AME CS6 and % of cpu used

imac i7 3.4ghz
24gb ram
When encoding is there anyway to get AME to utilize more of my cpu consistently?
When encoding I'm seeing a fluctuation between under 10% use and 30-70% every other second. So one second it will be 8% then the next will be 53%, then back to 7%, then 47% and so on.  For a glorious few minutes it was up around 500% and  knocked about 20 minutes off the rendering time. Is this fluctuation typical for other users?

Avchd footage, output to blu ray h264. Plays fine in PPro sequence. 
I had some flash frames in my previous export (user induced) so I'm re-exporting part of it.
It's a 12 minute section, has colorista, magic bullet, and an adjustment layer on 90% of clips.
Media is on 1 tunderbolt drive and I'm exporting to another thunderbolt drive.
I'm getting that fluctuating cpu usage described above and
AME is estimating 6 hours, does that seem normal or excessive with my setup?

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  • Missing Formats (.mov, image seq, mpeg, etc) in AME CS6 and CS6.01

    AME CS6 even with the update 6.01 is still missing formats such as Quicktime, all of the image sequnce formats(png, jpg, tga, etc), Mpegs the list just goes on.
    I have CS6 Master collection full installed
    Quicktime x
    FCP 7 pro with suite
    Avid MC6
    and all the codecs a proffesional editor would need.
    I have already re installed CS6 3x (nothing changed so if anyone suggest a re install i will just assume you are stupid and cant read english)
    AE and Pr both give me all the formats including, Quicktime, all of the image sequnce formats(png, jpg, tga, etc), Mpegs.
    I have checked the contents of AME which has all of the required import and export bundles associated with these formats but the programs still refuses to give them as options.
    Spending the last few days trying to find a solution and all i can find is typical basic level support from adobe and other sources
    Yes adobe my computer is plugged in.
    yes adobe i did spend a hefty chunk of change for a Creative suite that has more issues out the box than i would care to waste my time detailing them all.
    My questions is Adobe
    Do you know what is causing this issue?
    Do you have a solution to this issue?
         If so is it in the form of an update or at least instructions on how a user can fix your issue?
         update 6.01 is not a solution if you were going to suggest that. ( i have applied this update each time with re install of MC CS6)

    See this similar thread...
    Not sure this workaround will help in your case, but you may want to try replacing the following file in the AME CS6 package bundle with one from another Mac that doesn't have the problem:
    /Applications/Adobe Media Encoder CS6/Adobe Media Encoder
    If you don't have another Mac system with CS6 installed just  email me and I'll send you a copy from mine.  If this doesn't help we might need to do some spelunking to  track down what's going wrong with your configuration...

  • I am using CS6 and when I use the pen tool, it deletes the inside image not the outside image

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    Thankyou Alex

    It's probably the path operations setting.
    The default setting in photoshop cs6 is Exclude Overlapping Shapes and you could also use Combine Shapes.

  • Could not download static AME rules and approval groups using FNDLOAD

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    Edited by: user12559818 on Jul 4, 2012 3:24 AM

    user12559818 wrote:
    It is 11.5.10 RUP7 instance...and the rule is STATIC , as I see the control file it has the condition IS_STATIC ='N', but the rule I am trying to download is a STATIC RULE. So I am not sure how to download and migrate STATIC rules and STATIC approval groups in 11i.
    Please suggest.Did you see "3.AME Rules" in [ID 1168883.1]?

  • ORA-00600 , Internal Error ,  Trace File and 50% CPU use HTMLDB library

    Hi HTMLDB team
    One HTMLDB allpication processes generated an ORA-00600 error as follows :
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kohdtf048], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    The Trace file is as follows :
    *** SESSION ID:(32.925) 2006-08-01 13:17:07.574
    *** 2006-08-01 13:17:07.497
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kohdtf048], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    rc__ number;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 255;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    Also , this process has been consuming an unacceptable amount of cpu :
    18146 oracle 1 0 0 3924M 1840M cpu/1 167:24 49.62% oracle
    OEM reports the lastest SQL run by this process is the same as above.
    Is there anyway I could upload the trace file for you to have a look at ?

    Hi HTMLDB team
    One HTMLDB allpication processes generated an ORA-00600 error as follows :
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kohdtf048], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    The Trace file is as follows :
    *** SESSION ID:(32.925) 2006-08-01 13:17:07.574
    *** 2006-08-01 13:17:07.497
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kohdtf048], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    rc__ number;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 255;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    Also , this process has been consuming an unacceptable amount of cpu :
    18146 oracle 1 0 0 3924M 1840M cpu/1 167:24 49.62% oracle
    OEM reports the lastest SQL run by this process is the same as above.
    Is there anyway I could upload the trace file for you to have a look at ?

