Analyze dbms_profiler

Hi folks!
I'm at the beginning of analyze PL/SQL code. I'm using dbms_profiler. For one of our packages, dbms_profiler show me:
Top 10 profiled source lines in terms of Total Time (plsql_profiler_data)
Top Total Time1 Times Executed Min Time2 Max Time2 Unit Owner Name Type Line Text
1 75.76 431010 0.00 0.01 1 USER package PACKAGE BODY 165 fetch c_IconsByDist bulk collect into l_IDs; 
2 72.13 431010 0.00 0.01 1 USER package PACKAGE BODY 161 fetch c_CountByDist bulk collect into tmp_NumsAs you can see this row of code fetches cursor into collection. Cursor:
cursor c_IconsByDist is
      select i.icon_id
      from (select rownum as num, column_value as icon_id
            from table(tmp_IDs)) i,
           (select rownum as num, column_value as dist
            from table(tmp_Distances)) d,
           (select column_value as dist
            from table(tmp_Nums)) t
      where i.num = d.num and
            d.dist = t.dist
      order by d.dist;May be, I can speed up this piece of code? Any ideas :)

Thanks for reply. Code of this function:
function get_icon(
    p_Table varchar2,
    p_ID number)
    return number
    l_ID      number;
    l_x       number;
    l_y       number;
    l_flag    boolean;
    l_Table   varchar2(128);
    arr_IDs   gg_utils.TSuperNumberArray := gg_utils.TSuperNumberArray();
    l_IDs     TNumberArray := TNumberArray();
    tmp_IDs   TNumberArray := TNumberArray(null);
    tmp_TypeIDs TNumberArray := TNumberArray(null);
    cursor c_RegulationProt is
      select p.object_id, u.type as object_type_id
      from   regulation_prot p, units u
      where = p_ID AND = p.object_id;
    -- more simple than regulation_ascr view
    cursor c_Regulations is
      SELECT DISTINCT object_id, object_type_id
      FROM reg_ascr
      WHERE id = p_ID;
    l_Table := upper(p_Table);
    if l_Table IN ('PROTS', 'CHEMS', 'UNITS') then
      -- Some kind of Units
      l_IDs := get_icon_ids(p_ID);
    elsif l_Table = 'REACTS' then
      -- Reactions
      l_IDs := get_icon_ids(p_ID, -1);
    elsif l_Table = 'GENES' then
      -- Genes
      l_IDs := get_icon_ids(p_ID, -2);
    elsif l_Table = 'FUNCS' then
      -- Enzymes (funxtions)
      l_IDs := get_icon_ids(p_ID, -3);
    elsif l_Table = 'CLASS' then
      -- For this type of p_Table forms Collection of Collections (TSuperNumberArray)
      -- First source of object types and IDs
      open c_RegulationProt;
      fetch c_RegulationProt bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_TypeIDs;
      close c_RegulationProt;
      if tmp_IDs.count = 0 then
        -- Second source of object types and IDs when first source is empty
        open c_Regulations;
        fetch c_Regulations bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_TypeIDs;
        close c_Regulations;
      end if;
      -- fill arr_IDs with collections of get_icon_ids
      if tmp_IDs.count = 0 then
        l_IDs := get_icon_ids(p_ID);
        arr_IDs(1) := l_IDs;
        for i in 1..tmp_IDs.count loop
          l_IDs := get_icon_ids(tmp_IDs(i), tmp_TypeIDs(i));
          arr_IDs(i) := l_IDs;
        end loop;
      end if;
      sys_error.raise_error(sys_error.UNKNOWN_ICON_TYPE, l_Table);
    end if;
    l_ID := -1;
    -- for 'CLASS' use collection of collections "arr_IDs" insted of single collection "l_IDs"
    if l_Table = 'CLASS' then
      l_x := arr_IDs.count;
      l_x := l_IDs.count;
    end if;
    if l_x = 0 then
      l_ID := 3;
    elsif l_x = 1 then
      l_ID := l_IDs(1);
      if arr_IDs.count > 0 then
        l_IDs := TNumberArray();
        -- put in l_IDs only IDs, which exists in all of arrays
        -- first, get array with maximum count of elements
        l_x := 0;
        l_y := 0;
        for i in 1..arr_IDs.count loop
          if arr_IDs(i).count > l_x then
            l_x := arr_IDs(i).count;
            l_y := i;
          end if;
        end loop;
        -- now tmp_IDs have maximum of elements
        tmp_IDs := arr_IDs(l_y);
        -- trying find any elements of tmp_IDs in other arrays
        for i in 1..tmp_IDs.count loop
          l_flag := true;
          for j in 1..arr_ids.count loop
            l_flag := l_flag AND (tmp_IDs(i) member of arr_IDs(j));
            exit when not l_flag;
          end loop;
          if l_flag then
            l_IDs(l_IDs.LAST) := tmp_IDs(i);
          end if;
        end loop;
