Amd Athlon 2700+ Box With Amd Fan


Looks ok to me!

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    Can you try it in another system?  You can use this link to check its OPN number to verify what model 2700 it is.
    Do you have the diagnostic led connection hooked up to the motherboard?

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    The textfields should have the same number of lines.  You can have the scrollbar (sb) assigned to one textfield (t1) and then have an event listener/handler for the scrollbar adjust the other textfield's (t2) scrollV property to match the first one's scrollV property:
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    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

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    Can Edge display a scrolling text box with Images, static text, and html dynamic text in it??

    The code is in composition ready. Click the filled {}

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    I have version 3.6.16 and when I login to my hotmail account, and type the first letter of the email address, a drop down box appears with my hotmail address and I can choose it from that box with a click.
    How do I get version 4 to do this?

    The new but not-ready-for-prime-time autocomplete method searches for matches that contain the entered text, not just ones that begin with the string. Your options are:
    1) type in longer strings that narrow the search
    2) use an add-on to search just the beginnings:
    3) install an older version of TB:

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    Hey ! 
    I have found the solution myself  !!!
    Go ..... Apple in the toolbar - Force quite - select finder - then relaunch .

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    So far, you have described the standard Dock symbols for Console utility and Terminal Utility.
    If you did not deliberately add them to the Dock, something you did seems to have opened these two Applications so that their icons are showing on the Dock.
    That may be perplexing, but is not a cause for alarm.

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    the problem started when my computer screen broke from something falling on it, the screen was replaced but the people that fixed it for me told me there may be some hard disk issues when a problem like this happens, they ran their own checks and found nothing and i was given my laptop back, then when i tried to use it, i found this problem. everything else works fine.
    i have shutdown and re-started my computer multiple times and i have also re-started finder multiple times, both having no effect
    i have also done a few other things to find that my and are both missing, and are not re-creating themselves, i have found no way to bring them back either.
    any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

    there is an app called daisydisk on mac app store which will help you see exactly where the memory is focused and consumed try using that app and see which folders are using more memory

  • I've developed the problem that when I click on something I get a dialog box with a mess of stuff such as: Back,re;oad page ,Open in dashboard ,print page, etc. It's quite annoying!

    I have a problem that when I click on something I get a dialog box with Back,Reload page, Open in Dashboard,View Source Save page as ETC. I don't get the normal or expected respose to a simple "click". Another problem. For some reason the back and forth arrows it the tool bar of Safari have shifted from the upper left hand cornor to the uuuer rihht hand cornor.

    Something is seriously wrong then.  Did you move it?  There are several Library folders.  One of them should be inside your HOME folder.
    If WZZZ suggestion does not work, re-install your OS by using Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo.  When done, repair permissions and restart your computer.

  • Hi.  My new computer had Acrobat on it.  Suddenly, I was unable to open any PDF's.  and then I tried to update and was forwarded to the Adobe site that said I had to buy a monthly subscription.  I do not have the physical box with a serial number and was

    Hi.  My new computer had Acrobat on it.  Suddenly, I was unable to open any PDF's.  and then I tried to update and was forwarded to the Adobe site that said I had to buy a monthly subscription.  I do not have the physical box with a serial number and was going to buy the one advertised on the website until I discovered it's only for students and teachers, which I am not.  What should I do next as I need to use PDFs on a daily basis.  Thanks!  I would like to be able to download this and pay online.  Possible? I currently have Adobe Acrobat XI Pro.  I have a Windows 7 system.  Please help!

    As long as you know your serial number you can download PSE from here:
    Download Photoshop Elements products | 11, 10
    If you don't know your serial number:
    Find your serial number quickly

  • Like i said Microsoft outlook keeps coming up in my iTunes and a box with server name i ,v tried all the server names on my account and it will not work and now my iTunes account is  stuffed

    I,m sorry but i,v a enough of all these **** problems Microsoft has been on help with helping me fix this problem i,v tried everything to fix it and i do know that i,m not talking to Apple like i said this outlook from Microsoft keeps coming up every time i start my iTunes up and then it has a box with enter server name and i,v tried all the server names on my laptop and it will not accept any of them I,v spent a heep of money already with computer people and my laptop is now more stuffed and i don,t trust anyone any more my computer bloke stufhfed my iTunes account up as well and tried to tell me i had to upload a new iTunes and i fixed it up and i,v never done a computer coruse in my life sorry for the all the chat but i,m just sick of all the scams just to get money out of you one more thing my iCould is not backing up to my iCloud as well so where is all my dtuff gone to so much for security

    Ande i,v got on idea where to see your relpys here this is all new to me like where are your messages here thank you

  • Since upgrading to Mavericks, 10.9.1, pictures that come attached to emails no longer display.  There is only a blank space that after about 1 minute, has a small box with a question mark.  How can I go back to attached images?

    Since upgrading to Mavericks, 10.9.1, pictures that come attached to emails no longer display.  There is only a blank space that after about 1 minute, has a small box with a question mark.  Double clicking on the box will open the image in a separate window.  It's very slow and tedious for multiple images.  How can I go back to attached and displayed  images?  If I click on "Forward", the images appear instantly in the email to be forwarded.

    My problem seemed to fix itself.  Or, by shutting down the computer one night, instead of putting it to sleep, may have reset something.  Since updating to Mavericks, I always (or usually) let the computer sleep overnight or anytime I'm walking away from it.  A few days ago, I was updating notes for my kids about how to find all my stuff and how to turn on my computer, so I wanted to rewrite the start-up procedures for the iMac, just in case they ever need to.  Well, I shut it down one night so the following morning, I could write down each step.  Lo and behold, the images, etc. are all there again!  Solved, but I'm not sure why.

  • I keep getting the little blue box with the question mark

    I have 10.6.7 system software and my safari is 5.0.4
    I have called apple twice with this problem already but nothing has helped except for short times.
    I have reset safari about one dozen times and when I do I reset the top 7 items and I've emptied the cache in addition just in case. I've also taken my safari preference plist out of my library and trashed it.
    And I've run disk utilities many times and restarted my computer. Each thing I do will solve the problem for a short time, even up to a day or more (or less) but then it comes back. For instance on Facebook maybe 1/8th of the thumbnail images have the little blue boxes with the question marks but most don't. I can't figure it out. Sometimes even the iPAD safari gets them too but my firefox doesn't show them and neither does Safari on my eMac.
    Yesterday the question marks even showed up in ONE mailing on all 3 computers with the question marks in the blue boxes (meaning my iMac, my eMac and my iPad) but then it just all resolved after a few hours. This does sound like possibly a server problem except today it's happening (in Safari again) only on this iMac in Safari (not firefox) and not on the other two devices.
    One more thing, since they changed my radio on the roof for my wireless internet, the 5.8 phone cuts out the internet when I use it. The problem has gotten worse since they changed the radio to the same frequency as the phone, it's a much faster service than the 2.4 radio. I don't know if this is related or not.
    Thank you,

    <Contact your ISP.
    Is it possible, Carolyn, that this would mainly and almost always be only affecting the iMac and Safari in the iMac if it were a server issue? Right now Safari has more blue boxes with question marks than ever and the eMac and iPad have none. Firefox on the iMac has none also.
    I should try a direct connection and by pass the router and see if that makes a difference.
    I will contact them tomorrow but I want to get clear in my head first all the facts and possibilities.

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