
Problem opening a browser window from CD production in Flash
I am trying to produce a CD in Flash 8 that needs to open
some html files. I have tried using 'externalInterface'which works
fine on my local machine but not as a CD or on any other machine,
but now understand that this does not work because of security
I have tried getURL as below (only works locally and on the
internet not on a CD or other machine)
diyplus_mc.onPress = function ()
getURL ("javascript:var windowHdl ='showcase/products_services/showcase_home.htm','newwin','toolbar=1,resizable= 1,fullscreen=1');");
I have now found the function allowInsecureDomain() but I
need to know if this will help if not is there a way to do it?
If it will work how do I use it? Can you supply an example of
I have tried everything I can think of. Can you help?

Well, I use the following in a projector:
and that works just fine.
Ah, you are not publishing to a projector then...? I assumed
that when I read the word 'CD'.

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    Revision: 9242
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-08-12 08:16:10 -0700 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix generated code for IFlexModuleFactory.allowInsecureDomain.
    Change Security.allowDomain() to Security.allowInsecureDomain().
    QE notes: None.
    Doc notes: None.
    Bugs: SDK-22633
    Reviewer: Alex
    Tests run: checkintests
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Running the script by python2 solves it for me:
    su - mythtv -c "nice -n 19 python2 /usr/bin/tv_grab_nl_py --output ~/listings.xml"
    Best regards,

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    var url:String = "";
    var urlR:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    urlL = new URLLoader();
    urlR.contentType = "text/plain"; = "var=something";
    urlL.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleted);
    urlL.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onFault);
    Is there something I am missing here?
    I have checked the obvious things like:
    Verified "Allow Extensions to Connect to the Internet" is checked in Preferences/Plugin-ins/
    Added Security.allowDomain(url); and Security.allowInsecureDomain(url);
    Even added the swf file location to the flash global settings.
    All to no aval. Any help would be appreciated. It looks like help on panels outside of the flex environment is pretty scares atm.

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    CSXSInterface.instance.evalScript("alert", "completed");
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  • ItemEditEnd hell - event fires gazillion times

