AM instead of FM tu

We don't they offer an AM tuner instead of the FM tuner? I have thousands of songs on this thing so the need to listen to an FM station isn't that great. However, I would LOVE to be able to tune in to a baseball, football, basketball, or other sports related programs (most of which are carried on AM stations). I think many people would also be interested in AM for talk radio as well. I just seems to me that having an FM tuner isn't that big of a plus (for the record I think they should have an FM model and an AM model so people can pick). Am I alone in this thought?

The issue is that AM requires a bar antenna which would make the player slightly larger. For FM, the antenna is the headphone cord. Creative seems to be obsessed with making all their mp3?players as small as possible, even if greatly desired features need to be omitted. While most people don't want a huge player, a slightly larger player player with?important features would be great. For a flash player, I would like the use of a AA battery(not a AAA!), a larger display than the Nano Plus, a microphone jack and advanced recording features, and AM as well as FM radio. I would also like support for subscription music services and at least 2 gigs of storage. I find it so annoying to have to carry a separate radio in addition to my mp3 player when I want to listen to AM as well as to my music. I usually listen to AM radio much more than to FM. For music, I like to listen to my own MP3s.

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    Greetings Judith,
    Before making any attempts at deleting calendar data, backup what you have just in case:
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    Parameters!ParamCount.Value, Nothing, Join(Parameters!MyParam.Value, ","))

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    Message was edited by: jalyn_taylor
    Message was edited by: jalyn_taylor

