Alt codes not working

I am trying to use alt codes to input spanish and portuguese characters. My laptop has a keypad so I am pressing ALT+!164, for example, but none of the codes works. What could I do to solve this?

I don't believe there is a keycode for the ALT key, but you can apparently determine whether or not it is active (Boolean) using theKeyboardEvent.altKey property.  See the following in the help documentation. tml

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    Voucher codes are region-specific. For instance a US voucher won't work with a UK account. First thing to check is whether the voucher's region matches your account's region.

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    Has anyone come up against anything of this nature. Any thoughts are appreciated.

    yeah we're not getting the str replace error any more - heres index.jsp
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %>
    <%@ include file="admin/include/db.jsp" %>
    <title>Toshiba Industrial Systems</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <link href="common/css/master.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="common/js/master.js"></script>
    var strBCLink1 = "placeholder.html";
    var strBCLink2 = "index_oc.jsp";
    var strBCLink3 = "prod_100.jsp";
    var strBCText1 = "Industrial Systems";  
    var strBCText2 = "Uninterruptible Power Systems";
    var strBCText3 = "1000 Series";
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                        Statement smt4l = conn.createStatement();
                        str1 ="select * from tbl_item where int_parent_id=" + request.getParameter("id3");
                        ResultSet rs_4l=smt4l.executeQuery(str1);
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                                                                Statement smt_featured = conn.createStatement() ;
                                                                ResultSet rs_featured=smt_featured.executeQuery("select * from tbl_item where int_parent_id= 0 and bit_featured=1");
                                                           int i=0;
                                                           Statement smt_featured1 = conn.createStatement() ;
                                                           ResultSet rs_featured1=smt_featured1.executeQuery("select * from tbl_item where int_item_id= "+rs_featured.getInt("int_item_id"));
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                                                      Statement smt_news = conn.createStatement() ;
                                                      ResultSet rs_news=smt_news.executeQuery("select * from tbl_news where bit_active=1 and bit_featured=1");
    <TD vAlign=top align=center><IMG
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    <TD vAlign=top align=left> <A class="pr" href="./admin/news/<%=rs_news.getString("str_link")%>" target="_blank">
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    <TD vAlign=top align=left><IMG height=1 alt=""
    src="Hard Drives & Optical Drives_files/spacer.gif"
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    <!-- LiveEdit marker DO NOT REMOVE -->
    height=1 alt=""
    src="Hard Drives & Optical Drives_files/spacer.gif"
    <TD vAlign=top
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    <td height="5" colspan="4"><img src="common/images/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1"></td>
    <td height="30" align="left" valign="top" colspan="4">
    <%@ include file="_footer.jsp" %>
    and here is db.jsp
    <%@ page import="com.oreilly.servlet.MultipartRequest,*;"%>
    String nl2br(String str){
         return str.replaceAll("\n", "<br>");
    String addslashes(String str){
         str = str.replaceAll("'", "''");
         return str;     
    String getExtention(String str){
         int pos = str.indexOf(".");
         return str.substring(pos,str.length());
    String getExtention1(String str){
         int pos = str.indexOf(".");
         return str.substring(pos+1,str.length());
    String convertFileSize(long size) {
         int divisor = 1;
         String unit = "b";
         if (size >= 1024 * 1024) {
              divisor = 1024 * 1024;
              unit = "M";
         else if (size >= 1024) {
              divisor = 1024;
              unit = "K";
         if (divisor == 1) return size / divisor + " " + unit;
         String aftercomma = "" + 100 * (size % divisor) / divisor;
         if (aftercomma.length() == 1) aftercomma = "0" + aftercomma;
         return size / divisor +  " " + unit;
    String highlight_key(String str, String key,String color){
         //str = str.replaceAll("(?i)"+key, "<font color='"+color+"'><b>"+key+"</b></font>");
         return str;
    String first_sentence(String str, String key){
         int pos = str.indexOf(".");
              return str;
         String str1=str.substring(0,pos);
         int pos1 = str1.indexOf(key);
         if(pos1==-1 && pos!=str.length()){
              return first_sentence(str,key);
              return str1;
    String blanknull(String s) {
    return (s == null) ? "" : s;
    String removeslashes(String str){
         str = str.replaceAll("''", "'");
         return str;     
    void sendmail(String to,String from, String subject, String message){
    //String from="[email protected]";
    //String to="[email protected]";
         SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("");
         PrintStream message = client.startMessage();
         message.println("To: " + to);
         message.println("Subject:  "+subject+"!");
      catch (IOException e){     
         System.out.println("ERROR SENDING EMAIL:"+e);
    Connection conn = null;
    //String dbUrl = new String("jdbc:mysql://localhost/toshiba?user=root&password=");
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@","mhunter","chester");
    Statement smt = conn.createStatement() ;
    String path=getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath("admin");
    String imagepath=path+"/product_images";
    String tagpath=path+"/tag_files";
    String newspath=path+"/news";
    String envpath=path+"/env_images";
    String resumepath=path+"/resume_files";
    String pagepath=path+"/pages_files";
    String downloadpath=path+"/download_files";

  • Alt codes not showing.

