Always "online" status

I want to get rid of my "online" status. I tried to sign out but still my friends see me "online". I even tried to uninstall Skype from my mobile device but again - it shows me "online". Can anybody help me? Thanks!

Was plagued by this issue, and moved to Facebook Messenger in the interim.  Now getting friends, slowly but surely, to move to Hangouts.
Checked a few days ago and there are still people who haven't used Skype in like 6 montsh listed as Online in all the clients.  I'm done with it.
This isn't just about logging yourself out.  You cannot log other people out with that command because you don't have access to your account.  It's griefing all sorts of people.
So I ditched Skype, and it's a revelation to see how much your quality of life can increase when you have communications tools that work properly.
Have a nice day.

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    What can be the problem? 
    Go to Solution.

    Try the /showplaces and /remotelogout chat commands.
    See also this on how Skype is trying now to "resolve" this issue:

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    Try the /showplaces and /remotelogout chat commands.
    See also this on how Skype is trying now to "resolve" this issue:

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    Hi Gurus.
    I want to share my experience with this case.
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    I think you will be seeing the unread count.

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    Go through the troubleshooting steps under "If you see 'Waiting for Activation'..." in this article:

  • Solution for SKYPE ALWAYS ONLINE

    incognitoSkype wrote:
    It's a bug like everything that is part of Microsoft.
    The solution is: Unlink your Skype account and your Microsoft account
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    dreamhouse wrote:
    This is the right answer. The problem started happening yesterday when I linked the two accounts and now it is resolved after unlinking them again. Shame on you Microsoft!
    For you guys who are not managing to get a result from this solution it probably is because you did not go to your config page (see above in the quoted message) to find out if your accounts were linked or not! 

    @architgrover, the way that it should work is when you run /remotelogout on your PC (or Mac, AFAIK), all other clients will be logged out of MS's cloud, which is what shows people as fake-online.
    Are you sure that doing that and then running /showplaces still shows the Android client as live?  It really shouldn't. Likewise, using the formal Logoff menu (lower left in the Skype Android client) should have the same effect. Simply turning off your phone or going into Airplane Mode does not, which is a major design flaw but something we'll have to continue to live with.

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    Hi Mike,
    Just some more information... in the Web Console... Click Current Users to display a list of current Messenger users and their IP addresses. Click the User ID, then click Disconnect User to disconnect the user.
    So on the backend you can see who is connected... just not from the client.

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    Hi PinkNoiseChick,
    If you have ever sync'd with iTunes, follow Randers4 recommendation in this link:

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    Take “Account 3” Offline
    Take “Account 4” Offline
    Take “Account 5” Offline
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    “Connection on the default ports failed." And it offers me the full SMPT Server List so that I can choose a different server of edit the server list.
    Sorry for such a tedious description, but this problem is driving me crazy and it appears that I’m not the only one with this problem.

    Good suggestion and I will contact Bluehost tomorrow. However, I been with them for over a year with not problems. The problem started (for me) with OS 4.6. and and/or Mail v4.2.
    Will report back if I learn anything useful.

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    Lory72 wrote:
    Hy I bought a new iphone 3gs instead another nokia. I was thinking was better but with my disappoint i found that it's not possible to be always online in skype, fring or similar.
    Correct - third party Apps cannot be on in the background. It can be always on - just leave it as the only thing running.
    I can't believe apple didn't think about that.
    They did and its clearly spelled out in the literature that it is not a multitasking device.
    There is a way or official application can solve the problem?
    Nope - not at all. No multitasking. One application at a time only.
    I'm a big apple fan but i have to regret to change my nokia for the iphone. Apple should be to fix the problem
    There is no problem, its just that you didnt read before buying. The iPhone does not multitask and thats all there is to say.

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    Latest firmware update
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    Go to Solution.

    virenderkumar wrote:
    I have Nokia N9.In the availability option face book showing offline.When I try to put online ,it shows offline also showing account is in use.I reset the phone to factory settings.Still having problem.I need help to solve this.Skype and google talk have no problem.
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  • Does the iMessage protocol provide for "online status" indication?

    In iChat, I could set the online status of my AIM account ("Available", "Away", etc.).
    Does the iMessage protocol provide for "online status" indication?

    Messages Beta can do the same indications for the older style iChat Buddy List the same as iChat does/did.
    The iMessage Login (the "Account" in the Messages Menu > Preferences > Accounts that deals with sending iMessages to iPhones and iPads) does not have the same indicators.
    What it does do is indicate the options in the "To" spot for the Name that is currently shown there.
    To explain that a bit further.
    When you click New Message the Blue Plus icon appears
    You can select Contacts from this list and navigate to a Contact in the Address Book
    Once you select a Contact their Name is in the "To" spot
    If you now click this it becomes a Drop down and the iMessage details they have are marked with a blue Speech bubble.
    IF you select an iMessage Contact this way and they are Off Line the name will go red.
    9:53 PM      Monday; May 14, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Tools >> Options >> Privacy >> Show Advanced Options, then check or tick Allow My Online Status to be Shown on the Web

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    for a user i have used this command Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.UserProfiles.PersonProperties userInformation = peopleManager.GetPropertiesFor(oUser.LoginName);  
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    Online Presence in SharePoint is provided client side by using whatever instant messaging client the user is using.  SharePoint doesn't actually keep track of who is online.  Here's an answer to another question that discusses the HTML used to
    display presence. 
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

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