      end if;
      if l_IDs.count > 0 then
        l_ID := l_IDs(1);
      end if;
    end if;
    if l_ID < 0 then
      l_ID := 1;
    end if;
    return l_ID;
  end get_icon;And this function call another function as you can see:
  function get_icon_ids(
    p_ID integer,
    p_TypeID integer default null)
    return TNumberArray
    l_TypeID      integer;
    is_gene       integer;
    l_IDs         TNumberArray := TNumberArray(null);
    tmp_IDs       TNumberArray := TNumberArray(null);
    tmp_Distances TNumberArray := TNumberArray(null);
    tmp_Nums      TNumberArray;
   cursor c_KndUnitIcons(p_TypeID integer) is
      select default_icon_id as icon_id, 1000 as dist
      from   knd_units
      where  ID = p_TypeID;
    cursor c_SelfIcons is
      select icon_id, 0 as dist
      from proticons
      where prot_id = p_ID;
    cursor c_UnitIcons is
      select distinct i.icon_id, r.dist
      from proticons i, unitrelflat r
      where r.unitg = i.prot_id and
            r.unitm = p_ID and
            r.dist >= 0
      order by r.dist;
    cursor c_IconsG is
      select i.icon_id, 0 as dist
      from proticons i, geneprot g
      where i.prot_id = g.prot and
            g.gene = p_ID;
    cursor c_IconsG2 is
      select i.icon_id, r.dist
      from protrelflat r, proticons i, geneprot g
      where r.protgrp = i.prot_id and
            r.protmbr = g.prot and
            r.dist >= 0 and
            g.gene = p_ID
      order by r.dist;
    -- get distances with only icon
-->>>>Spent the most time of execution
    cursor c_CountByDist is
      select d.dist
      from (select rownum as num, column_value as icon_id
            from table(tmp_IDs)) i,
           (select rownum as num, column_value as dist
            from table(tmp_Distances)) d
      where i.num = d.num
      having count(icon_id) = 1
      group by dist
      order by dist;
    -- found distances for only icons from c_CountByDist
-->>>>Spent the most time of execution
    cursor c_IconsByDist is
      select i.icon_id
      from (select rownum as num, column_value as icon_id
            from table(tmp_IDs)) i,
           (select rownum as num, column_value as dist
            from table(tmp_Distances)) d,
           (select column_value as dist
            from table(tmp_Nums)) t
      where i.num = d.num and
            d.dist = t.dist
      order by d.dist;
    procedure fill_by_default(
      p_TypeID integer,
      p_DefaultID number default 1)
      l_ID       number;
      l_Distance number;
      open c_KndUnitIcons(p_TypeID);
      fetch c_KndUnitIcons into l_ID, l_Distance;
      close c_KndUnitIcons;
      tmp_IDs(tmp_IDs.count) := nvl(l_ID, p_DefaultID);
      tmp_Distances(tmp_Distances.count) := nvl(l_Distance, 2000);
    end fill_by_default;
    procedure fill_for_units(
      p_TypeID integer)
      -- first, find self icon
      open c_SelfIcons;
      fetch c_SelfIcons bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_Distances;
      close c_SelfIcons;
      if tmp_IDs.count = 0 then
        open c_UnitIcons;
        fetch c_UnitIcons bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_Distances;
        close c_UnitIcons;
      end if;
    end fill_for_units;
    l_TypeID := nvl(p_TypeID, unit_service.get_type_id(p_ID));
    case l_TypeID
      when -2 then
        -- for Genes
        open c_IconsG;
        fetch c_IconsG bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_Distances;
        close c_IconsG;
        if tmp_IDs.count = 0 then
          open c_IconsG2;
          fetch c_IconsG2 bulk collect into tmp_IDs, tmp_Distances;
          close c_IconsG2;
        end if;
        if tmp_IDs.count = 0 then
          tmp_IDs.extend(1);       -- tmp_IDs is null after empty bulk collect
          tmp_IDs(1) := 1;
          tmp_Distances.extend(1); -- tmp_Distances is null after empty bulk collect
          tmp_Distances(1) := 1;
        end if;
      when -1 then
      when -3 then
    end case;
    open c_CountByDist;
    fetch c_CountByDist bulk collect into tmp_Nums;
    close c_CountByDist;
    open c_IconsByDist;
    fetch c_IconsByDist bulk collect into l_IDs;
    close c_IconsByDist;
    if l_IDs.count = 0 then
      if p_TypeID = -1 then
        l_IDs(1) := 54;
        l_IDs(1) := 1;
      end if;
    end if;
    return l_IDs;
  end get_icon_ids;Now, I reviewing the code. Any help is appreciated.