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    Any ideas how to solve this?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                   creationPolicy= "all">
                <mx:operation name="FetchRequestAsTableToArray"
                <mx:operation name="FetchDirectPOAsTableToArray"
                <mx:operation name="FetchDirectPODELAsTableToArray"
                <mx:operation name="SendMailMessage"
                <mx:operation name="InsRecordFYPOAUD"
                <mx:operation name="DelRecordFYPOAUD"
                <mx:operation name="FetchUserID"
                <mx:operation name="InsGUIDAudit"
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.collections.IViewCursor;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.controls.ToolTip;
                import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
                import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer;
                import mx.core.mx_internal;
                //added after upgrading to flex 4
                import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
                import mx.controls.RichTextEditor
                [Bindable] public var IncRecItems:String;
                [Bindable] public var myGUID:String;
                [Bindable] public var myData:ArrayCollection;
                [Bindable]public var serverData:ArrayCollection; 
                [Bindable]public var serverData3:ArrayCollection;
                [Bindable]public var serverData4:ArrayCollection;
                [Bindable]public var serverData5:ArrayCollection;    
                [Bindable] public var IncRecItems3:String;
                [Bindable] public var from:String;
                [Bindable] public var recepient:String;
                [Bindable] public var bcc:String;
                [Bindable] public var cc:String;
                [Bindable] public var subject:String;
                [Bindable] public var body:String;
                [Bindable] public var CallProc:String;
                [Bindable] public var myEmailBody:String;
                [Bindable] public var myuserID:String;
                [Bindable] public var DocCode:String;
                [Bindable] public var AgeItems:String;
                [Bindable] public var AgeItems2:String;
                [Bindable] public var DocItem:Number;
                [Bindable] public var DocText:String;
                //this adds event listener for mouse over event so I can display descriptive text about various columns values
                //POFromRequest.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, declarePosition);
                private function createToolTip(event:ListEvent):void {
                //var col:DataGridColumn = POFromRequest.columns[event.columnIndex];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col.dataField];
                //"You are hovering over:" +newValue);
                if (event.columnIndex==13)
                var str:String =  "P-Y=Paid and Completed" + "\r"  + "O-Y=Open and Completed" + "\r"  + "O-R=Open and Unmatched" ;
                //this code works and will fetch active mouse over datagrid values!           
                var col:DataGridColumn = POFromRequest.columns[event.columnIndex];
                var newValue:String = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col.dataField];
                //"You are hovering over:" +newValue);
                else if (event.columnIndex==21||event.columnIndex==22)
                var col21:DataGridColumn = POFromRequest.columns[21];
                var col22:DataGridColumn = POFromRequest.columns[22];
                var Value21:Number = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col21.dataField];
                var Value22:Number = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col22.dataField];
                //21=Bal not Rec(BNR);22=Bal not Inv(BNI)
                //evaluate BNR/BNI and give approp message which represents
                //action required by end user (ie they don't have to think!)
                var str:String
                if (Value21>0 && Value22<=0)
                str = "Case1:All invoices sent to AP but we are missing a receiving. Please contact receiving.";
                else if(Value21>0 && Value22>0)
                str = "Case2:We are missing invoices and receiving. Please contact both departments ASAP.";
                else if(Value21<=0 && Value22>0)
                str = "Case3:All receiving completed but we are missing invoices. Please contact AP and forward any invoices to them ASAP.";
                else if(Value21==0 && Value22==0)
                str = "Case4:All documents received. No action required. You can hide these items by clicking/turning off the box:Include Balance of 0 Items? ";
                //var str:String = Value21.toString()+Value22.toString()
                //var str:String = "Row :"  +event.rowIndex + "Column : " +event.columnIndex;
                POFromRequest.toolTip = str;
                private function deleteToolTip(obj:Object):void {
                POFromRequest.toolTip = null;
                //start mouse over code for directPO datagrid
                private function createToolTip2(event:ListEvent):void {
                //var col:DataGridColumn = DirectPOGrid.columns[event.columnIndex];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection(DirectPOGrid.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col.dataField];
                //"You are hovering over:" +newValue);
                if (event.columnIndex==1)
                var str:String =  "If you know for sure that this item is not yours then highlight item by left clicking, then hit the delete button below. Hold the ctrl key to select multiple items." ;               
                if (event.columnIndex==12)
                var str:String =  "P-Y=Paid and Completed" + "\r"  + "O-Y=Open and Completed" + "\r"  + "O-R=Open and Unmatched" ;
                //this code works and will fetch active mouse over datagrid values!           
                var col:DataGridColumn = DirectPOGrid.columns[event.columnIndex];
                var newValue:String = ArrayCollection(DirectPOGrid.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col.dataField];
                //"You are hovering over:" +newValue);
                else if (event.columnIndex==20||event.columnIndex==21)
                var col20:DataGridColumn = DirectPOGrid.columns[20];
                var col21:DataGridColumn = DirectPOGrid.columns[21];
                var Value20:Number = ArrayCollection(DirectPOGrid.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col20.dataField];
                var Value21:Number = ArrayCollection(DirectPOGrid.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col21.dataField];
                //21=Bal not Rec(BNR);22=Bal not Inv(BNI)
                //evaluate BNR/BNI and give approp message which represents
                //action required by end user (ie they don't have to think!)
                var str:String
                if (Value20>0 && Value21<=0)
                str = "Case1:All invoices sent to AP but we are missing a receiving. Please contact receiving.";
                else if(Value20>0 && Value21>0)
                str = "Case2:We are missing invoices and receiving. Please contact both departments ASAP.";
                else if(Value20<=0 && Value21>0)
                str = "Case3:All receiving completed but we are missing invoices. Please contact AP and forward any invoices to them ASAP.";
                else if(Value20==0 && Value21==0)
                str = "Case4:All documents received. No action required. You can hide these items by clicking/turning off the box:Include Balance of 0 Items? ";
                //var str:String = Value21.toString()+Value22.toString()
                //var str:String = "Row :"  +event.rowIndex + "Column : " +event.columnIndex;
                DirectPOGrid.toolTip = str;
                private function deleteToolTip2(obj:Object):void {
                DirectPOGrid.toolTip = null;
                //end tool tip code
                private function GetData():void
