An Accordion Widget as read by JAWS

The following page contains a PVII Accordion Panel Magic 2
widget, along
with a link to an MP3 file of how the page is read by the
assistive reader
Al Sparber - PVII
The Finest Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
The Ultimate DW Menu System

I want to make it perfectly clear that when a customer asks
for support we
give him or her support, regardless of whether the customer
is nice to us or
not. That said, you have a couple of options here:
1. You can ask Adobe to help you get your spry menu and spry
working the way you want. They do owe you as much. If that
help is not
forthcoming on this forum, you can try posting on the spry
2. You can contact PVII directly with a request for a free
license and we
will make a decision. If you are given a free license and/or
you do purchase
a product, as well, then you would qualify for direct
support, which can be
obtained in a number of ways, but not on Adobe's forums.
Al Sparber - PVII
Dreamweaver Menus | Galleries | Widgets
An Accessible & Elegant Accordion
"kiusau" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]...
Here is a quick example using our menu and accordion:
> Although we have some disagreement about the venue, you
are a good
> salesperson. I say this, because you obviously believe
in your product
> and
> style it according to your client's taste and need.
Indeed, if your menu
> bar
> and accordion are more accessible, as you claim, then
what you have shown
> is
> preferable to what I am currently trying to achieve.
> This said, I am trying to learn, and buying my way out
of my dilemma or
> accepting complimentary gifts would likely serve as a
disincentive for my
> further edification with regard to the structure,
behavior, placement, and
> appearance of SPRY objects. There is also the dependency
> because we
> did get off to such a very bad start, I am not sure that
> after-service is my best alternative for the moment.
> Another consideration is that no one, but yourself,
appears either
> interested
> or capable of helping me resolve my current problem. In
the end, it is
> also
> silly for me to expect that you will want to spend very
much time with me
> trying to fix an Adobe product, when you have another
that you believe to
> be
> superior.
> Finally, there is the issue of time. Rather than
struggling to "reinvent
> the
> wheel" as you once said, I could be working on other
pressing issues such
> as
> print media and my further acquisition of JavaScript.
> Having taken all of this into consideration and still
unable to make my
> horizontal menu bar perform. I would like to propose the
> You once offered to provide a complimentary accordion
that I did not need.
> I
> am now willing to accept that offer with purchase of the
Project Seven
> horizontal menu bar and a copy of roddy72 (original
format) that I do
> need.
> Perhaps Murray or someone else very close to
Project-Seven could serve as
> a
> go-between with regard to after service. If you will
agree to this, then
> please tell me how to proceed, so that I can begin
moving forward once
> again.
> This menu bar issue has already taken too large a toll
in time, effort,
> and
> reputation.
> Roddy

Similar Messages

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    why is it that my accordion widget flashes open and shut when the page is loading (see Ehx7JyII)  have tried everything to solve this, and Adobes customer service is terrible they don't get back to you when they say they will.
    Please help me someone,

    Thank you Zak for your help, I spent 5 hours going round in circles trying to fix that problem and that's all I needed to hear, a bit of honesty and integrity.and yes, Adobes terrible customer service has still not got back to after promising 2 level technical support to contact me last Monday, I wish there'd keep their promise
    Pamela, did you try my test website or my own website and if so my own has now no accordion widget on it and my test website may need you to try loading a few times to see if it really works or not, sometimes it does actually work even on a pc but most times not.
    thanks for you help too.

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    No way. This is a static learning interaction, no event that could be used eventually. Personally I prefer offering reading material that is engaging over looking for a way to push the learner to look (reading doesn't mean he understands or grabs it) at all the stuff. But that is my teacher's past, if student doesn't read your stuff, something is wrong with the stuff, not with the student.
    If you have to force, you'll have to find another way than the accordion interaction .

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    Gah! Thanks Mac.
    That was the first thing I tried! I must not have had the right level selected. It's been driving me batty, but I've got it now.

