Alternative software to Podcast Maker, any suggestions?

Currently I am using Podcast Maker to publish my podcasts, it works fine when it works but every now and then it crashes and that site has not been updated since July of 2008 so I doubt a update is coming soon to the software.
Any suggestions on what else I can use? Thanks community!

It shows in your product details that you are running iOS 4.3.3
The option for OTA updates (Over the Air) ONLY appear when you are already running iOS 5.
This means that any device running iOS prior to 5 will need to update via iTunes on your computer, so just plug it in, it will prompt you to update.
P.S. Make sure you let it back up, and then transfer your purchases before you update, or you may potentially lose all your data.

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    Hello nattygrimm,
    I was looking into the issue you are describing and found a great resource to try and fix the issue without having to re install the OS. It is an article called Mac OS X: How to troubleshoot a software issue found here:
    I recommend starting here:
    The first and easiest test to try is to see if the issue affects a different user account on your Mac. Each user account has customized preferences and other items stored in its home directory. You'll first need to create an additional user if one does not already exist (follow steps a-h below). Then, log out of the current user and test the issue in the new user account.
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    From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences.
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    All the best,

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    Just some more info,
    Apple doesn't hasn't put out much info on the new Java 5. MacWorld/MacCentral has an small article on Java 5, but it doesn't say much. The link below will bring you to the Java 5 article at MacWorld:
    Here is some more info:
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    Please note the version of your computer's OS X now installed and see if
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    in a link other than the download one.
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    Good luck & happy computing!
    edited 3x

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    Leesha wrote:
    I just upgraded my iMac to 10.6.8. Now my Microsoft office applications,(word, excel, ppt) and my camera software to transfer picts from my camera will not launch. (Separate apps but all stopped working as soon as I upgraded from 10.5.8).
    Actually, Microsoft Office 2004 works fine with Snow Lepoard OS 10.6.x. However, it does require Rosetta, Apple's app for Classic apps. In your upgrade from Lepoard 10.5.8, Rosetta may not have installed but you can manually install it with the instructions here.
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    Many thanks

    Try here:
    iTunes for Windows Vista or Windows 7: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues
    It has a link for XP

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    Once I enter the log-in information the problem occurs, quickly. Gone.

    See also:

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    The option to update without the computer (Over the air) was made available with iOS 5. If your iDevice is using a version of iOS lower than 5, you will need to use iTunes on your syncing computer to perform the upgrade. Use the Apple link below as a guide for the upgrade.
    Also read the instructions from the section entitled "Update your device using iTunes" at the link below.
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    If you have an iPad 1, the max iOS is 5.1.1. For newer iPads, the current iOS is 6.1. The Settings>General>Software Update only appears if you have iOS 5.0 or higher currently installed.
    iOS 5: Updating your device to iOS 5 or Later
    How to install iOS 6
    iOS: How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you are currently running an iOS lower than 5.0, connect the iPad to the computer, open iTunes. Then select the iPad under the Devices heading on the left, click on the Summary tab and then click on Check for Update.
    Tip - If connected to your computer, you may need to disable your firewall and anitvirus software temporarily.  Then download and install the iOS update. Be sure and backup your iPad before the iOS update. After you update an iPad (except iPad 1) to iOS 6.x, the next update can be installed via wifi (i.e., not connected to your computer).
     Cheers, Tom

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    Apple Feedback

  • Hi, I have been trying to update many things on my 2009 white macbook. Everytime I do it tells me I need a different version. I don't know what versions I need or even where to begin or if I need to purchase new hardware? Any suggestions?

    Hi, I have been trying to update many things on my 2009 white macbook. Everytime I do it tells me I need a different version. I don't know what versions I need or even where to begin or if I need to purchase new hardware? It says my version is 10.5.8. I have tried downloading 10.6 but not sure what to do. Everyone else seems to be updating there's and mine is way behind however it still tells me I have no software updates...Any suggestions?

    You have to understand the difference between an Update and an Upgrade.
    An Update is a free change to add to the base code or as a bug fix within an existing Operating System. Such as the .8 added to 10.5.
    An Upgrade is a complete new Operating System that must be purchased. Such as 10.5 Leopard to 10.6 Snow Leopard.
    10.5 Leopard was based on Power PC code and was written to be able to run on both Power PC and Intel processors.
    10.6 Snow Leopard has completely rewritten code and only runs on Intel Macs.
    10.7 Lion used some 32 bit which allows it to run on Late 2006 through Early 2008 MacBooks and a lot of 64 bit code.
    10.8 Mountain Lion is pure 64 bit, which excludes more systems than Lion did. It's not something you can add memory to, for example, as it involves the base architecture.

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    Hi! I'm using a Macbook Pro, and my photo booth stopped working! I just updated my software yesterday, but it still doesn't work!! The green light does go on though, any suggestions on how to make it work?

    In what way is it not working? 
    Please describe in detail all you have attempted to do in order to resolve the issue. 

  • HT4623 The APP application on my iPad does not function properly - any downloads requested immediately fail and send me back to the main iPad screen.  Any suggestions on how to fix this - all software has been updated to iOS 5.1.1 and no other updates are

    The APP application on my iPad does not function properly - any downloads requested immediately fail and send me back tot he main iPad screen.  Any suggestions on to hoe to fix this?  The software has been updated to iOS 5.1.1, and no furthe updates are available.

    This is my boilerplate response when app downloads are stalled or in the "waiting" mode. There are a bunch of things here to try.
    Tap on the "installing" icon and see if you can pause the install, then tap on it again in order to resume the install.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    Make sure that you do not have a stalled download in iTunes - a song or podcast .... if you have a download in there that did not finish, complete that one first. Only one thing can download and install at a time on the iPad so that could be what is causing the problem.
    If that doesn't work - sign out of your account, restart the iPad and then sign in again.
    Settings>iTunes & App Store>Apple ID. Tap your ID and sign out. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
    Go back to Settings>iTunes & App Store>Sign in and see if the install resumes.
    If all else fails, download the updates or the apps in iTunes on your computer and then sync the content to your iPad.

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