Anagram Slidie Transition Problem

I have 8 slides that I have set the new Anagram transition to take place on.
When I go to present the slides, the Anagram transition only happens on half of the slides, and the other half just do a basic fade in and fade out.
I triple checked to make sure I have the Anagram transition applied on each of the slides, and I do. It just isn't happening on all of the slides.
What do I do?

One more thing: take care that you use the right DV codec:
For example: iMovie 4 has a bug where its Full Quality DV preset exports PAL-DVCPRO instead of PAL-DV -- if a transition is added to such clip, it produces bad artifacts to the image (and there is only audio when exporting to a consumer camcorder).

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                                            currentState = "ServersViewState";
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                                            currentState = "ServerDetailViewState";
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                        <s:State name="ServersViewState" />
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                                            <s:RemoveAction target="{applicationsView}" />
                                            <s:AddAction target="{serversView}" />
                                            <s:Move target="{serversView}" xTo="0" xFrom="800" duration="1500" />
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                        <views:ApplicationsView id="applicationsView" includeIn="ApplicationsViewState" width="100%" height="100%" />
                        <views:ServersView id="serversView" includeIn="ServersViewState" width="100%" height="100%" />
                        <views:ServerDetailView id="serverDetailView" includeIn="ServerDetailViewState" width="100%" height="100%" />

    Shot in the dark here but you're hardcoding the movement to 800 (or -800 on the xTo). Perhaps you should code it to consider the actual size of the available space just incase 800 is wrong. 

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    Macbook Pro Retina with OS X Yosemite and Keynote 6.5

    There is no such thing as an object transition, objects are animated using Builds or Actions:   Inspector > Animate
    I'm referring to "Object Effects" in the Transitions pull down (Object Push, Object Revolve, Object Flip, etc). So yes, technically there is an Object (transition) effect where objects transition between slides.
    Backgrounds do not animate when using Builds or Actions.
    True. However, if you use the last version of Keynote (before 6.5 and the Yosemite update) and place an image on the master slide it will not animate when applying many of the Object Effects.
    When an action or or Build is applied to an objet, the slide or the background does not animate, only the object animates.
    Same point as I made above.
    No EnzoFT said,  "when I add a transition to the slides made with that master, the image I placed is animated too."
    EnzoFT was using a slide transition therefore any object on a slide will be included in the effect.
    If you try what I said above in the previous version of Keynote, it will not animate. However, I found out how to make an image on the master slide NOT animate in Keynote 6.5 (I made a comment earlier in the thread about this). Open the master slide, select the Slide Layout, change the background to Image Fill, and the image won’t animate from one slide to the next when you apply an Object Effects transition to a slide.
    That is a very narrow minded personal opinion.
    Selecting a transition, Build or Action should be based on how it enhances the presentation and what you want to animate; the slide, the object or both.
    Narrow minded personal opinion?!? Do you really need to go there? I was simply making an observation.
    Use Builds or Actions.
    There has been no change;  Transitions affect the whole slide, Builds and Actions affect objects on a slide.
    If you try what I mentioned above there has been a change. Thanks for offering advice, but doing a little research in the future before replying to issues will help with providing more accurate information.

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    kidogo said...
    Which "best practices" are you referring to? If there an
    official "best practices" document I may have overlooked? I've
    configured the video using Captivate's features, so I'm not sure
    how the results are "predictable." It works beautifully on the
    first run, and the glitch doesn't occur until the replay. That
    sounds like a timing issue inside Captivate (my junior member
    The "best practices" that I refer to are written, but
    in a thousand posts and emails over years and years, not as an
    intentionally constructed volume of work available by itself.
    Sorry. Your "junior member analysis" is not to be taken lightly,
    and I apologize if I made it sound like it was being so construed.
    My apologies are hereby offered, if any are needed.
    I think now I might have mis-read your original post, as it
    seemed then that you were assigning the transparency and some other
    attributes to the PNG image prior to insertion to Captivate,
    thinking those attributes would be mimicked within Captivate.
    Reading your last, it appears that was an incorrect translation on
    my part. I do see what you refer to as "glitchy", however, and
    don't have a fix for it aside from leaving off the objects that
    seem to be causing it - or accepting that a "replay" can be worked
    around or avoided entirely. Sorry I don'thave anything to offer
    that is more to the point of your complaint. Maybe someone else ...

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    To be correct; the latest Keynote is version 6.1 not 13.
    Slide transitions are not builds, they are a separate type of effect. Only Builds appear in the Builds Order List. Builds are effects for objects, transitions are effects for slides.
    The effects you want can easily be achieved however;
    to add the build to the object on the slide:
    click the object on the slide to select,   Inspector > Animate > Build Out > Add an effect
    to add a transition for the slide:
    click the slide in the Navigator pane to select,   Inspector > Animate > Add an effect >
    select a transition effect
    to action the  transition after the build:
    in the Start Transition  dropdown menu, seect Automatically

  • Powerpoint Animations Flicker Between Slide Transitions

    Output type
    Flash SWF, and MP4
    I have a powerpoint (2010) I imported into Captivate.  The slides do contain animations, mostly fade in, and fly in.  No exit animimations, all are enterance.  Captivate is using the animation times set in PowerPoint as I expect, and that works well for me.  I did add narration audio using Captivate for each slide.  After I have everything set, I produce the project as MP4 successfully.
    However, then I view the video when the slides transition to a slide that has animations, there is a quick flicker that shows the animations for the slide even though they are not really seen until sometime into the slide.  This effect is very distracting and takes away from the impact of the slides having seen a flicker of the exposed animations.  It almost seems it is adding a video frame of the final slide.
    I have tryed the following:
    -Reapplied the patch
    -Added fade slide transistion in Captivate (This only makes the flicker last longer)
    -Tried the different produce settings
    -Tryed produce to Flash, but same effect.
    I am looking for a solution to this, or a workaround I should be concidering.  My final option is to pull the MP4 into Premier to remove the frames, which is not why I bought Captivate.