  • Text Shift Uncontrollably Inside Accordion Widget

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    UPDATE!! It was not the shapes but the text that was shifting. I fave some items on the list that consists of two lines. That's where I changed the leading betwin those two lines from 200% (for separate items in the list) to 146% between two lines (for the items that cosist of two lines of the text). That somehow couses the text to shift in the preview mode xompared to the design mode. When I make the leading unilateral throghout the entire textbox everything stands in place.
    Still the problem remains unsolved.

    Zak. thank you very much!
    And sorry for coming back so late on this.
    You solution perfectly solved the problem.
    On the downside,) I did have to change the layout and reformat the site to submit it to the client because the deadline came before I got your reply.
    Perhaps the "Round Leading to a Whole Number" setting should be checked by default to avoid this kind of problems for other users in the future.
    Anyway, a million thanks!

  • SPRY accordion widget IE8 ONLY issue

    hello everybody,
    i noticed a strange "jumpy" behavior while using the spry accordion widget -- this affects IE8 only (currently using 8.0.6001.18882 on vista), other browsers (including IE7 and IE8 forced into IE7 mode) work as expected. this issue seems to be related to the margin property of the accordion container...
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    so, here it is -- check the accordion on the left side (the bug seems to happen almost always while opening/closing the last BLUE "section" of the accordion, please play with the accordion for a while to reproduce it -- while the accordion closes, it "loses" it's bottom margin (i guess), what's even more wierd, everything gets back to place after you move a mouse):
    PLEASE NOTICE: since the website is still under development and i'm using a IE meta tag to force it into IE7 rendering, to reproduce this behavior please be shure to switch IE engine to IE8 standards mode
    well, we all now how IE handles css... so it's propably an IE bug -- anyway if you have encountered a similar issue of even better found a fix, please let know. (i don't consider a fix switching to another js library, i would like to use the spry, because of it's DW integration)
    many thanks,

    ross m. greenberg wrote:
    > Now however the entire .gif is not appearing in the
    accordion panel is expanded. I insert the graphic using a standard
    "menu insert/graphic/browse and select"
    > the graphic file is not showing up properly on such an
    Are you referring to what it looks like in Design view? If
    so, that's
    correct. Accordion panels have a fixed height. From memory, I
    think it's
    200px. However, if you test the page in a browser, you should
    see a
    scrollbar automatically generated on panels that have content
    exceeds the height of the panel.
    If you want flexible-height panels in the accordion, you need
    to adjust
    both the CSS and the script that initializes the accordion. I
    covered all the details in my "Essential Guide to Dreamweaver
    CS3" (and
    the forthcoming CS4 edition). You can probably find online
    tutorials as
    well. Try a Google search for Spry flexible height accordion.
    The accordion widget has been around since CS3, and it hasn't
    changed in
    CS4, so a Google search should bring up a lot of information.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    Check to make sure "Overlap Items Below" is not marked.

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    Merci Brad.
    Here is the link :

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    Coud you please try the suggestion provided in the following thread
    Re: Accordion Widget is Not Moving Other Page Items Down When Expanded
    Do let me know if you have any question.

  • Accordion Widget on Tablet or Phone

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    Does anyone know of a workaround for this bug?

    Hi, this is the BC forums, you probably want to post this in the Muse forum for the Muse team as this is releated to a feature of that not the BC platform itself.

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    I did offer you two work flows to have images on top of question slides. I don't think they'll change the design of question slides (following the basic SCORM defined types), has been the same since many, many versions. But you can now more easily create custom question slides than ever before with learning interactions, variables and shared actions. Your idea of 'basic functionality' is maybe not the same for the majority of users
    You could log some feature requests, if you want to have impact on changes for the future. Personally I don't feel that the change to a learning interaction is such a basic functionality. Every application has its proper ways, and Captivate is certainly not an exception.

  • Accordion Widget functionality

    Hello. I need the accordion widget to activate on mouse over instead of mouse click. Is this possible? If not, is this a feature that will be added in the future?