    I bought a new laptop a few months ago with windows 7, and found right away that with firefox, alt codes/symbols are not displayed properly. They work correctly on other browers, but firefox specifically will not render the characters, showing me spaces instead. For example, code number (&)#10077, which normally displays a quotation mark, only appears as a space. On chrome, it renders perfectly. My firefox is up to date. The problem has spanned all of the versions of firefox installed on this computer, with and without addons, and changing the encoding of the page does nothing to remedy it. Is there a way to correct this behaviour in firefox?

    You're quite welcome. As I understand it, once Windows is installed, those fonts no longer serve a purpose. If you need to recover them, you can find them in the '''boot\fonts''' folder of your Windows installation disc.
    When I tested, Firefox no longer had this issue starting with version 13, which is slated for release today (it may take a while until it's available as an update though).
    * []

  • End Routine Code not Working after Support Pack Upgrade

    Hi BI Community,
    We have recently upgraded to SPS17 (BW SP19) for our production system and the code deriving the values of several attributes in the end routine of the transformation for one InfoObject (as info provider) does not work anymore. We have been trying to identify the root cause but the fact is that we did not change anything to the InfoObject and its transformation and this used to work fine. The strange thing is that when we debugged the code we could see the value of the aforementioned attributes was derived correctly but the value is just not updated to the InfoObject where we still see the old values for these attributes.
    We have a similar InfoObject with the same end routine code in the transformation and it is working fine. We are out of idea what could have caused this during the SP upgrade.
    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    Cannot say what might have caused it but one check you can perform.
    Open your transformation in change mode and you can see a button next to create end routine button, titled ' Update Behavior of End Routine Change', click on that and say all fields.
    Hope it helps...

  • .oam file of html5 video trigger code not working in Muse

    I simply want to have a video play on page load. I have done the code for a trigger on one <div> to automatically play a video in Edge. The video plays perfectly in browser preview, even with transparency intact! Just the way I want it. The problem is when I insert .oam file in Muse it doesn't work. Other animations of simple objects and key frames work fine in Muse. But, I can make much more beautiful animations for certain elements in After Effects, with transparency and integrate them with elements in Muse. The video, its transparency and other objects work great from Edge to browser preview but not when .oam file is exported and placed into Muse. I know, I wouldn't build an entire site like this, I just want one or two animations to play automatically, with out controls (which I've been able to do), when the page is loaded.
    I publish with business catalyst to a my own domain, with Creative Cloud.
    Attached is a video where I'm at.
    What is the code or method to get to work?

    Ok. I know that mov is not supported in Firefox nor Chrome, now.
    When I put the trigger in Edge to play the .mov file, it works when I preview from Edge to Safari, and not in any of the other browsers. This leads me to think that Safari supports .mov files, with and without transparency.
    However, when I try to put the .oam file generated by Edge into Muse and run the page in Safari the video doesn't work. Is this a .mov support with Muse? Does the video need to be uploaded to the Adobe Business Catalyst server? Where I publish my site?
    .mov and transparency aside, I can't get any video to play in any browser from the .oam file placed in Muse. Nothing plays in preview nor when I publish in Muse. I get the previews to work from Edge for the corresponding video for each browser. And yes, when controls in put in it says wether the video is supported or not. But I would want no controls and the video to play automatically on page load. Ideally I would like transparency. But I realize that's a browser support thing.  I don't see why all browsers don't support all video types and WITH transparency. C'mon now it's almost 2014! Am I right or am I right? Ok, sorry.
    I followed everything in this Tom Green video. Pretty sure all my code is correct.
    Picture shows code for working .ogv in Edge preview but not from .oam file in Muse in preview nor publish.
    Not sure why it won't even show in preview from Muse. But thinking when I publish, the video must have to be local on the publish server right?
    Am I missing something? Do I need to insert HTML into Muse, not the .oam?

