ALV Simple Tree: How to customize sum levels?

I have the following issue:
I use the ALV Simple Tree to display a hierarchy. In this hierarchy one element is the currency of the values I want to display. Therefore the currency might not be the top-level of the hierarchy and as a consequence the tree/table looks like this:
Region/Curr. | Amount 1 | Currency
EUROPE       | 2000     | ***
- EUR       | 1000     | EUR
- USD       | 1000     | USD
-> Different currencies are added with no respect to currency rates or the likes. Only the currency field is filled with stars.
Question: How can I prevent sums for a tree level?
The hierarchy is flexible, so I require a dynamic solution (for example if there are two levels before the currency or none).
If anyone got a link to the documentation for the Simple Tree (or something like that), I would also really appreciate it!
Kind Regards,

I'm using OOP ALV.
data: t_fieldcat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat,
         wa_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
*populate field cat
  wa_fieldcat-col_pos = 2.
  wa_fieldcat-tabname = 'ITAB'.
  wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DB name of teh field Amount1'.
  wa_fieldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
  wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'Amt'.
  APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat.
CALL METHOD o_grid->set_table_for_first_display
      it_outtab                     = itab
      it_fieldcatalog             = t_fieldcat
      it_sort                        = t_sort

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    Hi Rohini
    There is no such functionality provided by SAP to download ALV Tree Hierarichal Tree into excel sheet .
    If you had this kind of senario then i can propose one solution create two radio buttons one is to display in ALV Tree Format and the other is classical report which you can download it for futher process
    Hitesh Batra

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    The reason why it becomes zero when you press stop is that you selected the control to get the default value in the event structure if it's not connected. You can fix it by connecting it like I did in the first picture.
    To make it stop when you press the stop button you have to connect one stop button to the loop exit terminal. The reason for the sequence structure that I added is to make sure that the loop exits the first time you press the stop button, try removing it and you'll see what I mean.
    You have one additional problem. You rely on the x+1 output of the sub vi as an input for the next iteration. However, that is not reliable since if you can the subvi from somewhere else it might mess up the count. You're better of using a shift register and passing in the last value to the subvi in each iteration.
    1.png ‏9 KB
    2.png ‏10 KB

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         O /* This is a child who makes N references to each of the follow N parent tables (here: three), and so on. */
        /↑\ Fks
       O"O O" <-- level 2 for first table (circle)
      /↑\ Fks
    "o"o"o" <-- level 1 for middle table (circle)
       ↑ Fk
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      join all_cons_columns child
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                   child.constraint_name fk,
                   child.table_name child,
                   child.r_constraint_name pk,
                   father.table_name father
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    Edited by: BluShadow on 01-Apr-2011 15:08
    formatted the code and the hierarchy for readbility