    As provided,  you will get the exact same model, storage, color, etc

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    Well my first guess was wrong. The line that failed is the one that writes out the image to disk. I've not revisited the code for that script for ages, but it seems I did add in an extra test for missing files a little while later, then forgot to upload the change. I can reproduce the error message if I deliberately rename a file to confuse iTunes so that seems the most likely reason for your problem with the script. I've uploaded a new build of CreateFolderArt which should work better.
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    You shouldn't have to put in a credit card, no, but from time to time the iTunes Store seems for some reason to try to insist on one. If just confirming your mailing address doesn't stop it from complaining, go here:
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    using run_report_object( and web.show_document,
    how or can you get a report to open in the desktop/full version of MS Excel/Word instead of the web plugin versions?
    I can get the browser to open a report in pdf with my desktop adobe reader, but not with an rtf or xml/delimited desformat.
    Currently I don't pass a mimetype when opening as a pdf, but I do pass one in the url when i am destypes of xml, delimited and rtf,
    as this is the only way i have found out how to open the reports in word/excel.
    I'm in the process of upgrading from forms 6 client/server to 10g developer suite, so this is my try with a web based system.
    Does anyone have any suggestions, or where I should look.
    Below I listed my code from a procedure.
    the first part of the procedure is alot of converting, but if you skip down to the part between the 2 sets of double lines this fairly standard.
    PACKAGE BODY pmc_lib IS
    -- Procedure to run the report.
    procedure run_reports(v_report_name in varchar2, -- Report Name with or w/o a path.
    v_commode in number default synchronous, -- commode
    v_execmode in number default runtime, -- execute mode
    v_file_sys in number default filesystem, -- dummy
    v_param_list in paramlist, -- parameter list
    v_show_modes in varchar2 default null) is -- used for testing,
    -- if set to anthing but null, the report properties will display
    -- on the screen through an alert prior to printing.
    v_errorcode number;
    v_errortext varchar2(600);
    v_initialized boolean := false;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200);
    v_report_path varchar2(200);
    v_user varchar2(100);
    v_user_sessionid number;
    v_forms_version varchar2(100);
    v_default_report_server varchar2(200);
    v_default_server_domain_path varchar2(200);
    v_connect_string varchar2(3) := get_application_property(connect_string);
    v_user_name varchar2(35) := get_application_property(username);
    report_id report_object;
    reportserverjob varchar2(100);
    v_jobid varchar2(100);
    rep_status varchar2(100);
    v_url varchar2(500);
    v_url2 varchar2(500);
    v_parameter_value varchar2(100);
    v_destype_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desformat_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_desname_param_value varchar2(100) := null;
    v_value_n number := 0;
    v_param_type number := text_parameter;
    v_prop_execmode number;
    v_prop_commode number;
    v_prop_destype number;
    v_prop_filename varchar2(200);
    v_prop_source_block varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_query_name varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desname varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_desformat varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_reportserver varchar2(200) := null;
    v_prop_other varchar2(200) := null;
    v_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    v_selected_mimetype varchar2(200) := null;
    report_not_generated exception;
    report_id_not_found exception;
    v_forms_version := get_application_property(version);
    v_prop_reportserver := get_report_object_property('report1', report_server);
    v_report_path := null;
    v_user := v_user_name || '/' ||
    get_application_property(password) || '@' ||
    if v_connect_string = 'NNN' then
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_pmcoracapp01_frhome1';
    v_default_server_domain_path := '';
    v_default_report_server := 'rep_oradevsrv_frhome1';
    end if;
    v_initialized := true;
    -- Check to see what version of forms is running.
    if substr(v_forms_version, 1, 1) <> '6' then
    -- Check to see if WEB version is running
    -- This may be an unnecessary check.
    if (get_application_property(user_interface) = 'WEB') then
    report_id := find_report_object('report1');
    -- id_null won't work on a report_id in Version 6, may put back in 10g once version 6 is gone completly
    -- if id_null(report_id) then
    -- raise report_id_not_found;
    -- end if;
    -- Because of Convertions from old system the following are needed.
    -- 1) If 'execmode' is runtime, then change it to batch.
    if v_execmode = runtime then
         v_prop_execmode := batch;
         v_prop_execmode := v_execmode;
    end if;
    -- 2) If Report name has an attached path, then remove it.
    v_value_n := instr(lower(v_report_name), 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
         v_prop_filename := substr(v_report_name, v_value_n + 11);
    end if;
    -- From looking at the FORMS, 'destype' parameter is always passed in from the FORM.
    -- It is either 'preview' or 'file'.
    -- This is here for the converstion from Forms 6 to 10g.
    -- If for some reason destype has not been passed in as a parameter, you will get a FORM error,
    -- saying the parameter does not exists.
    -- 3) If 'destype' is one of the following, then change it to cache.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'destype', v_param_type, v_destype_param_value);
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) in ('preview', 'file', 'null') then
    v_prop_destype := cache;
    -- 3a) If 'destype' was = 'file' then check the 'desformat' and 'desname'.
    if lower(nvl(v_destype_param_value, 'null')) = 'file' then
    -- 3b) Get 'desformat' value
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desformat', v_param_type, v_desformat_param_value);
    -- 'delimited' was not working, so change all 'delimited' to 'delimiteddata'.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) = 'delimited' then
         v_desformat_param_value := 'delimiteddata';
    end if;
    -- 3c) If 'desformat' is NOT one of the following, then change it to pdf.
    if lower(nvl(v_desformat_param_value, 'null')) not in ('pdf', 'xml', 'rtf', 'delimiteddata') then
    v_prop_desformat := 'pdf';
    v_prop_desformat := lower(v_desformat_param_value);
    end if;
    -- 4) Get 'desname' property.
    get_parameter_attr(v_param_list, 'desname', v_param_type, v_desname_param_value);
    v_prop_desname := lower(v_desname_param_value);
    end if;
    v_prop_destype := lower(v_destype_param_value);
    end if;
    when others then
    -- If a desformat is rtf, xml, or delimited then get a mimetype to pass to the url
    if lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'rtf' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/msword';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'xml' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    elsif lower(v_prop_desformat) = 'delimiteddata' then
    v_mimetype := '&mimetype=application/';
    end if;
    -- 6) If the Following are not set within the Report Object then
    -- set them to the following defaults.
    -- These are al required to be set for the Report Object to Function.
    -- These are the defaults for AAPMC.
    v_prop_execmode := nvl(v_prop_execmode, batch);
    v_prop_commode := nvl(v_prop_commode, synchronous);
    v_prop_destype := nvl(v_prop_destype, cache);
    v_prop_desformat := nvl(v_prop_desformat, 'pdf');
    v_prop_reportserver := nvl(v_prop_reportserver, v_default_report_server);
    -- Set All Report_Object Properties
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_execution_mode, v_prop_execmode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_comm_mode, v_commode);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_destype, v_prop_destype);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_filename, v_prop_filename);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_source_block, v_prop_source_block);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_query_name, v_prop_query_name);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desname, v_prop_desname);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_desformat, v_prop_desformat);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_server, v_prop_reportserver);
    set_report_object_property(report_id, report_other, v_prop_other);
    -- Run Report_Object
    reportserverjob := run_report_object(report_id, v_param_list);
    v_jobid := substr(reportserverjob, length(v_prop_reportserver) + 2, length(reportserverjob));
    -- If Report Status is not 'FINISHED', then loop till it is.
    if reportserverjob is not null then
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    while rep_status in ('RUNNING', 'OPENING_REPORT', 'ENQUEUED') loop
    rep_status := report_object_status(reportserverjob);
    end loop;
    if rep_status <> 'FINISHED' then
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    -- Create 1st part of url.
    v_url := 'http://' || v_default_server_domain_path || '/getjobid' || v_jobid || '?server=' || v_prop_reportserver;
    -- Check for mimetype.
    if v_mimetype is not null then
    v_url := v_url || v_mimetype;
    end if;
    -- Final part of url.
    v_url2 := '"' || v_url || '", "", "fullscreen=no, titlebar=no, location=no, toolbar=no, menubar=no, status=no, resizable=yes"); self.close()';
    -- This is the built-in that calls a new browser window
    raise report_not_generated;
    end if;
    end if;
    -- Destroy the parameter list.
    -- This section if for Client Server, Version 6 of forms.
    -- It will do the same as before the conversion.
    -- It is only used before the complete conversion.
    if v_report_name is null then
    end if;
    v_value_n := instr(v_report_name, 'k:\pmc\new\');
    if v_value_n = 0 then
         v_prop_filename := 'k:\pmc\new\' || v_report_name;
    v_prop_filename := v_report_name;
    end if;
    end if;      
    -- create history record of the report being run
    insert into pmc_report_history values(
    when report_id_not_found then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Cannot Find Report Object!', null);
    when report_not_generated then
    show_user_alert('ERROR: Report Not Generated!', null);
    when others then
    v_errorcode := SQLCODE;
    v_errortext := SQLERRM;
    show_user_alert('ERROR : ' || v_errorcode || ' = ' || v_errortext, null);

