the "Start Radio" feature, which is not marketed enough ( competition with Pandora ). And this feature is great, but you select a country singer with a awesome song and start the radio off that singer or the song, you will eventually get songs that do not fit the moment.  :Say at work, 4-5 different people working in one area or that could be everyone in the whole company- it is 4-5 different views of music. Each person could and most likely likes their own genre and songs. And yes there are "At Work" playlists, but you have to stumble across them going through the different genres and moods. Then you have to find a playlists that you think everyone will like, and hope that no embarassing songs come on. Three examples- but could be endless. I had 8tracks for a while ( still have it but have Spotify premium so naturally doesn't get opened anymore ). But you could select a different Mood and then a different Genre and it would produce playlists based off the two random selections- don't mean to copy that process, that is more of the music genome type deal. But be able to select group size, maybe group age (average), and atmoshere and playlist will generate from those selections. Just a thought, but taken the thinking out of the selection will make it popular. Possible Features:Group Bluetooth for same playlists- if you happen to have more than one set of blue-tooth headphones in the room. Silent Disco's are a perfect example.Hold Music Playlist - being on hold is an atmosphere, not typically a pleasant one but one none the less. Each business that puts people on hold on a constant basis- good music for those people ( and safe foreveryone, no swears are obscene lyrics ) would be awesome. I think it would be cool- seeing if it is a shared idea. I have Spotify on everyday, and since the only one with premium at my current job ( trying to recruit )- my Spotify gets played at work. I saw Spotify Corporate was also an idea, as it should be- I will go back and Kudo's that idea. But this idea could work for that feature as well- or the basis of it.

    Updated: 2015-06-30

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Follow/Subscribe to a label

     What I'd love, is to have an option - much like the very popular idea of adding the possibility of subscribing to a particular artist - to subscribe to a specific label.  Labels, or at least the smaller ones, usually curate a specific sound. French Express, Kitsuné, DubKraft, Boys Noize, Ed Banger, all of these labels have a distinct type of music they release. As a fan of specialized record labels, I find keeping up with all the newsletters, Facebook updates, blog posts, tweets, and whatever other communication the label is using can be hard. And just subscribing to one particular artist isn't satisfactory, since labels sign new artists, and label old timers change their style to a degree in which they no longer fit the label's sound. Adding the possibility to subscribe to labels guarantees us the opportunity to stay up to date with the labels providing our favourite sounds, without the hassle of having to wade through a deluge of information. Edit(Premify): Added "Follow" in the title to keep the idea up to the newest follow feature. ;) Edit: Well, it's been years since I suggested this, and still no progress. Nevertheless, thanks for all the kudos so far, and maybe one day we'll get enough kudos to get noticed!

    Hey there.
    I like the idea where I receive notification when artist I follow releases new content.
    But problem is, I like also record labels like DJ Beat Records, Zooland Records, Global Airbeatz, Punch Records, Bazooka Records, Spinnin' Records, Kontor Records, Planet Punk Music, Munix Music, Central Stage of Music etc... Why not to add personal page to record label where all the content released by label, information about new gigs by artistsa in label, news from label and all other stuff like follow this label, links to youtube channel, site etc.
    Please implement it! I really want to follow some record labels like I described before!! These are BEST LABELS in the world!
    Please add your Kudos now or never!!! Can't you see, WE NEED THIS?

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Track appears on...

    We have already such feature for Artists and i would like to have it for Tracks too. I think this would be good way to find new compilations and playlists.

    Updated: 2015-07-14Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • [All Platforms][Discover] black list artist/song

    Hi. It would be a way to block artist or songs I realy dislike. The same way I click for like song or artist, I think it's a must I mark a dislike or I don't want to hear never in my life.  Thanks

    Updated: 2015-07-04Hi, a similar idea has also been suggested here:
    While it's been marked 'Not Right Now', Spotify staff periodically reviews these ideas and may choose to implement it in the future. Add your kudos and comments there please!

  • [Desktop] Add learning capability to Spotify Discover Weekly

    Hello, I love the Discover Weekly feature. However, it still had a few songs I didn't like all that much, and a few that I love to pieces. Can I suggest a thumbs up and thumbs down system where thumbs up means "I love it, give me more like this" and thumbs down means "really not into it, don't give me any more like this"?

