Amazon mp3 webapp + cloud player app = coolness amplified!

Just learned about amazon's iphone optimized mp3 catalog site. it works superbly with the cloud player for getting music, lots of it for free.

When you search the app store for Amazon Cloud Player on your iPad, click the button at the top of the page to show iPhone Apps.

Similar Messages

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    I need an MP3 players to play music that's currently in the Cloud in my Google Drive app. I'm successfully using Amazon Cloud Player on my IPhone 5, but it doesn't seem to be available for my IPad 3. Any suggestions?

    When you search the app store for Amazon Cloud Player on your iPad, click the button at the top of the page to show iPhone Apps.

  • I have mp3 music on Amazon Cloud Player.  Can I use the same music with my ipd.

    Can I use my mp3 music on Amazon Cloud Player on my new ipad 2?

    Yes.  Import the music into iTunes and sync it to your iPad.

  • ITunes M4A vs Amazon MP3, ripping in iTunes, cloud services

    Sorry to ask 3 different questions in 1 thread, but they're all kind of related..
    1) I've been struggling for a while to decide which service to use for digital music. Until recently, I always bought physical CDs and ripped them to my computer at 320Kbps. Then, Amazon started to attract me with all of the deals they have and free credits, not to mention the Cloud player. So I started buying from Amazon. I also had some iTunes credit, which I used and was surprised to find quite a difference in quality. Both are 256Kbps, but Amazon uses MP3, while iTunes apparently uses AAC M4A files. The thing that stands out to me is that the audio is louder and clearer.
    Has anybody else noticed this? Everywhere I look online people say there's no difference in the two, but I swear there is. If you download the same song from Amazon and iTunes then listen to them back to back at the same volume, you should notice the difference. Preferable some kind of rock song with louder music where it may be a big harder to make out the lyrics. It's not so much "quality", like the MP3s sound "bad" compared to them, or are missing parts of the audio. It's just that the M4A files are louder and seemingly clearer, making it easier to understand lyrics. It's different than just turning up the volume, the words really stand out more in an M4A file.
    So is it just me, or is AAC really that much better than MP3? The 256kbps M4As  from iTunes even sound better than the 320kbps MP3s I've always ripped from my CDs via Windows Media Player. I've not, however, compared to the 320kbps MP3s from Google Play, maybe I will try that sometime.
    2) Assuming that it's better, that means I need to re-rip my entire CD collection. Will ripping within iTunes to M4A 256kbps give me the same quality as if I bought the file from iTunes and downloaded the file? Also, it looks like you can rip all the way up to 320kbps. Is it even worth it with AAC files, or will I likely not notice a difference over 256kbps?
    3) Finally, cloud services. This is the one that has me the most confused. I have 2 goals really: #1, be able to listen to all of my music on my work computer in addition to my home computer and #2, have access to all of my music in some cloud service to access on my Android phone and Android tablet. I have 3 main services to chose from, Amazon, Google, and Apple, each with pros and cons.
    Pros - lower prices, lots of sales and free credits, all MP3s purchased there are automatically added to my Amazon Cloud, as well as any albums that have the "AutoRip" feature, Amazon Cloud Player seems sufficient both on my desktop and mobile devices.
    Cons - lowest audio quality out of all services, can only store 250 personal songs for free, $25/year to upgrade to 250,000 songs
    Pros - lower prices than iTunes and sales, but not sure if they're as good as Amazon, all MP3s purchased there are automatically added to my play library
    Cons - the desktop web client and mobile app aren't very good, IMO. You don't have much choice over how to view/organize the music. Amazon Cloud player seems better in every way.
    Pros - best audio quality, iTunes Match for $25/year to have my entire iTunes library in iCloud, including songs not purchased from iTunes (no size/# limit that I'm aware of), iTunes desktop app works fairly well and could be installed on my work computer and play my entire library with iTunes Match
    Cons - highest prices, no client for Android devices, iTunes Match costs $25/year
    (if I left off any pros/cons, please point them out and I'll add them to the list)
    So here's my predicament: I want to start ripping all of my CDs and making all of my digital purchases in iTunes, mostly because of the superior audio quality. But, doing it this way I'll have no good cloud option for my phone and tablet. I could pay for the Amazon Cloud Pro to be able to upload my entire library there, but I would lose the quality of most files (they would match the files with their versions). I could upload my library to Google Play, but I would lose the quality there as well AND I hate their web client and mobile app.
    Alternately, I could start purchasing all of my stuff from Amazon. Then, I could pay for iTunes Match to upgrade all of my songs to the better quality files, but I still couldn't use it for cloud-purposes, and it seems the only way to get the files onto your computer is to delete the source file then download it from the iCloud, but a lot of people are saying that's risky.
    So, I just don't know what to do. Is there something I'm missing here that would offer me a better solution? I wish Amazon would just start offering better quality audio files, that would solve everything.
    Note: I'm aware I could just store my music ON my Android phone and tablet, but 1) that would take a lot of manual work and upkeep and 2) I wouldn't have enough space on my tablet for my entire library (or on the phone without buying a 32GB microSDHC card). So, I really don't want to go that route.

