Aluminium wired keyboard on Leopard

Hey folks,
I recently got an Aluminium keyboard for my Powermac G5 (PowerPC) but I'm having problems with the F keys!
The mute & master volume keys don't seem to be working and I can't find anywhere that I can map them (system pref/keyboard doesn't let me set them!).
Also, the play/pause key (F8) doesn't seem to work yet the Previous & Next keys (F7 & F9) do!
Very frustrating!!
Any help would be braw.

OK, sorry, didn't see that!
Others that I hope are 10.5 compatible...

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    I'm only going to tackle one of your issues; that of "recently added" playlists being whacked out when added to iPhones/iPods.
    Here's the issue: You set up a smart playlist with a "recently added" criterion. The playlist looks fine in iTunes, and it displays all the recent music you've added to your library properly.
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    2)create a second smart playlist that points to the first one. What I mean is, if you have a playlist called "Newest 250 tracks" and that is the smart playlist that shows up incorrectly on your iphone, then set up a second smart playlist called "Newest 250 tracks iPhone" and the only criterion in it, is that is populates from playlist "Newest 250 tracks." It will then look identical to your first playlist, but because it doesn't contain a "recently added" criterion in itself, it will avoid the bug. So sync to that second tiered playlist, and all is well.
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    Could you explain that again using different words ?
    I am not clear on what it is that you want to do.
    What are you trying to sync ?
    Contacts ?
    Emails ?
    Other info ?
    If it is Mail who do you normally get it and what applications are you using ?
    People also might want to know if it is a POP or IMAP account before they can help.
    9:05 PM      Monday; July 2, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Try resetting the NVRAM
    About NVRAM and PRAM
    Try another BK. Maybe a KB problem.
    Try booting to Recovery and see if it works OK. Maybe a software problem with Yosemite
    OS X: About OS X Recovery - Apple Support

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    Thank You So Much

    ok thanks for the tip and yes i admit i didn't see that...
    but it seems a little weird to have to upgrade all the OS to Snow Leopard just to use a keyboard.
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    Shut down the computer.
    Disconnect all FireWire/US devices and all other cables, except the keyboard and mouse cable(s).
    Disconnect the computer from the power outlet and wait for 3 to 5 minutes.
    Plug the computer back in and turn it on.
    Reconnect the FireWire/USB device(s) (one at a time if there is more than one) and test. Test with each FireWire/USB port if you have more than one.

  • T key not-physically stuck on wired keyboard

    title exptains it all.

    Not stuck on my wired keyboard, either, which is normal behavior. Was there a question here?
    iMac refurb (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), SL & ML, G4 450 MP w/Leopard, 9.2.2

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    I don't think that will do the trick, at least not by itself, if the post date is anything to go by (2007).
    The specs for the latest Apple Extended keyboard clearly say it requires 10.6.8, so the answer is to run the 10.6.8 combo.

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    Yes, that sounded indeed like a daft question, but as it seems changing the batteries did actually solve the puzzle. I am baffled by this, as the batteries claimed to be at 40% and shouldn't need to be changed. But I changed them after reading your reply, and the problem stopped. Now, one week and a couple of days later, the problem still has not reoccurred.
    For one reason or another, once batteries drop under a certain level of power, the keyboard connection will start acting up. I feel a bit silly, should have checked that bit myself before posting my question, but I'm glad this solved my problem. Thank you ajduguid.

  • HT1343 if one is using windows 8.1 on a boot camped mac and you are using a mac keyboard . How does one unlock the numbers  on the larger wired keyboard ( numbers keys to the right of the keyboard) instead of having to use the numbers at the top of the ke

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    Regards CM

    I have stated every issue I’ve had so far in a fairly clear and concise way. I think if you read what I wrote, it all makes logical sense as to what is going on. Windows 7/8 would work just as well on a Mac if it was supported the same way the OS is for other OEMs.
    As I stated earlier in the post, I’m having these same issues in windows 8, not just 8.1, which is the reason for the post. I know the difference between supported by drivers and not supported by the manufacturer. The fact that when Haswell mbp’s came out and no revision to bootcamp for the new hardware was released to fix issues with installing windows on the new hardware shows Apple clearly Is not supporting bootcamp as strongly as they advertise.
    I am being realistic on Apple having drivers early. Anyone with an MSDN subscription can download the RELEASE version of windows months ahead of the actual release, I’m 100% sure if any average consumer can do that by paying $100 and saying they are a developer, apple can do it just as easily.
    You aren’t much help, you haven’t answered really anything to my post, nor have you contributed any knowledge that wasn’t clearly posted above, so don’t say anything if you don’t have anything to contribute.
    By the way, my rant is directed at apple, as you can see because I am saying “Apple, if you are going to…” because this is an Apple forum on Apple’s website. It is not directed to end users, clearly.

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    Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm so sorry. I know this a bummer. But better to take it back. When you take it in, if they boot it and get it to work, make sure and shut down the iMac, wait about ten seconds and press the power button. Make sure it boots to the Desktop and that your keyboard functions as it should. Just make absolutely sure it works before you bring it back home. In fact, since you could not get through the registration process, perhaps they will go through that with you since had problems with it. Something isn't communicating between the iMac and the keyboard. Could be the USB ports, software/hardware ... hopefully they'll repair it to your satisfaction or replace it.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • What are the dimensions of the Apple wired keyboard?

    What are the dimensions of the Apple wired keyboard?

    I am constantly amazed at our beloved Apple!
    Not only lack of info, but SysReqs seem a bit restrictive? How can a plain ol' USB keyboard require OSX10.6 or better, yet NOT support USB3.0 AND require some Apple software driver update? [sound of exasperation -> sigh]
    best as always

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    Maybe something in these Apple support articles will help.
    Keyboard Doesn’t Work
    Keyboard Keys Do Not Respond
    Keyboard/Mouse – Troubleshooting Wireless

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