Always Flashes to Main Menu

Whenever I attepmt to use any icon from the main menu, my iPod begins to connect with that feature, in most cases brings up the next screen, but then within a second flashes back to the main menu. Any Advice? Thanks

If you've not spent a lot of time setting it up, I'd just restore it - don't use the backup(s) when prompted.
Make sure iTunes is up to date, and make sure the Touch is up to date as well.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    First you should try logging out of your iTunes Store account (settings > iTunes Store > accounts) and then back in again.
    If that doesn't help, try resetting the Apple TV (Settings > General > Reset > Reset all settings). You should also try restarting your router.
    If both of the above don't help, you should try a restore (Settings > General > Reset > Restore).

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  • Adding submenus to an xml driven main menu

    Hi there folks,
    I have been following and bastardising a computer arts tutorial for a dynamic flash site, its a really good tutorial and I'd like to keep going with that format/style, but I'm pretty new to the whole scripting thing and am finding it a bit of a headache, so was wondering if any kind souls would help me work out how to add submenus to the code below. the main menu button is a movie file(btn_projects_main) consisting of a button (button) and a text box(txt) and is 3 frames long to allow for the different states:
    What I'm looking for is a set of sub menus which load horizontally below the main menu buttons, here is the code which has been altered slightly (thanks to Ned Murphy for his help and patience with that) any help would be hugely appreciated :
    // Setup some initial variables
    // Hide the button that will display a web link
    _root.theUrl._visible = 0;
    // Hide the image icons in the project loader
    // The image icons are simply there to make it easier for you to
    // select the movieClip from the main timeline.
    _root.img_project.photo_icon._visible = 0;
    _root.img_project.img_holder.photo_icon2._visible = 0;
    // name of the folder for all thumbs and swf files
    _root.imageFolder = "project_files/";
    // Create arrays ready for the xml data
    namesArray = new Array();
    linksArray = new Array();
    descriptionsArray = new Array();
    filesArray = new Array();
    // Load XML doc
    objXML = new XML();
    objXML.onLoad = loadXML;
    objXML.ignoreWhite = true;
    // The name of your XML file
    // onLoad XML function
    function loadXML(success) {
    if (success) {
    // If the XML loads successfully, count how many projects there are in the file.
    _root.projectCount = this.firstChild.childNodes.length; // PROJECT node in XML file
    // Then run a function that builds arrays out of the XML data.
    } else {
    // If the xml data did not load, show message on stage by populating the description field.
    _root.description = "Error: Could not load XML";
    function SS_Arrays() {
    for (var count = 0; count < _root.projectCount; count++) {
    var nodeObj = objXML.firstChild.childNodes[count];
    namesArray[count] =;
    descriptionsArray[count] = nodeObj.attributes.description;
    linksArray[count] =;
    filesArray[count] = nodeObj.attributes.file;
    // run the function to create the thumbnail and list view buttons
    var spaceBetween = 60; // space between buttons
    function SS_createButtons() {
    btn_projects_main._visible = 0;
    btn_xPos = _root.btn_projects_main._x;
    btn_yPos = _root.btn_projects_main._y;
    for (count = 0; count < namesArray.length; count++) {
    duplicateMovieClip(btn_projects_main, "btn_projects" + count, count);
    this["btn_projects" + count]._x = btn_xPos;
    this["btn_projects" + count]._y = btn_yPos;
    this["btn_projects" + count].txt.autoSize = "left";
    this["btn_projects" + count].txt.text = namesArray[count];
    //set the button width
    this["btn_projects" + count].btn._width = this["btn_projects" + count].txt._width;
    // determine the new x placement value based on the current button's width
    btn_xPos = btn_xPos + this["btn_projects" + count]._width + spaceBetween;
    // anything from here down I have no idea if it's needed, so I left it
    _root.curButton = "0";
    SS_createButtons(); // to kick off the function
    function SS_load_project(arrayNumber){
    // Progress bar stuff: This creates a new movie clip on the stage
    // and shows the progress of the image or file being loaded
    _root.createEmptyMovieClip("progressBar_mc", 1000);
    progressBar_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("bar_mc", 1001);
    // Using the flash drawing method, draw a box 550px wide by 2px deep
    // with a fill of red (FF0000)
    with (progressBar_mc.bar_mc) {
    beginFill(0xFF0000, 100);
    moveTo(0, 0);
    lineTo(660, 0);
    lineTo(660, 2);
    lineTo(0, 2);
    lineTo(0, 0);
    _xscale = 0;
    // set the X & Y positions of the progress bar manually
    //progressBar_mc._x = 160;
    //progressBar_mc._y = 218;
    // Or set them to be the same X & Y as the project file/image.
    progressBar_mc._x = img_project._x;
    progressBar_mc._y = img_project._y;
    // set the initial width of the bar to zero
    var mclListener:Object = new Object();
    mclListener.onLoadStart = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    progressBar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = 0;
    // increase the width (xscale) of the bar as the file loads
    mclListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number, bytesTotal:Number) {
    progressBar_mc.bar_mc._xscale = Math.round(bytesLoaded/bytesTotal*100);
    // Make sure the clip being loaded doesn't play until it is fully loaded.
    // If you want content to stream as it loads remove the following 3 lines
    // once the file has loaded, remove the progress bar from the stage
    mclListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
    // Plays the loaded clip once it's fully loaded.
    // If you want content to stream as it loads remove the following 3 lines
    // Load the project file onto the stage by loading it into a movieClip (which in this case
    // is inside another one img_project > img_holder.
    var image_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
    // load the clip onto the stage into a movieClip
    image_mcl.loadClip(_root.imageFolder + _root.filesArray[arrayNumber], img_project.img_holder);
    // Populate the dynamic text fields on the main stage with the project title & description
    _root.prj_name = _root.namesArray[arrayNumber];     
    _root.prj_description = _root.descriptionsArray[arrayNumber];
    // if the URL is present for this project, populate & show the link
    if(_root.linksArray[arrayNumber] != "") {
    _root.btn_link.webAddress = _root.linksArray[arrayNumber];
    _root.btn_link._visible = 1;
    } else {
    _root.btn_link._visible = 0;
    // Reset the last button
    tellTarget("_root.btn_projects" + _root.curButton){
    // Replace the current button variable with this projects id/number     
    _root.curButton = arrayNumber;