  • Ctrl/Alt Keys not Working in Parallels

    I'm running Illustrator CS6 using Parallels Desktop 8 and Windows 7. It appears that the ctrl/alt keys do not work. Has anyone found a solution? I've tried resetting my preferences and restarting my computer. Any help would be greatly appreciaed.

    Although this is an old thread, I also seem to be having the same sort of issues with Illustrator CS2 in Snow Leopard running under Parallels Desktop 9.
    Re. the proposed solution, there does not seem to be a 'Virtual Machine -> Configure -> Options -> Advanced -> Optimize modifier keys for games' option in Desktop 9 - or I've not found it.
    I will pursue this in the Parallels forums, but if anyone here has found a solution, I'd be interested to hear it.

  • Ctrl and shift alt shortcuts not working in Illustrator CS4

    Can´t seem to get these keys to work properly.
    For instance while drawing with the rectangle tool then pressing shift to get a square does not give me a square, all I get is a tooltip balloon saying "shift" same goes with ctrl and alt and spacebar. This only happens while using my wacom graphire 3 not with the mouse. Trying to use the up and down arrows to shange the number of points in a star also not working. But if I FIRST click the shift key then start creating a square its working, but not if I first start creating the rectangle. Photoshop cs4 does not give me this problem. Using Vista 32 bit swedish language, latest Wacom driver 5.0.8-6, latest keyboard driver and a swedish microsoft natural pro keyboard, latest logitech mouse driver. Any help is appreciated.

    Fonts... there are probably the most guilty of that cases. Ask yourself: when you add (drop, be forced) new fonts in your system, by management spoftware (directly into font folder)? Notice when web browser "ask" you about access to your fonts on your HD in last time (so often last days). When you "dig" somthing in a system, at any way, you disturb his  "sacramental peace" (Ohmmmm...) and it flow in other case like sensitive Illustrator or others -  I think all other "movements" eg. reinstaling, deleting, etc just "cover" problem by something others (for a short time) or don't resove it at all.
    So, first try... rebuild you system maintenace privilages (do this every month or often! Try Atomicbird Macaroni or Titanium Onyx or so, than...
    try rebiuld/refresh/clean your font cach ( I use for this, and manage, FontExplorer X Pro) and should be fine.
    ..."should" I'm not guarantee 100%
    I have no idea what should be done on PC

  • Open my closed hotmail account , code not worked

    I closed my account hotmal by mistake , and I tray to open it 
    saliraouf​@hotmail​.com​ will be closed on 8/17/2014
    You're trying to sign in to an account that's going to be closed. If you continue, we'll reopen the account. If you cancel, your account stays marked for closure. 
    What do you want to do?
    I tray to use all the code sending by Windows but it appeerl le code does not work , tray another time , I have a week trying to open it but it still closed
    i posed the problem to technical support but i have not get any answors
    can you help me

    Seems this question is that you closed your Microsoft Account by mistake but now you can't cancel the action.
    Please note we provide support for Excel in the current forum, this question is beyond the scope. I think you can get this issue resolved with the help from this link below:
    I hope this will help.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Alt shortcuts not working for alt-left/right or for é, í etc

    Hi guys,
    I've had this problem for a while now… Essentially, the issue lies in the alt-shortcuts for left and right where one is usualy able to 'word jump', and the creation of accented characters like é and í using the alt-e shortcut. All other alt functions appear to work fine for the moment. The alt-left/right shortcut still works when shift is held down, and highlights all the characters that have been passed over, as it should. The output for alt-e is completely blank, and the alt-left/right output is nothing, unless shift is also held.
    I have a British English MacBook Air keyboard on Mountain Lion, and I have set it to that layout, and I regularly switch between this and greek for scientific formulæ. I've fiddled around with language and input settings trying to get it to work again to no avail, and there are no shortcuts programmed to that to my knowledge. I have checked on a guest account and it seems to be account specific. Ideally I'd like to keep this account without migrating everything over - does anyone have any ideas with regards to how to track down where the problem is?
    Thanks in advance to any responses!

    If only alt + e is not working, double check system preferences/speech to make sure it has not been set as a trigger for text to speech or speech recognition or whatever.

  • JQuery Code Not Working (Positioning Nav at a fixed point)?

    Hello So lets just cut to the cace,
    This code does work outside of Edge but doesn't work in edge. . . .
    $(window).bind('scroll', function () {
    The Object i want to keep in its place at all times even if the scroll bar is moved has the div ID of arroworb. . .
    I have no Idea what i am doing wrong but yeah the code does work it just doesn't when put into Edge
    My guess would be the window or blind has something to do with it not working but I have no idea how to fix this,
    Any idea's?
    Thanks In Advance!