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                //var MyurlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                //MyurlParams = getUrlParamaters();
                //myGUID = MyurlParams['myGUID'];
                private function GetData3():void
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                var MyurlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                MyurlParams = getUrlParamaters();
                myGUID = MyurlParams['myGUID'];
                private function GetData4():void
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //IncRecItems = "Y"
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                var MyurlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                MyurlParams = getUrlParamaters();
                myGUID = MyurlParams['myGUID'];
                public function resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
                serverData = new ArrayCollection(event.result.source);
                //   "getdata fired");
                public function resultHandler3(event:ResultEvent):void {
                serverData3 = new ArrayCollection(event.result.source);
                //   "getdata fired");
                public function resultHandler4(event:ResultEvent):void {
                serverData4 = new ArrayCollection(event.result.source);
                //   "getdata fired");
                public function resultHandler5(event:ResultEvent):void {
                var FunctionResult:String=event.result.toString();
                var Response:String;
                if(FunctionResult != "Success")
      "A problem has occurred. " + FunctionResult);
      "The email was sent successfully.");
                //   "getdata fired");
                public function resultHandler6(event:ResultEvent):void {
                var FunctionResult:String=event.result.toString();
                var Response:String;
                if(FunctionResult != "Success")
      "A problem has occurred. " + FunctionResult);
      "Item moved.");
                //refresh both datagrids for deleted/ins records
                //need to call diff proc which does the same but does not show the initial message box
                public function resultHandler7(event:ResultEvent):void {
                var FunctionResult:String=event.result.toString();
                if(FunctionResult == "Invalid GUID")
      "A problem has occurred. " + FunctionResult);
                myuserID = FunctionResult;
                myGlobVar.globMyUserID = FunctionResult;
                public function resultHandler8(event:ResultEvent):void {
                //we don't really care about handling this event
                var FunctionResult:String=event.result.toString();
                if(FunctionResult == "Invalid GUID")
      "A problem has occurred. " + FunctionResult);
                //myuserID = FunctionResult;
                private function initApp():void
                //code for grabing guid passed from .net ldap authentication page
                //this file is located on finance-web box along with guid database.
                //the web service is also located on finance-web
                //and flex source code is on box fin-selement3 but is saved to U and published to finance-web
                //(this is because flex is installed on fin-selement3 only
                //GurfeedTbl = nwCL.FetchFTVACCTAsTable();
                //trace("Hello from Flex Debugging!");
                //"Init app fired");
                //first get focus of email tab (if we don't then a bug exists;error on object creation)
                //I have tried various techniques for some reason I can't load back to base 0
                //ac.selectedIndex = 3;
                //"Please remember to audit documents on all tabssss!");
                //ac.selectedIndex = 1;
      "HardCoded GUID in place. Remove after testing")
                myGUID = "c25ef14a-bff4-4e07-bfa5-f9c0725c3fd0";
                //need to set initial value
                AgeItems = "N";
                AgeItems2 = "N";
                myBody.text = "Body";
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                //var MyurlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                //MyurlParams = getUrlParamaters();
                //myGUID = MyurlParams['myGUID'];
                //"HardCoded GUID in place. Remove after testing")
                //myGUID = "c25ef14a-bff4-4e07-bfa5-f9c0725c3fd0";
                //insert audit trail record
                nwCL6.FetchUserID.send(); //for some reason when this was located inside the proc it was called from it would not
                //set the global variable until after it was required resulting in null error
                //myGlobVar.globMyUserID = myUserID ;
                private function checkBoxZero_change(evt:Event):void {
                if(checkBoxZero.selected == true) IncRecItems = "Y" else IncRecItems ="N";
                GetData() ;
                private function checkBoxAge_change(evt:Event):void {
                //if(checkBoxAge.selected == true) AgeItems = "Y" else AgeItems ="N";
                if(checkBoxAge.selected == true) AgeItems = "N" else AgeItems ="Y";
                GetData() ;
                private function checkBoxAge2_change(evt:Event):void {
                //if(checkBoxAge.selected == true) AgeItems = "Y" else AgeItems ="N";
                if(checkBoxAge2.selected == true) AgeItems2 = "N" else AgeItems2 ="Y";
                GetData3() ;
                private function checkBoxZero3_change(evt:Event):void {
                if(checkBoxZero3.selected == true) IncRecItems3 = "Y" else IncRecItems3 ="N";
                GetData3() ;
                private function onFault(event:FaultEvent):void {
                private function RemoveItems():void {
                var selectedItems:Array = DirectPOGrid.selectedItems;
                var listItem:Object;
                if (selectedItems.length < 1)
      "You did not highlight any items. Highlight items by left clicking the mouse. To select multiple items, hold the ctrl key down while left clicking.");
                for (var i:int = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
                listItem = selectedItems[i];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection("selectedItems").getItemAt(i)["PO"];
                var newValue:String = listItem["PO"].toString()
                DocCode = listItem["PO"].toString()
                //call proc to set userid was not working here as it was getting fired after so I moved it to initapp
                myuserID = myGlobVar.globMyUserID;
                //myUserID = 'testuser';
                //"doc:"+DocCode+" guid:"+myGUID+"user:"+myGlobVar.globMyUserID);
                private function RemoveItems4():void {
                var selectedItems:Array = DirectPOGridNotMine.selectedItems;
                var listItem:Object;
                if (selectedItems.length < 1)
      "You did not highlight any items. Highlight items by left clicking the mouse. To select multiple items, hold the ctrl key down while left clicking.");
                for (var i:int = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
                listItem = selectedItems[i];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection("selectedItems").getItemAt(i)["PO"];
                var newValue:String = listItem["PO"].toString()
                DocCode = listItem["PO"].toString()
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                private function NotifyDel():void {
      "These PO's were not created from requests and we are only guessing that they might belong to you. If you don't want to see specific PO's then you can remove them. This is done by highlighting items (left clicking on row), then clicking the delete button below. Hold the ctrl key to select multiple items.") ;   
                private function NotifyStatus():void {
      "These PO's were not created from requests and are displayed here because you have marked them as not belonging to you. If you have accidentally deleted these and they really belong to you then hit the delete button below to reactivate them.") ;   