    No ideas at al guys?
    I just need a couple of pointers as in what to code needs adding and where, I've created a new movie clip with the name subs (instance sub1), surely its now just a matter of connecting that instance to the sub_projects node in the xml - I guess it also needs to be linked to a parent project button + told to only run when that parent is clicked. I've downloaded loads of different code from various sources, but as there seem to be lots of different ways to write the same commands, its feeling really confusing.
    Any help or feed back would be massively appriciated

  • How do I make a main menu for a game?

    I need to make a main menu for this tower defense game that I am making.  I have 2 parts to the menu that I need to put together.  I have it as follows:
    I have a start screen where the player presses the start button.  I now need it to take the user to the main menu itself.  I have both the start menu and main menu in the same document but on different layers.  I have a button labeled as start which I have set up to where when it is clicked, it changes colors but I also need it to hide/show the menu layer.  I just need the that start button to take users to the menu layer where I have 3 more buttons which are resume, new, and options.  I will need those buttons to go to their different layers also.  After users hit the resume or new buttons, I need the game itself to start which I will start making after I figure out the other issues. 
    I am new to Flash and I really want to learn how to make tower defense games.  For now, I am using as a guide to make the game stuff but it doesn't say anything about a main menu.  I am using a trial version of Flash Pro CS6 and it is due to expire in 28 days.
    Any and all help will be great! Thanks, xp3tp85

    I used this and it worked:
    function startF (e:MouseEvent):void{
    On the next layer I used this and it worked too:
    back_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClick);
    function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
    Apparently it wont let me use the same code twice on one timeline.  Is there any way around this?  I need a few more buttons on the main menu for the game.

  • Apple TV has changed main menu

    I have an Apple TV 2nd Gen. I live in BA Argentina, and after I've updated my Apple TV the main menu has changed, now I only have as menu "Internet - Computer - Settings", can't see the rest of the menu any more (Movies - Netflix - TV Shows - Music). What can I do in order to have them back?
    Thanks for the help!
    Best regards

    I saw the same thing on my ATV2 after the most recent (4.4.3) update . . . The menu was the one you described, but after a couple of minutes the menu updated itself.
    I'd suggest rebooting the ATV2.  You could always try a reset to see if that helps.