    Nocycle not work in 9.2 and, even that would work, would not be appropriate.
    With your help, I decided a much simpler way (but there is still a small problem, <font color=red>IN RED</font>):
    -- 1
      type udt_roles is table of varchar2(30) index by pls_integer;
      cRoles udt_roles;
      execute immediate 'create user philips
        identified by philips';
      select granted_role bulk collect
        into cRoles
        from user_role_privs
       where username = user;
      for i in cRoles.first .. cRoles.count loop
        execute immediate 'grant ' || cRoles(i) || ' to philips';
      end loop;
    -- 2
    create table philips.root1(root1_id number,
                               constraint root1_id_pk primary key(root1_id)
    grant all on philips.root1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root1
    create table philips.root2(root2_id number,
                               constraint root2_id_pk primary key(root2_id)
    grant all on philips.root2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_root2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.root2
    create table philips.node1(node1_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               node4_id number,
                               constraint node1_id_pk primary key(node1_id)
                               constraint n1_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable,
                               constraint n1_n4_id_fk foreign key(node4_id)
                               references philips.node4(node4_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node1 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node1
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node1
    create table philips.node2(node2_id number,
                               root1_id number,
                               node3_id number,
                               constraint node2_id_pk primary key(node2_id)
                               constraint n2_r1_id_fk foreign key(root1_id)
                               references philips.root1(root1_id) enable,
                               constraint n2_n3_id_fk foreign key(node3_id)
                               references philips.node3(node3_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node2 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node2
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node2
    create table philips.node3(node3_id number,
                               root2_id number,
                               constraint node3_id_pk primary key(node3_id)
                               constraint n3_r2_id_fk foreign key(root2_id)
                               references philips.root2(root2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node3 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node3
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node3
    create table philips.node4(node4_id number,
                               node2_id number,
                               constraint node4_id_pk primary key(node4_id)
                               constraint n4_n2_id_fk foreign key(node2_id)
                               references philips.node2(node2_id) enable);
    grant all on philips.node4 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node4
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node4
    -- out of the relational model
    create table philips.node5(node5_id number,
                               constraint node5_id_pk primary key(node5_id)
    grant all on philips.node5 to philips;
    create or replace trigger philips.tgr_node5
       before delete or insert or update on philips.node5
    -- 3
    create table philips.dictionary(table_name varchar2(30));
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('ROOT2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE1');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE2');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE3');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE4');
    insert into philips.dictionary values ('NODE5');
    create or replace package body philips.pck_restore_philips as
      procedure sp_select_tables is
        aExportTablesPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of tables   
        aExportReferencesPhilips utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of references
        aExportIndexesPhilips    utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of indexes
        aExportGrantsPhilips     utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of grants
        aExportTriggersPhilips   utl_file.file_type := null; -- file to write DDL of triggers
        sDirectory               varchar2(100) := '/app/oracle/admin/tace/utlfile'; -- directory \\bmduhom01or02 
        cTables                  udt_tables; -- collection to store table names for the relational depth
        -- omits all referential constraints:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'REF_CONSTRAINTS', false);
        -- omits segment attributes (physical attributes, storage attributes, tablespace, logging):
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTES', false);
        -- append a SQL terminator (; or /) to each DDL statement:
        dbms_metadata.set_transform_param(dbms_metadata.session_transform, 'SQLTERMINATOR', true);
        -- create/open files for export DDL:
        aExportTablesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTablesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportReferencesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLReferencesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportIndexesPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLIndexesPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportGrantsPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLGrantsPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        aExportTriggersPhilips := utl_file.fopen(sDirectory, 'DDLTriggersPhilips.pdc', 'w', 32767);
        select d.table_name bulk collect
          into cTables -- collection with the names of tables in the schema philips
          from all_tables t, philips.dictionary d
         where owner = 'PHILIPS'
           and t.table_name = d.table_name;
        -- execution
        -- closes all files
      end sp_select_tables;
      procedure sp_seeks_ddl(aExportTablesPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportReferencesPhilips in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportIndexesPhilips    in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportGrantsPhilips     in utl_file.file_type,
                             aExportTriggersPhilips   in utl_file.file_type,
                             cTables                  in out nocopy udt_tables) is
        cDDL       clob := null; -- colletion to save DDL
        plIndex    pls_integer := null;
        sTableName varchar(30) := null;
        for i in cTables.first .. cTables.count loop
          plIndex    := i;
          sTableName := cTables(plIndex);
           * Retrieves the DDL and the dependent DDL into cDDL clob       *      
          * for the selected table in the collection, and writes to file.*
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTablesPHILIPS, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('REF_CONSTRAINT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportReferencesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('INDEX', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportIndexesPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('OBJECT_GRANT', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportGrantsPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
            cDDL := dbms_metadata.get_dependent_ddl('TRIGGER', sTableName, 'PHILIPS');
            sp_writes_ddl(aExportTriggersPhilips, cDDL);
            when dbms_metadata.object_not_found2 then
        end loop;
      end sp_seeks_ddl;
      procedure sp_writes_ddl(aExport in utl_file.file_type,
                              cDDL    in out nocopy clob) is
        pLengthDDL  pls_integer := length(cDDL);
        plQuotient  pls_integer := null;
        plRemainder pls_integer := null;
          * Register variables to control the amount of lines needed   *
         * for each DDL and the remaining characters to the last row. *
        select trunc(pLengthDDL / 32766), mod(pLengthDDL, 32766)
          into plQuotient, plRemainder
          from dual;
          * Join DDL in the export file.                            *
         * ps. 32766 characters + 1 character for each line break. *
        -- if the size of the DDL is greater than or equal to limit the line ...
        if plQuotient >= 1 then
          -- loops for substring (lines of 32766 characters + 1 break character):
          for i in 1 .. plQuotient loop
            utl_file.put_line(aExport, substr(cDDL, 1, 32766));
            -- removes the last line, of clob, recorded in the buffer:
            cDDL := substr(cDDL, 32767, length(cDDL) - 32766);
          end loop;
        end if;
          * If any remains or the number of characters is less than the threshold (quotient = 0), *
         * no need to substring.                                                                 *
        if plRemainder > 0 then
          utl_file.put_line(aExport, cDDL);
        end if;
        -- record DDL buffered in the export file:
      end sp_writes_ddl;
      -- executes main procedure:
    end pck_restore_philips;<font color="red">The problem is that I still have ...
    When creating the primary key index is created and this is repeated in the file indexes.
    How to avoid?</font>

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    I would like to ask if there is any suggestion on setting the ALV hierarchy tree to be separated by grid line between the columns and rows just like how it is display the same way in normal ALV grid.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Lin,
    The requirement which you have stated is not possible.
    Also i have a query regarding BADI ZME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST, which you had raised on SDN. You have marked the question as solved/answered.
    Changing the data of a customize field in purchase requisition
    Could you please let me know, the steps you did to update the screen fields through the BADI.
    I would really appreciate your reply, because i am facing exactly the same problem which you have mentioned.
    Best regards,

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    Edited by: 792068 on Aug 31, 2010 9:40 PM

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    Changing Java Conc. program for "PO Output for Communication" is difficult.
    Actually, if you observe closely, "PO Output for Communication" program uses PO<HEADER/LINES..>_XML views.
    So if you could change these views and add your requireed columns to it, you can automatically see your changes in XML data file.
    See if the following link will you to get there..