                private function POSendEmailAP():void {
                var selectedItems:Array = POFromRequest.selectedItems;
                var listItem:Object;
                var newValue:String;
                var ValEmailTO:String = "[email protected],[email protected]";
                var myString:String;
                var txtBody:String;
                var num:int;
                if (selectedItems.length < 1)
      "You did not highlight any items. Highlight items by left clicking the mouse. To select multiple items, hold the ctrl key down while left clicking.");
                // emailTO.text = ValEmailTO ;
                txtBody = myBody.text.toString()
                for (var i:int = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
                listItem = selectedItems[i];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection("selectedItems").getItemAt(i)["PO"];
                newValue = listItem["PO"].toString();
                emailTO.text = ValEmailTO;
                if (emailSUBJECT.text.toString()=="subject")
                emailSUBJECT.text = newValue ;   
                if (emailSUBJECT.text.indexOf(newValue,0)<0)//this ensures that we only show distinct PO values
                emailSUBJECT.text = emailSUBJECT.text.toString()+"/"+newValue ;   
                //code for email body
                if (txtBody=="Body")
                txtBody = "Dear AP/Receiving:" + "\r" + "\r" + "Please note that I have received the following items directly from the vendor(s): " + "\r" + "\r" + listItem["PO"].toString() + " POItem:" + listItem["POItem"].toString() + " " + listItem["CMDDESC"].toString()  + " " + "QTYRCVD:" + listItem["BALNOTRECD"].toString() + " ";
                txtBody = txtBody + "\r" + listItem["PO"].toString() + " POItem:" + listItem["POItem"].toString() + " " + listItem["CMDDESC"].toString()  + " " + "QTYRCVD:" + listItem["BALNOTRECD"].toString() + " ";   
                myBody.text = txtBody;
                //public variable for sending body text to email service in correct format
                //body = txtBody;
      "Items copied to email tab.");
                private function POSendEmailAPDirectStuff():void {
                var selectedItems:Array = DirectPOGrid.selectedItems;
                var listItem:Object;
                var newValue:String;
                var ValEmailTO:String = "[email protected],[email protected]";
                var myString:String;
                var txtBody:String;
                if (selectedItems.length < 1)
      "You did not highlight any items. Highlight items by left clicking the mouse. To select multiple items, hold the ctrl key down while left clicking.");
                // emailTO.text = ValEmailTO ;
                txtBody = myBody.text.toString()
                for (var i:int = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++)
                listItem = selectedItems[i];
                //var newValue:String = ArrayCollection("selectedItems").getItemAt(i)["PO"];
                newValue = listItem["PO"].toString();
                emailTO.text = ValEmailTO;
                if (emailSUBJECT.text.toString()=="subject")
                emailSUBJECT.text = newValue ;   
                if (emailSUBJECT.text.indexOf(newValue,0)<0)//this ensures that we only show distinct PO values
                emailSUBJECT.text = emailSUBJECT.text.toString()+"/"+newValue ;   
                //code for email body
                if (txtBody=="Body")
                txtBody = "Dear AP/Receiving:" + "\r" + "\r" + "Please note that I have received the following items directly from the vendor(s): " + "\r" + "\r" + listItem["PO"].toString() + " POItem:" + listItem["POItem"].toString() + " " + listItem["CMDDESC"].toString()  + " " + "QTYRCVD:" + listItem["BALNOTRECD"].toString() + " ";
                txtBody = txtBody + "\r" + listItem["PO"].toString() + " POItem:" + listItem["POItem"].toString() + " " + listItem["CMDDESC"].toString()  + " " + "QTYRCVD:" + listItem["BALNOTRECD"].toString() + " ";   
                myBody.text = txtBody;
      "Items copied to email tab.");
                private function ClearEmail():void {
                myBody.text = "Body";
                emailSUBJECT.text = "Subject";
                private function SEmail():void {
                //hardcode until we fetch via guid
                //"Insert code to fetch username from guid. For now its hard coded.");
                CallProc = "FLEX"; //This notifies web service so it parses out \r to <p>
                //from = "[email protected]"
                var MyurlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                MyurlParams = getUrlParamaters();
                myGUID = MyurlParams['myGUID'];
                //myGUID = "c25ef14a-bff4-4e07-bfa5-f9c0725c3fd0";
                //from = myuserID+"";
                from = myGlobVar.globMyUserID+"";
                recepient =  emailTO.text.toString();
                cc = emailCC.text.toString();
                bcc = "[email protected]"
                subject = emailSUBJECT.text.toString();   
                //var stuffToReplace:RegExp = /\r\n|\n\r/g;
                //the key to this function is the /g means global and means to replace ALL instances of search variable!!!
                var stuffToReplace:RegExp = /\r/g;
                //myEmailBody = myEmailBody.replace("\r","*123");
                myEmailBody = myBody.text.replace(stuffToReplace,"*123*");
                //myEmailBody = myBody.text.replace("\r","*\r").toString();
                //myEmailBody = myBody.text ;
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                private function ReloadTables():void
                //myGUID = "d5ef405a-d64a-489f-8583-38dd087de502"
                private function getUrlParamaters():Dictionary
                var urlParams:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
                if (ExternalInterface.available)
                var fullUrl:String ='eval', 'document.location.href');
                var paramStr:String = fullUrl.split('?')[1];
                if (paramStr != null)
                var params:Array = paramStr.split('&');
                for (var i:int=0; i < params.length; i++)
                var kv:Array = params[i].split('=');
                urlParams[kv[0]] = kv[1];
                    urlParams = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.parameters;
                //urlParams = Application.application.parameters;
                    //urlParams = sparks.components.application.parameters;
                return urlParams;
                private function RefData(event:DataGridEvent):void {
                    var dataGrid:DataGrid = as DataGrid;
                    var dsColumnIndex:Number = event.columnIndex;
                    var col:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[dsColumnIndex];
                    var colPO:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[1];
                    var colPOItem:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[5];
                    var colNotes:DataGridColumn = dataGrid.columns[23];
                    var newValue:String = dataGrid.itemEditorInstance[col.editorDataField];
                    var newValue2:String = dataGrid.itemEditorInstance[colNotes.editorDataField];   
                    var dbval:String;
                    var dbvalLen:Number;
                    DocCode = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[colPO.dataField];
                    DocItem = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[colPOItem.dataField ];
                    dbval = ArrayCollection(POFromRequest.dataProvider).getItemAt(event.rowIndex)[col.dataField];
                    if (dbval.length != null)
                    dbvalLen = dbval.length;
                    dbvalLen = 0;
                    //"key=" +myGlobVar.KeyPress)
                    if (newValue2.substr(0,3)!='P00') //this is silly code that is necessary until I sort the whole problem of audit note Dec 2010
