Android and Mac

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 4. I used to have an iPhone 6. I like the feature of forwarding my text messages to my mac... can I do that with my android phone?

I googled it for you-
So, yes, it can be done, try some apps and go from there. r-pc-or-mac/

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    Hi There
    No drivers required; however, you will need to turn USB Debugging on on the phone. To do this go to Go to Settings >  Applications > Development on your phone and click on USB Debugging. Connect to your computer via the USB cable then Drag down the notifications window and click on USB Connection. Click on Mount. The phone's SD Card will now appear on your desktop and you can drag/drop items to it in the Finder.

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    Thanks for sharing this.
     - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
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    Hi CK,
    I think we may need to create a policy in Network Policies. Please follow the steps below,
    Right click Network Policies, Click New.
    Enter the policy name, click Next.
    Click Add, select the Day and Time Restrictions, click
    In the Day and Time Restrictions, choose Permited for
    all, click OK.
    Click Next five times(leave everything default), click
    Move the policy to top and try to connect with your device.
    If issue persists, please make sure that the Connection Requet Policies have been configured properly.
    For detailed information about how to create a network policy, please refer to the link below,
    Configuring NPS network policies
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    snozdop wrote:
    >  They are not free, but they are supported.
    Not by Apple... and that only helps for contacts or calendars - not "all the iCloud features that [he] had before on [his] ios device."
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    If you are using dot1x then no, the mac address is sent since the client does not receive an ip address till authetication succeeds.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support Android App

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    FYI, I updated my blog post.  I found a program called ideviceinstaller (available in the Ubuntu repos ala apt-get install ideviceinstaller or from the website) that allows installation of .ipa files onto iOS devices from Linux.
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    Contact Support and explain your issue.
    Mac App Store Support -

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    Adf mobile support phonegap api. Version must be 2.0(you can check it by below code snippet) You can just reach uuid from both platform via cordova. Espescially, IOS restriction limits you to get device infos that you mentioned, but you can get uuid.
       getCordovaVersion = function ()
            var cordovaVersion = device.cordova;
            return cordovaVersion;
        getDeviceUUID = function ()
            var uuid = device.uuid;
            return uuid;

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    if you are only transfering files use this app
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    Format the drive as FAT or use the Mac format (HFS Extended) and install MacDrive on the PC.

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    I have eliminated Dropbox, Mac Keeper and Witness, and it isnt related to my exterrnal LED cinema dispay or my external thunderbolt drives, or any USB devices if thats any help to anyone else. Info from Etrecheck follows -
    Kernel Extensions:
              com.oxsemi.driver.OxsemiDeviceType00          Version: 1.28.7
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOn          Version: 6.0.2
              com.rogueamoeba.InstantOnCore          Version: 6.0.2
              com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower          Version: 1.5.3
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
                 [not loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
                 [not loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist
                 [not loaded] com.dymo.pnpd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.intego.BackupManagerPro.daemon.plist
                 [not loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist
                 [not loaded]
                 [not loaded] com.orbicule.witnessd.plist
                 [not loaded] com.sierrawireless.SwitchTool.plist
                 [not loaded] com.stclairsoft.AppTamerAgent.plist
                 [not loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist
                 [not loaded]          pcloudd.plist
    Launch Agents:
                     [loaded] com.divx.dms.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.update.agent.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.raidmonitor.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.lacie.safemanager.daemon.plist
                     [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist
                     [loaded] com.orbicule.WitnessUserAgent.plist
                     [loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist
    User Launch Agents:
                 [not loaded]          .DS_Store
                     [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
                     [loaded] com.adobe.ARM.202f4087f2bbde52e3ac2df389f53a4f123223c9cc56a8fd83a6f7ae.plist
                     [loaded] com.digitalrebellion.SoftwareUpdateAutoCheck.plist
                     [loaded] com.divx.agent.postinstall.plist
                     [loaded] com.propaganda.dejavu.dvmonitor.plist
                     [loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist
                     [loaded] com.zeobit.MacKeeper.Helper.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Déjà Vu
              Flash Player
              Flip4Mac WMV
              Paragon NTFS for Mac ® OS X
              TechTool Protection

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