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    Can any body suggest how can i achieve download to excel functionality in it.
    Any useful suggestion will be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    The data for the tree exist in the NODE table in a different format. So, even you download that table, it will not be downloaded in the TREE format. So, the user will not be able to understand the data unlike the case of a ALV GRID.
    Whether it is a TREE / GRID, ultimately its the data of a internal table, that gets downloaded. But in case a TREE, we don't have the data in a straight forward way . i thnk it is not possible . i am not sure too for this .

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    Hi friends,
    I am new to SAP, as well as to SRM world. Currently I have a object with me from purchase order smartform in SRM. My job is to copy the standard PO form named BBP_PO into "Z" form and to make customizations in the copied one. I don't have idea about how to proceed with it. Please give me some idea about required processing classes, methods, BADI's, FM's etc,.. Can anyone please tell me how to do this job? I am a fresher so if you help me in this means, it would be very helpful for me and for my future.
    Thanks and regards,

    Hello Siva,
    I searched and found the below steps ...
    why dont you try the same !
    How to customize an existing Standard Smart form in SRM - Overview.
    1. Copy existing Standard smart form in SRM, let us say, BBP_PO into "Z'' Smart form in Transaction SMARTFORMS.
    2. Do changes in Z Smart form add Desired Logos in Smart form using SE78 and SMARTFORMS transactions.
    3. Change in Jargon: Unlike ECC we will not have Driver program (in SE38), you will find Processing class and Processing method ( in SE24) for SRM Smart forms, where we write extraction logic.
    4. So, In case of SRM we should replace the (word) "Driver Program" with (the word) "Processing Class" and Perform as "Processing Method".
    5.Where to Link: Processing Class, Processing Method and Smart form? In SPRO, SRM Server -> Cross Apps -> Set Output Actions and Output Format -> Define Actions for Purchase Order Output -> Action definition -> Processing types, then select standard PO.
    6. If we are using (Completely- New) Custom Smart Form instead of Changing Standard Smartform, then Do change any settings in Step5, Otherwise, if you are planned to modify existing Smartform, with Small logic changes, format changes and Logo Changes then, Just Implement BADI - BBP_OUTPUT_CHANGE_SF in SE19 transaction.
    7. Put a simple code  in BADI as... CASE IV_OBJECT_TYPE.
    When  'BUS2201' .
       CV_SMARTFORM = 'Z_CustomSF'.
    8. Don't forget, you already copied Std Smartform into Custom Smartform say Z_CustomSF.
    9. I am using BUS2201 only becuase I was trying to change BBP_PO Smartform which is a Purchase Order Smartform.
    Hope this helps!
    - Vikas

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    Has anyone here figured out how to customize the CS4 Bridge flash-based web galleries? Specifically, I'd like to be able to add the "description" line from the metadata to an image, without having to add ALL the metadata (as a couple of the galleries allow).
    Seems like such a simple thing. Can't imagine why Adobe didn't add it. It is standard in the older HTML gallery templates.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    Barring that, does anyone know of a second-party flash photo gallery that allows for information this information to be displayed?

    Flash is not supported on the iPad - and as Adobe have announced that they are stopping development on all mobile versions of it, it probably never will be.
    Browser apps such as Skyfire, iSwifter, Puffin and Photon 'work' on some sites, but judging by their reviews not all sites. Also some websites, especially news sites, have their own apps in the App Store.
    If you do a search on this forum you will find hundreds of other threads on the subject.

  • HT4753 I have a very simple question: how do I view where Lion has autosaved my current version to (without the convoluted route of using finder)? In days gone by i'd simply use the save as function to see where it was being saved.

    I have a very simple question: how do I view where Lion has autosaved my current version to (without the convoluted route of using finder)? In days gone by i'd simply use the save as function to see where it was being saved.

    It's actually even easier than using Save As to see the full path to the currently open document. Just do a "Secondary click" on the document title in its window's title bar.
    Like you, I relied upon Save As my whole life to check a file's location and considered it a must-have capability. Turns out it's even faster to use the single-click method to reveal the full path to the open document. It displays the entire path to the current document starting from the level of your Mac, and works for files stored on drives as well as iCloud.
    If you're not sure how to do a secondary click, go into System Preferences, select Trackpad, Point & Click to find the current preference for secondary click on your Mac. If you happen to have a mouse with more than one button, it's probably the right button. As a trackpad user, I check the box to "Click or tap with two fingers," so a simple two finger tap on the title of an open document reveals its full path. This feature actually has been around for a very long time.
    Note that this is not the same thing as the Autosave and Versions menu, which is exposed using a little drop down triangle to the right of the title. There is no visual clue for the presence of this feature - you just have to know it's there, probably because this feature goes all the way back to pre-OS X days.

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    Hello All,
    Can anyone tell me the method used for  a drag and drop in a column tree....
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    thanks in advance....

    Check the links -
    drag drop required for alv column!
    drag and drop in a tree
    Drag&Drop within the Tree
    Drag&Drop within a tree
    Drag and drop in ALV tree
    Reward all helpful replies.

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