                        //When the user hits the tab key the cursor goes to the next line and for some reason assigns PO field value to notes field value
                        //this line of code ignores in that case       
                        //if (dbval==null && newValue2!=null && newValue2!='')
                        //if (newValue2!=null || newValue2!='')
                        //if (newValue2!=null || dbvalLen>=1)
              "grid value" +DocCode+":"+DocItem+"Notes:"+newValue+"colNotes:"+newValue2+"dbvnotes:"+dbval);                
                    //if datagrid edit is true then this will fire       
                    //all the code below is checking if value from datagrid has changed
                    //as compared to value stored in source data so we don't need this in this project
                    //var dsFieldName:String = event.dataField;
                    //var author:VOAuthor = as VOAuthor;
                    //if (newValue == author[dsFieldName])
                    //    return;
                    //get the new value for the first name or last name
                    //author[dsFieldName] = newValue;
        <mx:Panel title="Auditing of Purchase Order Delivery and Invoicing Status by User:" height="100%" width="100%"
                  creationComplete="initApp()" paddingTop="5" paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" fontSize="15" horizontalAlign="left" color="#701193">
            <mx:Accordion id="ac"
                          historyManagementEnabled="false"  >
                <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="400"  label="Detailed Data for which a PO was issued from a Request" id="POfromReq" backgroundColor="#D2E9DA" color="#A60831">
                    <mx:Button click="GetData()" label="Press to load Data" width="305"></mx:Button>
                    <mx:FormItem label="HeaderWordWrap:" x="335">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBox" selected="true" />
                    <mx:FormItem label="Include Balance of 0 Items?:" x="550">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBoxZero" selected="false" change="checkBoxZero_change(event);"  />
                    <mx:FormItem label="Only Show Items > 30 Days?:" x="850">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBoxAge" selected="true" change="checkBoxAge_change(event);"  />
                    <mx:DataGrid id="POFromRequest"  allowMultipleSelection="true" doubleClickEnabled="true" editable="True" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" width="3500" height="300" dataProvider="{serverData}" y="36" itemRollOut="deleteToolTip(event)" itemRollOver="createToolTip(event)" itemEditEnd="RefData(event)">
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="UserName"  editable="false" dataField="SOURCEREQUESTUSERID" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO" dataField="PO" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vendor" dataField="VENDOR" width="270"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Po Date" dataField="PO_Date" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Ordered QTY (A)" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" dataField="Ord_Qty" width="120" />
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO Item" dataField="POItem" width="100" />
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Commodity Description" dataField="CMDDESC" width="300"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO Unit Price" dataField="POUNITPRICE" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Org code" dataField="ACTGORG" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Receiving Document" dataField="RECEIVE_DOC_NUM" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Received Qty (B)" dataField="RECQTY" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Inv Document #" dataField="INVCODE" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vendor Invoice #" dataField="VENDINV" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Status" dataField="INVSTATUS" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Due Date" dataField="DUEDATE" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Date" dataField="VENDORINVDATE" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Fund" dataField="FUNDCODE" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Account" dataField="ACCT" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Org" dataField="ORG" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Prg" dataField="PROG" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Net Invoiced (C)" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" dataField="NETINVD" width="130"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Balance not Received (A-B)" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" dataField="BALNOTRECD" width="175"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Balance not Invoiced (B-C)" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" dataField="BALNOTINVD" width="175"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Notes" headerWordWrap="{checkBox.selected}" dataField="NOTES" width="300"/>
                    <mx:List id="square"  visible="false" x="298" y="266"></mx:List>
                    <mx:Button click="POSendEmailAP()" label="Press to copy selected items to body of email template" width="478" y="344"></mx:Button>
                <mx:Canvas width="100%" height="400"  label="Direct PO Details: PO not created from request" id="DirectPO" backgroundColor="#D2E9DA" color="#A60831">
                    <mx:Button click="GetData3()" label="Press to load Data" width="305"></mx:Button>
                    <mx:FormItem label="HeaderWordWrap:" x="335">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBox3" selected="true" />
                    <mx:FormItem label="Include Balance of 0 Items?:" x="550">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBoxZero3" selected="false" change="checkBoxZero3_change(event);"  />
                    <mx:FormItem label="Only Show Items > 30 Days?:" x="850">
                        <mx:CheckBox id="checkBoxAge2" selected="true" change="checkBoxAge2_change(event);"  />
                    <mx:DataGrid id="DirectPOGrid"  allowMultipleSelection="true" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" width="3500" height="300" dataProvider="{serverData3}" y="36" itemRollOut="deleteToolTip2(event)" itemRollOver="createToolTip2(event)" itemEditEnd="RefData(event)">
                                <mx:DataGridColumn  headerText="PossibleUserName" dataField="PossibleSourceUserid" width="160"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO" dataField="PO" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vendor" dataField="VENDOR" width="270"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Po Date" dataField="PO_Date" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Ordered QTY (A)" headerWordWrap="{checkBox3.selected}" dataField="Ord_Qty" width="120" />
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO Item" dataField="POItem" width="100" />
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Commodity Description" dataField="CMDDESC" width="300"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="PO Unit Price" dataField="POUNITPRICE" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Org code" dataField="ACTGORG" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Received Qty (B)" dataField="RECQTY" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Inv Document #" dataField="INVCODE" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vendor Invoice #" dataField="VENDINV" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Status" dataField="INVSTATUS" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Due Date" dataField="DUEDATE" width="150"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Invoice Date" dataField="VENDORINVDATE" width="120"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Fund" dataField="FUNDCODE" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Account" dataField="ACCT" width="80"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Org" dataField="ORG

