ALV Program errors

Hello all,
   I've have a strange error, when trying to use buttons from top of an ALV list(eg. print). An error message appear with text "Program errors", but only when one button is used, in rest the list is ok.
  Do you have an ideea why?
  Thank you!
  Here is the code, if is helping:
  IF g_cont_alv2 IS INITIAL.
      CREATE OBJECT g_cont_alv2
             EXPORTING container_name = 'G_CONT_ALV2'.
    CREATE OBJECT g_grid2
           EXPORTING i_parent = g_cont_alv2.
  l_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'.
  l_layout-sel_mode = 'D'.
  l_layout-totals_bef = 'X'.
  CALL METHOD g_grid2->set_table_for_first_display
       EXPORTING is_variant = l_variant
                 i_save = 'A'
                 i_default = 'X'
                 is_layout = l_layout
                it_toolbar_excluding = lt_exclude
       CHANGING it_outtab = lt_stats
                it_fieldcatalog = lt_fcat.

It seems your data table <b>lt_stats</b> is a local internal table declared inside a subroutine and not a global internal table declared in TOP include or if it is a report then at the top.
Normally ALV Grid stores a reference of the internal table for accessing it later (in your case, for printing). If it is a local internal table then ALV will not be access it and hence the error message.
So try declaring your <b>lt_stats</b> table in the TOP include (for modulepools or function groups) or at the top (if it is a report).
<b>Did you try this out?</b> <b>You need to declare your internal table at GLOBAL level.</b>
Hope this helps..
Message was edited by: Srikanth Pinnamaneni

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    See this thread ALV Program errors

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    Thanks and Regards,

    Got the solution. We must declate the internal table that is bening passed into the set_table_for_first_display as global variable always.

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    Hi Venkat,
    The problem is:
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    Many thanks.

    Hi vipin,
    hard to say as you do not give any code detail. In a mixture of classic and oo ABAP a common reason for failure is the use of local (FORM routine) fields for controls and their contents: Entering a FORM routine, DATA is created on the stack, controls with grids may be created - they have their own lifetime, After leaving the Form routine, the stack is cleared. The control will not know this but as soon as a controls event tries to access data, it is a grip into emptiness.

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    See the Adobe Knowledge Base document"Error 'Could not complete your request...' or 'Could not create a new document...' (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)"
    I suggest whenever you have problems with third-party applications, the first place to start troubleshooting is with the application's documentation, then vendor's web site. Usually their sites have FAQs, lists of known bugs, or application-specific forums similar to these Discussions. Sometimes, unlike the Apple Discussions, the questions are even answered by employees of the vendor.
    The document cited above was found in 10 seconds by searching the Adobe support site.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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    See the Adobe Knowledge Base document"Error 'Could not complete your request...' or 'Could not create a new document...' (Photoshop CS2 on Mac OS X v10.4)"
    I suggest whenever you have problems with third-party applications, the first place to start troubleshooting is with the application's documentation, then vendor's web site. Usually their sites have FAQs, lists of known bugs, or application-specific forums similar to these Discussions. Sometimes, unlike the Apple Discussions, the questions are even answered by employees of the vendor.
    The document cited above was found in 10 seconds by searching the Adobe support site.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • ESYU: ENCOIN: ECO Open Interface Program 사용시 error 발생 문제

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    ECOs import를 위해 ECO Open Interface(ENCOIN module)을 사용할 때,
    Interface program이 아래와 같은 error를 발생시킨다.
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    PLS-00201: identifier 'ENG_LAUNCH_ECO_OI_PK.ENG_LAUNCH_IMPORT' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored"
    어떻게 ENCOIN: ECO Open Interface program을 사용해야 하는지 알아본다.
    ECOs를 importing 하기 위해 ECO open interface를 사용하는 것은 권장하지도 않고,
    support 되지도 않는다.
    ECO data를 load 하기 위해 ECO open interface를 사용하는 대신 ECO Business Object
    이나 ECO form을 사용해야 한다.
    ECO Business Object 사용에 대한 보다 상세한 내용은 Manufacturing and Open Interfaces
    Manual을 참조한다.
    또한 Note 132874.1에 설명되어져 있는 ECOBOI module을 이용하도록 한다.
    만일 당신의 application version이 11.5.9 이상이라면 ENCOIN module(ECO Open Interface)는
    ECO details를 import 하기 위해 사용될 수 있고, ENCOIN은 11.5.9 이상의 version에서만
    지원이 된다.
    Note 392011.1

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    Please post Photoshop Elements related queries over at

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    Could not complete your request because of a program error. I opened an image RGB and wanted to save it as a CMYK.
    Save as and entered new name... thats it! Then the error popped up. The only thing that has changed is the update!
    Please help.