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    Do you know something about dbms_profiler?
    How do dbms_profiler work?
    Do you have some sample or site with documentation?

    Do you know something about dbms_profiler?This package allow create a profile for PL/SQL applications for detect bottlenecks.
    How do dbms_profiler work?The DBMS_PROFILES capture all PL/SQL statements and record this information into internal tables and after you can generate reports for analyze the information.
    Do you have some sample or site with documentation?You can read the documentation for DBMS_PROFILE directly from Oracle Documentation, look the next link.


    I want to tune a package. For tuning I am going to use DBMS_PROFILER. But it requires Sys user privilages. But I dont have permissions to use this. Can anyone help me out How to use DBMS_PROFILER.
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    First you must install the DBMS_PROFILER package in your db..... You must connect as sys user... and execute the profload.sql script....
    Then you must give the appropriate grant to any db user so as to execute this package ... grant execute on dbms_profiler to scott....
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    exec dbms_profiler.start_profiler
    exec your package
    exec dbms_profiler.stop_profiler
    Select form the dbms_profiler scott schema

  • Need help with DBMS_PROFILER

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    I am also able to perform a desc on DBMS_PROFILER, which leads me to believe that I must have execute privilege on it as well. Furthermore, I do not get an error when attempting to execute the DBMS_PROFILER procedures.
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      v_result    BINARY_INTEGER;
      v_batch_ind VARCHAR2(1);
      v_result := DBMS_PROFILER.start_profiler(run_comment => 'PK_COMMON.F_BATCH_STATUS: '||TRUNC(SYSDATE));
      v_batch_ind := PK_COMMON.F_BATCH_STATUS;
      v_result := DBMS_PROFILER.stop_profiler;
      v_result := dbms_profiler.flush_data;                                             
    END;Also, the profiler tables are in the SYS schema, not in the schema of the user that I'm logged in as. Additionally, the DBMS_PROFILER package is under PUBLIC schema. Should these be in my user's schema instead?