    I am seeing the same thing. I just recently updated to ver 6. This is very much not good.
    Also, by buttons keep resizing themselves to little tiny boxes if I change any properties.
    Please fix these fast!

  • Varying the Slide Transition Time Interval in Slide Show with Music

    I have this old iPhoto 4.0.3 version in my PowerBook. Is it possible to create a slide show that's put to music? More importantly, can the transition from slide to slide be varied (e.g., one slide changes after 4 seconds; the next slide changes after 10 seconds; the slide after changes after 6 seconds, etc.) or am I limited to one consistent slide transition interval? Do I need to upgrade to a newer version of iPhoto? Or do I need to use an entirely different application to do varying slide transition time intervals?
    Thank you.

    No, you can't vary the time interval in the same slide show.
    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD, but they all have one thing in common: they reduce the quality of the photos to that of a movie still frame and sometimes limit the number of photos you can use.
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie 6 as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast, for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!

  • Audio cuts out at slide transitions when played on TV

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    The image files are relatively small, and there are only 25 slides. I burned the DVD at 4x rather than maximum speed to enhance quality. In preferences, I have "best quality" rather than "best performance" checked for the encoder settings.
    Please let me know if you have any ideas for a fix.

    Is the audio embedded in the video or did you do a voice over?
    If it is embedded in the video, you might try extracting the video and then adding the transitions.

  • Slide Transition

    I have recently updated to Keynote 6.2.  Using this I have opened a presentation created with an earlier version of Keynote.  The first slide transition is supposed to be onclick.  However as soon as I run the presentation, the first slide is transitioning to the next slide almost immediately.
    I have tried to reset the transition, but to no effect.   Anyone any ideas please?

    Right, Thanks for that - I was unaware that there was an issue.  Of course, having opened the presentation with 6.2, 5.3 wont open it again.
    Hey Ho!

  • Question about slide transition

    Hi there,
    I've got a question about slide transition in Captivate 6.0.
    By default the slide transition is define with 3 sec. I would like to have transition done manualy, with the navigation, but not after a certain time.
    Is it possible ? For now I've insert a next button. But I would prefer to do this via the navigation.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi there
    Presently the ONLY way to accomplish it is by having an object on each slide that causes the slide to pause. Buttons, Click Boxes, Text Entry Boxes and some of the Widgets cause this behavior.
    If you feel it should operate differently, please consider submitting a Wish Form to ask for the capability to be added to a future version. (Link to the Wish Form is in my sig)
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

  • Changing slide transition direction

    Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to change the slide transition "wipe" to go from right to left, instead of left to right. Is this possible or are we stuck with what is default in Captivate? I'm on Captivate 7. Thanks!

    Hi there
    You could simulate it though by inserting a Highlight Box object that would cover the slide and configuring it with an effect.
    Cheers... Rick

  • IMovie 08 Slideshow - sync slide transitions to music?

    Does anyone know how to sync slide transitions to music in iMovie '08? I naively assumed this would be easy, but I can't figure out any way to do this. The idea is that I want to vary the timing of some slide transitions in order to keep to the beat of the soundtrack.....
    Thanks in advance

    I made a simple mistake in the code.
    keystroke "space bar"
    keystroke space
    Now the infinite loop runs in iMovie!

  • Keynote Import slide transition timers

    I was told to post here Re: Keynote Import slide transition timers
    Can the transition times for a presentation can be inserted with automator  or can it be imported from a CSV sort of file.
    The way I did this in Powerpoint was I created a static array with all slides timer I wanted, later looped through each slide and set the timer. can similar thing can be done in Keynote with applescript
    Re: Keynote Import slide transition timers
    I also posted here,
    I got one example but that gives me errors.
    Thanks for your help

    Here is the solution for people who care, i figured out a way with some help from stackexchange forum
    tell application "Keynote"
        set ss to slides of document 1
        set c to count of ss
        set timerlist to {5, 4, 3, 9, 6}
        set n to 1
        repeat until n > c
            set timer to item n of timerlist
            set transition properties of item n of ss to {transition delay:timer, automatic transition:true, transition effect:no transition effect, transition duration:0.5}
            set n to n + 1
        end repeat
    end tell

  • "Push" slide transitions with overlapping photos

    I have two slides. Slide one has a photo on the right and slide two has the other half of the photo on the left. I am trying to have a seamless slide transition where it appears as though it is one photo stretched over both slides. I saw this done on the demo for ", but have yet to figure out how to do it correctly. Can you guys help?
    By the way ... keynote theme park is excellant. Thanks for your help.

    The only way I know is to copy the same image into each slide. Use the "X" & "Y" coordinates to make sure the image is in corresponding locations. Then use the Mask (Shift,Control,M) to crop the images so the seam matches perfectly.
    You should be able to adjust to make the image appear seamless.
    Good luck.

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