    AAC is a more modern codec than MP3 and thanks to advances is able to be more efficient at compressing audio than MP3. This means that at the same bit rate e.g. 256Kbps AAC will retain more of the original quality than MP3 at the same bit rate. Most of the articles I have seen say that roughly a 256Kbps AAC file would be equivalent in quality to a 320Kbps MP3 file meaning the AAC file is up to 25% more efficient.
    You could if you wish rip CDs at 320Kbps AAC and that in theory would sound even better compared to a 320Kbps MP3 file. However for most people listening on a portable media player (aka. iPod) with standard earphones you would not be able to tell. In a home playing through your HiFi speakers then you might be able to tell the difference.
    By the way, it is now possible to rip all your CDs in Apple Lossless format meaning it is exactly the same quality as the original CD, and still have iTunes automatically convert to AAC when copying to your iPod/iPhone. This way you get full CD quality in your home, but use a smaller slightly lower quality file on your iPod/iPhone.

  • IOS & Amazon Cloud Player

    After reading about the issues that itunes match has at the moment with things like not deleting single tracks or when you turn it off and on to do this it delets your entire library I have been trying to find out more about the Amazon cloud player. 
    Now I know this is an apple community but I was wondering of anyone uses this service with their ipone or ipad.  I have tried the app on my phone but not commited to the service as a whole.  From the face of it the app works well and seems to show cloud v device nicely.  Anyone use this or have any views as the net seems a little short on reviews.
    Thanks in advance.

    No, the music app in iOS will only show music that you have purchases thru itunes or synced from your cpu

  • Amazon MP3 Cloud Drive

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    Your saying it works slightly better when downloaded on the phone rather off a PC??? OR  That I should just download it and save it to the phone???

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    Fyi ; I am no stranger to "the cloud player" having used the one on my Samsung Galaxy SIII and before that my Droid charge
    Any and all help is greatly appreciated !
    Thank ya'll

    You'll need to contact the app developer about the flaw since your using a 3rd party app.  Look here

  • How do i move music from my doc.s or from amazon cloud player into itunes?

    Hi,  how do i move music from my 'music' files in doc.s or from amazon cloud player to itunes?

    Use Amazon's download utility to download the content on your computer and add it into iTunes.

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    Ladymac33 wrote:
    My laptop is broken and I don't want to buy a new one.
    Okay, that's your choice.
    Ladymac33 wrote:
    Is there any way to retrieve all of my music on itunes via my ipad and can I manage my itunes account only on my ipad?
    Is the media already on the iPad?  If not, iTunes purchases can be redownloaded if they are still available in iTunes.  Non-iTunes purchases would need to be synced from iTunes on a computer.

  • Amazon mp3 app request

    Please remove requirement to have wi fi connection for downloading mp3 file on Amazon mp3 service on PalmPre.
    It mostly removes all convenience from having this app on your phone.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    theonna, you might want to drop Palm a line at the link below in my signature.
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  • Amazon MP3 App

    Every time I try and purchase a song on the Amazon MP3 app it comes up with the message "This Purchase Request could not be Completed" This is both when I am Wifi and on my Network. The App is update and I have tried all my 1-click settings in Amazon signed out and signed in... But still doesn't work!! Anyone got any remedy for this??

    Hello alexandraebwatson and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Sorry to you are experiencing difficulty purchasing songs using the Amazon MP3 app.
    Are you able to download free songs, just get this error when trying to purchase a song? 
    Can you log into your Amazon account at with your account credentials? Do you have current billing information in your Amazon account online?
    In what Country are you in when making the purchase?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • ITunes to Amazon Cloud Player?

    How do I get my iTunes music on my Amazon Cloud Player?

    If you are backing up to icloud, try using itunes to do a backup to itunes.  Then restore using itunes.

  • Uninstall amazon cloud player

    I accidently installed amazon cloud player after an online purchase.
    How can I completely uninstall it?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    This application do not come with an uninstaller, so it is easy to uninstall it.
    Open a Finder window and choose Applications in the sidebar. Then, move Amazon Cloud Player to the Trash and empty the Trash. That's all

  • Amazon mp3 app for droid incredible

    I love my new droid incredible and upgraded from the droid but just realized it doesn't come preinstalled with the amazon mp3 app for downloading music. I didn't find it in the app store either. So what gives?
    How can I get this app? Or is it not avail for HTC DRoid incredible and I'm supposed to use another service to download music?

    pddroid wrote:
    I love my new droid incredible and upgraded from the droid but just realized it doesn't come preinstalled with the amazon mp3 app for downloading music. I didn't find it in the app store either. So what gives?
    How can I get this app? Or is it not avail for HTC DRoid incredible and I'm supposed to use another service to download music?
    I did a little searching and found that app is not available for the Incredible. It's not in the market either. For a solution...see this link---->Amazon Mp3

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    Xbox music comes standard on your Windows Phone and as part of Windows 8.X.
    There is also a Nokia music service for your phone and a corresponding app for Windows 8.X.
    There are be others, including an apps  that may access iTunes. (I have never used iTunes)
    Get creative in your searches in the Store on your phone and the store on your Windows 8 computer.

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