    Somehow it now works.
    I installed the "server-side" objects using a wizard in Toad. Now the profiler button in Toad is no longer grayed out, although it still does not toggle the profiling. Instead, I still have to put DBMS_PROFILER.start_profiler and DBMS_PROFILER.stop_profiler in my PL/SQL script. This creates the records in the profiler tables, which I then analyze using the Profiler Analysis in Toad. If the toggle button was working, then I don't think that I would even have to explicity put the calls to DBMS_PROFILER procedures in my code.


    I want to check performance of several pl/sql procedures.
    how can i user dbms_profiler for that?
    which tables and which columns are important to check performance and statistics?

    Hope this helps :)
    The PL/SQL Code Profiler, the DBMS_PROFILER package
    Install the package and supporting elements
    Start the profiler
    Run your code
    Stop the profiler
    Analyze the results
    Installing the Code Profiler
    You will probably have to install the code yourself (in the SYS schema) Check the package specification file for documentation and guidelines
    Specification: dbmspbp.sql Body: prvtpbp.plb
    Files are located in Rdbms\Admin unless otherwise noted
    You must install the profile tables by running the proftab.sql script. Can define them in a shared schema or in separate schemas
    Creates three tables:
    PLSQL_PROFILER_RUNS: parent table of runs
    PLSQL_PROFILER_UNITS: program units executed in run
    PLSQL_PROFILER_DATA: profiling data for each line in a program unit
    These tables, particularly _DATA, can end up with lots of rows in them
    Start the profiler, Run your code and Stop the profiler
    ’showemps ‘ ||
    Interpreting Code Profiler Results
    To make it easier to analyze the data produced by the profiler, Oracle offers the following files in the $ORACLE_HOME\plsql\demo directory:
    profrep.sql: Creates a number of views and a package named prof_report_utilities to help extract data from profiling tables
    profsum.sql: series of canned queries and programs using prof_report_utilities Don’t run them all; pick the ones that look most useful
    update plsql_profiler_units set total_time = 0;
    execute prof_report_utilities.rollup_all_runs;
    set pagesize 999
    set linesize 120
    column unit format a20
    column line# format 99999
    column time_Count format a15
    column text format a60
    spool slowest2.txt
    to_char(p1.total_time/10000000, ‘99999999′) || ‘-’ ||
    TO_CHAR (p1.total_occur) as time_count,
    substr(p2.unit_owner, 1, 20) || ‘.’ ||
    decode(p2.unit_name, ‘’, ‘‘,
    substr(p2.unit_name,1, 20)) as unit,
    TO_CHAR (p1.line#) || ‘-’ || p3.text text
    plsql_profiler_data p1,
    plsql_profiler_units p2,
    all_source p3, plsql_profiler_grand_total p4
    p2.unit_owner NOT IN (’SYS’, ‘SYSTEM’) AND
    p1.runID = &&firstparm AND
    (p1.total_time >= p4.grand_total/100) AND
    p1.runID = p2.runid and
    p2.unit_number=p1.unit_number and
    p3.type=’PACKAGE BODY’ and
    p3.owner = p2.unit_owner and
    p3.line = p1.line# and
    order by p1.total_time desc;
    spool off
    cat slowest2.txt
    304858-21760 PLG.PLGDOIR 2661- CLOSE alias_cur;
    244576-10880 PLG.PLGDOIR 2659- FETCH alias_cur INTO alias_rec;
    132498-10881 PLG.PLGDOIR 77- SELECT objid, owner, objname, info, doc
    91790-4771 PLG.PLGGEN 3424- v_nth PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    70045-27043 PLG.PLGGEN 1014- THEN
    69153-79781 PLG.PLGADMIN 447- decrypted_text := decrypted_text ||
    58988-4010 PLG.PLGDOIR 450- SELECT just_like
    50566-3 PLG.PLGGEN 241- THEN
    50404-45983 PLG.PLGSTR 50- RETURN (SUBSTR (string_in, v_start, v_numchar
    41622-1 PLG.PLGGEN 2625-
    “Best of” Oracle PL/SQL
    The most wonderful features of this most wonderful programming language
    by Steven Feuerstein

