[All Platforms][Discover] Track appears on...

We have already such feature for Artists and i would like to have it for Tracks too. I think this would be good way to find new compilations and playlists.

Updated: 2015-07-14Hello and thanks for the feedback!
A similar idea has also been suggested here:
Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

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    Users should be able to view the content in the language they want, regardless of where they are. I have seen threads from users in 2012 with this exact issue and I am simply unable to even slightly understand why a simple country dropdown menu has still not been added. In your knowledge base, you suggest users to change the language of their payment gateway, but this is not a realistic option, since the country of choice must match with the country of your payment gateway (PayPal is the common and obvious example here). We should not be forced to seeing content in a language that we might not even understand!

    Updated: 2015-07-20Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Playlist discovery

    One simple but pretty cool discovery feature I would like to see is if you could go to a artist and see which popular playlists that artist belonged to. Like an tab for Appears on Playlists or something. It would be a great way of discovering new user playlists

    This would be great !

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Prevent Duplicates in Discover Weekly

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    It should fairly simple to implement a check to confirm that the song hasn't been recommended previously, or at least a check to make sure the user listened to it.

    Updated: 2015-07-27Marked as new idea.

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    Updated: 2015-07-04Hi, a similar idea has also been suggested here:
    While it's been marked 'Not Right Now', Spotify staff periodically reviews these ideas and may choose to implement it in the future. Add your kudos and comments there please!

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    Updated: 2015-07-31Marked as New Idea and edited title to make it easier to find via search.

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Playlists for the atmosphere

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    Updated: 2015-06-30

  • [All Platforms][Discover] Follow/Subscribe to a label

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    Hey there.
    I like the idea where I receive notification when artist I follow releases new content.
    But problem is, I like also record labels like DJ Beat Records, Zooland Records, Global Airbeatz, Punch Records, Bazooka Records, Spinnin' Records, Kontor Records, Planet Punk Music, Munix Music, Central Stage of Music etc... Why not to add personal page to record label where all the content released by label, information about new gigs by artistsa in label, news from label and all other stuff like follow this label, links to youtube channel, site etc.
    Please implement it! I really want to follow some record labels like I described before!! These are BEST LABELS in the world!
    Please add your Kudos now or never!!! Can't you see, WE NEED THIS?

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    Please try this: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/

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    Hello Flemcat,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like you are missing content from iTunes library. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    iTunes: Finding lost media and downloads - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

  • I uploaded music in the match and when i want to play it in my phone, some of the tracks appear blocked (blanked) and a few not. When I'm connected through a wi fi spot, i can play all of the tracks. Help!

    I uploaded music in the match and when i want to play it in my phone, some of the tracks appear blocked (blanked) and a few not. When I'm connected in a wi fi spot, I can play all of the tracks. Help please.

    You need a wifi connection to stream. Previously played tracks appear in a temporary cache which allows them to be played again when yOu have no wifi..
    You can either predownload selected tracks or use cellular data.

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    The part which does not work is opening up a JFileChooser (which opens up fine) which then permits the user to browse local files only but not folders on network drives. When the user double-clicks on a network folder or clicks the Open button, nothing happens. The folder is not opened and there are no exceptions reported in the console.
    Obviously it presents as some kind of security violation/exception but, as I said, there are no exceptions in the console and it works fine on some OSes but not others. I have examined the permissions on a folder that does open and one that doesn't (i.e. a network folder) and they certainly are different but I can't spot any obvious problems. All machines have the exact same version of Java (i.e. 1.6.0_20) and it doesn't appear to a 32-bit vs. 64-bit issue as there is a mix of architectures that are working and not working.
    Can anyone suggest how I might go about debugging this or perhaps suggest a resolution? Given that the code that is being executed at the time is Swing code and not application code I am at a bit of a loss as to how to solve this problem.
    The Logical Animal

    It could be the JFileChooser code is being altered or displayed on a thread other than the EDT. OTOH that more typically manifests as a random bug on instances of the application on all platforms/JREs.

  • Why have some tracks appeared in duplicate?

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    If you have view automation turned on and click the disclosure triangle in the track header you can see extra automation tracks. This is to allow you to view different types of automation for a single track without having them all bunched on top of each other.
    At a guess, they appear empty because you don't have any other automation on the track apart from volume. You can get rid of them by clicking on the disclosure triangle to hide them then check out the automation section of the manual, it should make more sense to you after this.

  • Basic Q, Routing all the audio tracks to a bus or aux channel strip ?

    I'm a little confused on this issue.
    I've been doing separate tracks for the sax solos and vocals using the best parts of several tracks with automation. I've been adding the same effect in each track separately and I know this is not good. I'd like to send all the sax tracks to an aux. strip with an effect and all the vocal tracks to another strip with a different effect but I'm just a little confused about it. I see in the Mixer you can add AUX channels but I'm not sure whether to use stereo or mono for this situation ? It seems like I should use stereo because many effects are stereo.

    Sampleconstruct wrote:
    Ok, select all your vocal tracks in your mixer->channels strips turn grey->now in the third box above the Channelstrip fader select the output to be e.g. Bus 1->Logic will automatically route Bus 1 to Aux 1 if you haven't created Busses in your environment before->insert your fx into the Aux->select all your Sax tracks->route them to Bus 2->insert your fx->done
    I guess you shift select from the arrange window for multiple selections in the mixer but I just did them one at a time.
    In this situation there appears to be no need to use the add AUX button. In the lower of the two I/O slots I selected Bus1 for the Sax and a new Aux1 track was created. For the Vocal I selected Bus2 and a new Aux2 was created.
    ---Thank you Sampleconstruct . I'm still in the dark but this was a huge help.

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