    Thanks...I was using Alert instead of trace to make sure events were firing along with correct parameter values before calling web service. I never thought in a million years that would be causing the problem. However, when user hits return it drops the focus to the next row which causes a second itemEditEnd to fire (so it still doesn't work smoothly). At any rate, I approached it another way by wiring up a pop up box.

  • Cross domain scripting at run time using local connection flash AS2

         I want to do live video streaming using FMS and FMLE in Flash As2. Suppose 100 users watching video online and I want to show message to  all 100 users using the Local connection.
    If I am sending message using different browser in same pc then I can get the message which was send from another swf file but I am checking from another pc then message not coming in receiver swf file.
    Please find the code below. 
    // Code in the receiving SWF file
    this.createTextField("result_txt", 1, 10, 10, 100, 22);"*")"*")
    var my_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    my_lc.allowDomain = function(sendingDomain:String) {
    domain_txt.text = sendingDomain;
    return true;
    my_lc.allowDomain = function(sendingDomain:String) {
    return (sendingDomain == "*");
    my_lc.allowInsecureDomain = function(sendingDomain:String) {
    return (sendingDomain == "*");
    my_lc.methodToExecute = function(param1:String) {
        result_txt.text = param1
    var sending_lc:LocalConnection;
    var sending_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    sending_lc.allowDomain = function(sendingDomain:String) {
    return (sendingDomain == "*");
    sending_lc.allowInsecureDomain = function(sendingDomain:String) {
    return (sendingDomain == "*");
    myButton.onRelease = function(){
    sending_lc = new LocalConnection();
    sending_lc.send("lc_name", "methodToExecute", sendMsg.text);
    sendMsg.text="Message has been sent"
    If you have any other way to do it please suggest me to do that.
    Thanks & regards
    Sunil Kumar

    Hi, go to
    Flash Resources , you can
    find a java application that can serve policy files to resolve this

  • Absolute URLs  not working when file is on a remote server.

    My client has asked me to provide a template for an investor relations section of their website. The HTML page or template for this page will be at the service providers site, but all the images etc. for the page will be linked to files on my clients server. Everything looks fine, but the absolute URL's in the .swf file back to my clients site aren't working.
    This is what the service provider's guidlines say, but I'm not sure where the code is supposed to go:
    Similarly, newer versions of the Flash Media Player installed by most users have a high level of security enabled by default. This is done to prevent Flash movies from playing on web pages that are hosted on different domains than the movie itself (again, to combat “phishing” or “spoofing”).
    You do have the ability to overwrite this feature by proactively developing your Flash file so that it contains the following lines of code:“*”)“*”)
    You should also add the following line of HTML within the embedded Flash call in your HTML template:
    <param name=”AllowScriptAccess” value=”always” />
    This solution requires edits to the ActionScript of the pre-compiled Flash file, and is not something we can edit. For further guidance and more information, please speak with the developer of your Flash file.

    the easiest way to deal with security issues is to avoid them.  if all files are on the same server, use relative urls.
    otherwise, you may have to deal with security issues.  whether you do or not, and if you do, how you deal with them, depends on what you're trying to do.
    you may be able to use System properties but you may need cross-domain security files.