  • Running both CS6 and CS5 bridge

    I'm running CS5 bridge but using CS6 tools from the cloud tools.  I keep CS5 on board because CS6 Bridge is really useless for getting any work done.  I face major pauses when I try to use any of the menu buttons or try to right click on anything.  Usually at least 5 seconds.
    So I just use CS5 which is very quick to respond to those kind of clicks.
    I'm seeing one problem that is apparently related to having both versions:
    In CS6 Bridge:
    When I set Edit/Camera Raw preferences/ Camera Raw Cache/ Select location
    It also sets the same place for CS5 Bridge.  And Vise versa if I set it from CS5 it changes CS6 as well.
    Somewhere they must be using the same configuration file.  Just at a guess I'd say that is not supposed to happen.
    Can someone who knows more about the internal workings give me some advice about keeping  the different versions from sharing settings?

    Curt Y wrote:
    CS6 and CS5 Bridge use different cache database.  So same location, different file.
    By the way I pretty much do he same thing.  Even though CS6 Bridge is now 64 bit, it has too many pauses to do its job.  Most are related to building cache.
    Yup, its way to aggravating and time wasting to try to use CS6. In my case, running CS5, the one draw back is that I don't have access to the PS CS6 batch processor, so if I have need of that, I have to put up with CS6 long enough to get that done.  Forutnately I don't use it all that often.. at least the recent projects I've undertaken have not necessitated it more than a few times.
    Are you able to access the PS CS6 image processor from Bridge CS5? (Tools/photoshop/ And here you see several batching sort of tools including the Image Processor).  For me; when running CS5 the Tools menu does not have a "photoshop" entry at all.
    I'm sort of jumping to a new topic here and hope you don't mind.  I wondered if you might have developed a numbered list of things one should try when having the stalling problem some users are seeing with CS6 bridge.  I would like to take one more systematic stab at getting a usable installation of CS6 bridge before resorting to the long and usually painful process of getting help from adobe.
    It would really be handy if someone with your grasp of this tool could codify and distill down a step by step list of things to try to get CS6 bridge working better.
    Your respones to me and to at least one other poster I've noticed (I'm sure there have been more) contain lots of different things to try but with my shortage of experience with this kind of troubleshooting I'm not sure what order to attempt things in.


    I Just installed latest CS6 and have tried using the program in conjunction with Bosto Kingtee 19 MA. Photoshop works perfectly when tablet is not plugged in; but fails to start when tablet is hooked up. Everything in terms of drivers and software is up-to-date. Help!!!!! Please!!!!!
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          9/16/2013 10:21:53 AM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      Chris-PC
    Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x519c8a03
    Faulting module name: WinTab32.dll_unloaded, version:, time stamp: 0x50b81a8f
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0000000003a41cbb
    Faulting process id: 0x1088
    Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb3013afacf1c
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe
    Faulting module path: WinTab32.dll
    Report Id: 7a37412a-1ef4-11e3-b110-f46d043095d6
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-09-16T17:21:53.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe</Data>

    All I can say is I saw a video on their site with someone using Photoshop.  From what I saw it looked like a Photoshop version prior to CS6 just going by the light gray interface.
    There is a user group!categories/bosto-user-group/windows-discussion
    Message was edited by: JJMack
    saw this subject Wintab32.dll errors
    Hi Kyle Welcome to the Bosto User Group! Thanks for your positive comments about the 19MA's slim profile and drawing ability, so now let's hope we can get all your issues figured out. I am referring this post to Andrey for assistance with your first two points about modifying express keys and pen button. The latest express key drivers are "" and "" - available from Regarding the dll error and pressure sensitivity in photoshop CS6, please try these steps as mentioned by Fanly: 
    Ensure that any Wacom drivers are uninstalled
    Ensure that all drawing applications are closed
    Install the latest touch panel driver "" from
    I hope this helps!
    Kyle Bennington
    Fanly helped get the driver situation fixed now just onto the the express keys then I can ditch using my wacom without drivers and being annoyed lol. Thank you so much for the fast response time, I'm going to try to get my job to get these I hope you come out with larger HD versions and get the driver situation alleviated :). Those are really the only things I'm seeing so far that wacom has over you guys but for the price you guys are knocking it out of the park 
    Message was edited by: JJMack

  • Double Up - Photoshop CS6 and CC 2014

    I have bought and installed Ps CS6 and have been using it since 17/3/2014.  All is well.   I have recently somehow got Ps CC 2014 as well.  I do not use it, have no reason to now or in the future, and it is taking up 1.76 GB of space on my HD.
    Can I uninstall the latter without causing any problems with the former?  No shared files, for instance?