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    I have not had any success in finding a resolution by searching the open literature…
    The issue is that the ‘callers-callees’ listing only dumps functions in alphabetical order, ignoring the sort order specified by ‘sort’. This is a regression from the Performance Analyzer (7.4) behavior from Sun Studio 10. We only recently jumped to studio 12.1.
    This functionality is documented here: (as well as many other references). To quote:
    Print the callers-callees panel for each of the functions, in the order specified by the function sort metric (sort)."
    I use a script input to er_print that in the past analyzed the top ‘N’ functions sorted on inclusive thread time. Now I have to be sure to dump ALL functions and need a third-party search tool to find that information in the resulting report.
    Has anyone heard of this problem or are there Performance Analyzer patch(es) available. I saw some for 7.6 and another for unspecified but have not seen this problem in patch notices.

    Nik, thanks for taking a look. We can't go to 12.2 because we're a software developer and we'll lose our binary compatibility with the release we've been building for the last few months. I'm a systems guy and will paste in a developer's example below.
    Note Marc's url shows a 12.1 Performance Analyzer patch 142369-01 we have not yet installed. The patch notice description doesn't show much. I'll pass on patch info to remote user/developer.
    Developer example:
    I use a script input to er_print that in the past analyzed the top ‘N’ functions sorted on inclusive thread time. Now I have to be sure to dump ALL functions and need a third-party search tool to find that information in the resulting report.
    Here’s a shortened (only 4) example of the behavior I’m seeing… the focus of the functions in callers-callees are NOT those of the functions determined by the sort metric.
    = = = =
    sysun046% er_print /scratch/
    /scratch/ Experiment has warnings, see header for details
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) sort
    Current Sort Metric: Inclusive Total Thread Time ( )
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) cmetrics
    Current caller-callee metrics:
    Current caller-callee sort metric: Attributed Total Thread Time ( )
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) limit 4
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) sample_select 22-53
    Exp Sel Total
    === ===== =====
    1 22-53 57
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) functions
    Functions sorted by metric: Inclusive Total Thread Time
    Excl. Incl. Incl. Total Name
    User CPU User CPU Thread
    sec. sec. sec.
    26.015 26.015 113.530 <Total>
    0. 26.015 113.530 ACE_Task_Base::svc_run(void*)
    0. 26.015 113.530 ACE_Thread_Adapter::invoke()
    0. 26.015 113.530 ORB_Task::svc()
    (/opt/sunstudio12.1/bin/../prod/bin/sparcv9/er_print) callers-callees
    Functions sorted by metric: Inclusive Total Thread Time
    Callers and callees sorted by metric: Attributed Total Thread Time
    Attr. Total Excl. Incl. Excl. Total Incl. Total Name
    Thread User CPU User CPU Thread Thread
    sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.
    113.530 26.015 26.015 113.530 113.530 *<Total>
    113.530 0. 26.015 0. 113.530 lwpstart
    Attr. Total Excl. Incl. Excl. Total Incl. Total Name
    Thread User CPU User CPU Thread Thread
    sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.
    0.010 0. 0.010 0. 0.010 ACE_Message_Block::clone(unsigned long)const
    0. 0. 0.010 0. 0.010 *ACE_Data_Block::clone(unsigned long)const
    0.010 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.398 memcpy
    Attr. Total Excl. Incl. Excl. Total Incl. Total Name
    Thread User CPU User CPU Thread Thread
    sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.
    0.001 0. 0.003 0. 0.011 ACE_Select_Reactor_T<ACE_Select_Reactor_Token_T<ACE_Token> >::resume_handler(int)
    0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 *ACE_Guard<ACE_Select_Reactor_Token_T<ACE_Token> >::release()
    Attr. Total Excl. Incl. Excl. Total Incl. Total Name
    Thread User CPU User CPU Thread Thread
    sec. sec. sec. sec. sec.
    0.010 0. 0.010 0. 0.010 TAO_Synch_Queued_Message::clone(ACE_Allocator*)
    0. 0. 0.010 0. 0.010 *ACE_Message_Block::clone(unsigned long)const
    0.010 0. 0.010 0. 0.010 ACE_Data_Block::clone(unsigned long)const
    = = = = =
    Nik, thanks for taking a look.