  • WHAT? Adobe FLash Player Security

    I am building a photography web site with flash and I found a really cool slide show extension plug in ( were can easily upload and update my portfolio slide shows.
    when I publish out to HTML, I test it in a browser and I get this warning when I click on the photography page
    I read in adoby help and it said flash developers can allow communication between sites with this AS code
    so I added this code to my actions layer on the firs frame in "scene 1" and to the actions layer in the photography section. But nothing changed i still get this warning when ever I publish out to an HTML, when I just preview with control + enter i can view the sideshows fine
    maybe I'm not putting the right code in the right places?
    Should I attach the flash document?

    This is another "what were they thinking?" implementation.
    The settings manager is fairly un-intuitive.
    Do as Ned Says.
    click edit location
    add location
    Then EITHER
         > browse for files
         > select your swf
         >where you see:
         >Tip: The application that recently tried to communicate with the Internet is:
              you can just  copy / paste that path into the trust this location field on top of the settings manager
    > click confirm
    It is frustrating because most people see the path to their swf initially and then say "yeah that's the one!" > confirm.
    You have to make sure the path to the swf / folder is in the trust this location field
    You sometimes have to close all browsers and even flash in order for the settings to take hold.
    slideshow pro is awesome especially with slideshow director, have fun!

  • Flash Player MP3

    When I use the following code in a standalone flash app its
    works fine. When I export it onto my computer, it works fine. When
    I publish it to the internet the XML works... but the music no
    longer plays. Why is this and how can I fix this?
    Many Thanks
    *Code is attatched*

    var stream = "";, "");, "");
    ravedock = new Sound();
    ravedock.loadSound(stream + "/;",true);

  • Get external swf width height

    I'm am trying to load an external swf file using a different swf that is on a different domain. I have noticed that it is possible to use addChild on the external swf, but when I try to get its contents width and height using contentLoaderInfo I get a security sandbox error.
    It seems it is possible to fix it by using  Security.allowDomain("*") and Security.allowInsecureDomain("*") in the external file.
    And now it's get tricky, the external swf file is a file that users upload to my site so I don't have control on the code so I can't add the "allowDomain" part.
    The second swf (the host file that loads the external file) is a file that I let others to embed on their site.
    The intresting thing is that when I share the host swf on facebook there is no problem, and I don't even need to add the code for "allowDomain" on the external file.
    I it makes a different, I use HTTPS protocol to access to the external swf.
    I tried to load the crossdomain.xml file, but it didn't help.
    What can I do? the only data I need to get on the external swf is its width and height to scale it to the host file.
    Thank you

    Thank you.
    Now it looks i am getting close but not exacly there.
    Everytime I get near something else doesn't work properly.
    Now I get the dimension after two things:
    I added 'secure="false"' to the https' crossdomain and added LoaderContext to when I load the external event:
    context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
    context.checkPolicyFile = true;
    Now you probably ask what's the problem.
    well I have no idea why, but it looks like the external swf file I load (which is as2, but I still didn't check if it matters) keeps on jumping between its first frame and second frame ( The swf has two frames). If you having hard time to imaging what I mean, lets  say this jumping between frames is really not recommended for people with Epilepsy.
    It has a stop() action, but sadly the player doesn't care.
    let me remind you that if I only addChild the Loader (without the context)  it looks fine, but I need the width and height to resize the swf.
    anyone knows what can cause this?
    and thx again martinjamesroberts1 for the link, it put me on the right track.

  • Using Google api in Flash

    I want to get input ZIPCODE from user
    and want to get distance from my Location
    > user enter zipcode (home town location )
    > send data to google maps
    >return of distance from user's location to my location
    is that possible ?

    var mapslink:String = " alse";
    var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var mapURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(mapslink);
    urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, mapDataLoaded);
    urlLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorIssue)
    var mapXML:XML = new XML();
    var timetravel:String;
    function mapDataLoaded(event:Event):void
        mapXML = XML(;
        timetravel = String(mapXML.route[0].leg[0].duration[0].text) ;
    function errorIssue(event:IOErrorEvent):void
        trace("event : "+event);

  • Using Loader.loadBytes - specify SecurityDomain for loaded swf?

    Hi i have a problem.
    I use Loader.loadBytes to dynamically load a swf into my app (i use this method to load modules into the app). My trouble is that when I want to use ExternalInterface.addCallback to allow js calls on my app. When those functions get called a SecurityError gets thrown because I'm not in the right Security Domain. Trying to set the SecurityDomain of the loaded content via LoaderContext results in another error telling me that SecurityDomain can't be other than null. Is there a way to actually get my modules accessible from JS?
    I have set in my main ap (the one that instantiates the module controller that loads the modules) the following:
    the loading code:
    var _contextLoader : LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
    _contextLoader.allowCodeImport = true;
    _moduleLoader.loadBytes(moduleBytes, _contextLoader);
    The error:
    SecurityDomain 'null' tried to access incompatible context ...