    Thanks for the response Kin!
    I am setting up the links like you suggested, placing the
    link inside the AccordionPanelTab, however, the problem isn't
    getting the link to intercept the clicks, it's getting the link to
    perform their default action. In the SpryAccordion.js file, on line
    223, the default action of the tab's contents is being disabled.
    This means that, regardless of whether or not there is a link
    inside the tab, it will still act only as a tab (unless I'm missing
    something). The code looks like this:
    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
    If one adds:
    e.preventDefault = false;
    before the code on line 223, the problem is solved. The
    problem with that solution is, if I go in and add that line of
    code, I have to remember that change and where it was for all
    future updates of the Spry widgets. So my question is, is there a
    way to disable preventDefault so that default actions of, in this
    case, links are enabled? Can this be done without editing the
    Accordion Widget's Javascript file?

  • Accordion Widget is moving my footer!

    I am using the Accordion Widget as one of my sidebars for
    various products. My issue is that when one of my larger accordion
    tabs opens, my footer and the bottom of my center column extend to
    the length of my accordion. HOW DO I STOP THIS?! It's driving me
    You can see what I'm talking about
    Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks.

    I think you miss the point. However, if you really think your
    design looks
    good with the accordion pushing down past the bottom of your
    other columns,
    including the footer, then that is certainly your right ;-)
    To do that, make
    your third column "position: relative" and make the root
    element of your
    accordion "position: absolute".
    Al Sparber - PVII
    Fully Automated Menu Systems | Galleries | Widgets
    "ambook" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g24710$1jt$[email protected]..
    > Thanks for commenting. I am a very green CSS designer
    and any advice is
    > helpful. I've tried moving my divs all over the place to
    correct this
    > issue,
    > but to no avail.
    > I like the idea of adding the footer to the bottom of
    the middle column. I
    > might do that if I can't fix the issue. My css file is
    if you'd like
    > to
    > look at it.
    > Thanks for suggesting the faux columns, but the only
    column I want to
    > extend
    > is the accordion. Otherwise, as you see, my design gets
    thrown off.
    > Thanks again for the comments. If anyone else knows how
    to fix this,
    > PLEASE
    > let me know. Thanks.
    > -Eric

  • Accordion Widget not saving current scroll position

    Accordion widget saves scroll position in Firefox, however in
    IE7 the position gets reset to the center of Accordion Widget.
    Example. Select Alabama and then select Wisconsin to see

    Hi ghaug,
    This is due to the tabindex attribute that is on the
    top-level element of the accordion. Apparently when an element is
    focused in IE, it tries to make sure the top of that element is in
    view, so it is "conveniently" scrolling it into view for you.
    To prevent this behavior for accordions like yours that don't
    fit neatly into a single screen, you are going to have to remove
    the tabindex attribute from the top-level accordion element. If you
    still want/need keyboard navigation of your accordion, then you
    have to switch to using links in your accordion tabs. You can find
    an example here: boardNavigationWithLinks
    --== Kin ==--

  • Reliability of Spry Accordion Widget

    I posed a question in this forum last week and was unable to
    get a helpful answer to my problem. I am trying to use the Spry
    Accordion Widget on a site:
    I have researched here to learn how to get the panels to
    start closed with one panel to be open by default. This works
    exactly like expected in Firefox and Chrome but NOT in IE.
    Am I wrong in my assumptions that:
    1) Folks from Adobe monitor this board and chime in with
    answers/solutions or acknowledgement of bugs; and
    2) Spry widgets are a reliable cross-platform technology that
    have had the bugs worked out
    or, is the real case
    1) Adobe folks only look into these forums on an occassional
    basis, if at all; and
    2) Spry widgets should be left alone if you are expecting
    them to perform properly relative to cross-platform capabilities.
    I appreciate anyone's feedback or suggestions on these

    I just re-read my post above and am mortified at the tone of
    my message. It was in no way intended to come off as pissy, which I
    fear it might have. Anyone with any thoughts on my issue, I would
    appreciate your feedback.

Maybe you are looking for