Alt tags in Perferences?

I am trying to keep my markup valid.
I am lazy when inserting an image as I don't use the alt tag option as it is usually my last on my list is to tag everything when the website is complete. Plus images change and small button images don't really require alt tags.
Is there a way in Dreamweaver to add the Alt atribute automatically alt="" in the prefernces when you insert an image?

as I don't use the alt tag option as it is usually my last on my list is to tag everything when the website is complete.
I used to have the same workflow and adding alt to images at the end was a pain.
Now I have Edit > Preferences > Accessibility, Images checked and DW prompts me to insert the alt attribute every time I insert an image.
I've decided it's best to be forced to do it as I go rather than revisit the images when my design is done.

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    A 508 hang up once again: The customer insists on an active TOC for the project file. We've activated the TOC and it works fine, but there's a secondary TOC expand/collapse button located at the top of the slide right here:
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    You can replace the current image with one of your own choosing.  But even if you make the replacement just a one pixel GIF, I think it will still register somewhere in the screenreader as a button. 
    However, to be fair to Captivate, you can use the TOC button on the playbar to activate the TOC if need be, or you can set up on screen buttons to do that.
    Personally, I wouldn't be using an overlay TOC at all.  I'd be trying for a Separate TOC so that it was available all the time.
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    File > File Info:
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    File > Save for Web and Devices:
    Choose to save All Metadata. 
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    The current version of the service does not include the functionality to update a page title and description. For the images, the ALT text can be updated by opening the Advanced menu on the right and filling in the Tooltip field.

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    It's working for me in the current version of InDesign CC.
    Version of InDesign? Computer platform? What file format is the image in?
    Have you tried restoring your InDesign preferences? Here's how:
    Troubleshooting 101: Replace, or "trash" your InDesign preferences

  • Alt tags

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    Open a PDF with Acrobat Pro. Have the Navigation panel showing (F4 if it is not).
    Now you want the Tags pane available via the Navigation panel.
    For Acrobat XI Pro (Acrobat X Pro will be something similar):
    View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Tags
    You open the Tags pane. Is the structure tree present? If so then the PDF is tagged.
    A quick check is to open a PDF's Document Properties. Under the Description tab at the bottom left the is a "Tagged PDF" entry. Thing is this entry can be 'spoofed' without the PDF actually being tagged. So, I prefer the check of the Tags pane.
    Be well.

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    I am guessing it is just an image and you have a custom field for the youtube link.
    And what you are doing is putting the tag {tag_videoimage} like..
    <img src="{tag_videoimage}" alt="Video" />
    If you are you will have this issue because that tag will render its own image html wrapped in an ancor tag.
    You will need to add _value to your tag..

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    They are attributes, not tags. And the alt attribute is not
    supposed to
    show in any browser unless the user has disabled images for
    downloads. If you want a 'tooltip' effect, then you would
    have to use the
    title attribute, not the alt attribute to do that, e.g.,
    <img src="foo.jpg" alt="this will not display" title="this
    will display" />
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    Tutorials & Resources
    "mathuman" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ghqmnv$i0h$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > I used dreamweaver, with php and server behaviors to
    bind dynamic Image
    > Alt
    > Tags on dynamically generated images.
    > The dynamic image Alt Tags are showing in Internet
    Explorer but not
    > showing in
    > Mozzila Firefox?
    > Does anyone know why or how to fix that?
    > Mathuman

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    An example of my file structure is as follows:
    - Gallery
    - Pages
    - Landscapes_files
    - Media
    - dintonpastures [containing folder for images]
    - dintonpastures.jpg [that SEO refuses to see!]
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    Photo templates are written in Javascript and cannot be accessed by iWeb SEO. Only images you create on a blank page or without using the photo template (HTML generated). They don't tell you that on Rage's website, in fact I find their advertising misleading in that they claim that you can alt tag "all" images in iWeb. But, it's free software, so you get what you pay for.

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    After a little investigation, I discovered that PNGs also do not render correctly in IE7 in similar circumstances.
    I ended up using Levels in Photoshop to bring the output blacks up to "5", saved the images as PNGs, modified the HTML from .jpg to .png, and that seems to have covered up the problem well enough.
    By the way, I did confirm that IE8 beta 2 renders the images correctly.

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    acquired Alt tags. I imagine this has something to do with the
    javascript it is now using to load the content. However, how do I
    get rid of them! My clients HATE them, and I do too!

    OK -
    This is the only markup you need to worry about -
    <script type="text/javascript">
    %>' ); //end AC code
    But I have to ask you - what is the VBScript in there doing?
    It seems to me
    to be invalid as well - 'request.querystring' needs a
    "(stringname)" or an
    empty (), no?
    So - there is no "alt" attribute specified in there (nor can
    there even be
    one on Flash, anyhow). Without seeing the actual page, I can
    only shrug and
    say I have no idea....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "QuantumDynamix" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Here...I'll attach the code (btw, the file is called
    > <script type="text/javascript">
    > AC_FL_RunContent(
    > 'codebase','
    > %>' ); //end AC code
    > </script><noscript><object
    > classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    > codebase="
    > rsion=8,0,22,0" width="751" height="126">
    > <param name="movie"
    > <param name="quality" value="high">
    > <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    > <embed
    src="../SWFs/topNav.swf?<%=Request.QueryString%>" width="751"
    > height="126" quality="high" wmode="transparent"
    > pluginspage=""
    > type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
    > </object></noscript>

  • JSF InputCalendar tag image accessibility alt tag issue

    When using an inputCalendar tag in JSF combined with the attribute popupButtonImageUrl, is it possible to set the ALT tag for the "popupButtonImageUrl image".
    Is it also possible to set the ALT tags for the built in arrow images in the calendar control ?
    Thanks for all your help.

    MyFaces is just a standard JSF implementation, it doesn't have a calendar component, as said before.
    Are you talking about Tomahawk? Well, they have a mailinglist over there at Good luck.

  • ALT Tags don't work

    Why when I hover my mouse over many images the ALT tags don't appear. They do in IE.
    Even the ALT tags on many images in the Apple site don't work in Safari but they do in IE.

    Rebuild the Spotlight index. If you try to search now from the magnifying-glass icon in the top right corner of the display, there will be an indication that indexing is in progress.

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