    Thank you.

  • AME CS6 rendering with AE and Pr takes too long

    Hi Guys,
    Need some help here. i have rendered a 30 secs mp4 video with 1920 x 1080 HD format 25 frames w/o scripting in AME for 4 hours!
    Why does it take too long? I have rendered a 2 minute video with same format w/ scripting but only spare less than 30 minutes for rendering.
    Im using After Effects and Premium Pro both CS6 and using Dynamic Link in AME.
    What seems to be wrong in my current settings?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    This may be a waste of time, but it won't take a minute and is something you should always do whenever things go strangely wrong  ............ trash the preferences, assuming you haven't done it already.
    Many weird things happen as a result of corrupt preferences which can create a vast range of different symptoms, so whenever FCP X stops working properly in any way, trashing the preferences should be the first thing you do using this free app.
    Shut down FCP X, open PreferenceManager and in the window that appears:-
    1. Ensure that only  FCP X  is selected.
    2. Click Trash
    The job is done instantly and you can re-open FCP X.
    There is absolutely no danger in trashing preferences and you can do it as often as you like.
    The preferences are kept separately from FCP X and if there aren't any when FCP X opens it automatically creates new ones  .  .  .  instantly.

  • Using Photoshop CS6 and after printing approx. 10 cards on an Epson R3000 printer the program gives me a dialog box saying "There was an error opening your printer. Printing functions will not be available until you have selected a printer and reopened an

    Using Photoshop CS6 and after printing approx. 10 cards on an Epson R3000 printer the program gives me a dialog box saying "There was an error opening your printer. Printing functions will not be available until you have selected a printer and reopened any documents."  Even after closing and reopening the program, the print command is greyed out so I cannot select any printer. This also happens with a Brother laser printer. Both printers will produce a test page out side of the Adobe product. Help!