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    I Want to know the point of view of Microsoft expert and give me their experience and solutions.
    thanks in advance.

    Consider MS System Center 2012.

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    We have a world wide BW-SEM application. In one country they get the following error message when starting Bex analyzer:
    <install error> Missing ActiveX component: Business Explorer Global Services
    Does anyone have a hint on what to do?
    Thanks for your help!
    Best Regards

    try to check with SAPBEXC.xla
    and take a look oss note 585643
    may need to manual register .dll with regsvr32
    Do an Installation check of the BEx Analyzer as follows:
    In the bex analyzer menu, Business explorer -> Installation Check -> Once the excel sheet opens, press the start button to start the check. Check the entries in red to see any missing/old ocx, dlls.

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    Hi man. Put de border and the proprierts to ajust fit screen. So, when the user open in 800x600, the report will ajust automaticaly in the screen.Regards,Gustavo Santade

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    is it possible to hide "status of data" in bex analyzer ?  I have read some documents but all are say it is only possible with Web Designer.
    I have a query from a Multiprovider and I don't wnt to show Status of data information in the report .
    thank you ,

    You can goto design mode in the workbook and delete the text element which is showing status of data, come out of design mode and save the workbook.
    Edited by: Pravender on May 18, 2010 2:19 PM

  • SAP BPC MS 7.5 with Extended Analytic Analyzer and EPM connector

    Hi experts,
    I need your inputs regarding Extended Analytic Analyzer add ins.
    I installed the SAP Business Object Extended Analytic Analyzer hoping to integrate the Xcelsius in SAP BPC MS 7.5
    I am following the HTG to integrate but got lost.
    In EPM connector steps, I cannot find the option from OPERATION TYPE: Retrieve data using Analyzer Report.
    The only options available under operation type are
    EPM Report
    Retrieve Environments
    Retrieve Models
    Retrieve Dimensions
    Retrieve Dimension Members
    Input Data
    Retrieve Business Process Flows
    Retrieve Context
    Retrieve Members Property Values
    RetrieveText From Library
    It doesn't include the option Retrieve data using Analyzer Report.
    Im wondering if there are different version of the epm connector? Was my EPM connector differs from the HTG?
    And also in Excel under Extended Analytic Analyzer, the function =GETREPORTDEFINITION() is missing
    Please help me on this guys..
    Thanks in advance.

    It seems a very good oportunity to use FIM.
    FIM was designed especially for exchange data betweeen different SAP product.
    FIM will provide an easy way to do the conversion using wizards and also will assure you about data inetgrity and quality.
    This will be the way forward but more details has to be define during the implementation.
    I hope this will help you.
    Kind Regards
    Sorin Radulescu

  • "analyze index"  vs  "rebuild index"

    I don't undestand the difference between "analyze index" and "rebuild index".
    I have a table where I do a lot of "insert" and "update" and "query", What is the best thing to do ??