    Updated: 2015-08-04Hi and thanks for your contribution! A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please!

  • [All Platforms] Add ability to Remove Discover Weekly playlist

    Hey there.
    The new feature on Spotify, discover weekly. It updates weekly snd suggests some music based on user listeninngs. But problem is, I listen only hands up music and it's boring to get suggestions from heavy metal and some commercial music... It is really useless. Only 10% of suggestions I can actualy listen. The more boring stuff is that this playlist is taking valuable space on my Android/Windows app where sidebar is already fullfilled with no needed junk.
    I can't remove this playlist curated by Spotify. Add option to do so!!

    Updated: 2015-07-31Marked as New Idea and edited title to make it easier to find via search.

  • Discover Weekly - Post your feedback here

    Hello community. Spotify here. 
    Here's all the info you need to know about Discover Weekly. It's a pretty awesome feature that we love. We hope you will too: 
    Its a 30 song playlist that is automatically added to your account and updated every Monday.
    The 30 songs are based on your listening history and the listening history of others with similar tastes to you.
    The rollout starts today and is scheduled to finish in the coming weeks. 
    Only folks who have been active in the last 30 days will get it. When they return and play some music, they’ll get it the following Monday.
    Only available after you’ve been with Spotify for two weeks.
    Its added directly to Your Music/Your Library. If we were overzealous here, you have the option to unfollow it. 
    The playlist defaults to private. You can set it to public if you'd like. 
    If you accidentally unfollow it, you can find it again in Browse or Discover. 
    Any other questions let us know. Feel free to post any feedback here. 

    The rollout started yesterday with 20% in mainly English speaking markets. It is scheduled to finish rolling out within a couple of weeks but we may temporarily pause the rollout if we discover any issues. Keep checking!
     Yes it will be available in Canada, Oh Canada :) 

  • [Android] Add ability to Remove Discover Weekly playlist

    Hey there.
    The new feature on Spotify, discover weekly. It updates weekly snd suggests some music based on user listeninngs. But problem is, I listen only hands up music and it's boring to get suggestions from heavy metal and some commercial music... It is really useless. Only 10% of suggestions I can actualy listen. The more boring stuff is that this playlist is taking valuable space on my Android/Windows app where sidebar is already fullfilled with no needed junk.
    I can't remove this playlist curated by Spotify. Add option to do so!!

    Updated: 2015-07-31Marked as New Idea and edited title to make it easier to find via search.

  • Great finds from Discover Weekly

    Hi Sophiemay, You can create a new playlist. Name it: My weekly disoveries. Then copy/paste the songs from the weekly playlist discover into there.That's it.  

    As you may have heard Discover Weekly is rolling out to users this week. 
    This playlist updates every Monday and is a weekly selection of new discoveries and deeper cuts based on your evolving music taste.
    Users are already making great music discoveries through the playlist--and you can share your best finds with the Community here. Recently I found Sheep, Dog & Wolf (Lil' Chief Records) through Discover Weekly. Daniel McBride makes experiemental pop with layered vocals that I recommend for fans of Sufjan and #1 Dads. 

  • [All Platforms][Your Music] Weekly Discovery Playlists

    I have a couple of ideas for the Weekly Discovery Playlist. I think the idea behind the Discovery Playlist is great and receiving a bunch of new stuff regularly is fantastic. However, because there is such a lot to get through, I think it would be good if the contents of previous lists could be retained when the new list is released either in an additional playlist or by adding new content to the existing list. Another idea might be to release a new playlist every two weeks to give users the time to familiarise themselves with the content and give them time to add that content to their own playlists or Your Music?

    Updated: 2015-07-28Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • Grayed out tracks in Discover Weekly

    I really like the new discover weekly list, but my most recent one has 3 grayed out tracks in it... how does that even happen? 

    I would suspect it has something to do with deluxe and bonus track content that is only available on certain releases, and/or there was a lincense change and/or expiration that happened with those tracks. I have gotten a few of those and when I went to the album page view the album was no longer available to me in my listening region, and when going to the artist page just the standard release was currently available.

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