    The loaded swf is at loader.content, but you can only access
    it once the loading has completed and the loader has been added to
    the display list. For example, CODE 1 will not work, but CODE 2
    //CODE 1
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("movie.swf"));
    var loadedSwf:MovieClip = MovieClip(loader.content); //ERROR
    //CODE 2
    var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    myLoader.load(new URLRequest("movie.swf"));
    var loadedSwf:MovieClip;
    function loadCompleted(ev:Event):void {
    loadedSwf = MovieClip(loader.content);
    PS. I recommend using the Tweener library for tweening in
    ActionScript. It is much better than the Adobe functions and there
    is a tutorial at:

  • Youtube: security sandbox violation

    Does anybody have a recipe for loading the AS3 chromeless player into a Flex application such that you don't get the 'incompatible context' errors constantly?
    *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
    SecurityDomain '' tried to access incompatible context ''
    I've been experimenting all day with  Security.allowDomain, Security.allowInsecureDomain, and  LoaderContext, but I haven't found the magic combination yet. The  main thing I want to do is be able to track the mouse wherever it goes on the screen.  Right now, if I mouse over the YouTube player, mouse events stop getting sent to the application, and I get that sandbox violation error in the debug log.  It works fine if I run the swf from a file: URL - it just doesn't work when it's coming over http, so obviously there is some sort of Flash security model thing kicking in.

    Doors only get opened from the inside otherwise all the bad guys would come
    Only the loaded SWF can allow access from the loading SWF.

  • Using Flex to call an Enterprise Service in the ES Workplace

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to build a simple example of calling an Enterprise Service that resides in the ES Workplace and displaying the results in a Flex 3 app.  I am stuck at the authentication piece and am getting a security error from the Flex app indicating that a crossdomain.xml policy file must reside on the server side - specifically at
    Has anyone found a way to make this work or is the only way to build a proxy through a CE or other app server?

    You need crossdomain.xml at WS host or System.allowDomain("ws-host") or System.allowInsecureDomain("ws-host") on Flex side. Check Flex documentation.
    Please let me know if your es-call works as Im having coercion errors during the call.
    Kind regards,

  • Flash skype button help

    Trying to craete a new swf with a small skype button. All is well and good, getting the skype button to aprear with the right (dynamic) status but the item is not clicable even though it has the needed code for it. Here's the code that i'm using.
    i just craete a blank movie and put this in first blank keyframe.
    Any ideas?
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("container", getNextHighestDepth());
    container.loadMovie(""); = function() {

    You have to use an absolute path in you getURL function, for example "" presuning you can log into your skype account through a url that will pass your username and password through url or php possibly like:" or the like, check skype docs about entering through url otherwise simply code the getURL to your skype log in page..

  • Adobe Flex unable to load images from Amazon S3

    I have a flex 3 app that is attempting to load images from Amazon S3. The images fail to load, so I fired up debug mode. In debug mode, the images load, but I also get the following output in the debugger:
        *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
        SecurityDomain '' tried to access incompatible context 'http://localhost/myapp/bin-debug/index.html?debug=true'
    I have added a crossdomain.xml file into the root of my bucket as follows, but this does not seem to help:
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
          <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only" />
          <allow-access-from domain="*" />
          <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" />
    I then tried the following:
    At this point, it seems that there are not any more errors reported in debug mode. However, when not in debug mode, then the image still does not load.
    Am I missing something obvious here?

    If you are not getting creationComplete in release vs debug builds, it is best to try to identify the differences between the two runtime environments.
    Is the URL to the SWF the same?  Some folks find that their release folder is missing some important file.
    Is the URL to the HTML wrapper the same?  Some folks launch their debug from file:// and their release from http:// which have different security rules
    Is the launch step the same?  Some folks launch their debug from FlashBuilder and their export via some other mechanism.  This can alter the initial size of the app and that difference can cause some apps to get into a “layout loop” and never hit creationComplete.  To find out if you are in such a loop, report calls to updateDisplayList, and measure() on various compoonents and see if they keep getting called.
    Is there a timing difference?  Some apps may have subtle timing dependencies that change when the release build runs faster.

Maybe you are looking for

  • IMovie '11 is not showing Viewer. Plus Error -50 on export

    Hello all, I am having two annyoying issues with iMovie. Before the summer, so back in June time it was working fine. I havent had need to use it till now. When i open up an event, one i knew was working last time. I dont have anything showing in the

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  • Stolen Macbook Pro 13'. Help!

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  • Bug report: import button shows incorrect state for Photo CDs

    When inserting a Kodak Photo CD, a graphic of a CD instead of the array of photos appears (that's fine). The button in the lower right portion of the window says "Stop Import". When pressed with the mouse, import begins. If pressed during the import,

  • To install forms and reports 11g

    dear sirs, when i install forms&reports 11g it asks me about weblogic, and i go to oracle download and i download it, but i could not setup this weblogic server please anybody tell me how to setup weblogic server for my forms and reports 11g to work.