  • First Play then on to the Main Menu

    I am building a DVD that is 99% finished. I would like to add a 30 sec clip of video to the "front" of the DVD so that when someone puts it in, it plays the 30 second clip then transitions to the Main Menu. Any one know how to do this.
    I am using DVD Studio Pro 4.1.2

    Glad it worked.
    BTW (as an aside) down the road something to keep in mind it is always a good idea to start DVDs with videos, even if it is a few seconds of black on a track or an FBI warning video or something, so if you went with the loop menu route you can start with the couple of seconds of black then jump to the loop menu

  • Airport Extrem: Flashlight is green but always flashing

    Dear Colleagues
    I have just both a new Airport Extrem. I have connectid it it everything works fine. (internet, apple tv, wireless) The flashlight always flashes green. Should the the light not be on constant green?
    Thanks for your help

    Flashing green was optional setting for the old airport utility. AFAIK you can no longer set it to flash on activity.
    I recommend you do a full factory reset.
    Universal Factory Reset.. any model TC or AE.
    Unplug your TC/AE from power or turn off at the power point.
    Hold in reset. and power the TC/AE back on..  all without releasing reset and keep holding in for about 10sec. (this is often difficult without a 2nd person or a 3rd arm).
    Release it when the status light flashes rapidly. If it doesn’t flash rapidly you have missed it and try again.
    Be Gentle! Feel the switch click on. It has a positive feel..  add no more pressure after that.
    TC/AE will reboot after a couple of minutes with default factory settings and will wipe out previous configurations of the router.
    No files are deleted on the hard disk in a TC.. No reset of the TC deletes files.. to do that you use erase from the airport utility.
    Then redo the setup.
    If the main LED is still flashing green, note if it is on activity only.. ie if all the clients are shut down does it stay solid green.. then ring apple.. they may have to replace the AE as it is wired wrong.

  • [?] Main Menu not showing after "Restore", resetting not helping

    I recently received my 30GB iPod Video 5G (got it for myself for Christmas). I began charging it. Meanwhile, I uninstalled my old iTunes, and installed the iPod / iTunes / Quicktime software on the CD that came with the iPod. All fine.
    I checked the iPod after four-five hours and it had finished charging. I restarted my computer, plugged it in, and iTunes wouldn't detect it. After some frolick, I went to the iPod Updater and clicked Restore. Bad idea!
    Since then on, I haven't been able to access the main menu in any way. I've tried reinstalling the software a few times, and nothing helps. I've tried resetting the iPod, but I keep getting that little sign with the exclamation point. My iPod is fully charged.
    I'd try the "5 Rs", but I can't reset my iPod, and I restoring it doesn't help, and I've reinstalled all I can.
    I've a question - does restoring actually erase the little main menu? If so, where can I reinstall it? If not, what should I do?
    - by the way, throughout this little crisis, I got iTunes to start up at one point.
    Don't think it's my USB port.
    To recap, the problem is that I'm stuck, and I can't reach the main menu. I don't always see "Disk Mode", although I can get to it by holding the select button and the play/pause button at the same time.

    look here for info on the exclamation point.
    Pressing the center buton and the menu button does a soft reset.
    did you look hhere for general info
    Simply restoreing your ipod to factory settings resets your ipod to the way you recieved it when you unpacked it. It does not erase the main menu it simply erases all the music/photos/videos from your ipod if there was any.
    sound like when you say that your ipod is stuck its frozen did you folow this
    since you are using windows 200 do you have meet the tech specs in regards to the service pack? Do you have a USB 2 or earlier?