    When you use dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats package with cascade=>true option, you are also collecting stats for the indexes, no need to collects stats separately using dbms_stats.gather_index_stats.Of course, but I refered to the rebuild index question. Therefore I only mentioned the GATHER_INDEX_STATS.
    Auto_sample_size has many problems/bugs in 9iOk didn't know that - I'm using 10gR2.
    But this discussion made me curious. So I tried something (10gR2):
    WHERE ROWNUM <=10000000;
    So I had a Table containing 10 Million rows. Now I indexed ID:
    I tested two different methods:
    1.) GATHER_TABLE_STATS with estimate 10%
    It took about 6 seconds (I only set timing on in sqlplus, no 10046 trace) Now I checked the estimated values:
    9985220 998522 ,1478 TABLE
    9996210 999621 ,0379 INDEX
    It took about 1,5 seconds. Now the results:
    9826851 4715 1,73149 TABLE
    10262432 561326 2,62432 INDEX
    The estimate 10% was more exact - also a 1,7 and 2,6 percent variance is still ok. It's also very interesting, that using AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE
    causes oracle to execute a estimate 5% for the index and a estimate 0.5 for the table.
    I tried again with a table containing only 1 Million records and oracle did an estimate with 100% for the index.
    So for me I will continue using AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE. Its very flexible, fast and accurate.
    PS: Is there a way to format code like one can do in HTML using <code> or <pre>?

  • Rebuild index vs Analyze index

    Hi All,
    I am realy confused about rebuilding index versus Analyzing index.
    Could anyone plz help me out what is the diffrence between them.
    How to Perform analyze of indexes and Rebuld of Indexes for both Oracle 9i and 10g databases.
    Thanks a lot

    CKPT wrote:
    You can see the posts of experts by jonathan
    I am realy confused about rebuilding index versus Analyzing index. tell us you are getting confused why we need to ananlyze before reubild index? if so
    if index analyzed the whole statistics of index will be gathered.... then you can check what is the hieght of the index.. according to the height of the index you need to take step is index need to be really rebuild or not...
    lets see furhter posts from experts if not clear..Thanks OK, so you determine the height of an index is (say) 4. What then ? If you decide to rebuild the index and the index remains at a height of 4, what now ? Was it really worth doing and do you rebuild it again as the index height is still 4 and still within your index rebuild criteria ? At what point do you decide that rebuilding the index just because it has a height of 4 is a total waste of time in this case ?
    OK, so you determine the index only has a height of (say) 3, does that mean you don't rebuild the index ? But what if by rebuilding the index, the index now reduces to a height of just 1 ? Perhaps not rebuilding the index even though it has just a height of 3 and doesn't currently meet your index rebuild criteria is totally the wrong thing to do and a rebuild would result in a significantly leaner and more efficient index structure ?
    So what if it's pointless rebuilding an index with a height of 4 but another index with a height of 3 is a perfect candidate to be rebuilt ?
    Perhaps knowing just the height of an index leaves one totally clueless after all as to whether the index might benefit from an index rebuild ...
    Richard Foote

  • Decimal Point in Analyzer 6.2.1

    Hi all,Is it possible to set on server Analyzer 6.2.1 the decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol for the format of numbers ?When it has to be done the export to Excel, the number format are taken from Analyzer server. If the Regional Options from the client part for decimal symbol and digit grouping symbol are different from Analyzer server, the export in Excel it does not work properly. Is possible to set the export to Excel to take the number settings from the client part ?

    As far as I know this shouldn't be the case. The Java applet should take local client settings period and not be affected by how the server is set. You should ensure that you have the 'international' version of the Sun Java Plugin installed and not the UK/US version. Hope this helps.Paul Armitage.Analitica

  • Long time to start Java Web Client (Analyzer 6.2.1)??

    Does anyone know why Analyzer(6.2.1) takes a long time to start Java Web Client. Sometime it's even take more than 5 minutes. I think it is the Java Plug-in starting on the client computer. Any solution?

    The key to Analyzer 6.2.1 running correctly is the version of Sun Java Plugin. The ideal version (most optimal) is 1.3.0_02.Secondary to this if Analyzer performs OK once you are logged in then it could be down to the speed of your connection. The applet compiles at runtime (unlike Analyzer 5 which was a one time download). The delay in getting to the login screen could be this download.Hope this helps.Paul ArmitageAnalitica

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