    I cannot get any help either.  I get the message "There was an error opening your printer. Printing functions will not be available until you have selected a printer and reopened any documents."  I have reinstalled all drivers, powered off/on all printers (2 of them - a Brother HL - 4040cn and an Epson Stylus Pro 7890 - which all worked fine until this morning).  There appears to be no path to a solution.  I have read all the forums and tried about 20 different suggestions all to no avail.  Reboots, changing cables, reinstalling printers and drivers and Photoshop CS6 - ALL TO NO AVAIL.  On a macbook pro retina with 10.10.3.  This issue is out there and some get solutions - but not all - that's my crowd...the not all crowd.  I have yet to be able to print from CS6 any more.  This is a show stopper and my patience is wearing thin.  And I'm tired of stupid questions like "is your printer powered on?" give me a break.  This appears to be an adobe photoshop cs6 problem - as I can print from every other application.  Anyone have any ideas?  Adobe should have something?... Adobe system  info below:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Mac OS 10.10.3
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:58, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 4
    Logical processor count: 8
    Processor speed: 2300 MHz
    Built-in memory: 8192 MB
    Free memory: 4665 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 7059 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
    Image tile size: 1024K
    Image cache levels: 4
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenGL Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-10.2.7 310.41.25f01
    OpenCL Version:
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine
    Display: 2
    Display Depth:= 32
    Display Bounds:=  top: 1072, left: 140, bottom: 1950, right: 1580
    Video Renderer ID: 16918311
    Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    Video Rect Texture Size: 16384
    OpenGL Version: 2.1 NVIDIA-10.2.7 310.41.25f01
    OpenCL Version: 1.2 (Feb 27 2015 01:29:10)
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine
    Display: 1
    Main Display
    Display Depth:= 32
    Display Bounds:=  top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1050, right: 1680
    Video Renderer ID: 16918311
    Video Card Memory: 1024 MB
    Video Rect Texture Size: 16384
    Serial number: 92629107631240972642
    Application folder: KerrysHD:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS6:
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
      KerrysHD, 232.6G, 19.7G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: KerrysHD:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS6:Adobe Photoshop
    Primary Plug-ins folder: KerrysHD:Applications:Adobe Photoshop CS6:Plug-ins:
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
       adbeape.framework   adbeape   66.1025012
       AdbeScriptUIFlex.framework   AdbeScriptUIFlex   66.490082
       adobe_caps.framework   adobe_caps   1.276181
       AdobeACE.framework   AdobeACE   66.492997
       AdobeAGM.framework   AdobeAGM   66.492997
       AdobeAXE8SharedExpat.framework   AdobeAXE8SharedExpat   66.26830
       AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework   AdobeAXEDOMCore   66.26830
       AdobeBIB.framework   AdobeBIB   66.492997
       AdobeBIBUtils.framework   AdobeBIBUtils   1.1.01   66.492997
       AdobeCoolType.framework   AdobeCoolType   66.492997
       AdobeCrashReporter.framework.framework   AdobeCrashReporter   6.0.20120201  
       AdobeExtendScript.framework   AdobeExtendScript   66.490082
       AdobeJP2K.framework   AdobeJP2K   66.236923
       AdobeLinguistic.framework      17206  
       AdobeMPS.framework   AdobeMPS   66.495174
       AdobeOwl.framework   AdobeOwl   4.0.93   66.496052
       AdobePDFL.framework   AdobePDFL   66.419471
       AdobePDFSettings.framework   AdobePDFSettings   1.4  
       AdobePIP.framework   AdobePIP  
       AdobeScCore.framework   AdobeScCore   66.490082
       AdobeUpdater.framework   AdobeUpdater   "52.338651"
       AdobeXMP.framework   AdobeXMPCore   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPFiles.framework   AdobeXMPFiles   66.145661   66.145661
       AdobeXMPScript.framework   AdobeXMPScript   66.145661   66.145661
       ahclient.framework   ahclient  
       aif_core.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       aif_ocl.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       aif_ogl.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       AlignmentLib.framework   xcode  
       amtlib.framework   amtlib  
       boost_date_time.framework   boost_date_time  
       boost_signals.framework   boost_signals  
       boost_system.framework   boost_system  
       boost_threads.framework   boost_threads  
       Cg.framework   NVIDIA Cg     
       CIT.framework   CIT   145486
       data_flow.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       dvaaudiodevice.framework   dvaaudiodevice  
       dvacore.framework   dvacore  
       dvamarshal.framework   dvamarshal  
       dvamediatypes.framework   dvamediatypes  
       dvaplayer.framework   dvaplayer  
       dvatransport.framework   dvatransport  
       dvaunittesting.framework   dvaunittesting  
       dynamiclink.framework   dynamiclink  
       FileInfo.framework   FileInfo   66.145433   66.145433
       filter_graph.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       hydra_filters.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       ICUConverter.framework   ICUConverter   3.61   "gtlib_3.0" "." "16615"
       ICUData.framework   ICUData   3.61   "gtlib_3.0" "." "16615"
       image_compiler.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       image_flow.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       image_runtime.framework   AdobeAIF   3.0.00   62.490293
       LogSession.framework   LogSession  
       mediacoreif.framework   mediacoreif  
       PlugPlug.framework   PlugPlug  
       UpdaterNotifications.framework   UpdaterNotifications   ""
    Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
       Mini Bridge
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

  • Missing .wmv and .avi codecs in AME CS6 Master Collection installed!!?

    I have AME CS6 with Master Collection... the Help documents say I should have codecs for .wmv and .avi, but they are missing from my installation... how do I get these codecs?
    Thanks all!

    How do I export an AVI file from a Mac?
    Using CS6, Media Encoder 6.0.2 on Mac OS 10.8.2.
    You would need to buy an application called Flip4Mac from Telestream.  There's a free tryout version, but it only transcodes half the clip.
    With it, you can transcode to any sort of Windows-centric media.

  • After Effects CS4 and AME CS6

    I have AE cs4 and am needing to export to windows media player.  When I choose that option in AE I get a crash error <5188> <ae.blitpipe> <2> rect t:39.000000 l:15.000000 w:1213.000000 h:768.000000
    I have the final video as an avi and tried to use AME cs6 to encode it but do not have the option like others have mentioned on here.  Does AE cs4 and AME cs6 not work together?  I'm running windows XP 64 and I am not in a position to purchase Premier and my boss would rather not upgrade my windows or after effects.  I would like to know what my options are.

    Todd_Kopriva wrote:
    64-bit Windows XP is not a supported operating system for any version of After Effects. That may be part of your problem.
    That is unfortunate, maybe I can get my boss to upgrade me.
    In the mean time we decided to use WinX for the encoding.  If it were up to me I'd much rather go all Adobe.