    Here is a small example, using animate, as Joe mentions.
    In Stage > compostionReady
           var element = sym.$("arroworb");
      .animate({"marginTop": ($(window).scrollTop() + 30) + "px"}, "slow" );
    View here
    Download here

  • SQL Code not working in Forms Developer?

    Hi all,
    I'm using Oracle 10g and I have th following code running on iSQL+ but not working on Forms and I got the following erro
    The SQL code:
         select returningreason
            from (
                     select returningreason,
                     dense_rank() over (partition by 1 order by count(*) desc) as drnk
                     from returned_goods
                     group by returningreason)
           where drnk = 1;And the error happens near the word over to the right and the error statement is:
    Error 103 at line 18, column 19
       Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following:
             , formThanks in advance :)

    Triggers are compiled in forms so need to use only the features available to forms, which doesn't include all the new stuff in the database.
    select over partition
    NVL2They don't work in forms and reports too.
    Also if you use them in record Group
    Forms/SQL Compiler was not lined up to the database(10G).
    Meanwhile,for example. Pipelined TABLE and relative Select work in Reports AND Forms.

  • URGENT NEED OF HELP!! Gift code not working!

    Hi everyone, I have a flight tomorrow and I wanted to make sure I was set in terms of music. Since I am from Hong Kong, I bought a 3 Month Spotify Premium card from 7-11 and tried to redeem it the day after. Not only was the actually site not working for me (repeatedly telling me that there was a "502 Bad Gateway" error), but when I tried to redeem it via phone, it told me multiple times that the code was not valid or that there was an error and I should try again (and I did, several times). I also found another code on the receipt that gave me the same answer.  Is there no phone number to contact Spotify at? Is this normal? How can I securely redeem this code? Please answer ASAP as I'm in a rush for tomorrow and very, very frustrated... 

    Please read this:

  • Java Script Code not working properly for visios in sharepoint 2013

    Hi all ,
                 I have few visios and I am using the visio web part to display and to redirect from one visio to other visio I am using the java script code through content editor web part . 
    In share point 2010 it's working fine , I was able to redirect to all the visios and code is working fine .
    In share point 2013 its not the same , Its not working properly . only for the first time the code is working fine . once it goes to next visio the code stops working . 
    For example if i click in visio A it gets redirect to Visio B and its stops working , it wont allow to do any other steps . 
    I have checked with the URL its correct , I am not able to find any error also .

    This will be likely caused by the Minimal Download Strategy not registering the Javascript on the page reload. You can turn off the MDS feature to test this.
    You can either turn off MDS in your site, or register your Javascript functions with MDS to ensure they are called. To do this, you'll need all of your code to be wrapped in a javascript file (Embed this on the page using a <script> tag and
    inside that file in a function, which you then register with MDS as follows (I usually do this in the first line of the javascript file):-
    RegisterModuleInit("/SiteAssets/YourJavaScriptFile.js", NameOfYourFunction);
    Please ensure that you mark a question as Answered once you receive a satisfactory response. This helps people in future when searching and helps prevent the same questions being asked multiple times.

  • ALERT code not working, need help.

    Hello Everyone,
         i'm working in forms and i have written some code to call an Alert when the user puts in an invalid number, however, the alert isn't poping up and the cursor will not move out of the field.  This is on a post-text script.
      al_button number;
    al_id alert;
    i select 3 columns from a table based on input by the user.
    if the input is valid, then the form is populated.  This works no problem.
    however, when the following is not true, the cursor will not leave the field, but the alert will not pop up either.
    if v_nsn = nvl(t_rnsn, 0), then
    select the values and put them in the form.
    else  -- this is not working
    al_id := find_alert ('BAD_NSN_ALERT34');
    if Id_null(al_id) then
    al_button := SHOW_ALERT(al_id);
    if al_button = alert_button1 then
         ...DO SOMETHING;
    else al_button := show_alert (al_id);
    if al_button = alert_button2 then
    do something;
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;

    Why are you using a Post-Text-Item trigger instead of a When-Validate-Item trigger?  How is your user leaving the field that this trigger is attached to?  If the user is mouse-clicking to leave the field - the Post-Text-Item trigger will not fire.  Take a look at the "Post-Text-Item trigger Restrictions" listed in the Forms Help system for this and other restrictions on using the Post-Text-Item trigger.

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