    If you updated to 10.6.7 then you should (go to your Apple menu at the far left and) check for updates.
    There was a problem with some types of Fonts that has been fixed by the Snow Leopard Font update:
    However, always wait after an OS update (true of Windows too) and see if it causes any problems with 3rd-party software, etc. - PRIOR to updating your system   And always, always have a full, known-good backup before you update. Especially for any computer that is used for business purposes !
    Last but definitely not least, you should know that Adobe CS2 is a Power-PC only application (circa G4 and G5 processors, before Apple moved to Intel processors), and requires Rosetta (PowerPC emulation).
    So you should consider any CS2 application running at all, as fairly miraculous.
    CS3 was released four years ago, and provided the first Intel-native ("Universal Binary") versions of the CS-suite applications.
    Mac OS 10.6 only runs on Intel-based Macs (ie: Intel processor required).
    If you are using Photoshop CS2 for any revenue-generating purposes, then it is (and was) incumbent upon you to properly allocate and budget for
    upgrades and you should - nay, must - be running a more current version of the software. If your budget does not allow for newer Adobe CS, then you should have kept a legacy system that can run an older Mac OS, and understand that your workflow is living on borrowed time - and you had best keep several old Macs that can still run an older Mac OS and run your CS2 natively.
    In no way shape or form is CS2 supported under Mac OS X 10.6 - certainly not in any official way by Adobe !
    You could also be irate about not being able to use your 8-track tape player in your brand new car. I'm exaggerating but not too much.
    Please read Adobe's response regarding CS3 (not CS2) and 10.6/Snow Leopard:
    With all of this in mind, you should know that your frustrations with Apple and the unsupported and not-recommended interaction of CS2 and 10.6 are misguided. Best of luck to you !

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    I'm running Adobe Photoshop CC November 2014. I'm working on a PSD file, 24 seconds long, 30 fps.
    I looked in my library/preferances/adobe folder for photoshop's error log file. This is the error in that file:
    2014:11:12 18:30:17 : /Volumes/workarea/PS_15_Mac_Daily_Retail/20140730.r.148/photoshop/main/photoshop/sources/ ULinkManager.cpp : 1380 : REQUIRE failed
    Thank you so much for reading this. It sucks to work so long on an ad and then have this happen for seemingly no reason. Please help if you can.

    Looks like issues with some linked smart objects... You could try and copy/ move the whole shebang to another location in the hopes that it either fixes the issue or PS completely forgets the linked files completely so you might relink/ replace them.

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    jpg does not support Layers.
    Just to make sure, what exactly do you mean by "stacking photos" and what do you want to achieve thereby?

  • I keep getting a message saying "Could not complete your request because of a program error"

    I keep getting a message saying ( Could not complete your request because of a program error??
    Does anyone know what this means or how to fix?

    Can you please be more detailed? When are you getting this - what is causing it? Any specific tool or while starting Photoshop itself?
    Do you see an error number or error code or a report? Can you post that here?

  • Effects not working? "Could not complete your request because of a program error?"

    Hey guys&gals - I have always had this problem when working in RGB/CYMK modes - can anyone help me with that?
    More more importantly, now I am getting in in Grayscale mode as of this morning.
    I run Photoshop 6 V 13.1.2 x64 and just updated it this AM.
    Effects are crucial for my job, so I need this fixed asap!!
    I have tried the ctrl, alt, shift start up to no avail. Restarted, shutdown my PC as well.
    Please advise!

    Found the places I was supposed to - now what? Photoshop isn't crashing... doesn't give me any info other than a box saying "Could not complete your request because of a program error." And I have no choice but to click OK. This only happens when I try to use the layer effects in any color mode. Originally it was only in RGB/CMYK but now also happens in Grayscale.
    I'm not technologically savvy - I know what programs I use, but that is all.

Maybe you are looking for