  • Problems opening edit mode from Main Menu in Elements 8

    Photoshop Elements won't open in edit mode after the main menu comes up fine. The other choice, and I forget what that is because I never use it, DOES open up. I use Lightroom for 98 percenr of PP of photo files. I DO use Elements once in a while for a couple of tweaks. Anyway, I clicked debug and I read the following message:
    error signature: appname:photoshopelements.exeAppver8.0.0.0 modname
    Another time I tried to open the main window into edit mode, and it would not open into edit mode, so I clicked on debug and read this message:
    And yet another time I tried to open the main window into edit mode, and it would not open into edit mode, so I clicked on debug and read this message:
    Not sure what to do. I can always uninstall the entire program, and then reinstall.
    One thing I did do, tonight, was uninstall the Adobe inspiration browser and then installed the update, as per the window prompted me to do when the program first loads onscreen. I thought maybe this was the issue, being lapse on updating something, But, I closed out the program post install, and then opened the program again, and was once again unable to open the edit portion of the program. Again, the other choice (window) works fine, though I don't use it. Only the edit portion of the program won't open up to use.

    Let's try to avoid the welcome screen and open the editor from a desktop shortcut:
    For Windows (I have WIN-7), the path is:
    C>Program Files (x86)>Adobe>Photoshop Elements 8>Right click on that>Send to>Desktop shortcut

  • Why do i get a delay on main menu btns becoming active?

    i hope someone can help me explain this as i am releasing the DVD master monday. on my dvd master i have a first play clip that runs through to a second clip which is a still pic (text) that plays 20 seconds. at the end of this the dvd jumps to my main menu. however i have found that, on both software player and my stand alone player, the buttons to navigate to the other submenus from the main menu are inaccessible for about 20 seconds.
    i have checked to see if i have any kind of loop going on the main menu but this is set up as a still. after 20 or so seconds the buttons are accessible and i can navigate as expected.
    am i missing a setting somewhere?

    Well, if I'm reading your latest post correctly, it seems that you would like your buttons to be active during the transition. That's fine if the buttons are actually visible during the entire transition, but if there's a page flip or something where the buttons aren't always 100% visible, having the highlights active the whole time will look really sloppy.
    I'll assume you're using some other kind of transition where the buttons are always visible, so it would be nice to have the highlights there in case someone doesn't want to sit through the transition. As with many other areas of DVD authoring, this is an area where you really want to have completely independent elements that are fully-rendered before you start building your DVD. If you have Final Cut Pro, AfterEffects, or some other program that is capable of creating the same kind of effect, your best bet is to create a completely independent video clip first, then use it as a motion menu background and set the loop point to wherever you want the button highlights to appear.
    If the transition you want cannot be done easily in another program (or you don't have the necessary software and/or skills), you can always create the clip you want in DVDSPro and import it back in. It'll be a rather time-consuming process, but it might be the only way to achieve what you want. Create an empty project with just one menu that is identical to what you want, then build a disc image (or an actual DVD if you have a spare disc around) with that menu, and extract it from the built DVD. You should then be able to take the .m2v and .AC3 files and use them as the menu assets for your new menu, although of course you can't add any more buttons or it will transcode the MPEG-2 background, which loses you some quality. You should be able to tell it where the boundaries are for the existing buttons, though.
    Also, depending on which extractor utility you use, you might not be able to access the menu domain. If that's a problem, you'll have to make a clip containing your menu background and the transition instead of a menu, but like I said, you won't be able to add buttons later. This further illustrates that the best method is to create a finished menu background clip outside of DVD Studio Pro, and then set button boundaries, etc. after you import your clip.
    I'm sure I've probably confused you further, but it seems like what I've suggested is gonna be the only way to get the button highlights to remain active during a transition. Later versions of DVD Studio Pro that allow you to create assets during the authoring process are unfortunately rather limited (iDVD on steroids, I always say). I don't believe it is possible to have highlights active during a transition, because it isn't truly a part of the menu.
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news -- please don't shoot the messenger.

  • Want my DVDs to auto start with the main menu when inserted into a player

    I used idvd to burn an imovie that I made. I have a main menu theme from idvd on the project but when I insert the dvd into a dvd player or computer, the project automatically starts playing without going to the main menu first. How can I make it so it goes to the main menu first, allowing me the chance to click the button I made on the menu to play the project. THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR ANY HELP!!

    By default, projects created with iDVD will always go to the menu screen first. If it doesn't that usually means you made a change to the iDVD map.
    To check, click on the "Map" button (Three small squares joined by a line at the bottom of the screen).
    Take a look at the far left menu square. If there is anything in this square it will play that square first before going to the menu.
    Click on that left hand square and tap the delete key to remove the auto-play item.
    Hope that helps.

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