    What you could try is downloading the report to the client pc using WEBUTIL_FILETRANSFER.URL_TO_CLIENT, then open the locally save file using something like:
    CLIENT_HOST('cmd /c rundll32.exe url.dll,FileProtocolHandler "localfilename"');

  • In iCal I have double October 2012 (one instead of November) and no have March in 2013. Why?

    In iCal I have 2 October 2012 (one instead of November) and no have March in 2013.
    Mac Ox 10.5.8, iCal 3.0.8 (1287), Russian locale
    So seems that other month's names moved
    So now in Ical ( month view) i have: October, October, November, December, January, February, April
    moreover( оr as result) in February ICal shows 30 days

    Hi Satish,
    In the css file, you should have a 'text-align' property set to 'center' for the BEx Table cell element. I'm not sure of the exact element name, maybe you can check. Also check if you can open the file in notepad if the MS VS format is not ok with you.

  • I randomly get black boxes instead of images when loading a webpage

    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    Ever since I upgraded to the newest version of Firefox, I've been getting a lot of blacked out boxes instead of the actual images. When I right click "View Image", the image does show up, but I don't want to keep right clicking boxes just to see an image. I also checked to see if I might how blocked the image on AdBlock or on "Page Info", but nothing was marked.
    The blacking out of images seems to happen randomly at different times. From different tabs opened, not all images are blacked out. On the same page, some images will be blacked out while some show up. Also, I've for the same web page, one day I'll open it up and everything is fine, but the next day I open up the same URL and the images are blacked out. It just seems so random.
    I was thinking my internet speed could have something to do with it. The blacking out also happens more frequently when I have multiple tabs open or if the images are larger. However, I did not have this problem until I upgraded Firefox.
    == This happened
    A few times a week
    == I upgraded to the newest version of Firefox
    == Troubleshooting information
    Application Basics
    Name Firefox
    Version 3.6.6
    Profile Directory
    Open Containing Folder
    Installed Plugins
    Build Configuration
    Adblock Plus 1.2.1 true
    AVG Safe Search true {3f963a5b-e555-4543-90e2-c3908898db71}
    AVG Security Toolbar false avg@igeared
    Delicious Bookmarks 2.1.072 true {2fa4ed95-0317-4c6a-a74c-5f3e3912c1f9}
    Dictionary 2.1.10 true [email protected]
    FireShot 0.80 false {0b457cAA-602d-484a-8fe7-c1d894a011ba}
    FlashGot true {19503e42-ca3c-4c27-b1e2-9cdb2170ee34}
    Java Console 6.0.14 true
    Java Console 6.0.15 true
    Java Console 6.0.17 true
    Java Quick Starter 1.0 true [email protected]
    Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant 1.2.1 true {20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}
    Read It Later 2.0.6 true [email protected]
    SkipScreen 0.4.7amo true SkipScreen@SkipScreen
    StumbleUpon 3.64 true
    TVU Web Player 2,4,9,1 true [email protected]
    FastestFox 4.1.5 true [email protected]
    ColorfulTabs 4.6.1 false {0545b830-f0aa-4d7e-8820-50a4629a56fe}
    Morning Coffee 1.33 true morningCoffee@shaneliesegang
    Java Console 6.0.20 true
    Modified Preferences
    accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar 0
    browser.history_expire_days.mirror 180
    browser.history_expire_days_min 30
    browser.places.importBookmarksHTML false
    browser.places.importDefaults false
    browser.places.leftPaneFolderId -1
    browser.places.migratePostDataAnnotations false
    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 2
    browser.places.updateRecentTagsUri false
    browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone rv:
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    extensions.lastAppVersion 3.6.6
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    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    == Plugins installed
    *-Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
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    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy
    *Default Plug-in
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 11.5
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    *Npdsplay dll
    *DRM Store Netscape Plugin
    *DRM Netscape Network Object

    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode?
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this:

  • IPhoto show a exclamation mark instead of the picture

    Hi all folks,
    iPhoto 8.1.2 (iLife '09) show an exclamation mark only, instead of the picture. The thumbnail overview shows the picture and in the edit mode I got the picture too. All the time I open the picture with Preview, I got the picture, but iPhoto can't. In general I have no problems with iPhoto, all pictures are shown.
    My question, does someone know where the exclamtion mark (a black exclamation mark in a white circle) came from.
    Thanks for any help,

    The ! turns up when iPhoto loses the connection between the thumbnail in the iPhoto Window and the file it represents.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

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