  • I have Photoshop CS6 Extended Students and Teachers Edition.  When I go into the Filter/Oil paint and try to use Oil paint a notice comes up "This feature requires graphics processor acceleration.  Please check Performance Preferences and verify that "Use

    I have Photoshop CS6 Extended Students and Teachers Edition.  when I go into the Filter/Oil paint and try to use Oil Paint a notice comes up "This feature requires graphics processor acceleration.  Please Check Performance Preferences and verify that "Use Graphics Processor" is enabled.  When I go into Performance Preferences I get a notice "No GPU available with Photoshop Standard.  Is there any way I can add this feature to my Photoshop either by purchasing an addition or downloading something?

    Does you display adapter have a supported  GPU with at least 512MB of Vram? And do you have the latest device drivers install with Open GL support.  Use CS6 menu Help>System Info... use its copy button and paste the information in here.

  • Can we use CS6 and CC at the same time on different machines?

    We have a Creative Cloud subscription and have software downloaded to an iMac and also to a PC. I understand that we can't use the applications on both machines at the same time, but could one of my colleagues use the CS6 versions at the same time on the PC?

    Hi Carol
    A subscription to Creative Cloud gives you access to the CC version and the CS6 version of the software.  From the original question, it seemed to me that they were asking if they can share the subscription between 2 colleagues if one used the CC version and the other used the CS6 version.  That is not permitted as the subscription is licensed to one user.
    If you have a Creative Cloud subscription and a perpetual license for CS6 then you can use them concurrently on 2 machines as they are separate licenses.
    Does this help clarify?

  • 100% CPU using LabView 7.1 and DSC module

    Seven years ago I used BridgeView and PXI to execute a project, and the results were so good that after that initial system, I installed one more using BridgeView, and three more using LabView 7.1.
    BridgeView is working very well, but lately, LabView 7.1 is giving me more and more problems. It all started in a system running LabView 7.1 and DSC on Windows XP, using a PXI-8187 controller with a PXI-1042 chassis. I have two PXI-6533 digital I/O boards, one PXI-6030E multifunction, one PXI-6713 analog output board, one PXI-6602 counter board and one PXI-8422 serial com. board. In may/06, all of the sudden, the CPU went to a 100% use. Since I am running PID's to control a flash-butt welding machine in a steel factory, this was extremely dangerous. I changed the controller and everything went back to normal. It was running fine until december/06, when the same behavior appeared again. This time changing the controller did not help. We increased the system memory, from 256 MB to 512 MB and everything worked fine. But one month later (january/07) the fault reappeared. This time we changed the chassis and from that moment to this time, we are running smoothly.
    Application problems were suspect from the very first time this problem appeared, but I was unable to identify the source, if any. I used PROFILE VI's and apparently the write/read tags were taking all the processor resources. However, changing the routines and disabling communications, and optimizing CPU intensive programs never solved the CPU overload.
    Until now, I was aware of only one system showing this erratic behavior. But today I went to check another system, with a totally different application. This one is used to measure the thickness of the steel sheet on a rolling mill. Is not so resource-intensive, but the maintenance folks told me that every time they turned off this particular system, they always had problems trying to turn it on.
    I was suspecting of a PLC-communication related issue, but what I found turned my alarms on. I turned off the system, which was fully functional, and turned it back on, and there it was, CPU load at 100%!. Is exactly the same problem that I have on the welder. This system has a PXI-8184, a PXI-1042 chassis, Windows XP, one PXI-6030E, one PXI-6713 and one PXI-6533. I battled for 20 minutes to put the system back in normal conditions.
    I specified every single board, installed everything and programmed all the applications. The BridgeView applications have never showed anything like this. I am using the DSC (Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module) on both applications, and the Lookout Protocol Drivers are communicating to Modicon PLC's.
    Please, I need help to solve this issue. I believe none of your actual Knowledge Base "100% CPU" articles apply to my case...
    Thanks in advance...
    Antonio Jimenez
    [email protected]

    Thanks for your reply...
    Yes, sometimes I have the feeling that the systems works again because some file or database gets initialized after so many reboots.
    Intentionally I turned off all the events and alarm logging to disk. Also the historical data logging is disabled. This is done by code, every time the main VI is started. This was included precisely to save CPU processing power. However, I am communicating to PLC's, and of course I have to declare variables inside the citadel database to make the communication possible.
    Right now I can't have access to the application, because the mill is rolling, but during the next maintenance stop I will check the database location and size, and I could change the directory location the next time the fault comes up.

Maybe you are looking for